
+ 1 Type Grammar


  syntax types {
    requires expressions;
    // kind language: products and arrows and simple names only
    skindexpr := k[sarrow_pri] =># "_1";
    k[sarrow_pri] := k[>sarrow_pri] "->" k[sarrow_pri] =># "`(knd_arrow (,_1 ,_3))";
    k[sproduct_pri] := k[>sproduct_pri] ("*" k[>sproduct_pri])+ =># "(chain 'knd_tuple _1 _2)" note "mul";
    k[satomic_pri] := katom =># "_1";
    k[satomic_pri] := "(" skindexpr ")"  =># "_2";
    katom := sname =># "`(knd_name ,_1)";
    skindexpr_comma_list = list::commalist1<skindexpr>;
    stype := t[slambda_pri] =># "_1";
    stypeexpr := t[>sor_condition_pri] =># "_1";
    stypeexpr_comma_list = list::commalist1<stypeexpr>;
    Anonymous type function (lamda).
    t[slambda_pri] := "fun" stypefun_args ":" skindexpr "=>" stype =>#
      `(typ_typefun ,_sr ,_2 ,_4 ,_6)
    t[sas_expr_pri] := t[sas_expr_pri] "as" sname =># '`(typ_as ,_sr (,_1 ,_3 (knd_name "TYPE")))';
    t[sas_expr_pri] := t[sas_expr_pri] "as" sname ":" skindexpr =># "`(typ_as ,_sr (,_1 ,_3 ,_5))";
    t[stuple_pri] := stypeexpr ("," stypeexpr )+ =># "(chain 'typ_type_tuple _1 _2)";
    // these for type operations on static_bool, they're NOT type combinators
    t[simplies_condition_pri] := t[simplies_condition_pri] "implies" t[>simplies_condition_pri] =># "`(typ_implies ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[sor_condition_pri] := t[sor_condition_pri] "or" t[>sor_condition_pri] =># "`(typ_or ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[sand_condition_pri] := t[sand_condition_pri]  "and" t[>sand_condition_pri] =># "`(typ_and ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[snot_condition_pri] := "not" t[snot_condition_pri]  =># "`(typ_not ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[satomic_pri] := "true"  =># "`(typ_true,_sr)";
    t[satomic_pri] := "false"  =># "`(typ_false ,_sr)";
    // this is the type intersection combinator
    t[sproduct_pri] := t[sproduct_pri]  "/\" t[>sproduct_pri] =># '`(typ_intersect ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)';
    t[ssum_pri] := t[ssum_pri]  "\/" t[>ssum_pri] =># '`(typ_union ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)';
    Ellipsis (for binding C varags functions).
    t[satomic_pri] := "..." =># "`(typ_ellipsis ,_sr)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[ssum_pri] "`+" t[>ssum_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[ssum_pri] "`-" t[>ssum_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[ssum_pri] "`*" t[>ssum_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[ssum_pri] "`/" t[>ssum_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[ssum_pri] "`%" t[>ssum_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[>scomparison_pri] "`==" t[>scomparison_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[>scomparison_pri] "`<" t[>scomparison_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssum_pri] := t[>scomparison_pri] "`>" t[>scomparison_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[scomparison_pri]:= t[>scomparison_pri] cmp t[>scomparison_pri] =># 
     "(tbinop _2 _1 _3))";
    // right arrows: RIGHT ASSOCIATIVE!
    Function type, right associative.
    t[sarrow_pri] := t[>sarrow_pri] "->" t[sarrow_pri] =># "`(typ_arrow (,_1 ,_3))";
    t[sarrow_pri] := t[>sarrow_pri] "->" "[" stype "]" t[sarrow_pri] =># "`(typ_effector (,_1 ,_4 ,_6))";
    t[sarrow_pri] := t[>sarrow_pri] "->." t[sarrow_pri] =># "`(typ_lineararrow (,_1 ,_3))";
    t[sarrow_pri] := t[>sarrow_pri] "->." "[" stype "]" t[sarrow_pri] =># "`(typ_lineareffector (,_1 ,_4 ,_6))";
    C function type, right associative.
