
+ 1 Filename


  Operations on filenames.
  class Filename_class[os] {
    The path separator.
    virtual fun sep: 1 -> string;
    virtual fun is_absolute_filename : string -> bool;
    virtual fun root_subdir : string -> string;
    virtual fun executable_extension : 1 -> string;
    virtual fun static_object_extension: 1 -> string;
    virtual fun dynamic_object_extension: 1 -> string;
    virtual fun static_library_extension: 1 -> string;
    virtual fun dynamic_library_extension: 1 -> string;
    split1 returns a pair consisting of a directory name and basename
    with the separator between them lost except in the special case
    "/x" where the "/" is kept as the directory name.
    If there is no separator, the path is the basename and
    the directory name is the empty string (NOT . !!!)
    fun split1(s:string)=> match find_last_of(s,#sep) with
      | Some pos => 
        if pos==0uz then #sep else s.[to pos] endif,
        s.[pos+#sep.len to]
      | #None => "",s
    private fun split(s:string, acc:List::list[string]):List::list[string]=>
      let d,b = split1 s in
      if d == "" then List::Cons(b,acc) 
      elif d == #sep then List::Cons(d, List::Cons(b,acc))
      else split (d, List::Cons (b, acc)) 
    split a filename into a list of components.
    fun split(s:string)=> split (s, List::Empty[string]);
    Join two pathnames into a single pathname.
    split and join are logical inverses, however join is not
    not associative: join("x", join("","y")) = "x/y"
    whereas join(join("x",""),"y") = "x//y"
    since split pulls components off from the RHS we have to
    fold them back from the left
    fun join(p:string, b:string)=> 
      if p == "" then b
      elif p == #sep then p+b 
      elif p.[-1] == #sep.[0] then p+b 
      else p+#sep+b 
    Get the basename of a path (last component).
    fun basename(s:string)=> match split1(s) with | _,b => b endmatch;
    Get the directory name of a path (all but the last component).
    fun dirname(s:string)=> match split1(s) with | d,_ => d endmatch;
    Return a list of all the directory names in a path.
    For example a/b/c gives "a", "a/b"
    fun directories (s:string) : list[string] =>
       let d,b = split1 s in
       if d == "" then Empty[string]
       elif d == #sep then Empty[string]
       else directories d + d
    Join 3 and 4 strings into a pathname.
    fun join(a:string, b:string, c:string)=> join(join(a,b),c);
    fun join(a:string, b:string, c:string,d:string)=> join(join(join(a,b),c),d);
    Join 2 strings into a pathname (curried form).
    fun join(x:string) (y:string) => join(x,y);
    Join all the strings in a list into a pathname.
    fun join(ps: List::list[string])=> List::fold_left Filename::join of (string) "" ps;
    Split off extension. Includes the dot. 
    Invariant: input = basename + extension.
    Works backwards until it hits a dot, path separator,
    or end of data. If a dot, strip it and the tail of the string,
    otherwise return the original string.
    fun split_extension (s:string): string * string = {
       var n = s.len;
       if n > 0uz do
         for var i in s.len - 1uz downto 0uz do
           var ch = s.[i];
           if ch == char "." return s.[to i],s.[i to];
           if ch == char #sep return s,""; 
       return s,"";
    Remove an extension from a filename if there is one.
    fun strip_extension (s:string) => s.split_extension.0;
    Get extension if there is one. Includes the dot.
    fun get_extension (s:string) => s.split_extension.1;
  Windows Filenames
  class Win32Filename 
    inherit Filename_class[Win32];
    instance Filename_class[Win32] {
      fun sep() => "\\";
      fun executable_extension ()=> ".exe";
      fun static_object_extension() => ".obj";
      fun dynamic_object_extension() => ".obj";
      fun static_library_extension() => ".lib";
      fun dynamic_library_extension() => ".dll";
      fun is_absolute_filename (f:string) => 
        f.[0] == "\\".char or // no drive letter
        f.[1] == ":".char and f.[2] == "\\".char // with drive letter
     fun root_subdir (s:string) => "C:\\"+s;
  OSX Filenames
  class OsxFilename 
    inherit Filename_class[Osx];
    instance Filename_class[Osx] {
      fun sep() => "/";
      fun executable_extension ()=> "";
      fun static_object_extension() => ".o";
      fun dynamic_object_extension() => ".os";
      fun static_library_extension() => ".a";
      fun dynamic_library_extension() => ".dylib";
      fun is_absolute_filename (f:string) => f.[0] == "/";
      fun root_subdir (s:string) => "/"+s;
  Posix Filenames
  class PosixFilename 
    inherit Filename_class[Posix];
    instance Filename_class[Posix] {
      fun sep() => "/";
      fun executable_extension ()=> "";
      fun static_object_extension() => ".o";
      fun dynamic_object_extension() => ".os";
      fun static_library_extension() => ".a";
      fun dynamic_library_extension() => ".so";
      fun is_absolute_filename (f:string) => f.[0] == "/";
      fun root_subdir (s:string) => "/"+s;
  Host Filenames.
  class Filename
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32Filename;
  elif PLAT_MACOSX do
    inherit OsxFilename;
    inherit PosixFilename;

