
+ 1 The Felix Garbage Collector.

Felix uses a garbage collector to provide secure automatic memory management.

For reasons of C and C++ compatibility, the allocator used is just malloc. Similarly, to ensure C and C++ interoperability, Felix GC uses a naive mark and sweep algorithm instead of a faster and more modern copying collector. C/C++ objects can't be moved easily and read or write barriers cannot be easily implemented.

The collector depends heavily on the Judy1 and JudyL ::flx::pthread::thread_control_base_t *tc; data structures. These are ultra-high performance stores which provide fast, scalable, O(1) linear scanning both up and down, as well as random access, deletion, and insertion. Judy's key disadvantage is that it only works with machine word size keys and (for JudyL) machine word size data.

The Felix collector is a hybrid. Heap allocated objects are associated with a shape object which provides a precise map of the location of all pointers in the object, accelerating the scan for reachable objects and reducing the number of unreachable objects that are not collected. On the other hand the machine stack of each thread is scanned conservatively, since Felix has no precise information on stack allocated data.

The GC can handle interior pointers. These are pointers to an address past the starting point of an object. However Felix does not consider a pointer "one past the end" to be interior. Care must be taken not to increment pointers into arrays past the last element. This is a deliberate design choice: a past the end pointer might be the head of a consecutively allocated object. Without this constraint an allocator might be forced to introduce padding.

The GC can also handle C pointers mixed in with Felix pointers, in other words, where an object has a designated slot for a pointer, either a Felix or C pointer may be used. It can do this because it keeps track of all objects it allocated.

The GC also assumes all objects are arrays of fixed maximum extent. It tracks the maximum number of elements the array might contain as well as the actual number used. JudyL arrays map addresses to the base shape, the array bound, and the actual usage, with missing keys designating 1 element in the last two cases.

The GC also supports finalisation. By default the finaliser of a C++ object is a function calling the object's type's destructor. This means a complex data structure such as an STL map can be used in Felix, provided the value type does not contain GC managed pointers (unless those pointers are marked as roots). The finaliser calls the destructor to release storage, relieving the GC of the task of tracking the individual objects comprising the data structure.

Thus, the Felix GC is more efficient that one might expect because it does not need to track every allocation, nor scan every object. In addition, the programmer is free to use C style manual allocation and deallocation for many data types. Never-the-less the GC is required for some union types and some function and procedure closures. It is also useful for many function data structures including persistent purely functional lists.

We should note that the Felix GC does have one significant drawback: although it is thread safe, and performance suffers a bit from serialisation of allocations, collections require a voluntary world stop by all threads. There is no portable way to stop threads at arbitrary times, so if one thread requests a collection, all the threads must wait until the last one yields to the stop request, and then the collection is performed.

It is also essential to be aware that the world stop uses condition variables for synchronisation. Because of this unconstrained use of native synchronisation vehicles such as a mutex, semaphore, or condition variable is not possible. For example if one thread holds a mutex locked and a second thread is waiting, and the lock holder triggers a world stop, the waiting thread cannot respond, resulting in a deadlock.

The library provides safe alternative synchronisation machinery which is aware of the GC world stop.

+ 1.1 Thread Control Base

Note: this is part of the flx_pthread library not the flx_gc library. But only the header file is required. The thread_control_base_t destructor is defined in pthread_thread_control.cpp.

The gc constuctor requires a thread_control_base_t pointer to be passed to it. The actual thread safe collector is defined in the pthread library. A non-thread version of the thread control base might be constructed for a single threaded Felix world instantiation but we do not currently provide one as pthreads are considered mandatory for Felix.



#include "flx_pthread_config.hpp"
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>

namespace flx { namespace pthread {

  enum thread_kind_t {mainline,embedded,pthread,process,realtime,joinable, foreign};
  char const *str(thread_kind_t);

struct thread_data_t {
  thread_data_t(void *b, thread_kind_t k) : stack_base(b), stack_top(0), active(true), thread_kind(k) {}
  thread_kind_t thread_kind;
  void *stack_base;
  void *stack_top;
  bool active;

struct memory_range_t {
  memory_range_t(void *b_, void *e_) : b(b_), e(e_) {}
  void *b;
  void *e;

typedef ::std::vector<memory_range_t> memory_ranges_t;

class PTHREAD_EXTERN world_stop_notifier_t 
  virtual void notify_world_stop()=0;
  virtual ~world_stop_notifier_t();

class PTHREAD_EXTERN thread_control_base_t
  virtual bool get_debug() const =0;
  virtual bool world_stop() = 0;
  virtual void world_start() = 0;
  virtual void resume() = 0;
  virtual void suspend() = 0;
  virtual void yield() = 0;
  virtual void join_all() = 0;
  virtual void set_realtime() = 0 ;
  virtual void add_thread(void*, thread_kind_t)=0;
  virtual void remove_thread()=0;
  virtual size_t thread_count()=0;
  virtual void register_world_stop_notifier(world_stop_notifier_t *)=0;
  virtual void unregister_world_stop_notifier(world_stop_notifier_t *)=0;
  virtual thread_data_t *get_thread_data_pointer()const=0;
  virtual ~thread_control_base_t()=0;
  virtual  memory_ranges_t *get_block_list() = 0; // caller owns result and should delete it

+ 1.2 Memory Management Abstraction Interface.


#ifndef __FLX_GC_H__
#define __FLX_GC_H__

#include <cstdlib>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "flx_gc_config.hpp"
#include "pthread_thread_control_base.hpp"
#include <string>
#include "flx_compiler_support_bodies.hpp"
#include <chrono>

// we use an STL set to hold the collection of roots
#include <set>

namespace flx {
namespace gc {
namespace generic {
// Here are the types we refer to:

struct GC_EXTERN gc_shape_t;      // the shape of collectable objects
struct GC_EXTERN collector_t;     // the collector itself
struct GC_EXTERN allocator_t;     // the allocator used
struct GC_EXTERN offset_data_t;   // private data for offset scanner
struct GC_EXTERN pointer_data_t;  // description of a pointer

+ 1.2.1 Pointer data

This structure is used to provide the client with information about a pointer. The pointer field is the pointer about which information has been requested. If this field is not interior to an object managed by the GC, the rest of the fields are zero.

Otherwise the head field contains the lowest address of the object, also known as the baseor head address. The max_elements field contains a count of the maximum number of objects which can fit in the allocated store, that is, the array bound. The used_elements field contains a count of the number of array slots actually used. Finally the shape field contains a pointer to the gc_shape_t object for the element type. , that is, the array bound.


struct GC_EXTERN pointer_data_t
  void *pointer;                      //< candidate pointer
  void *head;                         //< head object
  size_t max_elements;         //< allocated slots
  size_t used_elements;        //< used slots
  gc_shape_t *shape;                  //< shape

+ 1.3 gc_shape_t types

Types required for the RTTI object.


enum gc_shape_flags_t {
  gc_flags_default    = 0,            //< collectable and mobile
  gc_flags_immobile   = 1,            //< cannot be moved
  gc_flags_persistent = 2,            //< cannot be deallocated
  gc_flags_conservative = 4           //< scan whole object conservatively

/// Describes runtime object shape.
typedef void finaliser_t (collector_t*, void*); 
typedef void *scanner_t(collector_t*, gc_shape_t *, void *, size_t, int);
typedef ::std::string encoder_t (void *);
typedef ::std::size_t decoder_t(void *, char *, ::std::size_t);
typedef void copier_t (void*,void*);
typedef void dflt_init_t (void*);

struct GC_EXTERN gc_shape_t
  char const *cname;              ///< C++ typename
  ::std::size_t count;            ///< static array element count
  ::std::size_t amt;              ///< bytes allocated
  finaliser_t *finaliser;         ///< finalisation function
  ValueType *fcops;               ///< first class ops
  copier_t *copy_init;
  copier_t *move_init;
  copier_t *copy_assign;
  copier_t *move_assign;
  void const *private_data;       ///< private data passed to scanner
  scanner_t *scanner;             ///< scanner function 
  encoder_t *encoder;             ///< encoder function 
  decoder_t *decoder;             ///< encoder function 
  gc_shape_flags_t flags;         ///< flags
  size_t allocations;
  size_t deallocations;

template<typename C>
void *stl_container_scanner(
  ::flx::gc::generic::collector_t *gc, 
  ::flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t *container_shape, 
  void *location, 
  size_t nobjects, 
  int recdepth)
  auto object_shape = ((::flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t * *)(container_shape->private_data))[0];
  auto object_scanner = object_shape->scanner;
  printf("stl_container_scanner,\n  loc=%p shape=%s@%p, size=%ld,\n  value shape=%s@%p value_scanner=%p\n", 
    container_shape->cname, container_shape, ((C*)location)->size(),
    object_shape->cname, object_shape,
  if (object_scanner) {
    auto & container = *(C*)location;
    for (auto & v : container) {
      printf("    .. invoking element scanner for address %p\n", &v);
      object_scanner (gc,object_shape,&v,1,recdepth+1);
  return nullptr;

GC_EXTERN extern gc_shape_t _ptr_void_map;

+ 1.3.1 Standard Scanner

The standard scanner scan_by_offsets uses an array containing offsets into an object where pointers are located.


struct GC_EXTERN offset_entry_t {
  ::std::size_t offset;
  void *descriptor; // TO BE FIXED

struct GC_EXTERN offset_data_t
  ::std::size_t n_offsets;
  offset_entry_t const *offsets;

GC_EXTERN scanner_t scan_by_offsets;

+ 1.3.2 Standard Finaliser

The standard finaliser is a template which destoys an object using the C++ destructor. In the RTTI object if the finaliser is zero, this means the compiler knew the object was a POD type with a trivial destructor, and the zero allows the collector to skip the call to a do nothing finaliser function.


