1 Core Type Classes
// Core types and type classes typedef any = any;
2 Type Functors
open class Typing { typefun dom(t:TYPE):TYPE => typematch t with | ?a -> _ => a endmatch ; typefun cod(t:TYPE):TYPE => typematch t with | _ -> ?b => b endmatch ; typefun prj1(t:TYPE):TYPE => typematch t with | ?a * _ => a endmatch ; typefun prj2(t:TYPE):TYPE => typematch t with | _ * ?b => b endmatch ; /* // THESE SHOULD PROBABLY BE FIXED OR DELETED typefun type_lnot(x:TYPE):TYPE=> typematch x with | 0 => 1 | _ => 0 endmatch ; typefun type_land(x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE => typematch (x, y) with | 0, _ => 0 | _,0 => 0 | _,_ => 1 endmatch ; typefun type_lor(x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> typematch (x, y) with | 0, 0 => 0 | _,_ => 1 endmatch ; typefun type_eq(x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> typematch x with | y => typematch y with | x => 1 | _ => 0 endmatch | _ => 0 endmatch ; typefun type_ne (x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> type_lnot (type_eq (x , y)); typefun type_le (x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> typematch x with | y => 1 | _ => 0 endmatch ; typefun type_ge (x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> typematch y with | x => 1 | _ => 0 endmatch ; typefun type_gt (x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> type_le (y, x); typefun type_lt (x:TYPE, y:TYPE):TYPE=> type_ge (y, x); */ // Polymorphic type comparisons, including subtyping AND subsumption typefun is_subtype (arg:TYPE, param:TYPE):BOOL => subtypematch arg with | param => TRUE | _ => FALSE endmatch ; typefun is_supertype (param:TYPE, arg:TYPE):BOOL => subtypematch arg with | param => TRUE | _ => FALSE endmatch ; typefun type_eq(a:TYPE, b:TYPE):BOOL => typematch a with | b => TRUE | _ => FALSE endmatch ; const memcount[t] : size = "#memcount"; const arrayindexcount[t] : size = "#arrayindexcount"; // forward functor composition (1 argument) typefun \(\circ\) (f:TYPE->TYPE, g:TYPE->TYPE):TYPE->TYPE => fun (T:TYPE):TYPE => f(g T) ; // reverse functor composition (1 argument) typefun \(\odot\) (f:TYPE->TYPE, g:TYPE->TYPE):TYPE->TYPE => fun (T:TYPE):TYPE => g(f T) ; }
3 Option
// Note: some felix internals expect this to be defined here, not in a class, and // in this order. Don't mess with it! publish "option type" variant opt[T] = | None | Some of T ; open class Option { instance[T with Show[T]] Str[opt[T]] { fun str (x:opt[T]) => match x with | Some x => "Some " + (str x) | #None => "None" endmatch ; } instance[T with Eq[T]] Eq[opt[T]] { fun == : opt[T] * opt[T] -> bool = | None, None => true | Some x, Some y => x == y | _ => false ; } inherit[T] Eq[T]; // Return the value of the option if it has any, otherwise // returns the default value provided fun or_else[T] (x:opt[T]) (d:T) : T => match x with | Some v => v | #None => d endmatch ; // Returns the first option if it has the value, otherwise // the second option fun or_else[T] (x:opt[T]) (alt:opt[T]) : opt[T] => match x with | Some _ => x | #None => alt endmatch ; // If the option has a value, call the given procedure on it proc iter[T] (_f:T->void) (x:opt[T]) => match x with | #None => {} | Some v => { _f v; } endmatch ; // Convert an option to a list with either zero or one elements ctor[T] list[T] (x:opt[T]) => match x with | #None => list[T]() | Some v => list[T](v) endmatch ; // True if this option has no value pure fun is_empty[T] : opt[T] -> 2 = | #None => true | _ => false ; // True if this option has a value pure fun is_defined[T] : opt[T] -> 2 = | #None => false | _ => true ; // Get the optional value; aborts if no value is available fun get[T] : opt[T] -> T = | Some v => v ; // If the option has a value, apply the function to it and return a new Some value. // If the option has no value, returns None fun map[T,U] (_f:T->U) (x:opt[T]): opt[U] => match x with | #None => None[U] | Some v => Some(_f v) endmatch ; // Mimics the filter operation on a list. // If there is a value and the predicate returns false for that value, return // None. Otherwise return the same option object. fun filter[T] (P:T -> bool) (x:opt[T]) : opt[T] => match x with | Some v => if P(v) then x else None[T] endif | #None => x endmatch ; // Make option types iterable. Iteration will loop once // if there is a value. It's a handy shortcut for using // the value if you don't care about the None case. gen iterator[T] (var x:opt[T]) () = { yield x; return None[T]; } } class DefaultValue[T] { virtual fun default[T]: 1->T; fun or_default[T] (x:opt[T]) () => x.or_else #default[T] ; }