+ 2 Filestat


  Filesystem file kind query functions parametrised
  by operating system, status type and mode type.
  class FileStat_class[OS,stat_t, mode_t]
    Get information about a file into a status buffer.
    Sets error code at argument 3 pointer.
    virtual proc stat: string * &stat_t * ∫
    set access and modification time of a file.
    Sets error code at argument 4 pointer.
    Times are in seconds, nominally from Epoch (Jan 1 1970).
    virtual proc utime: string * double * double * ∫
    Change read,write permissions for group, owner etc.
    Return 0 on success.
    On Windows this function may silently fail to obey
    unsupported operations.
    virtual gen chmod: string * mode_t -> int;
    set mask for subsequent permissions.
    On Windows this function may silently fail to obey
    unsupported operations.
    virtual gen umask: mode_t -> mode_t;
    Abstracted platform independent file type taxonomy.
    variant file_type_t = 
      | PIPE 
      | STREAM 
      | DIRECTORY 
      | BLOCK 
      | REGULAR 
      | SYMLINK 
      | SOCKET 
    Get the file type from a file stat buffer.
    virtual fun file_type: &stat_t -> file_type_t;
    Fill a stat buffer with information about a file.
    gen stat(file: string, statbuf:&stat_t) = { 
      var res: int; 
      stat(file, statbuf, &res); 
      return res == 0;
    Get a file last modification time from a stat buffer.
    Time is in seconds.
    fun mtime: &stat_t -> double = "(double)($1->st_mtime)";
    Get a file creation time from a stat buffer.
    Note: not available on Unix.
    Time is in seconds.
    fun ctime: &stat_t -> double = "(double)($1->st_ctime)";
    Get modification time of a file by name.
    Time is in seconds.
    fun filetime(f:string):double =
      var b: stat_t;
      var err:int;
      return if err == 0 then mtime (&b) else 0.0 endif;
    Set the last access and modification time of a file by name.
    gen utime(f:string, a:double, m:double): bool = {
      var r:int;
      return r == 0;
    Set the last access and modification time of a file by name,
    where the two times are given by a single argument.
    gen utime(f:string, t:double) => utime(f,t,t);
    Check if a file exists.
    fun fileexists(f:string):bool=> filetime f != 0.0;
    Find the type of a file.
    fun filetype(f:string):file_type_t = 
      var b:stat_t;
      var err:int;
        if err == 0 then file_type (&b)
        elif errno == EACCES then NOPERMISSION
        elif errno == ENOENT then NONEXISTANT  
        else INDETERMINATE
    fun past_time () => -1.0;
    fun future_time () => double(ulong(-1)); // a hacky way to get a big number
    fun strfiletime0 (x:double) = {
        if x == #past_time then "BIG BANG"
        elif x == #future_time then "BIG CRUNCH"
        else fmt (x, fixed (0,3))
    fun strfiletime (x:double) = {
      assert x != 0.0;
      return strfiletime0 x;
    fun dfiletime(var f:string, dflt:double)=
      var x = FileStat::filetime (f);
      x = if x == 0.0 then dflt else x endif;
      //debugln$ "Time of file '" + f + "' is " + strfiletime x; 
      return x;
  Platform dependent operations for host file system.
  class FileStat {
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32FileStat;
    inherit PosixFileStat;