    t[sarrow_pri] := t[>sarrow_pri] "-->" t[sarrow_pri] =># "`(typ_longarrow (,_1 ,_3))";
    Addition: left non-associative.
    t[ssum_pri] := t[>ssum_pri] ("+" t[>ssum_pri])+ =># "(chain 'typ_sum _1 _2)" note "add";
    t[scompactsum_pri] := t[>scompactsum_pri] ("\+" t[>scompactsum_pri])+ =># "(chain 'typ_compactsum _1 _2)" note "add";
    multiplication: non-associative.
    t[sproduct_pri] := t[>sproduct_pri] ("*" t[>sproduct_pri])+ =># "(chain 'typ_tuple _1 _2)" note "mul";
    t[scompactproduct_pri] := t[>scompactproduct_pri] ("\*" t[>scompactproduct_pri])+ =># "(chain 'typ_compacttuple _1 _2)" note "mul";
    // questionable precedences here!
    t[sproduct_pri] := t[>sproduct_pri] "*+" t[sproduct_pri] =># "`(typ_rptsum ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[sproduct_pri] := t[>sproduct_pri] "\*+" t[sproduct_pri] =># "`(typ_compactrptsum ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "~" t[sprefixed_pri] =># "`(typ_dual ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "!" t[sprefixed_pri] =># "(tPrefix)";
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "+" t[sprefixed_pri] =># "(tprefix 'tprefix_plus)";
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "-" t[sprefixed_pri] =># "(tprefix 'tneg)";
    Fortran power.
    t[spower_pri] := t[ssuperscript_pri] "**" t[sprefixed_pri] =># "`(typ_tuple_cons ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[spower_pri] := t[ssuperscript_pri] "<**>" t[sprefixed_pri] =># "(typ_tuple_snoc ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    Superscript, exponential.
    t[ssuperscript_pri] := t[ssuperscript_pri] "^" t[srefr_pri] =># "`(typ_array ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[ssuperscript_pri] := t[ssuperscript_pri] "\^" t[srefr_pri] =># "`(typ_compactarray ,_1 ,_3)";
    t[ssuperscript_pri] := t[ssuperscript_pri] "\circ" t[>ssuperscript_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[ssuperscript_pri] := t[ssuperscript_pri] "\cdot" t[>ssuperscript_pri] =># "(tInfix)";
    t[sapplication_pri] := t[sapplication_pri] t[>sapplication_pri] =># 
      "`(typ_apply ,_sr (,_1 ,_2))" note "apply";
    // -----------------
    // typesets
    // -----------------
      tset_lambda_pri <
      tset_union_pri <
      tset_intersection_pri <
      tset_application_pri <
    stmt := "typeset" sdeclname "=" stypeset ";" =>#
      `(ast_type_alias ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    t[slambda_pri] := tys[tset_lambda_pri] =># '_1';
    stypeset = tys[tset_lambda_pri];
    tys[tset_atomic_pri] := squalified_name =># "_1"; 
    tys[tset_atomic_pri] := "(" t[slambda_pri] ")"  =># "_2"; 
    tys[tset_application_pri] := t[sapplication_pri] t[>sapplication_pri]  =># 
      "`(typ_apply ,_sr (,_1 ,_2))" note "apply";
    //t[sapplication_pri] := "typesetof" "(" list::commalist1<stypeexpr> ")" =># "`(typ_typeset ,_sr ,_3)"; 
    tys[tset_atomic_pri] := "{" list::commalist1<stypeexpr> "}" =># 
      "`(typ_typeset ,_sr ,_2)"; 
    tys[tset_union_pri] := tys[tset_union_pri] "\cup" tys[>tset_union_pri] =># 
      "`(typ_typesetunion ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    tys[tset_intersection_pri] := tys[tset_intersection_pri] "\cap" tys[>tset_intersection_pri] =># 
      "`(typ_typesetintersection ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    // -----------------
    t[sfactor_pri] := t[sfactor_pri] "." t[>sfactor_pri] =># "`(typ_apply ,_sr (,_3 ,_1))";
    t[sthename_pri] := "typeof" "(" sexpr ")" =># "`(typ_typeof ,_sr ,_3)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "_typeop" "(" sstring "," stypeexpr "," skindexpr ")" =>#
      "`(typ_typeop ,_sr ,_3 ,_5 ,_7)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "&" t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_ref ,_sr ,_2)";
    Felix pointer type and address of operator.