 * The following template is provided as a standard wrapper
 * for C++ class destructors. The term std_finaliser
 * denotes a function pointer to the wrapper for the destructor
 * of class T, which can be used as a finaliser in the shape
 * descriptor of a T. The client is cautioned than the order
 * of finalisation may not be what is expected. Finalisers
 * should be provided for all C++ objects managed by the Felix
 * collector and not refering to Felix objects,
 * but which contain pointers to other objects that need
 * to be deleted when the main object is destroyed;
 * for example a string class managing an array of char
 * requires its destructor be invoked to delete the managed
 * array, and so a finaliser wrapping the destructor must
 * be provided.
 * C data types may, of course, also require destruction,
 * and Felix therefore can provide programmers with
 * the convenience of C++ destructors, even for C data types.
template<class T>
void std_finaliser(collector_t*, void *t)
  static_cast<T*>(t) -> ~T();

+ 1.4 Allocator Abstraction

The allocator is used by the gc to allocate and deallocate heap storage. Although abstract, the standard allocator use malloc and free and this is assumed by a lot of code in the RTL and is an advertised property of the Felix system. Nevertheless providing an abstraction helps with software organisation.


/// Allocator abstraction.

struct allocator_t {
  bool debug;
  virtual void *allocate(::std::size_t)=0;
  virtual void deallocate(void *)=0;
  virtual ~allocator_t();
  void set_debug(bool d){debug=d;}

+ 1.5 The collector abstraction

Finally the actual garbage collector abstraction.

The abstraction is essential to allow a common interface to the single threaded and thread safe collectors. The thread safe collector is just a wrapper around the unsafe collector with appropriate locking.

Those familiar with C++ object oriented techniques, may be surprised to learn their understanding of how to use virtual methods is almost certainly completely and utterly wrong! This is partly due to incorrect advice in almost every book published on the subject, and online advice from so-called experts including member of the committee itself.

The collector we present rigidly follows the correct rules which result in a quite complex structure.


/// Collector abstraction.
struct GC_EXTERN collector_t
  bool debug;
  bool report_gcstats;
  void *module_registry; 
  void set_debug(bool d, bool stats){debug=d;report_gcstats=stats;}
  virtual ~collector_t();
  virtual ::flx::pthread::thread_control_base_t *get_thread_control()const =0;
  virtual void register_pointer(void *q, int reclimit)=0;
  ::std::chrono::time_point<::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> start_time;
  ::std::chrono::duration<double> gc_time;

  virtual bool inrange(void *)const =0;
  // These routines just provide statistics.
  size_t get_allocation_count()const {
    return v_get_allocation_count();

  size_t get_root_count()const {
    return v_get_root_count();

  size_t get_allocation_amt()const {
    return v_get_allocation_amt();

  // Hooks for the supplied allocator, which operate in
  // terms of shape objects rather than raw memory amounts.
  void *allocate(gc_shape_t *shape, size_t x) {
    return v_allocate(shape,x);

  // The mark and sweep collector algorithm.
  size_t collect() {
    //fprintf(stderr, "Collecting\n");
    ::std::chrono::time_point< ::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> start_time, end_time;
    start_time = ::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    size_t x = v_collect();
    end_time = ::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    ::std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = end_time - start_time;

    if (debug)
      fprintf(stderr, "Collecting DONE in %10.5f seconds\n", elapsed.count());
    gc_time += elapsed;
    return x;

  // Routines to add and remove roots.
  void add_root(void *memory) {

  void remove_root(void *memory) {

  void free_all_mem() {
    //fprintf(stderr,"Dispatching to free all mem\n");

  void finalise(void *frame) {

  // Integrity check for the data structure being managed.
  // array management
  virtual void set_used(void *memory, size_t)=0;
  virtual void incr_used(void *memory, ptrdiff_t)=0;
  virtual size_t get_used(void *memory)=0;
  virtual size_t get_count(void *memory)=0;
  virtual void *create_empty_array( gc_shape_t *shape, size_t count)=0;

  virtual pointer_data_t get_pointer_data(void *)=0;
  virtual size_t v_get_allocation_count()const=0;
  virtual size_t v_get_root_count()const=0;
  virtual size_t v_get_allocation_amt()const=0;
  virtual void *v_allocate(gc_shape_t *shape, size_t)=0;
  virtual void v_finalise(void *fp)=0;
  virtual size_t v_collect()=0;
  virtual void v_add_root(void *memory)=0;
  virtual void v_remove_root(void *memory)=0;
  virtual void v_free_all_mem()=0;

  // It doesn't make any sense to copy collector objects
  // about.
  void operator=(collector_t const&);
  collector_t(collector_t const&);

// The gc_profile_t is a grab bag of controls related to the collector.
struct GC_EXTERN gc_profile_t {
  bool debug_driver;
  bool debug_allocations;     ///< allocator debug on/off
  bool debug_collections;     ///< collector debug on/off
  bool report_collections;    ///< collector debug on/off
  bool report_gcstats;        ///< print final gc statistics
  bool allow_collection_anywhere; ///< enable collect on allocate

  size_t gc_freq;      ///< how often to collect
  size_t gc_counter;   ///< counter to check if time to collect

  size_t min_mem;      ///< min memory before collection
  size_t max_mem;      ///< throw out of memory if above here
  size_t threshhold;   ///< collection trigger point
  double free_factor;         ///< reset threshhold to used memory
                              ///< by this factor after collection

  size_t collections;  ///< number of collections done
  bool finalise;              ///< whether Felix should collect on exit
  flx::gc::generic::collector_t *collector;

  size_t maybe_collect(); ///< function which maybe collects
  size_t actually_collect(); ///< function which actually collects

  void *allocate(
    flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t *shape,
    size_t count,
    bool allow_gc

  gc_profile_t (
    bool debug_driver_,
    bool debug_allocations_,
    bool debug_collections_,
    bool report_collections_,
    bool report_gcstats_,
    bool allow_collection_anywhere_,
    size_t gc_freq_,
    size_t min_mem_,
    size_t max_mem_,
    double free_factor_,
    bool finalise_,
    flx::gc::generic::collector_t *collector

}}} // end namespaces

 * The following two routines are used to provide
 * C++ type safe heap allocation. There are no corresponding
 * delete routines, please use the destroy function.
 * Note these routines are now placed
 * in the global namespace to accomodate Metrowerks
 * compiler on Mac OS.
GC_EXTERN void *operator new
  flx::gc::generic::gc_profile_t &,
  flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t &,

 * Define an empty delete to make msvc happy.
GC_EXTERN void operator delete(
  flx::gc::generic::gc_profile_t &,
  flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t &,



#define _ROUNDUP(i,n) ((i + n - 1) / n * n)

+ 1.6 Memory Management Abstraction Implementation.


#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
#include "flx_gc.hpp"
#include "flx_exceptions.hpp"
#include "flx_gc_private.hpp"
#include <Judy.h>

// for std::max
#include <algorithm>

#ifdef max
#undef max

namespace flx {
namespace gc {
namespace generic {
gc_shape_t _ptr_void_map = {
  0, // no finaliser
  0, // fcops
  0UL, 0UL

  if (report_gcstats)
    ::std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = 
      ::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time
    fprintf(stderr, "Deleting collector total time = %4.5f seconds, gc time = %4.5f = %3.2f%%\n", 
      elapsed.count(), gc_time.count(), gc_time.count() * 100.0 / elapsed.count()