+ 3 Posix FileStat


  class PosixFileStat
    pod type stat_t = "struct stat" requires Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    pod type mode_t = "mode_t" requires Posix_headers::sys_types_h;
    instance Bits[mode_t] {} // defaults to C operators
    instance Eq[mode_t] { fun == : mode_t * mode_t -> bool = "$1==$2"; }
    open Eq[mode_t]; 
    open Bits[mode_t];
    // file mode: type and permissions
    // file types
    const S_IFMT  : mode_t; // file type mask
    const S_IFIFO : mode_t;
    const S_IFCHR : mode_t;
    const S_IFDIR : mode_t;
    const S_IFBLK : mode_t;
    const S_IFREG : mode_t;
    const S_IFLNK : mode_t;
    const S_IFSOCK: mode_t;
    // permissions
    const S_IRWXU : mode_t; // RWX mask: owner
    const S_IRUSR : mode_t;
    const S_IWUSR : mode_t;
    const S_IXUSR : mode_t;
    const S_IRWXG : mode_t; // RWX mask: group
    const S_IRGRP : mode_t;
    const S_IWGRP : mode_t;
    const S_IXGRP : mode_t;
    const S_IRWXO : mode_t; // RWX mask: other
    const S_IROTH : mode_t;
    const S_IWOTH : mode_t;
    const S_IXOTH : mode_t;
    const S_ISUID : mode_t; // set user id on execute
    const S_ISGID : mode_t; // set group id on execute
    const S_ISVXT : mode_t; // sticky bit
    val access_mask = S_IXOTH \| S_IXGRP \| S_IXUSR;
    fun raw_mode: &stat_t -> mode_t = "$1->st_mode";
    fun file_type(m:mode_t)=>m \& S_IFMT;
    fun file_perm(m:mode_t)=>m \& ~S_IFMT;
    ctor uint: mode_t = "(unsigned int)$1";
    inherit FileStat_class[Posix, stat_t, mode_t];
    instance FileStat_class[Posix, stat_t, mode_t]
      proc stat: string * &stat_t * &int = "*$3=stat($1.c_str(),$2);";
      proc utime: string * double * double * &int = 
        utimbuf u; 
        *$4 = utime($1.c_str(),&u); 
      requires Posix_headers::utime_h;
      gen chmod: string * mode_t -> int = "chmod($1.c_str(),$2)" requires Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
      gen umask: mode_t -> mode_t = "umask($1)";
      fun file_type (s:&stat_t): file_type_t =>
        let m = file_type$ raw_mode s in
        if m == S_IFIFO then PIPE
        elif m == S_IFCHR then STREAM
        elif m == S_IFDIR then DIRECTORY
        elif m == S_IFBLK then BLOCK
        elif m == S_IFREG then REGULAR
        elif m == S_IFLNK then SYMLINK
        elif m == S_IFSOCK then SOCKET
        else INDETERMINATE
    } // instance

+ 4 Win32 FileStat


  class Win32FileStat
    //2 things:
    // (1) AFAICT, Windows doesn't define mode_t and uses unsigned int.
    // (2) We still pull in sys/types.h because sys/stat.h uses it (and
    //     it must come first).
    //(source http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/14h5k7ff(v=vs.80)).
    //pod type mode_t = "mode_t" requires Posix_headers::sys_types_h;
    pod type mode_t = "int";
    pod type stat_t = "struct __stat64" requires Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    instance Bits[mode_t] {} // defaults to C operators
    instance Eq[mode_t] { fun == : mode_t * mode_t -> bool = "$1==$2"; }
    open Eq[mode_t]; 
    open Bits[mode_t];
    // file types
    const _S_IFMT  : mode_t; // file type mask
    const _S_IFDIR : mode_t;
    const _S_IFREG : mode_t;
    // permissions
    const _S_IWRITE: mode_t; // RWX mask: owner
    const _S_IREAD  : mode_t;
    val access_mask = _S_IREAD \| _S_IWRITE;
    fun raw_mode: &stat_t -> mode_t = "$1->st_mode";
    fun file_type(m:mode_t)=>m \& _S_IFMT;
    fun file_perm(m:mode_t)=>m \& ~_S_IFMT;
    ctor uint: mode_t = "(unsigned int)$1";
    inherit FileStat_class[Win32, stat_t, mode_t];
    instance FileStat_class[Win32, stat_t, mode_t] 
      proc stat: string * &stat_t * &int = "*$3=_stat64($1.c_str(),$2);";
      // set access and modification time of a file
      proc utime: string * double * double * &int = 
        __utimbuf64 u; 
        *$4 = _utime64($1.c_str(),&u); 
      requires Win32_headers::sys_utime_h;
      gen chmod: string * mode_t -> int = "_chmod($1.c_str(),$2)" requires Win32_headers::io_h;
      gen umask: mode_t -> mode_t = "_umask($1)";
      fun file_type (s:&stat_t): file_type_t =>
        let m = file_type$ raw_mode s in
        if m == _S_IFDIR then DIRECTORY
        elif m == _S_IFREG then REGULAR
        else INDETERMINATE
    } // instance