    t[sthename_pri] := "_uniq"       t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_uniq ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "_borrowed"   t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_borrowed ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "_rref"       t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_rref ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "_vref"       t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_vref ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "&<<"         t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_vref ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "&<"          t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_rref ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "_wref"       t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_wref ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "&>"          t[sthename_pri] =># "`(typ_wref ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "@"           t[sthename_pri] =># "(tPrefix)";
    t[sthename_pri] := squalified_name =># "_1";
    t[sthename_pri] := tfuncref =># "_1";
    t[sthename_pri] := "?" sname =># "`(typ_patvar ,_sr ,_2)";
    t[sthename_pri] := "#?" sinteger =># "`(PARSER_ARGUMENT ,_2)";
    Match anything without naming the subexpression.
    tatom := "_" =># "`(typ_patany ,_sr)";
    t[satomic_pri] := tatom =># "_1";
    Record type.
    tatom := "(" srecord_mem_decl ("," srecord_mem_decl2)*  ")" =># 
     "`(ast_record_type ,(cons _2 (map second _3)))";
      srecord_mem_decl := sname ":" stypeexpr =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
      srecord_mem_decl := ":" stypeexpr =># '`("" ,_2)';
      srecord_mem_decl2 := sname ":" stypeexpr =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
      srecord_mem_decl2 := ":" stypeexpr =># '`("" ,_2)';
      srecord_mem_decl2 := stypeexpr =># '`("" ,_1)';
    polyRecord type.
    tatom := "(" srecord_mem_decl ("," srecord_mem_decl2)*  "|" srecord_mem_decl2 ")" =># 
     "`(ast_polyrecord_type ,(cons _2 (map second _3)) ,_5)";
    // INCONSISTENT GRAMMAR (no separator between items??
    Variant type.
    tatom := "(" stype_variant_items ")" =># "`(ast_variant_type ,_2)";
      stype_variant_item := "case" sname "of" stypeexpr =># "`(ctor ,_2 ,_4)";
      stype_variant_item := "case" sname =># "`(ctor ,_2 ,(noi 'unit))";
      stype_variant_item := "`" sname "of" stypeexpr =># "`(ctor ,_2 ,_4)";
      stype_variant_item := "`" sname =># "`(ctor ,_2 ,(noi 'unit))";
      stype_variant_item_bar := "|" stype_variant_item =># "_2";
      stype_variant_item_bar := "|" stypeexpr =># "`(base ,_2)";
      stype_variant_items := stypeexpr stype_variant_item_bar+ =># "(cons `(base ,_1) _2)";
      stype_variant_items := stype_variant_item stype_variant_item_bar* =># "(cons _1 _2)";
      stype_variant_items := stype_variant_item_bar+ =># "_1";
    // can't use typeexpr here because trailing ">" is a comparison operator ..
    tatom := "_pclt<" t[>scomparison_pri] "," t[>scomparison_pri] ">" =># "`(typ_pclt ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)" ;
    tatom := "_rpclt<" t[>scomparison_pri] "," t[>scomparison_pri] ">" =># "`(typ_rpclt ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)" ;
    tatom := "_wpclt<" t[>scomparison_pri] "," t[>scomparison_pri] ">" =># "`(typ_wpclt ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)" ;
    scalar literals (numbers, strings).
    tatom := sliteral =># "_1";
    tatom := "(" ")" =># "`(typ_type_tuple ,_sr ())";
    tatom := "(" stype ")" =># "_2";
    tatom := "extend" stypeexpr_comma_list "with" stypeexpr "end" =># """
      `(typ_type_extension ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)
    tatom := stypematch =># '_1';
    stypematch := "typematch" stype "with" stype_matching+ "endmatch" =>#
      "`(ast_type_match ,_sr (,_2 ,_4))";
    stypematch := "subtypematch" stype "with" stype_matching+ "endmatch" =>#
      "`(ast_subtype_match ,_sr (,_2 ,_4))";
    stype_matching := "|" stype "=>" stype =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";

+ 1.1 Expressions.