4 Slice
open class Slice { variant slice[T] = | Slice_all | Slice_from of T | Slice_from_counted of T * int /* second arg is count */ | Slice_to_incl of T | Slice_to_excl of T | Slice_range_incl of T * T | Slice_range_excl of T * T | Slice_one of T | Slice_none ; fun min[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (x:slice[T]) => match x with | ( Slice_all | Slice_to_incl _ | Slice_to_excl ) => #minval[T] | (Slice_from i | Slice_from_counted (i,_) | Slice_range_incl (i,_) | Slice_range_excl (i,_) | Slice_one i ) => i | Slice_none => #maxval[T] ; fun max[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (x:slice[T]) => match x with | ( Slice_all | Slice_from _ ) => #maxval[T] | Slice_from_counted (i,n) => pred (advance (n, i)) | Slice_to_incl i => i | Slice_to_excl i => pred i | Slice_range_incl (_,i) => i | Slice_range_excl (_,i) => pred i | Slice_one i => i | Slice_none => #minval ; fun normalise_to_inclusive_range[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (x:slice[T]) => let l = x.min in let u = x.max in if l <= u then Slice_range_incl (l,u) else Slice_none[T] ; fun \(\cap\)[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (x:slice[T], y:slice[T]) => let l = max (min x, min y) in let u = min (max x, max y) in if l <= u then Slice_range_incl (l,u) else Slice_none[T] ; fun \(\in\)[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (x:T, s:slice[T]) => match s with | #Slice_all => true | Slice_from i => x >= i | Slice_from_counted (i,n) => x >= i and x < advance (n, i) | Slice_to_incl j => x <= j | Slice_to_excl j => x < j | Slice_range_incl (i,j) => x >= i and x <= j | Slice_range_excl (i,j) => x >= i and x < j | Slice_one i => i == x | Slice_none => false ; gen iterator[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (s:slice[T]) => match s with | Slice_one x => { yield Some x; return None[T]; } | Slice_range_incl (first, last) => slice_range_incl first last | Slice_range_excl (first, last) => slice_range_excl first last | Slice_to_incl (last) => slice_range_incl #minval[T] last | Slice_to_excl (last) => slice_range_excl #minval[T] last | Slice_from (first) => slice_range_incl first #maxval[T] | Slice_from_counted (first, count) => slice_from_counted first count | #Slice_all => slice_range_incl #minval #maxval | #Slice_none => { return None[T]; } endmatch ; // Note: guarrantees no overflow // handles all cases for all integers correctly // produces nothing if first > last gen slice_range_incl[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (first:T) (last:T) () = { var i = first; while i < last do yield Some i; i = succ i; done if i == last perform yield Some i; return None[T]; } gen slice_range_excl[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (first:T) (limit:T) () = { var i = first; while i < limit do yield Some i; i = succ i; done return None[T]; } gen slice_from_counted[T with BoundRandomSequence[T]] (first:T) (count:int) () = { var k = count; while k > 0 do yield Some (advance (count - k, first)); k = k - 1; done return None[T]; } // hack so for in f do .. done will work too gen iterator[t] (f:1->opt[t]) => f; // slice index calculator // Given length n, begin b and end e indicies // normalise so either 0 <= b <= e <= n or m = 0 // // if m = 0 ignore b,e and use empty slice // otherwise return a slice starting at b inclusive // and ending at e exclusive, length m > 0 // Normalised form allows negative indices. // However out of range indices are trimmed back: // the calculation is NOT modular. fun cal_slice (n:int, var b:int, var e:int) = { if b<0 do b = b + n; done if b<0 do b = 0; done