+ 5 File Syetem


  Filesystem operations parametrised by operating system.
  class FileSystem_class[os]
  Platform dependent filesystem operations for host file system.
  class FileSystem {
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32FileSystem;
    inherit PosixFileSystem;
    proc unlink(f:string)
      proc aux (d:string) (b:string) 
        if b == "." or b == ".." return;
        var f = if d == "" then b else Filename::join (d,b);
        match FileStat::filetype f with
        | #PIPE => ;
        | #STREAM => ;
        | #DIRECTORY =>
          match Directory::filesin f with
          | #None => ;
          | Some files => 
            for file in files do
              aux f file;
            C_hack::ignore$ Directory::unlink_empty_dir f;
        | #BLOCK => ;
        | #REGULAR => C_hack::ignore$ unlink_file f; 
        | #SYMLINK => C_hack::ignore$ unlink_file f;
        | #SOCKET => ;
        | #INDETERMINATE => ;
        | #NONEXISTANT => ;
        | #NOPERMISSION => ;
      aux "" f;
    proc rm (f:string) => unlink f;
    Find a file in a list of directories.
    fun find_in_path(x:string, path:list[string]):opt[string]=>
      match path with
      | #Empty => None[string]
      | Cons (d,t) => 
        let p =  Filename::join(d,x) in
        match FileStat::fileexists p with
        | true => Some p
        | false => find_in_path (x,t)
    Find all the files matching an RE2-regular expression
    in a given directory. 
    NOTE: this search finds files in descendant directories too.
    The search is recursive, but the whole pathname within
    the specified directory must match the regexp.
    For example to find all *.flx files in src use:
      regfilesin("src", ".*[.]flx")
    To find the files only in the given directory, on Unix use instead
      regfilesin("src", "[^/]*[.]flx")
    to exclude files in child directories.
    fun regfilesin(dname:string, re:string): list[string] => regfilesin(dname, Re2::RE2 re);
    Find all the files matching a compiled RE2-regular expression.
    fun regfilesin(dname:string, re:RE2): list[string] = {
      //eprintln$ "regfilesin " + dname+ " with some kind of regexp .. ";
      var foundfiles = Empty[string];
      proc rfi(dname2: string) {
        //eprintln$ "rf() : dname2=" +dname2;
        if dname2 == "." or dname2 == ".." return;
        var newpath = if dname2 == "" then dname else Filename::join (dname,dname2);
        //eprintln$ "newpath = "+newpath ;
        var newfiles = Directory::filesin(newpath);
        //eprintln$ "returned from filesin" ;
        match newfiles with
        | #None => return;
        | Some files =>
          //eprintln$ "got files in " + newpath;
          for f in files do
            if f == "." or f == ".." do ;
              //eprintln$ "Processing file " + f;
              var d = Filename::join (dname2,f);
              //eprintln$ "Relpath " + d;
              var fullpath = Filename::join (dname,d);
              //eprintln$ "fullpath " + fullpath;
              var t = FileStat::filetype fullpath;
              match t with
                | #REGULAR => 
                  //eprintln ("Regular file " + d);
                  var result = d in re;
                  if result do 
  	                //eprintln$ d + " Matches"; 
  		              foundfiles = Cons (d, foundfiles); 
                | #DIRECTORY => 
                  //eprintln ("found directory " + d);
                  rfi (d);
                | _ => ;
      rfi ("");
      return rev foundfiles;