  : debug(false)
  , report_gcstats(false)
  , module_registry(0)
  , gc_time(0.0)
  , start_time(::std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now())

gc_profile_t::gc_profile_t (
  bool debug_driver_,
  bool debug_allocations_,
  bool debug_collections_,
  bool report_collections_,
  bool report_gcstats_,
  bool allow_collection_anywhere_,
  size_t gc_freq_,
  size_t min_mem_,
  size_t max_mem_,
  double free_factor_,
  bool finalise_,
  flx::gc::generic::collector_t *collector_
) :

gc_profile_t::~gc_profile_t() { }

size_t gc_profile_t::maybe_collect() {
  if(debug_collections) fprintf(stderr,"Maybe collect?\n");
  if (gc_counter < gc_freq) return 0;
  if(collector->get_allocation_amt() < threshhold) return 0;
  return actually_collect();

size_t gc_profile_t::actually_collect() {
  if(debug_collections || report_collections) 
    fprintf(stderr,"[flx_gc:gc_profile_t] actually_collect\n");
  gc_counter = 0;
  size_t collected = collector->collect();
  size_t allocated = collector->get_allocation_amt();
  if (allocated > max_mem) throw flx::rtl::flx_out_of_memory_t();
  threshhold = std::max ( min_mem,
    (size_t) (free_factor * (double)allocated))
  if(debug_collections || report_collections)
    size_t objs = collector->get_allocation_count();
    size_t roots = collector->get_root_count();
      "actually collected %zu objects, still allocated: %zu roots, %zu objects, %zu bytes\n",
      collected, roots, objs, allocated
  return collected;

void *gc_profile_t::allocate(
  flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t *shape,
  size_t count,
  bool allow_gc
  void *p = 0;
  ::std::size_t amt = count * shape->amt * shape->count;
  bool tried_collection = false;

  // if we would exceed the threshhold and collection is allowed, do it
  if (amt + collector->get_allocation_amt() > threshhold && allow_collection_anywhere && allow_gc)
    if (report_collections)
      fprintf(stderr,"[flx_gc:gc_profile_t] Threshhold %zu would be exceeded, collecting\n", threshhold);
    if (report_collections)
      fprintf(stderr,"[flx_gc:gc_profile_t] New Threshhold %zu\n", threshhold);
    tried_collection = true;

  // now try the allocation
  try {
    p = collector -> allocate(shape,count);
  // if we ran out of physical memory
  catch (flx::rtl::flx_out_of_memory_t& exn) 
    if (debug_allocations || debug_collections || report_collections)
      fprintf(stderr,"[flx_gc:gc_profile_t] Out of physical memory\n");

    if (allow_collection_anywhere && allow_gc && !tried_collection)
      tried_collection = true;
      try {
        p = collector -> allocate(shape,count);
      catch (flx::rtl::flx_out_of_memory_t& exn) // fatal error
         fprintf(stderr,"[flx_gc:gc_profile_t] Allocation failed [after forced collection]\n");
         throw exn;
      fprintf(stderr,"[flx_gc:gc_profile_t] Allocation failed [collection not allowed or already tried]\n");
      throw exn; // fatal error

  assert (p);
  return p;

 *  This is the default scanner for compiler generated RTTI objects.
 *  It uses an array of offsets into the object to tell where the pointers are.
 *  We must pass this routine the collector, the RTTI shape of the object,
 *  a pointer to the head (lowest byte) of the object, a count of the number
 *  of copies of the object are present consecutively, and a recursion limit.
 *  The count is there because all Felix heap objects are varrays, even if they're
 *  merely length 1. Note that this dynamic array count is the number of used
 *  slots in the varray not the allocated length. Note also the elements of the
 *  varray can themselves be arrays with static lengths. The actual RTTI object
 *  describes a single element of the inner static length array, so we have to
 *  multiply the RTTI static length by the dynamic length.
void *scan_by_offsets(collector_t *collector, gc_shape_t *shape, void *p, size_t dyncount, int reclimit)
  Word_t fp = (Word_t)p;

  // calculate the absolute number of used array slots
  size_t n_used = dyncount  * shape->count;

  // find the array of offsets
  offset_data_t const *data = (offset_data_t const *)shape->private_data;
  ::std::size_t n_offsets = data->n_offsets;
  offset_entry_t const *offsets = data->offsets;

  //fprintf(stderr, "scan by offsets: shape %s has %d offsets\n", shape->cname, (int)n_offsets);
  // if the number of used slots is one and there is only one offset
  // then there is only one possible pointer in the object at the specified offset
  // so just return the value stored at that offset immediately
  if (n_used * n_offsets == 1) // tail rec optimisation
    offset_entry_t oe =((offset_entry_t*)offsets)[0];
    void *loc = (unsigned char*)fp + oe.offset;
    gc_shape_t *descriptor = (gc_shape_t*)oe.descriptor;
    if(descriptor) {
      scanner_t *scanner = descriptor->scanner;
      if(scanner) scanner (collector, descriptor, loc, 1, reclimit - 1);
      // do nothing if no scanner
    else {
      void *q = *(void**)loc; // fetch
      if(q) return q; // tail rec optimisation
      // do nothing if null
  // otherwise we have to scan through all the offsets in every array element
  for(size_t j=0; j<n_used; ++j)
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n_offsets; ++i)
      offset_entry_t oe =((offset_entry_t*)offsets)[i];
      void *loc = (unsigned char*)fp + oe.offset;
      gc_shape_t *descriptor = (gc_shape_t*)oe.descriptor;
      if(descriptor) {
        scanner_t *scanner = descriptor->scanner;
        if(scanner) scanner (collector, descriptor, loc, 1, reclimit - 1);
        // do nothing if no scanner
      else {
        void *q = *(void**)loc; // fetch
        //fprintf(stderr, "scan by offsets %s, #%d, offset %zu, address %p, value %p\n", 
        //  shape->cname, i, offsets[i], pq, q);
        // instead of returning the pointer, register it for later processing
          collector->register_pointer(q, reclimit);
    // on to the next array element
    fp=(Word_t)(void*)((unsigned char*)fp+shape->amt);
  // return 0 to indicate we registered pointers, instead of returning just one.
  return 0;

}}} // end namespaces

// in global namespace now ..
// NOTE: Felix arrays are two dimensional. The shape.amt field is the size of
// one element. The shape.count field is the number of elements for a static
// array type. The dynamic length is for varrays, it is stored in a judy array
// associated with the array address. If there is nothing in the judy array,
// the dynamic length is one. C++ operator new allocates arrays of dynamic length 1. 
void *operator new(
  std::size_t amt,
  flx::gc::generic::gc_profile_t &gcp,
  flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t &shape,
  bool allow_gc
  if (amt != shape.amt * shape.count)
    fprintf(stderr,"Shape size error: allocator size = %zu\n",amt);
    fprintf(stderr,"Shape %s element size = %zu, element count = %zu\n",shape.cname,shape.amt,shape.count);
  void *p = gcp.allocate(&shape,1,allow_gc); // dynamic array count = 1
  return p;

void operator delete(
  flx::gc::generic::gc_profile_t &,
  flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t &,

+ 1.7 Collector interface.


#ifndef __FLX_COLLECTOR_H__
#define __FLX_COLLECTOR_H__
#include <cstddef>
#include "flx_gc.hpp"
#include <map>
#include "pthread_thread.hpp"
#include <Judy.h>

namespace flx {
namespace gc {
namespace collector {
using namespace generic;

struct GC_EXTERN malloc_free;
struct GC_EXTERN tracing_allocator;
struct GC_EXTERN flx_collector_t;

/// Allocator using malloc and free.
struct GC_EXTERN malloc_free : public virtual allocator_t
  void *allocate(::std::size_t);
  void deallocate(void *);

/// Allocator which saves allocations and deallocations
/// to a file, delegating operations to a servant allocator
struct GC_EXTERN tracing_allocator : public virtual allocator_t
  allocator_t *servant;
  FILE *tracefile;
  tracing_allocator(FILE *, allocator_t *);
  void *allocate(::std::size_t);
  void deallocate(void *);

struct mark_thread_context_t
  flx_collector_t *collector;
  pthread::memory_ranges_t *px;
  int reclimit;

/// Naive Mark and Sweep Collector.
struct GC_EXTERN flx_collector_t : public collector_t
  flx_collector_t(allocator_t *, flx::pthread::thread_control_base_t *, int _gcthreads, FILE *tf);

  // RF: added to allow implementation of non-leaky drivers.
  void impl_free_all_mem(); // clear all roots, sweep.

  void set_used(void *memory, size_t);
  void incr_used(void *memory, ptrdiff_t);
  size_t get_used(void *memory);
  size_t get_count(void *memory);
  void *create_empty_array( gc_shape_t *shape, size_t count);
  gc_shape_t *get_shape(void *memory);
  flx::pthread::thread_control_base_t *get_thread_control()const;
  void register_pointer(void *q, int reclimit);
  ::flx::gc::generic::pointer_data_t get_pointer_data(void *);


  /// allocator
  void *impl_allocate(gc_shape_t *ptr_map, size_t);

  /// collector (returns number of objects collected)
  size_t impl_collect();

  // add and remove roots
  void impl_add_root(void *memory);
  void impl_remove_root(void *memory);

  void check();

  // statistics
  size_t impl_get_allocation_count()const;
  size_t impl_get_root_count()const;
  size_t impl_get_allocation_amt()const;
  void impl_finalise(void *fp);

  /// allocator
  void *v_allocate(gc_shape_t *ptr_map, size_t);

  /// collector (returns number of objects collected)
  size_t v_collect();

