Name: demux Description: Event handling: select Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic provides_slib: -ldemux_static Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun macros: BUILD_DEMUX includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: posix/.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (poll) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic provides_slib: -ldemux_static Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun macros: BUILD_DEMUX includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: posix/.*\.cpp src: poll/.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (epoll) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic provides_slib: -ldemux_static Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' macros: BUILD_DEMUX library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: posix/.*\.cpp src: epoll/.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (event ports) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic provides_slib: -ldemux_static -lsocket -lnsl Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun macros: BUILD_DEMUX includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: posix/.*\.cpp src: evtport/.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (kqueue) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic provides_slib: -ldemux_static Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun macros: BUILD_DEMUX includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: posix/.*\.cpp src: kqueue/.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (windows event ports with msvc) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: /DEFAULTLIB:demux_dynamic requires_dlibs: /DEFAULTLIB:ws2_32 /DEFAULTLIB:mswsock provides_slib: /DEFAULTLIB:demux_static requires_slibs: /DEFAULTLIB:ws2_32 /DEFAULTLIB:mswsock Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun macros: BUILD_DEMUX includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' library: demux headers: (.*\\)?([^\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src\demux src: [^\\]+\.cpp src: win\\.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (windows event ports with gcc) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic requires_dlibs: -lws2_32 -lmswsock provides_slib: -ldemux_static requires_slibs: -lws2_32 -lmswsock Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun macros: BUILD_DEMUX includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: win/.*\.cpp
Name: demux Description: Event handling (poll) Comment: Generated during configuration provides_dlib: -ldemux_dynamic provides_slib: -ldemux_static Requires: flx_pthread flx_requires_driver: flx_arun includes: '"flx_demux.hpp"' macros: BUILD_DEMUX library: demux headers: (.*/)?([^/\\]+\.hpp)>${2} srcdir: src/demux src: [^/\\]+\.cpp src: posix/.*\.cpp src: poll/.*\.cpp
import fbuild from fbuild.functools import call from fbuild.path import Path from fbuild.record import Record import buildsystem from buildsystem.config import config_call # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def build_runtime(phase): print('[fbuild] [demux]') path = Path(phase.ctx.buildroot/'share'/'src/demux') buildsystem.copy_hpps_to_rtl(phase.ctx, #phase.ctx.buildroot / 'lib/rtl/flx_demux_config.hpp', # portable # portable path / 'flx_demux.hpp', path / 'demux_demuxer.hpp', path / 'demux_timer_queue.hpp', path / 'demux_quitter.hpp', # windows (monolithic) path / 'win/demux_iocp_demuxer.hpp', path / 'win/demux_overlapped.hpp', path / 'win/demux_win_timer_queue.hpp', path / 'win/demux_wself_piper.hpp', # posix path / 'posix/demux_posix_demuxer.hpp', path / 'posix/demux_posix_timer_queue.hpp', path / 'posix/demux_select_demuxer.hpp', path / 'posix/demux_sockety.hpp', path / 'posix/demux_self_piper.hpp', path / 'posix/demux_ts_select_demuxer.hpp', # linux, osx 10.3 (select impl), 10.4 real. path / 'poll/demux_poll_demuxer.hpp', path / 'poll/demux_ts_poll_demuxer.hpp', # linux (>= 2.6) path / 'epoll/demux_epoll_demuxer.hpp', # osx (10.3 onwards)/bsd path / 'kqueue/demux_kqueue_demuxer.hpp', # solaris (9 onwards?) path / 'evtport/demux_evtport_demuxer.hpp', ) dst = 'host/lib/rtl/demux' srcs = [path / '*.cpp'] includes = [ phase.ctx.buildroot / 'host/lib/rtl', phase.ctx.buildroot / 'share/lib/rtl', ] macros = ['BUILD_DEMUX'] libs = [call('buildsystem.flx_pthread.build_runtime', phase)] extra_libs = [] if 'win32' in phase.platform: print("DEMUX: providing WIN32 IO COMPLETION PORTS"); srcs.extend(( path / 'win/demux_iocp_demuxer.cpp', # windows path / 'win/demux_overlapped.cpp', # windows path / 'win/demux_wself_piper.cpp', # windows path / 'win/demux_win_timer_queue.cpp', # windows )) extra_libs.extend(('ws2_32', 'mswsock')) if 'posix' in phase.platform: print("DEMUX: providing POSIX SELECT"); srcs.extend(( path / 'posix/demux_posix_demuxer.cpp', # posix path / 'posix/demux_select_demuxer.cpp', # posix path / 'posix/demux_posix_timer_queue.cpp', # posix path / 'posix/demux_sockety.cpp', # posix path / 'posix/demux_self_piper.cpp', # posix path / 'posix/demux_ts_select_demuxer.cpp', # posix )) poll_h = config_call('fbuild.config.c.posix.poll_h', phase.platform, phase.cxx.shared) sys_epoll_h = config_call('fbuild.config.c.linux.sys_epoll_h', phase.platform, phase.cxx.shared) sys_event_h = config_call('fbuild.config.c.bsd.sys_event_h', phase.platform, phase.cxx.shared) port_h = config_call('fbuild.config.c.solaris.port_h', phase.platform, phase.cxx.shared) if poll_h.header: print("DEMUX: providing UNIX POLL"); srcs.extend(( # I've seen poll on linux and osx10.4 systems. # conditionally compiled and used. path / 'poll/demux_poll_demuxer.cpp', # I've seen this on linux and osx10.4 path / 'poll/demux_ts_poll_demuxer.cpp', # ditto )) if sys_epoll_h.header: print("DEMUX: providing LINUX EPOLL"); srcs.append(path / 'epoll/demux_epoll_demuxer.cpp') if sys_event_h.header: print("DEMUX: providing OSX KQUEUE"); srcs.append(path / 'kqueue/demux_kqueue_demuxer.cpp') if port_h.header: print("DEMUX: providingd SOLARIS EVENT PORTS"); srcs.append(path / 'evtport/demux_evtport_demuxer.cpp') srcs = Path.globall(srcs) lp = len (path) #print("demux: srcs = ", [str (src)[lp+1:] for src in srcs]) #print("demux: include paths = ", [str(inc) for inc in includes]) return Record( static=buildsystem.build_cxx_static_lib(phase, dst, srcs, includes=includes, macros=macros, libs=[lib.static for lib in libs], external_libs=extra_libs), shared=buildsystem.build_cxx_shared_lib(phase, dst, srcs, includes=includes, macros=macros, libs=[lib.shared for lib in libs], external_libs=extra_libs)) def build_flx(phase): return buildsystem.copy_flxs_to_lib(phase.ctx, Path('src/demux/*.flx').glob())
#ifndef __FLX_DEMUX_CONFIG_H__ #define __FLX_DEMUX_CONFIG_H__ #include "flx_rtl_config.hpp" #ifdef BUILD_DEMUX #define DEMUX_EXTERN FLX_EXPORT #else #define DEMUX_EXTERN FLX_IMPORT #endif #endif