+ 6 Posix File Syetem


  class PosixFileSystem 
    // File access and create modes
    pod type file_perm_t = "int" requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h;
    const O_RDONLY     : file_perm_t;
    const O_WRONLY     : file_perm_t;
    const O_RDWR       : file_perm_t;
    const O_NONBLOCK   : file_perm_t;
    const O_APPEND     : file_perm_t;
    const O_CREAT      : file_perm_t;
    const O_TRUNC      : file_perm_t;
    const O_EXCL       : file_perm_t;
    const O_SHLOCK     : file_perm_t;
    const O_EXLOCK     : file_perm_t;
    const O_NOFOLLOW   : file_perm_t;
    const O_SYMLINK    : file_perm_t;
    const O_EVTONLY    : file_perm_t;
    fun \& : file_perm_t * file_perm_t -> file_perm_t = "$1&$2";
    fun \|  : file_perm_t * file_perm_t -> file_perm_t = "$1|$2";
    // File I/O functions
    pod type posix_file = "int" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    fun valid: posix_file -> bool = "$1 != -1";
    ctor int : posix_file = "$1";
    const fd0 : posix_file = "0";
    const fd1 : posix_file = "1";
    const fd2 : posix_file = "2";
    gen open: string * file_perm_t * PosixFileStat::mode_t -> posix_file = "::open($1.c_str(), $2, $3)";
    gen open: string * file_perm_t -> posix_file = "::open($1.c_str(), $2)";
    gen ropen: string -> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), O_RDONLY,0)' requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen wopen: string -> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)' requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen rwopen: string -> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), O_RDWR,0)' requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen creat: string * PosixFileStat::mode_t-> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, $2)' requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen close: posix_file -> int = "::close($1)";
    gen read: posix_file * &char * size -> size = "::read($1, $2, $3)";
    gen write: posix_file * &char * size -> size = "::write($1, (void*)$2, $3)/*posix write*/" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    gen dup: posix_file -> posix_file = "::dup($1)" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    gen dup2: posix_file * posix_file -> posix_file = "::dup2($1,$2)" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    header piper_def = """
      struct _piper_hack { int i; int o; };
    body piper_def = """
      _piper_hack _piper() {
        _piper_hack p;
        return p;
    """ requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    private cstruct _piper_hack { i:posix_file; o:posix_file; };
    private gen _piper: 1 -> _piper_hack requires piper_def;
    private fun _mkpair (x: _piper_hack) => x.i, x.o;
    gen pipe () => _mkpair #_piper;
    gen fdopen_input: posix_file ->  ifile = '::fdopen($1,"r")';
    gen fdopen_output: posix_file ->  ofile = '::fdopen($1,"w")';
    // delete (unlink) a file
    gen unlink_file: string -> int = "::unlink($1.c_str())" 
      requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    // rename a file
    gen rename_file: string * string -> int = "::rename($1.c_str(),$2.c_str())"
      requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    // copy a file, preserving last access and modification times
    // owner, group, and permissions
    gen filecopy(src: string, dst: string) :  bool =
      if Env::getenv ("FLX_REPORT_FILECOPY") != "" do
        eprintln$ "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] '" + src + "' -> '" + dst+ "'";
      val now = Time::time(); // seconds
      var stat_buf: PosixFileStat::stat_t;
      if not PosixFileStat::stat (src, &stat_buf) do
        eprintln$ "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] Can't stat source file " + src;
        return false;
      val permissions = PosixFileStat::file_perm$ PosixFileStat::raw_mode (&stat_buf);
      val last_modification = PosixFileStat::filetime(src);
      var fsrc = open (src,O_RDONLY );
      if not valid fsrc do
        eprintln$ "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] Bad src file in Filesystem::filecopy " + src;
        return false; 
      var fdst = open (dst,O_WRONLY \| O_CREAT \| O_TRUNC, permissions);
      if not valid fdst do
        eprintln$ "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] Bad dst file in Filesystem::filecopy " + dst + ", Error: " + str errno + "=" + #strerror;
        return false; 
      bsiz := size (4096 * 1024); // 4 Meg
      var buffer = C_hack::cast[&char] (Memory::malloc(bsiz)); // 4 MEG
      var bread = read (fsrc, buffer, bsiz);
      while bread > size 0 do
        var bwrite = write (fdst,buffer,bread);
        if bread != bwrite do
          if bwrite.int == -1 do
              "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] Dest des = " + str fdst.int+ " "+
              "Attempt to copy " + str bread + " bytes from " + src + " to " + dst + 
              " failed with errno = " + str errno + ": " + strerror() 
              "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] Attempt to copy " + str bread + " bytes from " + src + " to " + dst + 
              " failed with " +  str bwrite + " only copied!"
        bread = read (fsrc, buffer, bsiz);
      var res = close fsrc;
      if res != 0 do
        eprintln$ "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] close on src " + src + " failed: " + str errno + "=" + #strerror;
      res = close fdst;
      if res != 0 do
        eprintln$ "[PosixFileSystem::filecopy] close on dst " + dst + " failed: " + str errno + "=" + #strerror;
      Memory::free(C_hack::cast[address] buffer);
      return true;
    // generate temporary file name
    body tmpnam = """
      std::string flx_tmpnam() {
        char tmpn[] = "/tmp/flx_XXXXXX";
        return std::string(tmpn);
    """ requires header '#include <unistd.h>';
    gen tmp_filename: 1 -> string = "flx_tmpnam()" requires tmpnam;