  // add and remove roots
  void v_add_root(void *memory);
  void v_remove_root(void *memory);
  void v_free_all_mem();

  // statistics
  size_t v_get_allocation_count()const;
  size_t v_get_root_count()const;
  size_t v_get_allocation_amt()const;

  void judyerror(char const*);
  size_t allocation_count;
  size_t root_count;
  size_t allocation_amt;

  uintptr_t minptr;
  uintptr_t maxptr;

  bool inrange(void *p)const { return minptr <= uintptr_t(p) && uintptr_t(p) < maxptr; }
  void unlink(void *frame);
  void v_finalise(void *frame);
  void post_delete(void *frame);
  void delete_frame(void *frame);
  size_t reap();

  // top level mark, calls mark_single or mark_multi
  void mark(pthread::memory_ranges_t*);

  // single threaded mark
  void mark_single(pthread::memory_ranges_t*, int);

  // multithreaded mark: single thread enters and creates
  // worker threads which run mark_thread routine below
  void mark_multi(pthread::memory_ranges_t*,int reclimit, int nthreads);

public: // unfortunately, due to dispatch machinery
  // worker thread
  void mark_thread(mark_thread_context_t *);

  int gcthreads;
  size_t sweep(); // calls scan_object

  typedef std::map<void *,size_t, std::less<void *> > rootmap_t;
  rootmap_t roots;
  bool parity;
  allocator_t *allocator;
  flx::pthread::thread_control_base_t *thread_control;

  // JudyL array and error object
  void *j_shape;
  void *j_nalloc;
  void *j_nused;
  FILE *tracefile;
  struct memdata_t {
    void *head;
    gc_shape_t *pshape;
    size_t nbytes;
  void scan_object(void *memory, int reclimit);
  memdata_t check_interior (void *memory);

  ::std::mutex j_tmp_lock;
  ::std::condition_variable j_tmp_cv;
  int j_tmp_waiting;
  void *j_tmp;
  JError_t je;

}}} // end namespaces

+ 1.8 Collector Implementation

Tracefile used for performance simulations on Judy alternatives. Tracefile codes:


opcode filecode: address

Op Codes

G: Get
F: First
N: Next
L: Last
I: Insert
D: Delete
C: Delete whole array

File codes:

S: shape JudyL
A: allocated JudyL
U: used JudyL
T: temporary Judy1


#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <limits.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstddef>
#include "flx_rtl_config.hpp"
#include "flx_collector.hpp"
#include "flx_exceptions.hpp"
#include "flx_gc_private.hpp"

#include <stdint.h>
#define lobit(p) (p & (uintptr_t)1u)
#define hibits(p) (p & ~(uintptr_t)1u)
#define SHAPE(p) ((gc_shape_t *)hibits(p))

//#include "flx_rtl.hpp"
namespace flx {
namespace gc {
namespace collector {

static int mcount FLX_UNUSED = 0;


void *malloc_free::allocate(::std::size_t amt)
  void *p = malloc(amt);
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Malloc %zd bytes, address = %p\n",amt,p);
  if(p)return p;
  else {
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Felix: Malloc out of memory, blk=%zu\n",amt);
    throw flx::rtl::flx_out_of_memory_t();

void malloc_free::deallocate(void *p)
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Free %p\n",p);

tracing_allocator::tracing_allocator (
  FILE *tf, 
  allocator_t *slave) 
: tracefile(tf), servant(slave) {}

void *tracing_allocator::allocate (::std::size_t amt)
   void *memory = servant->allocate(amt);
   fprintf(tracefile,"A: %p\n",memory);
   return memory;

void tracing_allocator::deallocate (void *p)
   fprintf(tracefile,"D: %p\n",p);

tracing_allocator::~tracing_allocator() { 
  delete servant; 
  fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Allocation tracing terminated, file closed, slave allocator deleted\n"); 

void *flx_collector_t::v_allocate(gc_shape_t *ptr_map, size_t x) {
  return impl_allocate(ptr_map, x);

void flx_collector_t::v_finalise(void *frame) {

size_t flx_collector_t::v_collect() {
  return impl_collect();

void flx_collector_t::v_add_root(void *memory) {

void flx_collector_t::v_remove_root(void *memory) {

void flx_collector_t::v_free_all_mem() {
  //fprintf(stderr, "Dispatching to impl free all mem\n");

size_t flx_collector_t::v_get_allocation_count()const {
  return impl_get_allocation_count();

size_t flx_collector_t::v_get_root_count()const {
  return impl_get_root_count();

size_t flx_collector_t::v_get_allocation_amt()const {
  return impl_get_allocation_amt();

size_t flx_collector_t::impl_get_allocation_count()const
  return allocation_count;

size_t flx_collector_t::impl_get_root_count()const
  return root_count;

size_t flx_collector_t::impl_get_allocation_amt()const
  return allocation_amt;

  allocator_t *a, 
  pthread::thread_control_base_t *tc,
  int _gcthreads,
  FILE *tf
    fprintf(stderr, "[flx_collector_t] Tracefile active\n");

flx::pthread::thread_control_base_t *flx_collector_t::get_thread_control()const
  return thread_control;

void flx_collector_t::judyerror(char const *loc)
  fprintf(stderr, "[gc] JUDY ERROR %d in %s\n",je.je_Errno,loc);

void * flx_collector_t::impl_allocate(gc_shape_t *shape, size_t nobj)
  // calculate how much memory to request
  ::std::size_t amt = nobj * shape->amt * shape->count;
  //fprintf(stderr, "req amt = %zu\n",amt);
  if(amt & 1) ++amt; // round up to even number
  //fprintf(stderr, "rounded req amt = %zu\n",amt);

  // allocate a block
  void *fp = (void *)allocator->allocate(amt);
  assert(fp); // Got some memory!


  // for use when things go wrong
  char error_buffer[2048];
  snprintf(error_buffer, 2047, 
    "[gc] Allocated %p, shape=%s[%zd][%zu][#a=%zu,#d=%zu]\n", 

  Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLIns(&j_shape,(Word_t)fp,&je);
     fprintf(tracefile,"IS: %p\n",fp);
  *p = ((Word_t)(void*)shape) | (parity & 1);
  if (nobj != (uintptr_t)1) // array
//fprintf(stderr, "Inserting into j_nalloc=%p\n",j_nalloc);
    Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLIns(&j_nalloc,(Word_t)fp,&je);
//fprintf(stderr, "  new j_nalloc=%p\n",j_nalloc);
//fprintf(stderr, "  slot for insert=%p\n",p);
       fprintf(tracefile,"IA: %p\n",fp);
    *p = nobj;

  size_t n_objects = get_count(fp);
  if (nobj != n_objects) 

        "Insertion into j_nalloc (%p) failed: address %p, [nobj=%zu != get_count(fp)=%zu]\n",
        j_nalloc, fp, nobj, n_objects);
    { // get_count(fp) conflates size 1 with NULL pointer, the following will disambiguate
      Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLGet(j_nalloc,(Word_t)fp,&je);
          "  p==NULL: %s\n", 
          ((p == NULL) ? "true" : "false") );

    // finally output error_buffer if there's an error
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", error_buffer);

    assert (nobj == n_objects);

  // update statistics
  allocation_amt += amt;
  //fprintf(stderr,"ADDING %zu to allocation amt, result %zu\n",amt,allocation_amt);
  // return client memory pointer
  return fp;

// NOTE: although 1 is the default if there is no entry,
// it is allowed to have an entry with 1
// indeed, set_used always creates an entry
void flx_collector_t::set_used(void *memory, size_t n)
  if (memory == NULL && n==0) return;

  // this check is expensive, but set_used is not used often
  //fprintf(stderr,"Set used of %p to %zu\n",memory,n);
  Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLGet(j_nused,(Word_t)memory,&je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"GU: %p\n",memory);
    //fprintf(stderr,"set_used: No recorded usage! Creating store for data\n");
    p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLIns(&j_nused,(Word_t)memory,&je);
       fprintf(tracefile,"IU: %p\n",memory);
  //fprintf(stderr,"Slot for %p usage is address %p\n",memory,p);
  *p = (Word_t)n;

void flx_collector_t::incr_used(void *memory, ptrdiff_t n)
  if (n==0) return;
  //fprintf(stderr,"Incr used of %p by %zu\n",memory,n);
  //assert(get_used(memory) + n <= get_count(memory));
  ptrdiff_t newused = (ptrdiff_t)get_used(memory) + n;
  if (newused < 0 || newused > get_count(memory)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Address %p count %d used %d increment %d\n",
      memory,(int)get_count(memory), (int)get_used(memory),(int)n);
    fprintf(stderr,"Type %s\n",get_shape(memory)->cname);

  Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLGet(j_nused,(Word_t)memory,&je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"GU: %p\n",memory);
    //fprintf(stderr,"incr_used: No recorded usage! Creating store for data\n");
    p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLIns(&j_nused,(Word_t)memory,&je);
      fprintf(tracefile,"IU: %p\n",memory);
    if(p==(Word_t*)PPJERR)judyerror("incr_used: new slot");
    *p = newused;
  else *p=newused;