See also other packages containing extensions.


  syntax expressions {
      let_pri < 
      slambda_pri <
      spipe_apply_pri <
      sdollar_apply_pri < 
      // TUPLES
      stuple_cons_pri <
      stuple_pri <
      scompacttuple_pri <
      // LOGIC
      simplies_condition_pri <
      sor_condition_pri <
      sand_condition_pri <
      snot_condition_pri <
      // TEX LOGIC
      stex_implies_condition_pri <
      stex_or_condition_pri <
      stex_and_condition_pri <
      stex_not_condition_pri <
      scomparison_pri <
      sas_expr_pri <
      ssetunion_pri <
      ssetintersection_pri <
      sarrow_pri <
      scase_literal_pri <
      sbor_pri <
      sbxor_pri <
      sband_pri <
      sshift_pri <
      ssum_pri <
      scompactsum_pri <
      ssubtraction_pri <
      sproduct_pri <
      scompactproduct_pri <
      s_term_pri <        // division 
      // STUFF
      sprefixed_pri <
      spower_pri <
      ssuperscript_pri <
      srefr_pri <
      scoercion_pri <
      sapplication_pri <
      sfactor_pri <
      srcompose_pri <
      sthename_pri <
      types, setexpr, cmpexpr, pordcmpexpr, tordcmpexpr, 
      addexpr, mulexpr, divexpr,
      spipeexpr, boolexpr, stringexpr, listexpr, tupleexpr
    sexpr := x[let_pri] =># "_1";
    Let binding.
    x[let_pri] := "let" spattern "=" x[let_pri] "in" x[let_pri] =># "`(ast_letin ,_sr (,_2 ,_4 ,_6))";
    Let fun binding.
    x[let_pri] := "let" "fun" sdeclname sfun_arg* fun_return_type "=>" x[let_pri] "in" x[let_pri] =># 
          (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7)))
          (fun_decl `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 ,(first _5) ,(second _5) Function () ,body))
          (final_return `(ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_9))
        (block_expr `(,fun_decl ,final_return))
    // FIXME
    x[let_pri] := "let" "fun" sdeclname fun_return_type "=" smatching+ "in" x[let_pri] =>#
          (ixname _3)
          (name (first ixname))
          (tvars (second ixname))
          (t (first (first _4)))
          (traint (second (first _4)))
          (matching _6)
          (expr _8)
        (if (eq? 'typ_arrow (first t))
              (argt (caadr t))
              (ret (cadadr t))
              (params `((((,_sr PVal _a ,argt none)) none))) ;; parameters
              (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr (ast_match ,_sr (,(noi '_a) ,matching)))))
              (fun_decl `(ast_curry ,_sr ,name ,tvars ,params
                 (,ret ,traint)
                 Function () ,body)
              (final_return `(ast_fun_return ,_sr ,expr))
            (block_expr `(,fun_decl ,final_return))
    Unterminated match
    x[let_pri] := "let" pattern_match =># "_2"; 
    // below gets confused with statement expression .. :-)
    satom :=  "(" "var" sname "=" sexpr ")" =># "`(ast_as_var ,_sr (,_5 ,_3))";
    satom :=  "(" "val" sname "=" sexpr ")" =># "`(ast_as ,_sr (,_5 ,_3))";
    Conditional expression.
    x[let_pri] := sconditional =># '_1';
    Pattern matching.
    x[let_pri] := pattern_match =># '_1';
    Low precedence right associative application.
    x[sdollar_apply_pri] := x[>sdollar_apply_pri] "$" x[sdollar_apply_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_1 ,_3))";
    Low precedence left associative reverse application.