+ 7 Win32 File Syetem


  class Win32FileSystem 
    // File access and create modes
    pod type file_perm_t = "int" requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h;
    const _O_BINARY     : file_perm_t;
    const _O_RDONLY     : file_perm_t;
    const _O_WRONLY     : file_perm_t;
    const _O_RDWR       : file_perm_t;
    const _O_NONBLOCK   : file_perm_t;
    const _O_APPEND     : file_perm_t;
    const _O_CREAT      : file_perm_t;
    const _O_TRUNC      : file_perm_t;
    const _O_EXCL       : file_perm_t;
    const _O_SHLOCK     : file_perm_t;
    const _O_EXLOCK     : file_perm_t;
    const _O_NOFOLLOW   : file_perm_t;
    const _O_SYMLINK    : file_perm_t;
    const _O_EVTONLY    : file_perm_t;
    fun \& : file_perm_t * file_perm_t -> file_perm_t = "$1&$2";
    fun \|  : file_perm_t * file_perm_t -> file_perm_t = "$1|$2";
    // File I/O functions
    pod type posix_file = "int" requires Win32_headers::io_h;
    fun valid: posix_file -> bool = "$1 != -1";
    ctor int : posix_file = "$1";
    const fd0 : posix_file = "0";
    const fd1 : posix_file = "1";
    const fd2 : posix_file = "2";
    gen open: string * file_perm_t * Win32FileStat::mode_t -> posix_file = "::_open($1.c_str(), $2, $3)";
    gen open: string * file_perm_t -> posix_file = "::_open($1.c_str(), $2)";
    gen ropen: string -> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY,0)' requires Posix_headers::fcntl_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen wopen: string -> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), _O_WRONLY  | _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)' requires Win32_headers::io_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen rwopen: string -> posix_file = '::open($1.c_str(), _O_RDWR | _O_BINARY,0)' requires Win32_headers::io_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen creat: string * Win32FileStat::mode_t-> posix_file = 'open($1.c_str(), _O_WRONLY | _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC, $2)' requires Win32_headers::io_h, Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
    gen close: posix_file -> int = "::_close($1)";
    gen read: posix_file * &char * size -> size = "::read($1, $2, $3)";
    gen write: posix_file * &char * size -> size = "::write($1, $2, $3)";
    gen dup: posix_file -> posix_file = "::dup($1)" requires Win32_headers::io_h;
    gen dup2: posix_file * posix_file -> posix_file = "::dup2($1,$2)" requires Win32_headers::io_h;
    header piper_def = """
      struct _piper_hack { int i; int o; };
    body piper_def = """
      _piper_hack _piper() {
        _piper_hack p;
        return p;
    """ requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    private cstruct _piper_hack { i:posix_file; o:posix_file; };
    private gen _piper: 1 -> _piper_hack requires piper_def;
    private fun _mkpair (x: _piper_hack) => x.i, x.o;
    gen pipe () => _mkpair #_piper;
    gen fdopen_input: posix_file ->  ifile = '::fdopen($1,"r")';
    gen fdopen_output: posix_file ->  ofile = '::fdopen($1,"w")';
    // delete (unlink) a file
    gen unlink_file: string -> int = "::unlink($1.c_str())";
    // rename a file
    gen rename_file: string * string -> int = "::rename($1.c_str(),$2.c_str())";
    // copy a file, preserving last access and modification times
    // owner, group, and permissions
    gen filecopy(src: string, dst: string) :  bool =
      //eprintln$ "Copy " + src + " -> " + dst;
      if Env::getenv ("FLX_REPORT_FILECOPY") != "" do
        eprintln$ "[Win32FileSystem::filecopy] '" + src + "' -> '" + dst+ "'";
      val now = Time::time(); // seconds
      var stat_buf: Win32FileStat::stat_t;
      if not Win32FileStat::stat (src, &stat_buf) do
        eprintln$ "Can't stat source file " + src;
        return false;
      val permissions = Win32FileStat::file_perm$ Win32FileStat::raw_mode (&stat_buf);
      val last_modification = Win32FileStat::filetime(src);
      var fsrc = open (src,_O_RDONLY \| _O_BINARY);
      if not valid fsrc do
        eprintln$ " Bad src file in Filesystem::filecopy " + src;
        return false; 
      var fdst = open (dst,_O_WRONLY \| _O_BINARY \| _O_CREAT \| _O_TRUNC, permissions);
      if not valid fdst do
        eprintln$ " Bad dst file in Filesystem::filecopy " + dst + ", Error: " + str errno + "=" + #strerror;
        return false; 
      bsiz := size (4096 * 1024); // 4 Meg
      var buffer = C_hack::cast[&char] (Memory::malloc(bsiz)); // 4 MEG
      var bread = read (fsrc, buffer, bsiz);
      while bread > size 0 do
        var bwrite = write (fdst,buffer,bread);
        if bread != bwrite do
          if bwrite.int == -1 do
              "Dest des = " + str fdst.int+ " "+
              "Attempt to copy " + str bread + " bytes from " + src + " to " + dst + 
              " failed with errno = " + str errno + ": " + strerror() 
              "Attempt to copy " + str bread + " bytes from " + src + " to " + dst + 
              " failed with " +  str bwrite + " only copied!"
        bread = read (fsrc, buffer, bsiz);
      var res = close fsrc;
      if res != 0 do
        eprintln$ "In filesystem::filecopy close on src " + src + " failed: " + str errno + "=" + #strerror;
      res = close fdst;
      if res != 0 do
        eprintln$ "In filesystem::filecopy close on dst " + dst + " failed: " + str errno + "=" + #strerror;
      Memory::free(C_hack::cast[address] buffer);
      return true;
    // generate temporary file name
    body tmpnam = """
      std::string flx_tmpnam() {
        char tmpn[] = "/tmp/flx_XXXXXX";
        return std::string(tmpn);
    """ requires header '#include <unistd.h>';
    gen tmp_filename: 1 -> string = "flx_tmpnam()" requires tmpnam;