// actual number of used slots in an array
size_t flx_collector_t::get_used(void *memory)
  if(memory==NULL) return 0;
  //fprintf(stderr, "Get used of %p\n",memory);
  Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLGet(j_nused,(Word_t)memory,&je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"GU: %p\n",memory);
  //fprintf(stderr, "Used slot at address %p\n",p);
  size_t z = p!=NULL?*p:1; // defaults to 1 for non-array support
  //fprintf(stderr,"Used of %p is %zu\n",memory,z);
  return z;

// max number of available slots in an array
size_t flx_collector_t::get_count(void *memory)
  if(memory==NULL) return 0;
  //fprintf(stderr, "Get count of %p\n",memory);
  Word_t *p = (Word_t*)(void*)JudyLGet(j_nalloc,(Word_t)memory,&je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"GA: %p\n",memory);
  //fprintf(stderr, "Count slot at address %p\n",p);
  size_t z = p!=NULL?*p:1; // defaults to 1 for non-array support
  //fprintf(stderr,"Count of %p is %zu\n\n",memory,z);
  return z;

// REQUIRES memory to be head pointer (not interior)
gc_shape_t *flx_collector_t::get_shape(void *memory)
  if(memory == NULL) return &::flx::gc::generic::_ptr_void_map;
  //fprintf(stderr, "Get shape of %p\n",memory);
  Word_t *pshape= (Word_t*)JudyLGet(j_shape,(Word_t)memory,&je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"GS: %p\n",memory);
  if(pshape==NULL) { 
    fprintf(stderr,"get_shape %p found NULL\n",memory);
  return (gc_shape_t *)(*pshape & (~(uintptr_t)1));

void *flx_collector_t::create_empty_array(
  flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t *shape,
  size_t count
  if (count==0) return NULL;
  void *p = allocate(shape,count);
  set_used (p, 0); // make sure to override default 1 slot usage
  if(get_used(p) != 0 || get_count(p) != count) {
    fprintf(stderr,"create empty array type %s address %p request count=%zu, actual count=%zu ,used=%zu\n",
     p,shape->cname, count, get_count(p), get_used(p));
    fprintf(stderr, "FATAL CONSTRUCTOR FAILURE\n");
    assert (false);
  return p;

void flx_collector_t::impl_finalise(void *fp)
  //fprintf(stderr, "Finaliser for %p\n", fp);
  gc_shape_t *shape = get_shape(fp); // inefficient, since we already know the shape!
  //fprintf(stderr, "Got shape %p=%s\n", shape,shape->cname);
  void (*finaliser)(collector_t*, void*) = shape->finaliser;
  //fprintf(stderr, "Got finaliser %p\n", finaliser);
  if (finaliser)
    unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char*)fp;
    size_t n_used = get_used(fp) * shape->count;
    size_t eltsize = shape->amt;
    //fprintf(stderr, "Finalising at %p for type %s %zu objects each size %zu\n", cp, shape->cname, n_used, eltsize);
    for(size_t j = 0; j<n_used; ++j)
      cp += eltsize;

void flx_collector_t::unlink(void *fp)
  // check we have a pointer to an object

  // call the finaliser if there is one
  //fprintf(stderr,"Unlink: Calling finaliser for %p\n",fp);

  gc_shape_t *shape = get_shape(fp);
  size_t n_objects = get_count(fp);
  size_t nobj = shape -> count * n_objects;
  ::std::size_t size = shape->amt * nobj;
  if (size & 1) ++size;
  //fprintf(stderr, "Uncounting %zu bytes\n", size);
  allocation_amt -= size;

  // unlink the frame from the collectors list
  //fprintf(stderr,"Removing address from Judy lists\n");
  JudyLDel(&j_shape, (Word_t)fp, &je);
  JudyLDel(&j_nused, (Word_t)fp, &je);
  JudyLDel(&j_nalloc, (Word_t)fp, &je);
  if(tracefile) {
    fprintf(tracefile,"DS: %p\n",fp);
    fprintf(tracefile,"DA: %p\n",fp);
    fprintf(tracefile,"DU: %p\n",fp);
  //fprintf(stderr,"Finished unlinking\n");

void flx_collector_t::post_delete(void *fp)
    fprintf(tracefile,"IT: %p\n",fp);


void flx_collector_t::delete_frame(void *fp)

size_t flx_collector_t::reap ()
  size_t count = 0;
  Word_t next=(Word_t)NULL;
  int res = Judy1First(j_tmp,&next,&je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"FT: %p\n",next);
  while(res) {
    res = Judy1Next(j_tmp,&next,&je);
      fprintf(tracefile,"NT: %p\n",next);
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Reaped %zu objects\n",count);
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Still allocated %zu objects occupying %zu bytes\n", get_allocation_count(), get_allocation_amt());
  return count;


/* This is the top level mark routine
 * Its job is to mark all objects that are reachable
 * so a subsequent reaping phase can delete all
 * the objects that are NOT marked
 * This mark bit is the low bit of the RTTI shape object pointer
 * stored in the j_shape Judy1Array.
 * The meaning of this bit alternates between calls to the collector.
 * Initially all objects are considered garbage and the flag is toggled
 * to indicate the object is reachable.
 * On the next pass the reachable value is reconsidered to mean
 * garbage and the flag toggled again. This saves a pass over
 * all objects marking them garbage before then tracing roots
 * to find which ones are not.

void flx_collector_t::mark(pthread::memory_ranges_t *px)
  // The recursion limit is a stopper so recursions
  // won't blow the machine stack and also wipe out the cache
  // regularly. Our overall routine is iterative with limited
  // recursion. The recursions are faster but the iteration
  // can handle data type like lists of millions of elements
  // which would otherwise recurse millions of times.
  int reclimit = 64;
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Collector: Running mark\n");

  // sanity check
  assert (root_count == roots.size());

  // the j_tmp Judy1 array is just a set of pointers which
  // we have not yet examined. When we find pointers we stash
  // them in this set rather than examining them immediately.
  // Later we come back and examine them. This buffers the recursion
  // a bit. The set has to be empty initially.
  assert(j_tmp == 0);
  if (gcthreads < 2)

static void run_mark_thread(mark_thread_context_t *mtc)

void flx_collector_t::mark_multi(pthread::memory_ranges_t *px,int reclimit, int nthreads)
//fprintf(stderr, "starting %d mark threads\n", nthreads);
  j_tmp_waiting = 0;
  mark_thread_context_t mtc {this,px, reclimit};
  ::std::vector< ::std::thread> mark_threads;
  for (int i=0; i<gcthreads; ++i)
    mark_threads.push_back (::std::thread (run_mark_thread, &mtc));
  for (int i=0; i<gcthreads; ++i)
//fprintf(stderr, "multithread mark finished\n");

// this method is run simultaneously by multiple threads
void flx_collector_t::mark_thread(mark_thread_context_t *mtc)
//fprintf(stderr, "multithread mark thread running\n");
  int reclimit = mtc->reclimit;
  pthread::memory_ranges_t *px  = mtc->px;
  // px is a set of memory ranges representing the stacks
  // of all pthreads including this one at the point the
  // collector got invoked. All the other threads than this
  // one must be stopped. The stack are found by recording the
  // base stack value when launching the thread, and using
  // the value when a thread stops to allow collection as the
  // high value. The stack contains all the machine registers
  // at this point too, since we used a long_jmp into a local
  // variable to put the registers on the stack.
    // for all pthreads
    std::vector<pthread::memory_range_t>::iterator end = (*px).end();
      std::vector<pthread::memory_range_t>::iterator i = (*px).begin();
      i != end;
      // get the stack extent for one pthread
      pthread::memory_range_t range = *i;
        size_t n = (char*)range.e - (char*)range.b;
        fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Conservate scan of memory %p->%p, %zu bytes\n",range.b, range.e, n);
      //VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(range.b, (char*)range.e-(char*)range.b);
      void *end = range.e;
      // for all machine words on the stack
      // this WILL FAIL if the stack isn't an exact multiple
      // of the size of a machine word
      for ( void *i = range.b; i != end; i = (void*)((void**)i+1))
        // fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Check if *%p=%p is a pointer\n",i,*(void**)i);
        // conservative scan of every word on every stack
        scan_object(*(void**)i, reclimit);
        fprintf(stderr, "[gc] DONE: Conservate scan of memory %p->%p\n",range.b, range.e);

  // Now scan all the registered roots
    fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Scanning roots\n");
  rootmap_t::iterator const end = roots.end();
    rootmap_t::iterator i = roots.begin();
    i != end;
      fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Scanning root %p\n", (*i).first);
    scan_object((*i).first, reclimit);