    x[spipe_apply_pri] := x[spipe_apply_pri] "|>" x[>spipe_apply_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_3 ,_1))";
    Haskell-ish style infix notation of functions   foo(x,y) => x `(foo) y
    x[stuple_pri]  := x[stuple_pri] "`(" sexpr ")" sexpr =># 
      "(binop _3 _1 _5)";
    Named temporary value.
    x[sas_expr_pri] := x[sas_expr_pri] "as" sname =># "`(ast_as ,_sr (,_1 ,_3))";
    Named variable.
    x[sas_expr_pri] := x[sas_expr_pri] "as" "var" sname =># "`(ast_as_var ,_sr (,_1 ,_4))";
    x[sarrow_pri] := x[>sarrow_pri] ".." x[>sarrow_pri] =># "(infix 'Slice_range_incl)";
    x[sarrow_pri] := x[>sarrow_pri] "..<" x[>sarrow_pri] =># "(infix 'Slice_range_excl)";
    x[sarrow_pri] := "..<" x[>sarrow_pri] =># "(prefix 'Slice_to_excl)";
    x[sarrow_pri] := ".." x[>sarrow_pri] =># "(prefix 'Slice_to_incl)";
    x[sarrow_pri] := x[>sarrow_pri] ".." =># "(suffix 'Slice_from)";
    x[sarrow_pri] := ".." =># """`(ast_name ,_sr "Slice_all" () )""";
    x[sarrow_pri] := "..[" stypeexpr "]" =># """`(ast_type_slice ,_sr ,_2 )""";
    x[sarrow_pri] := x[>sarrow_pri] ".+" x[>sarrow_pri] =># "(infix 'Slice_from_counted)";
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "case" sinteger =># "`(ast_case_tag ,_sr ,_2))";
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "`" sinteger =># "`(ast_case_tag ,_sr ,_2))";
    Case value.
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "case" sinteger "of" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_unitsum_literal  ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "`" sinteger "of" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_unitsum_literal ,_sr  ,_2 ,_4)";
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "`" sinteger ":" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_unitsum_literal ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    Tuple projection function.
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "proj" sinteger "of" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_projection ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "aproj" sexpr "of" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_array_projection ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "ident" "of" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_identity_function ,_sr ,_3)";
    // coarray injection
    // (ainj (r:>>4) of (4 *+ int)) 42
    x[scase_literal_pri] := "ainj" sexpr "of" t[ssum_pri] =># "`(ast_ainj ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    spv_name := "case" sname =># "_2";
    spv_name := "`" sname =># "_2";
    Variant value.
    x[sthename_pri] := "#" spv_name =># "`(ast_variant (,_2 ()))";
    x[sapplication_pri] := spv_name  x[>sapplication_pri] =># "`(ast_variant (,_1 ,_2))";
    multiplication: right associative
    x[sproduct_pri] := x[>sproduct_pri] "\otimes" x[sproduct_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    x[sproduct_pri] := x[sproduct_pri]  ("/\" x[>sproduct_pri])+ =># "(chain 'ast_intersect _1 _2)";
    // repeated sum type, eg 4 *+ int == int + int + int + int
    // right associative:  2 *+ 3 *+ int is approx 6 *+ int
    //x[sproduct_pri] := x[>sproduct_pri] "*+" x[sproduct_pri] =># "`(ast_rptsum_type ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    Prefix exclaim.
    x[sprefixed_pri] := "!" x[sprefixed_pri] =># "(Prefix)";
    Prefix plus.
    x[sprefixed_pri] := "+" x[sprefixed_pri] =># "(prefix 'prefix_plus)";
    Prefix negation.
    x[sprefixed_pri] := "-" x[sprefixed_pri] =># "(prefix 'neg)";
    Prefix complement.
    x[sprefixed_pri] := "~" x[sprefixed_pri] =># "(Prefix)";
    Fortran power.
    x[spower_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "**" x[sprefixed_pri] =># "(infix 'pow)";
    x[spower_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "<**>" x[sprefixed_pri] =># "(infix 'tuple_snoc)";
    Superscript, exponential.