+ 8 Directory


  File system directory services,
  Parametrised  by operating system and mode type.
  class Directory_class[os,mode_t]
    Create a directory with specified mode.
    Returns 0 if successful.
    virtual gen mkdir: string * mode_t -> int;
    Create a directory with default mode.
    Returns 0 if successful.
    virtual gen mkdir: string -> int;
    Try to ensure all the directories in a path exist.
    Does not return any error indication.
    virtual proc mkdirs: string;
    virtual gen unlink_empty_dir: string -> int;
    Return an option list of all the regular files in a given directory.
    Returns None if the directory does not exist or isn't accessible.
    Returns Some files if the directory exists and is accessible.
    If the directory has no regular files, the list is Empty.
    virtual fun filesin:string -> opt[List::list[string]];
    Get the absolute pathname of the current working directory.
    virtual fun getcwd: 1 -> string; 
    Convert a relative filename to an absolute pathname. 
    virtual fun mk_absolute_filename: string -> string; 
  Host file system directory services.
  Platform dependent.
  class Directory {
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32Directory;
    inherit PosixDirectory;

+ 9 Posix Directory Services


  class PosixDirectory
    // Posix specific stuff.
    type dirent_t = "struct dirent*" requires Posix_headers::dirent_h;
    type DIR_t = "DIR*" requires Posix_headers::dirent_h;
    proc opendir: string * &DIR_t = "*$2=::opendir($1.c_str());";
    fun isNULL: DIR_t -> bool = "$1==0";
    fun isNULL: dirent_t -> bool = "$1==0";
    proc readdir: DIR_t * dirent_t * &dirent_t * &int = "*$4=readdir_r($1, $2, $3);";
    proc closedir: DIR_t = "::closedir($1);";
    fun filename: dirent_t -> string = "::std::string($1->d_name)";
    private fun getcwd: +char * size -> +char = "::getcwd($1,$2)" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    // inherit generic stuff
    inherit Directory_class[Posix, PosixFileStat::mode_t];
    // instantiate generic stuff
    instance Directory_class[Posix, PosixFileStat::mode_t] {
      gen mkdir: string * PosixFileStat::mode_t -> int = "::mkdir($1.c_str(), $2)" requires Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
      gen mkdir: string  -> int = "::mkdir($1.c_str(), 0777)" requires Posix_headers::sys_stat_h;
      proc mkdirs (s:string)
        if s == "" or s == "." or s == ".." or s == "/" do 
        mkdirs$ Filename::dirname s;
        C_hack::ignore$ mkdir s;
      // Delete an empty directory.
      gen unlink_empty_dir : string -> int = "::rmdir ($1.c_str())" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
      fun getcwd():string = {
        var b: array[char,1024]; 
        var p = getcwd((&b).stl_begin,size 1024);
        return if C_hack::isNULL p then "" else string p endif; 
      fun mk_absolute_filename(s:string) => 
         if PosixFilename::is_absolute_filename s then s else
         #getcwd + "/" + s
      fun filesin(dname:string): opt[List::list[string]] = {
        //println$ "filesin " + dname;
        var d:DIR_t;
        var e: dirent_t = C_hack::cast[dirent_t]$ Memory::malloc 5000;
        var eret = e;
        var err:int = 0;
        var files = List::Empty[string];
        if isNULL d do 
          println "Error opening dir"; 
          Memory::free$ C_hack::cast[address] e; 
          return None[List::list[string]];
        //println$ "Opened dir " + dname;
          readdir(d,e,&eret, &err);
          if err != 0 do 
            println "Error reading dir"; fflush;
            closedir d; 
            Memory::free$ C_hack::cast[address] e; 
            return None[List::list[string]];
          elif isNULL eret do 
            //println "End of dir"; 
            closedir d; 
            Memory::free$ C_hack::cast[address] e; 
            return Some files;
            //println "Think we got a file?";
            assert err == 0;
            //println$ "Found a file " + filename e; 
            files += filename e; 
            goto next;