if b>=n do b = n; done // assert 0 <= b <= n (valid index or one past end) if e<0 do e = e + n; done if e<0 do e = 0; done if e>=n do e = n; done // assert 0 <= e <= n (valid index or one pas end) var m = e - b; if m<0 do m = 0; done // assert 0 <= m <= n (if m > 0 then b < e else m = 0) return b,e,m; // assert m = 0 or 0 <= b <= e <= n and 0 < m < n } variant gslice[T] = | GSlice of slice[T] | GSSList of list[gslice[T]] | GSIList of list[T] | GSIter of 1 -> opt[T] | GSMap of (T -> T) * gslice[T] ; gen gslist_iterator[T with Integer[T]] (ls: list[gslice[T]]) () : opt[T] = { var current = ls; next:> match current with | #Empty => return None[T]; | Cons (gs, tail) => for v in gs do yield Some v; done current = tail; goto next; endmatch; } gen gsmap_iterator[T] (f:T->T) (var gs:gslice[T]) () : opt[T] = { for v in gs do yield v.f.Some; done return None[T]; } gen iterator[T with Integer[T]] (gs:gslice[T]) => match gs with | GSlice s => iterator s | GSSList ls => gslist_iterator ls | GSIList ls => iterator ls | GSIter it => it | GSMap (f,gs) => gsmap_iterator f gs ; fun +[T with Integer[T]] (x:gslice[T], y:gslice[T]) => GSSList (list (x,y)) ; fun +[T with Integer[T]] (x:gslice[T], y:slice[T]) => x + GSlice y ; fun +[T with Integer[T]] (x:slice[T], y:gslice[T]) => GSlice x + y ; fun +[T with Integer[T]] (x:slice[T], y:slice[T]) => GSlice x + GSlice y ; fun map[T with Integer[T]] (f:T->T) (gs:gslice[T]) => GSMap (f,gs) ; }
5 Operations on sums of units
Treated as finite cyclic groups.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef void = 0; typedef unit = 1; instance Str[void] { fun str (x:void) => "void"; } open Show[void]; instance Str[unit] { fun str (x:unit) => "()"; } open Show[unit]; instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] Eq[T] { fun == (x:T,y:T) => caseno x ==caseno y; } instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] Tord[T] { fun < (x:T,y:T) => caseno x < caseno y; } instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] ForwardSequence[T] { fun succ (x:T) => (caseno x + 1) :>> T; } instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] BidirectionalSequence[T] { fun pred (x:T) => (caseno x - 1) :>> T; } instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] UpperBoundTotalOrder[T] { fun maxval () => (memcount[T].int - 1) :>> T; } instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] LowerBoundTotalOrder[T] { fun minval () => 0 :>> T; } instance[T:COMPACTLINEAR] RandomSequence[T] { fun advance (amt: int, pos:T) => (caseno pos + amt) :>> T; } open[T:COMPACTLINEAR] BoundRandomSequence[T]; typefun n"`+" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_add",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"`-" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_diff",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"`*" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_mul",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"`/" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_div",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"`%" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_mod",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"_unitsum_min" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_min",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"_unitsum_max" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_max",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"_unitsum_gcd" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_gcd",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"_unitsum_lcm" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):UNITSUM => _typeop ("_unitsum_lcm",(x,y),UNITSUM); typefun n"`<" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):BOOL=> _typeop ("_unitsum_lt",(x,y),BOOL); typefun n"`>" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):BOOL=> _typeop ("_unitsum_lt",(y,x),BOOL); typefun n"`==" (x:UNITSUM,y:UNITSUM):BOOL=> x `< y and y `< x;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 Category Theoretic Functional Operations