  // Now, scan the temporary set in j_tmp  until it is empty
  // When we're processing an object with scan_object
  // if its an actual Felix object we mark it reachable
  // and then scan all the pointers in it: usually those pointers
  // are not scanned immediately by scan object but simply put
  // into the set j_tmp to schedule them for scanning.
  // Note: Judy1First finds the first key greater than or equal to the given one,
  // it returns 0 if there is no such key.
  Word_t toscan;
  int res;
    ::std::unique_lock< ::std::mutex> dummy(j_tmp_lock);
    toscan = 0;
    res = Judy1First(j_tmp,&toscan,&je); // get one object scheduled for scanning
    if (!res) {
       if (j_tmp_waiting == gcthreads) {
         goto endoff;
       goto retry;
    Judy1Unset(&j_tmp,toscan,&je);         // remove it immediately
  scan_object((void*)toscan, reclimit);  // scan it, it will either be marked or discarded
  goto again;

  assert(j_tmp == 0);                  

    fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Done Scanning roots\n");

void flx_collector_t::mark_single(pthread::memory_ranges_t *px, int reclimit)
  // px is a set of memory ranges representing the stacks
  // of all pthreads including this one at the point the
  // collector got invoked. All the other threads than this
  // one must be stopped. The stack are found by recording the
  // base stack value when launching the thread, and using
  // the value when a thread stops to allow collection as the
  // high value. The stack contains all the machine registers
  // at this point too, since we used a long_jmp into a local
  // variable to put the registers on the stack.
    // for all pthreads
    std::vector<pthread::memory_range_t>::iterator end = (*px).end();
      std::vector<pthread::memory_range_t>::iterator i = (*px).begin();
      i != end;
      // get the stack extent for one pthread
      pthread::memory_range_t range = *i;
        size_t n = (char*)range.e - (char*)range.b;
        fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Conservate scan of memory %p->%p, %zu bytes\n",range.b, range.e, n);
      //VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(range.b, (char*)range.e-(char*)range.b);
      void *end = range.e;
      // for all machine words on the stack
      // this WILL FAIL if the stack isn't an exact multiple
      // of the size of a machine word
      for ( void *i = range.b; i != end; i = (void*)((void**)i+1))
        // fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Check if *%p=%p is a pointer\n",i,*(void**)i);
        // conservative scan of every word on every stack
        scan_object(*(void**)i, reclimit);
        fprintf(stderr, "[gc] DONE: Conservate scan of memory %p->%p\n",range.b, range.e);

  // Now scan all the registered roots
    fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Scanning roots\n");
  rootmap_t::iterator const end = roots.end();
    rootmap_t::iterator i = roots.begin();
    i != end;
      fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Scanning root %p\n", (*i).first);
    scan_object((*i).first, reclimit);

  // Now, scan the temporary set in j_tmp  until it is empty
  // When we're processing an object with scan_object
  // if its an actual Felix object we mark it reachable
  // and then scan all the pointers in it: usually those pointers
  // are not scanned immediately by scan object but simply put
  // into the set j_tmp to schedule them for scanning.
  // Note: Judy1First finds the first key greater than or equal to the given one,
  // it returns 0 if there is no such key.
  Word_t toscan = 0;
  int res = Judy1First(j_tmp,&toscan,&je); // get one object scheduled for scanning
  //  fprintf(tracefile,"FT: %p\n",toscan);
  while(res) {
    Judy1Unset(&j_tmp,toscan,&je);         // remove it immediately
      fprintf(tracefile,"DT: %p\n",toscan);
    scan_object((void*)toscan, reclimit);  // scan it, it will either be marked or discarded
    toscan = 0;
    res = Judy1First(j_tmp,&toscan,&je); 
      fprintf(tracefile,"FT: %p\n",toscan);
  assert(j_tmp == 0);                  

    fprintf(stderr, "[gc] Done Scanning roots\n");

size_t flx_collector_t::sweep()
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Collector: Sweep, garbage bit value=%d\n",(int)parity);
  size_t sweeped = 0;
  void *current = NULL;
  Word_t *pshape = (Word_t*)JudyLFirst(j_shape,(Word_t*)&current,&je); // GE
    fprintf(tracefile,"FS: %p\n",current);

    if((*pshape & (uintptr_t)1) == (parity & (uintptr_t)1))
        fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Garbage   %p=%s[%zd][%zu/%zu] [#a=%zu,#d=%zu]\n",
      ++ sweeped;
      //fprintf(stderr,"Incr deallocation count ..\n");
      //++((gc_shape_t *)(*pshape & ~(uintptr_t)1))->deallocations;
      //fprintf(stderr,"Unlinking ..\n");
      //fprintf(stderr,"Posting delete ..\n");
      //fprintf(stderr,"Reaping done\n");
        fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Reachable %p=%s[%zd][%zu/%zu] [#a=%zu,#d=%zu]\n",

    //fprintf(stderr,"Calling Judy for next object\n");
    pshape = (Word_t*)JudyLNext(j_shape,(Word_t*)(void*)&current,&je); // GT
      fprintf(tracefile,"NS: %p\n",current);
    //fprintf(stderr,"Judy got next object %p\n",pshape);

  parity = !parity;
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Sweeped %zu\n",sweeped);
  return reap();

void flx_collector_t::impl_add_root(void *memory)
    fprintf(stderr, "[gc] GC ERROR: ADD NULL ROOT\n");
  rootmap_t::iterator iter = roots.find(memory);
  if(iter == roots.end())
    std::pair<void *const, size_t> entry(memory,(uintptr_t)1);
      fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Add root %p=%s\n", memory,get_shape(memory)->cname);
    roots.insert (entry);
  else {
      fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Increment root %p to %zu\n", memory, (*iter).second+1);

void flx_collector_t::impl_remove_root(void *memory)
  rootmap_t::iterator iter = roots.find(memory);
  if(iter == roots.end())
    fprintf(stderr, "[gc] GC ERROR: REMOVE ROOT %p WHICH IS NOT ROOT\n", memory);
  if((*iter).second == (uintptr_t)1)
      fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Remove root %p\n", memory);
  else {
      fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Decrement root %p to %zu\n", memory, (*iter).second-1);

/* This is the fun bit!
 * Register pointer is called by scan object, indirectly
 * via the custom scanner.
 * It then recursively calls scan_object on that pointer,
 * providing a standard recursive descent.
 * HOWEVER if the recursion limit is reached during this process,
 * instead of recursing it just stashes the pointer in the
 * j_tmp collection for later processing.
 * So recursions over small tree structures proceed as normal,
 * but when you get a long list or array to handle the recursion
 * is stopped before it blows the stack, and the data is just stashed
 * for later processing by the top level iterative loop

// unfortunately requires a dynamic test to determine
// if we're using the threaded mark routine or not
void flx_collector_t::register_pointer(void *q, int reclimit)
  if (inrange(q)) {
        ::std::unique_lock< ::std::mutex> dummy(j_tmp_lock);
      else {
        fprintf(tracefile,"IT: %p\n",q);
    else scan_object(q, reclimit-1);

::flx::gc::generic::pointer_data_t flx_collector_t::get_pointer_data (void *p)
  ::flx::gc::generic::pointer_data_t pdat;
  pdat.head = NULL;
  pdat.max_elements = 0;
  pdat.used_elements = 0;
  pdat.shape = NULL;
  pdat.pointer = p;
  Word_t cand = (Word_t)p;
  Word_t head = cand;
  Word_t *ppshape = (Word_t*)JudyLLast(j_shape,&head, &je);
    fprintf(tracefile,"LS: %p\n",head);
  if(ppshape == NULL) return pdat; // no lower object
  gc_shape_t *pshape = SHAPE(*ppshape);
  size_t max_slots = get_count((void*)head);
  size_t used_slots = get_used((void*)head);
  size_t n = max_slots * pshape->count * pshape->amt;
  if(cand >= (Word_t)(void*)((unsigned char*)(void*)head+n)) return pdat; // not interior
  pdat.head = (void*)head;
  pdat.max_elements = max_slots;
  pdat.used_elements = used_slots;
  pdat.shape = pshape;
  return pdat;

/* Given some word siuze value p, we have to decide what it is.
 * If its a pointer into an allocated object, since we got here
 * that object is reachable so we ensure that object is marked
 * reachable so it won't be reaped

// if a pointer is interior, then
// if marked reachable already return NULL,NULL
// else mark as reachable and return head,shape
flx_collector_t::memdata_t flx_collector_t::check_interior (void *p)
  Word_t reachable = (parity & (uintptr_t)1) ^ (uintptr_t)1;
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Scan object %p, reachable bit value = %d\n",p,(int)reachable);

  // Now find the shape of the object into which the pointer points,
  // if it is a Felix allocated object. First, we use JudyLLast
  // which finds the value less than or equal to the given key.
  if (!inrange(p)) return memdata_t{NULL,NULL,0};
  Word_t cand = (Word_t)p;
  Word_t head=cand;
  Word_t *ppshape = (Word_t*)JudyLLast(j_shape,&head,&je);

