The Felix Programming language
An advanced, statically typed, high performance scripting language with native C++ embedding.
This file:
// hello.flx
println$ "Hello World";
can be run directly:
flx hello.flx
It works. No makefiles. No compiler switches.
Automatic caching and dependency checking for Felix and C++.
Uses a flx_pkgconfig database consisting of a directory
of *.fpc
files to specify and find libraries and header
files based on in language abstract keys.
Hyperlight Performance
The aim is to run faster than C.
Underneath Felix generates highly optimised machine
binaries which outperform most interpreters, bytecode compilers,
virtual machines, and sometimes compiled languages including C and C++.
Felix is an aggressive inliner which performs whole program
analysis and high level optimisations such as parallel assignment,
self-tail call elimination.
Felix generates optimised C++ which is then compiled and optimised
again by your system C++ compiler.
Compiler | Ack | Takfp
Felix/clang | 3.71 | 6.23
Clang/C++ | 3.95 | 6.29
Felix/gcc | 2.34 | 6.60
Gcc/C++ | 2.25 | 6.25
Ocaml | 2.93 | 8.41
C and C++ embedding
Felix is a C++ code generator specifically designed so that
all your favourite C and C++ libraries can be embedded
with little or no glue logic:
header vector_h = '#include <vector>';
header memory_h = '#include <memory>'
requires package "cplusplus_11"
type vector[T] = "::std::shared_ptr<::std::vector<?1>>"
requires vector_h, memory_h
type viterator[T] = "::std::vector<?1>::iterator"
requires vector_h
ctor[T] vector[T] : unit = "::std::make_shared<::std::vector<?1>>()";
proc push_back[T] : vector[T] * T = "$1->push_back($2);";
proc push_back[T] (v: vector[T]) (elt:T) => push_back(v,elt);
fun stl_begin[T] : vector[T] -> viterator[T] = "$1->begin()";
fun deref[T] : viterator[T] -> T = "*$1";
var v = vector[int]();
v.push_back 42;
println$ *v.stl_begin;
Ad hoc polymorphism.
fun f (x:double) => x +42.1;
fun f (x:int) => x + 1;
fun f (x:string) => x + "!";
Simple Generics
Just don't give the argument type.
fun g (x) => f (f x);
println$ g 1, g "hello";
println$ _map f (1,"hello",2.0);
Type Classes
A better way of overloading:
class Eq[T] {
virtual fun == T * T -> T;
fun != (x:T, y:T) => not (x == y);
instance Eq[int] {
fun == : int * int -> int = "$1==$2";
Pattern matching
match x with
| Some x => println$ x;
| None => println "NONE";
The only way to store a value. Felix has no references or
lvalues. Pointers are better.
var x = 1;
&x <- 2;
Type System based on Algebra
Felix uses a category theoretic model
of types which includes products (tuples etc), coproducts
(variants etc), exponentials (closures), recursion, and pointers,
as well as providing both (unenforced) purely functional
(declarative) handling of inductive types and
and purely cofunctional (control flow) handling of
cofunctional types.
Purely Functional Programming
With parametric polymorphism, higher order functions,
lexically scoped closures, and garbage collection.
Mutation is still possible by use of uniqueness typing
which provides move semantics.
Felix has both C++ style _ad hoc polymorphism_ with
overloading and also Haskell style type classes,
(what would be called concepts in C++).
var out = fold_left
(fun (acc:int) (elt:int) => acc + elt)
In Felix imperative programming is done with statements
and procedures, but procedures are a special case
of coroutines. Any unit procedure can be spawned
as a fibre or lightweight thread which communicates
with other fibres using synchronous channels.
User Domain Specific Sub-Languages
The Felix grammar is part of the library.
The programmer can design new syntax as desired
using standard EBNF grammar rules, with action
codes written in R5RS Scheme which transform the
non-terminal arguments into arbitrary S-expressions.
These S-expressions are reduced to standard Felix AST terms.
Combining the syntax extension ability with library code
and C++ embedding allows definition of an integrated Domain Specific
sublanguage of Felix.
Regular Definition DSSL
The following
code uses library _combinators_ and embedded Google RE2
binding to specify a C identifier (with only `x` for letters
and `9` for digits):
With the standard regexp grammar we can generate the
var digit = Charset "9";
var letter = Charset "x";
var us = Regdef::String "_";
var id = Seqs
Alts ([us,letter]),
Rpt( Alts([letter,digit,us]), 0,-1)
combinators and thus calls to Google RE2 using
the regexp DSSL:
regdef digit = "9";
regdef letter = "x";
regdef us = "_";
regdef id = (us|letter)(letter|digit|us)*;
which is much better than the string form:
Chips and Circuits DSSL
This DSSL provides a syntactic model of coroutines as chips,
and the topology of channel connections between these chips
as circults. The code below is an advanced combination
of this model, pipelines, and uses the fixpoint operator
for recursion, to build a simple parser.
include "std/strings/recognisers";
include "std/control/chips";
open BaseChips;
open Recognisers;
device L = match_string "(";
device R = match_string ")";
device E = match_string "E";
var p = fix (proc (q:iochip_t[Buffer,Buffer])
(io: (
inp: %<Buffer,
out: %>Buffer
)) ()
device y =
tryall_list ([
L |-> q |-> R |-> q
wire io.inp to y.inp
wire io.out to y.out
device parens = p |-> E;
device sayresult = procedure (proc (x:Buffer) {
println$ "Test: End pos=" + x.str; })
device tests = source_from_list (["(()(()))E", "E", "()E"]);
device toBuffer = function (fun (s:string)=> Buffer s);
#(tests |-> toBuffer |-> parens |-> sayresult);
Felix has a builtin library for GUIs based on SDL2.
Getting Started
- Python 3
- Ocaml 4.06.1 (only for source build)
- C++ compiler: g++, clang++, or msvc
Extras (can be installed later)
- SDL2 for graphics
Build from Source
git clone
cd felix
. buildscript/
sudo make install #optional
git clone
cd felix
. buildscript/
sudo make install #optional
Make sure git, Python3 and Ocaml are on your PATH.
You can download a pre-built [Ocaml 4.06.1 for Windows](
Open a cmd.exe console with Visual Studio 2015 or above
environment established or run vcvarsall x86. See [vcvarsall](
git clone
cd felix
. buildscript/
nmake install #optional!
Build Status
Appveyor, Windows build:
Travis, Linux build:
Mailing List
Felix is Free For Any Use (FFAU)/Public Domain.