Categorical Operators open class Functional { // note: in Felix, products are uniquely decomposable, but arrows // are not. So we cannot overload based on arrow factorisation. // for example, the curry functions can be overloaded but // the uncurry functions cannot be // Note: Felix is not powerful enough to generalise these // operation in user code, i.e. polyadic programming change star into arrow (2 components) fun curry[u,v,r] (f:u*v->r) : u -> v -> r => fun (x:u) (y:v) => f (x,y); change star into arrow (3 components) fun curry[u,v,w,r] (f:u*v*w->r) : u -> v -> w -> r => fun (x:u) (y:v) (z:w) => f (x,y,z); change arrow into star (arity 2) fun uncurry2[u,v,r] (f:u->v->r) : u * v -> r => fun (x:u,y:v) => f x y; change arrow into star (arity 3) fun uncurry3[u,v,w,r] (f:u->v->w->r) : u * v * w -> r => fun (x:u,y:v,z:w) => f x y z; argument order permutation (2 components) fun twist[u,v,r] (f:u*v->r) : v * u -> r => fun (x:v,y:u) => f (y,x); projection 1 (2 components) fun proj1[u1,u2,r1,r2] (f:u1*u2->r1*r2) : u1 * u2 -> r1 => fun (x:u1*u2) => match f x with | a,_ => a endmatch; projection 2 (2 components) fun proj2[u1,u2,r1,r2] (f:u1*u2->r1*r2) : u1 * u2 -> r2 => fun (x:u1*u2) => match f x with | _,b => b endmatch; // aka \delta or diagonal function fun dup[T] (x:T) => x,x; unique product (of above projections) // if f: C-> A and g: C -> B there is a unique function // <f,g>: C -> A * B such that f = <f,g> \odot \pi0 and // g = <f,g> \odot pi1 // WHAT IS THE FUNCTION CALLED? fun prdx[u1,r1,r2] (f1:u1->r1,f2:u1->r2) : u1 -> r1 * r2 => fun (x1:u1) => f1 x1, f2 x1; series composition (2 functions) fun compose[u,v,w] (f:v->w, g:u->v) : u -> w => fun (x:u) => f (g x) ; series composition (2 functions) fun compose[u,v,w] (f:v->.w, g:u->.v) : u ->. w => fun (x:u) =>. f (g x) ; fun \(\circ\) [u,v,w] (f:v->w, g:u->v) : u -> w => fun (x:u) => f (g x) ; fun \(\circ\) [u,v,w] (f:v->.w, g:u->.v) : u ->. w => fun (x:u) =>. f (g x) ; series reverse composition (2 functions) fun rev_compose[u,v,w] (f:u->v, g:v->w) : u -> w => fun (x:u) => g (f x) ; series reverse composition (2 functions) fun rev_compose[u,v,w] (f:u->.v, g:v->.w) : u ->. w => fun (x:u) =>. g (f x) ; series reverse composition (2 functions) fun \(\odot\)[u,v,w] (f:u->v, g:v->w) : u -> w => fun (x:u) => g (f x) ; series reverse composition (2 functions) fun \(\odot\)[u,v,w] (f:u->.v, g:v->.w) : u ->. w => fun (x:u) =>. g (f x) ; series reverse composition (2 functions) fun \(\cdot\)[u,v,w] (f:u->v, g:v->w) : u -> w => fun (x:u) => g (f x) ; series reverse composition (2 functions) fun \(\cdot\)[u,v,w] (f:u->.v, g:v->.w) : u -> w => fun (x:u) =>. g (f x) ; // these are in the wrong place but they have to go somewhere! // these are bindings to C function types and also, conditionally, // clang block function types. // // They're provided so C parameter types as for the T, P1, P2 // in C notation T (*f) (P1 p1, P2 p2) // are syntactically atomic since Felix doesn't know how to ravel // the name in complicated types... // // the c variants are for C functions // the b variants are for clang block functions // the integer indicates the number of type variables required type cproc1[R] = "typename _type1<?1>::cproc"; type cfun1[R] = "typename _type1<?1>::cfun"; type bproc1[R] = "typename _type1<?1>::bproc"; type bfun1[R] = "typename _type1<?1>::bfun"; type cproc2[R,P1] = "typename _type2<?1,?2>::cproc"; type cfun2[R,P1] = "typename _type2<?1,?2>::cfun"; type bproc2[R,P1] = "typename _type2<?1,?2>::bproc"; type bfun2[R,P1] = "typename _type2<?1,?2>::bfun"; type cproc3[R,P1,P2] = "typename _type3<?1,?2,?3>::cproc"; type cfun3[R,P1,P2] = "typename _type3<?1,?2,?3>::cfun"; type bproc3[R,P1,P2] = "typename _type3<?1,?2,?3>::bproc"; type bfun3[R,P1,P2] = "typename _type3<?1,?2,?3>::bfun"; type cproc4[R,P1,P2,P3] = "typename _type4<?1,?2,?3,?4>::cproc"; type cfun4[R,P1,P2,P3] = "typename _type4<?1,?2,?3,?4>::cfun"; type bproc4[R,P1,P2,P3] = "typename _type4<?1,?2,?3,?4>::bproc"; type bfun4[R,P1,P2,P3] = "typename _type4<?1,?2,?3,?4>::bfun"; type cproc5[R,P1,P2,P3,P4] = "typename _type5<?1,?2,?3,?4,?5>::cproc"; type cfun5[R,P1,P2,P3,P4] = "typename _type5<?1,?2,?3,?4,?5>::cfun"; type bproc5[R,P1,P2,P3,P4] = "typename _type5<?1,?2,?3,?4,?5>::bproc"; type bfun5[R,P1,P2,P3,P4] = "typename _type5<?1,?2,?3,?4,?5>::bfun"; }