  // if the pointer returned by Judy is NULL, there is no
  // allocated object at or lower then the given address so exit
  if(ppshape == NULL) return memdata_t{NULL,NULL,0}; // no lower object
    fprintf(stderr,"Found candidate object %p, &shape=%p, shape(1) %p\n",(void*)fp,(void*)w,(void*)(*w));
    fprintf(stderr," .. type=%s!\n",((gc_shape_t*)(*w & ~(uintptr_t)1))->cname);

  // if the object lower then the given pointer is already
  // marked reachable, there's nothing to do (all the pointers
  // it reaches should also be marked) so just exit.
  if( (*ppshape & (uintptr_t)1) == reachable) return memdata_t {NULL,NULL,0};   // already handled

  // get the actual shape of the candidate object
  // don't forget to mask out the low bit which is the reachability flag
  gc_shape_t *pshape = SHAPE(*ppshape);

  // calculate the length of the candidate object in bytes
  size_t exterior_count = get_count((void*)head);
  size_t n = exterior_count * pshape->count * pshape->amt;

  // if our pointer is greater than or equal to the "one past the end"
  // pointer of the object, it is not a pointer interior to that object
  // but a foreign pointer and must be ignored
  if(cand >= (Word_t)(void*)((unsigned char*)(void*)head+n)) return memdata_t{NULL,NULL,0}; // not interior
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] MARKING object %p, shape %p, type=%s\n",(void*)head,pshape,pshape->cname);

  // otherwise we have an iterior or head pointer to the object
  // so set the reachable flag in the judy shape array
  *ppshape = (*ppshape & ~(uintptr_t)1) | reachable;
  return memdata_t {(void*)head,pshape,n};

void flx_collector_t::scan_object(void *p, int reclimit)

  // CAN p be NULL?? If so a fast exit could be done
  // no point if it can't be null though

  // The reachability flag is the low bit object type pointer.
  // The sense of the flag alternative between 0 and 1 meaning
  // reachable on successive collections. This is an optimisation
  // which saves marking all object unreachable first, then marking
  // the reachable ones reachable. We just use the previous reachable
  // marking to mean unreachable next time, then flip the bit for each
  // reachable object. The value parity records the sense and is flipped
  // at the start of each GC pass.
  //Word_t reachable = (parity & (uintptr_t)1) ^ (uintptr_t)1;
   memdata_t memdata = check_interior(p);
   if(memdata.head == NULL) return;
  //  fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Scan object %p, reachable bit value = %d\n",p,(int)reachable);

  // Now find the shape of the object into which the pointer points,
  // if it is a Felix allocated object. First, we use JudyLLast
  // which finds the value less than or equal to the given key.
  if (!inrange(p)) return;
  Word_t cand = (Word_t)p;
  Word_t head=cand;
  Word_t *ppshape = (Word_t*)JudyLLast(j_shape,&head,&je);

  // if the pointer returned by Judy is NULL, there is no
  // allocated object at or lower then the given address so exit
  if(ppshape == NULL) return; // no lower object
  //  fprintf(stderr,"Found candidate object %p, &shape=%p, shape(1) %p\n",(void*)fp,(void*)w,(void*)(*w));
  //  fprintf(stderr," .. type=%s!\n",((gc_shape_t*)(*w & ~(uintptr_t)1))->cname);

  // if the object lower then the given pointer is already
  // marked reachable, there's nothing to do (all the pointers
  // it reaches should also be marked) so just exit.
  if( (*ppshape & (uintptr_t)1) == reachable) return;   // already handled

  // get the actual shape of the candidate object
  // don't forget to mask out the low bit which is the reachability flag
  gc_shape_t *pshape = SHAPE(*ppshape);

  // calculate the length of the candidate object in bytes
  size_t n = get_count((void*)head) * pshape->count * pshape->amt;

  // if our pointer is greater than or equal to the "one past the end"
  // pointer of the object, it is not a pointer interior to that object
  // but a foreign pointer and must be ignored
  if(cand >= (Word_t)(void*)((unsigned char*)(void*)head+n)) return; // not interior
    fprintf(stderr,"[gc] MARKING object %p, shape %p, type=%s\n",(void*)head,pshape,pshape->cname);

  // otherwise we have an iterior or head pointer to the object
  // so set the reachable flag in the judy shape array
  *ppshape = (*ppshape & ~(uintptr_t)1) | reachable;

  // Now we have to look for pointers contained in the object
  // The first branch here is not used at the moment,
  // and is a hard coded way to do a conservative scan on the object

  if(memdata.pshape->flags & gc_flags_conservative)
    size_t n_used = get_used((void*)memdata.head) * memdata.pshape->count;
    // end of object, rounded down to size of a void*
    void **end = (void**)(
      (unsigned char*)(void*)memdata.head +
      n_used * memdata.nbytes / sizeof(void*) * sizeof(void*)
    for ( void **i = (void**)memdata.head; i != end; i = i+1)
      //  fprintf(stderr, "Check if *%p=%p is a pointer\n",i,*(void**)i);
      if(reclimit==0) {

          fprintf(tracefile,"IT: %p\n",*i);
        scan_object(*i,reclimit -1);

  // This is the normal processing.
    // Calculate the dynamic count of used elements in the object.
    // All Felix objects are varrays which have an allocated and used
    // element count. The RTTI object always describes one element.
    size_t dyncount = get_used((void*)memdata.head);

    // if don't have a scanner for the object it is atomic,
    // that is it contains no pointers.
    // Otherwise call the scanner.
    if(memdata.pshape->scanner) {
      void *r = memdata.pshape->scanner(this, memdata.pshape,memdata.head,dyncount,reclimit);
      // If the scanner returns a non-zero value it is the sole pointer
      // in the object. So reset our argument and jump to the start of
      // this routine: self-tail-recursion optimisation.
      if (r) { p = r; goto again; }
      // Otherwise the scanner has registered the pointers it found that
      // need further examination. We do not do that examination here
      // recursively, or inside the scanner, because it might blow the stack.
      // Instead we just return, so a flat iteration loop can grab things
      // out of the registered pointer buffer and drive the process
      // with a flat loop.

size_t flx_collector_t::impl_collect()
  // but world_stop() is bugged!!
  // This is a temporary fix.
  if (thread_control == NULL || thread_control->world_stop())
    //  fprintf(stderr,"[gc] Collecting, thread %lx\n", (size_t)flx::pthread::get_current_native_thread());
    pthread::memory_ranges_t * mr = thread_control? thread_control -> get_block_list() : NULL;
    delete mr;
    size_t collected = sweep();
    if(thread_control) thread_control->world_start();
    //  fprintf(stderr,"[gc] FINISHED collect, thread %lx\n", (size_t)flx::pthread::get_current_native_thread());
    return collected;
  else {
      fprintf(stderr,"[gc] RACE: someone else is collecting, just yield\n");
    return 0ul;

void flx_collector_t::impl_free_all_mem()
  //fprintf(stderr,"impl_free_all_mem -- freeing roots\n");
  root_count = 0;
  //fprintf(stderr,"freeing all heap with sweep()\n");

   if(tracefile) {
     fprintf(stderr,"Closed FLX_TRACE_GC file\n");

  //THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS! What if don't want to collect
  //the garbage for efficiency reasons???
  // ELIDED .. already caused a bug!

}}} // end namespaces

+ 2 Garbage Collector Interface


  Generic garbage collector interface.
  This class provides a generic interface to the GC,
  that is, one that is independent of the GC representation.
  open class Gc
    fun _collect: unit -> size = "ptf-> gcp->actually_collect()"
      requires property "needs_gc";
    Invoke the garbage collector.
    proc collect() { 
      if Env::getenv "FLX_REPORT_COLLECTIONS" != "" do 
        eprintln "[Gc::collect] Program requests collection"; 
        var collected = _collect();
        eprintln$ "[Gc::collect] Collector collected " + collected.str + " objects";
    Get the total number of bytes currently allocated.
    fun gc_get_allocation_amt : unit -> size= "ptf-> gcp->collector->get_allocation_amt()"
      requires property "needs_gc";
    Get the total number of objects currently allocated.
    fun gc_get_allocation_count : unit -> size = "ptf-> gcp->collector->get_allocation_count()"
      requires property "needs_gc";
    Get the total number of roots.
    fun gc_get_root_count : unit -> size = "ptf-> gcp->collector->get_root_count()"
      requires property "needs_gc";
    proc add_root: address  = "ptf-> gcp->collector->add_root ($1);"
      requires property "needs_gc";
    proc remove_root: address  = "ptf-> gcp->collector->remove_root ($1);"
      requires property "needs_gc";