+ 10 Win32 Directory Services


  class Win32Directory
    //Win32 specific stuff.
    type DIR_t = "intptr_t" requires Win32_headers::io_h ;
    type FINDDATA_t = "struct _finddata_t" requires Win32_headers::io_h ;
    proc findfirst: string * &FINDDATA_t * &DIR_t = "*$3=::_findfirst($1.c_str(), $2);" ;
    proc findnext: DIR_t * &FINDDATA_t * &int = "*$3=::_findnext($1, $2);" ;
    proc findclose : DIR_t = "::_findclose($1);" ;
    fun findfailed : DIR_t -> bool = "int($1) == -1" ;
    fun filename : FINDDATA_t -> string = "::std::string($1.name)" ;
    private fun getcwd: +char * size -> +char = "::_getcwd($1,(int)$2)" requires Win32_headers::direct_h;
    // Generic stuff.
    inherit Directory_class[Win32, Win32FileStat::mode_t];
    // Instantiate generics.
    instance Directory_class[Win32, Win32FileStat::mode_t] 
      //Make a directory.
      // warning: ignores the mode!
      gen mkdir: string * Win32FileStat::mode_t -> int = "::_mkdir($1.c_str())" requires Win32_headers::direct_h;
      gen mkdir: string  -> int = "::_mkdir($1.c_str())" requires Win32_headers::direct_h;
      proc mkdirs (s:string)
        if s == "" or s == "." or s == ".." or s.[-1] == char "\\" do 
        mkdirs$ Win32Filename::dirname s;
        C_hack::ignore$ mkdir s;
      gen unlink_empty_dir: string->int=  "(int)RemoveDirectory($1.c_str())" requires Win32_headers::windows_h;
      //Get the current working directory.
      fun getcwd():string = 
        var b: array[char,1024]; 
        var p = getcwd((&b).stl_begin,size 1024);
        return if C_hack::isNULL p then "" else string p endif; 
      //Is the given path absolute?
      // this is wrong, because D:filename will have the
      // current directory prepended instead of the 
      // current directory for drive D, so it could end up
      // referring to drive C instead .. 
      // also none of this works with network names
      fun mk_absolute_filename(s:string) => 
         if Win32Filename::is_absolute_filename s then s else
         #getcwd + "\\" + s
      //List the files in a directory.
      fun filesin(dname:string): opt[list[string]] = 
        //eprintln$ "hi in filesin dname=\""+dname+"\"" ;
        var d : DIR_t ;
        var fileinfo : FINDDATA_t ;
        var files = Empty[string]; 
        //eprintln$ "calling findfirst with expression = " + dname+"*";
        findfirst (dname+"\\*", &fileinfo, &d) ;
        //eprintln$ "returned from findfirst" ;
        if findfailed d  do
          if errno == ENOENT or errno == EINVAL do
            //eprintln$ "findfirst() failed with ENOENT or EINVAL" ;
            return None[list[string]] ;
          eprintln$ "findfirst() failed unexpectedly" ;
          assert false ;
        var stat : int ;
        var f : string  = filename fileinfo ;
        if f != ".." and f != "." do
          //println$ "Adding file" + (filename fileinfo) ;
          files += filename fileinfo ;
        findnext(d, &fileinfo, &stat) ;
        if stat == 0 goto harvestnext ;
        if stat == -1 do
          if errno == ENOENT goto harvestexit ;
          assert false ;
          println "Error reading dir"; fflush;
          findclose d ;
          return None[list[string]] ;
        //eprintln$ "Leaving normally with some files" ;
        findclose d ;
        return Some files ;