7 Tuples
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Class Str: convert to string // Tuple class for inner tuple listing class Tuple[U] { virtual fun tuple_str (x:U) => str x; } instance[U,V with Str[U], Tuple[V]] Tuple[U ** V] { fun tuple_str (x: U ** V) => match x with | a ,, b => str a +", " + tuple_str b endmatch ; } instance[U,V with Str[U], Str[V]] Tuple[U * V] { fun tuple_str (x: U * V) => match x with | a , b => str a +", " + str b endmatch ; } // actual Str class impl. instance [U, V with Tuple[U ** V]] Str[U ** V] { fun str (x: U ** V) => "(" + tuple_str x +")"; } instance[T,U] Str[T*U] { fun str (t:T, u:U) => "("+str t + ", " + str u+")"; } instance[T] Str[T*T] { fun str (t1:T, t2:T) => "("+str t1 + ", " + str t2+")"; } open[U, V with Tuple[U **V]] Str [U**V]; open[U, V with Str[U], Str[V]] Str [U*V]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Class Eq: Equality instance [T,U with Eq[T], Eq[U]] Eq[T ** U] { fun == : (T ** U) * (T ** U) -> bool = | (ah ,, at) , (bh ,, bt) => ah == bh and at == bt; ; } instance[t,u with Eq[t],Eq[u]] Eq[t*u] { fun == : (t * u) * (t * u) -> bool = | (x1,y1),(x2,y2) => x1==x2 and y1 == y2 ; } instance[t with Eq[t]] Eq[t*t] { fun == : (t * t) * (t * t) -> bool = | (x1,y1),(x2,y2) => x1==x2 and y1 == y2 ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Class Tord: Total Order instance [T,U with Tord[T], Tord[U]] Tord[T ** U] { fun < : (T ** U) * (T ** U) -> bool = | (ah ,, at) , (bh ,, bt) => ah < bh or ah == bh and at < bt; ; } instance[t,u with Tord[t],Tord[u]] Tord[t*u] { fun < : (t * u) * (t * u) -> bool = | (x1,y1),(x2,y2) => x1 < x2 or x1 == x2 and y1 < y2 ; } instance[t with Tord[t]] Tord[t*t] { fun < : (t * t) * (t * t) -> bool = | (x1,y1),(x2,y2) => x1 < x2 or x1 == x2 and y1 < y2 ; } open [T,U with Tord[T], Tord[U]] Tord[T ** U]; open [T,U with Tord[T], Tord[U]] Tord[T * U]; open [T with Tord[T]] Tord[T * T]; /* type equality now requires type_eq! //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Generic Field access fun field[n,t,u where n==0] (a:t,b:u)=>a; fun field[n,t,u where n==1] (a:t,b:u)=>b; fun field[n,t,u,v where n==0] (a:t,b:u,c:v)=>a; fun field[n,t,u,v where n==1] (a:t,b:u,c:v)=>b; fun field[n,t,u,v where n==2] (a:t,b:u,c:v)=>c; fun field[n,t,u,v,w where n==0] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w)=>a; fun field[n,t,u,v,w where n==1] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w)=>b; fun field[n,t,u,v,w where n==2] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w)=>c; fun field[n,t,u,v,w where n==3] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w)=>d; fun field[n,t,u,v,w,x where n==0] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w,e:x)=>a; fun field[n,t,u,v,w,x where n==1] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w,e:x)=>b; fun field[n,t,u,v,w,x where n==2] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w,e:x)=>c; fun field[n,t,u,v,w,x where n==3] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w,e:x)=>d; fun field[n,t,u,v,w,x where n==4] (a:t,b:u,c:v,d:w,e:x)=>e; */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ open class parallel_tuple_comp { parallel composition // notation: f \times g fun ravel[u1,u2,r1,r2] (f1:u1->r1,f2:u2->r2) : u1 * u2 -> r1 * r2 => fun (x1:u1,x2:u2) => f1 x1, f2 x2; fun ravel[u1,u2,u3,r1,r2,r3] ( f1:u1->r1, f2:u2->r2, f3:u3->r3 ) : u1 * u2 * u3 -> r1 * r2 * r3 => fun (x1:u1,x2:u2,x3:u3) => f1 x1, f2 x2, f3 x3; fun ravel[u1,u2,u3,u4,r1,r2,r3,r4] ( f1:u1->r1, f2:u2->r2, f3:u3->r3, f4:u4->r4 ) : u1 * u2 * u3 * u4 -> r1 * r2 * r3 * r4=> fun (x1:u1,x2:u2,x3:u3,x4:u4) => f1 x1, f2 x2, f3 x3, f4 x4; fun ravel[u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5] ( f1:u1->r1, f2:u2->r2, f3:u3->r3, f4:u4->r4, f5:u5->r5 ) : u1 * u2 * u3 * u4 * u5 -> r1 * r2 * r3 * r4 * r5 => fun (x1:u1,x2:u2,x3:u3,x4:u4,x5:u5) => f1 x1, f2 x2, f3 x3, f4 x4, f5 x5; }