+ 3 Rtti introspection


  class Rtti {
    The type of the collector.
    type collector_t = "::flx::gc::generic::collector_t*";
    The type of an RTTI record.
    type gc_shape_t = "::flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t*";
    fun ==: gc_shape_t * gc_shape_t -> bool = "$1==$2";
    fun isNULL: gc_shape_t -> bool = "$1==0";
    typedef gc_shape_flags_t = uint;
      val gc_flags_default = 0;
      val gc_flags_immobile = 1;
      val gc_flags_persistent = 2;
      val gc_flags_conservative = 4;
    The type of a finalisation function.
    typedef gc_finaliser_t = collector_t * address --> void;
    typedef gc_encoder_t = address --> string;
    typedef gc_decoder_t = address * +char * size --> size;
    type fcops_t = "ValueType*";
    fun get_fcops : gc_shape_t -> fcops_t = "$1->fcops";
    fun isNULL: fcops_t -> bool = "$1==0";
    fun object_size: fcops_t -> size = "$1->object_size()";
    fun object_alignment: fcops_t -> size = "$1->object_alignment()";
    proc dflt_init : fcops_t * address = "$1->dflt_init($2);";
    proc destroy : fcops_t * address = "$1->destroy($2);";
    proc copy_init : fcops_t * address * address  = "$1->copy_init($2,$3);";
    proc move_init : fcops_t * address * address  = "$1->move_init($2,$3);";
    proc copy_assign: fcops_t * address * address  = "$1->copy_assign($2,$3);";
    proc move_assign: fcops_t * address * address  = "$1->move_assign($2,$3);";
    The C++ name of the Felix type.
    fun cname: gc_shape_t -> +char = "$1->cname";
    The static number of elements in an array type.
    Note this is not the size of a varray!
    fun number_of_elements: gc_shape_t -> size = "$1->count";
    Number of bytes in one element.
    fun bytes_per_element: gc_shape_t -> size = "$1->amt";
    The finaliser function.
    fun finaliser: gc_shape_t -> gc_finaliser_t  = "$1->finaliser";
    The encoder function.
    fun encoder : gc_shape_t -> gc_encoder_t = "$1->encoder";
    The decoder function.
    fun decoder: gc_shape_t -> gc_decoder_t = "$1->decoder";
    Check for offset data
    fun uses_offset_table : gc_shape_t -> bool = "$1->scanner == ::flx::gc::generic::scan_by_offsets";
    type offset_entry_t = "::flx::gc::generic::offset_entry_t";
    fun offset: offset_entry_t -> size = "$1.offset";
    fun pshape: offset_entry_t -> gc_shape_t = "$1.descriptor"; // could be NULL
    fun is_primitive: offset_entry_t -> bool = "$1.descriptor == nullptr";
    The number of pointers in the base type.
    If the type is an array that's the element type.
    fun _unsafe_n_offsets: gc_shape_t -> size = "((::flx::gc::generic::offset_data_t const *)($1->private_data))->n_offsets";
    fun n_offsets (shape: gc_shape_t) : size => 
      if uses_offset_table shape then _unsafe_n_offsets shape else 0uz
    Pointer to the offset table.
    fun _unsafe_offsets: gc_shape_t -> +offset_entry_t = 
        "const_cast< ::flx::gc::generic::offset_entry_t*>(((::flx::gc::generic::offset_data_t const *)($1->private_data))->offsets)";
    fun offsets (shape: gc_shape_t) : +offset_entry_t => 
      // some types have no offset array because they have no pointers,
      // some types have no offset array because we don't know them
      // these should be DISTIUNGUISHED but this code is a hack
      // in fact the scanner, ONLY, knows the type of the private data
      // the serialiser is using it too, so this is a design fault
      if uses_offset_table shape then _unsafe_offsets shape else C_hack::cast[+offset_entry_t] 0 
    fun flags: gc_shape_t -> gc_shape_flags_t = "$1->flags";
    Global head of the compiled shape list.
    This is actually the first type, since they're linked together.
    fun shape_list_head : unit -> gc_shape_t = "ptf-> shape_list_head";
    C++ type_info for the type.
    type type_info = "::std::type_info" requires header "#include <typeinfo>";
    C++ source name of the type.
    fun name : type_info -> string = "::std::string($1.name())";
    C++ Type_info of a type.
    const typeid[T]: type_info = "typeid(?1)";
    // Only sure to work for gcc.
    private proc _gxx_demangle: string * &string = """{
      int status;
      char *tmp=abi::__cxa_demangle($1.c_str(), 0,0, &status);
      string s= string(tmp);
      *$2= s;
    """ requires header "#include <cxxabi.h>";
    For gcc only, the C++ name a mangled name represents.
    fun gxx_demangle(s:string) :string = 
      var r: string;
      _gxx_demangle(s, &r);
      return r;

+ 4 Low level Garbage Collector Access


  class Collector
    open Rtti;
    struct pointer_data_t
       pointer: address;
       head: address;
       max_elements: size;  // dynamic slots
       used_elements: size; // dynamic slots used
    private type raw_pointer_data_t = "::flx::gc::generic::pointer_data_t" ;
    private fun get_raw_pointer_data: address -> raw_pointer_data_t = 
      "ptf-> gcp->collector->get_pointer_data($1)"
      requires property "needs_gc"
    fun get_pointer_data (p:address) => C_hack::reinterpret[pointer_data_t](get_raw_pointer_data p);
    fun is_felix_pointer (pd: pointer_data_t) => not (isNULL pd.head);
    fun is_head_pointer (pd: pointer_data_t) => pd.pointer == pd.head; 
    fun repeat_count (pd: pointer_data_t) => pd.used_elements *  pd.shape.number_of_elements;
    fun allocated_bytes (pd: pointer_data_t) => pd.max_elements * 
      pd.shape.number_of_elements * pd.shape.bytes_per_element
    Diagnostic routine, dump pointer data and
    computed values.
    proc print_pointer_data (pd: pointer_data_t)
      println$ "Candidate pointer = " + pd.pointer.str;
      println$ "Valid=" + pd.Collector::is_felix_pointer.str;
      if pd.Collector::is_felix_pointer do
        println$ "Is head=" + pd.Collector::is_head_pointer.str;
        var shape = pd.shape;
        println$ "Element type =  " + shape.cname.string;
        println$ "Pod[has no finaliser] = " + shape.finaliser.address.isNULL.str;
        var bpe = shape.bytes_per_element;
        println$ "Bytes per element = " + bpe.str;
        println$ "Static array length = " + shape.number_of_elements.str;
        println$ "Dynamic array length = " + pd.used_elements.str; 
        println$ "Max dynamic array length = " + pd.max_elements.str; 
        var nelts = pd.used_elements * shape.number_of_elements;
        println$ "Aggregate number of used elements " + nelts.str;
        println$ "Store to serialise: " + (nelts * bpe) . str;
    Diagnostic routine, print info about a pointer.
    proc print_pointer_data (p:address) 
      var pd = Collector::get_pointer_data p;
      print_pointer_data (pd);
    proc print_pointer_data[T] (p:&T) => print_pointer_data (C_hack::cast[address] p);
    proc print_pointer_data[T] (p:cptr[T]) => print_pointer_data (C_hack::cast[address] p);
    proc print_pointer_data[T] (p:+T) => print_pointer_data (C_hack::cast[address] p);

+ 5 Bootstrap Build System


import fbuild
from fbuild.functools import call
from fbuild.path import Path
from fbuild.record import Record
from fbuild.builders.file import copy

import buildsystem

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def build_runtime(phase):
    path = Path(phase.ctx.buildroot/'share'/'src/gc')
    dst = 'host/lib/rtl/flx_gc'
    srcs = Path.glob(path / '*.cpp')
    includes = [
        phase.ctx.buildroot / 'host/lib/rtl',
        phase.ctx.buildroot / 'share/lib/rtl',
    macros = ['BUILD_FLX_GC']
    libs = [
        call('buildsystem.judy.build_runtime', phase),
        call('buildsystem.flx_exceptions.build_runtime', phase),

    return Record(
        static=buildsystem.build_cxx_static_lib(phase, dst, srcs,
            libs=[lib.static for lib in libs]),
        shared=buildsystem.build_cxx_shared_lib(phase, dst, srcs,
            libs=[lib.shared for lib in libs]))

+ 6 Configuration Database Records


Name: flx_gc
Platform: Unix 
Description: Felix default garbage collector (Unix)
provides_dlib: -lflx_gc_dynamic
provides_slib: -lflx_gc_static
includes: '"flx_gc.hpp"'
library: flx_gc
macros: BUILD_FLX_GC
Requires: judy flx_exceptions pthread
srcdir: src/gc
src: .*\.cpp


Name: flx_gc
Platform: Windows
Description: Felix default garbage collector (Windows)
provides_dlib: /DEFAULTLIB:flx_gc_dynamic
provides_slib: /DEFAULTLIB:flx_gc_static
includes: '"flx_gc.hpp"'
Requires: judy
library: flx_gc
macros: BUILD_FLX_GC
Requires: judy flx_exceptions pthread
srcdir: src/gc
src: .*\.cpp


#ifndef __FLX_GC_CONFIG_H__
#define __FLX_GC_CONFIG_H__
#include "flx_rtl_config.hpp"