    x[ssuperscript_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "^" x[srefr_pri] =># "`(ast_superscript (,_1 ,_3))";
    x[ssuperscript_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "\circ" x[>ssuperscript_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    x[ssuperscript_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "\cdot" x[>ssuperscript_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    C dereference.
    x[srefr_pri] := "*" x[srefr_pri] =># "(prefix 'deref)";
    Deref primitive.
    x[srefr_pri] := "_deref" x[srefr_pri] =># "`(ast_deref ,_sr ,_2)";
    Operator new.
    x[srefr_pri] := "new" x[srefr_pri] =># "`(ast_new ,_sr ,_2)";
    Operator whitespace: application.
    x[sapplication_pri] := x[sapplication_pri] x[>sapplication_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_1 ,_2))" note "apply";
    Variant index.
    x[sapplication_pri] := "caseno" x[>sapplication_pri] =># "`(ast_case_index ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sapplication_pri] := "casearg" x[>sapplication_pri] =># "`(ast_rptsum_arg ,_sr ,_2)";
    Optimisation hint: likely.
    Use in conditionals, e.g. if likely(x) do ...
    x[sapplication_pri] := "likely" x[>sapplication_pri] =># "`(ast_likely ,_sr ,_2)";
    Optimisation hint: unlikely.
    Use in conditionals, e.g. if unlikely(x) do ...
    x[sapplication_pri] := "unlikely" x[>sapplication_pri] =># "`(ast_unlikely ,_sr ,_2)";
    Suffixed coercion.
    x[slambda_pri] := x[>slambda_pri] ":>>" stypeexpr =># "`(ast_coercion ,_sr (,_1 ,_3))";
    x[sfactor_pri] := ssuffixed_name =># "_1";
    Reverse application.
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "." x[>sfactor_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_3 ,_1))";
    Reverse application with dereference.
    a *. b same as (*a) . b, like C  a -> b.
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "*." x[>sfactor_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_3 (ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'deref) ,_1))))"
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "->" x[>sfactor_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_3 (ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'deref) ,_1))))"
    a &. b is similar to &a . b for an array, but can be overloaded
    for abstract arrays: like a + b in C. Returns pointer.
    // x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "&." sthe_name =># "(Infix)";
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "&." x[>sfactor_pri] =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_3 (ast_ref ,_sr ,_1)))";
    Reverse composition
    x[srcompose_pri] := x[srcompose_pri] "\odot" x[>srcompose_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    High precedence unit application. #f = f ().
    x[sthename_pri] := "#" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_2 (ast_tuple ,_sr ())))";
    Felix pointer type and address of operator.
    x[sthename_pri] := "&" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_ref ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := "_rref" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_rref ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := "_vref" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_vref ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := "_wref" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_wref ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := "&<<" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_vref ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := "&<" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_rref ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := "&>" x[sthename_pri] =># "`(ast_wref ,_sr ,_2)";
    Felix address of operator.
    x[sthename_pri] := "label_address" sname =># "`(ast_label_ref ,_sr ,_2)";
    macro expansion freezer.
    x[sthename_pri] := "noexpand" squalified_name =># "`(ast_noexpand ,_sr ,_2)";
    pattern variable.
    x[sthename_pri] := "?" sname =># "`(ast_patvar ,_sr ,_2)";
    Template replacement index.
    x[sthename_pri] := "#?" sinteger =># "`(PARSER_ARGUMENT ,_2)";
    x[sthename_pri] := squalified_name =># "_1";
    Qualified name.
    sreally_qualified_name := squalified_name "::" ssimple_name_parts =>#
      "`(ast_lookup (,_1 ,(first _3) ,(second _3)))";
    squalified_name := sreally_qualified_name =># '_1';
    squalified_name := ssimple_name_parts =>#
      "`(ast_name ,_sr ,(first _1) ,(second _1))";
    ssimple_name_parts := sname =># "`(,_1 ())";
    ssimple_name_parts := sname "[" "]" =># "`(,_1 ())";
    ssimple_name_parts := sname "[" stypeexpr_comma_list "]" =># "`(,_1 (texprs ,_3))";
    ssimple_name_parts := sname "<" skindexpr_comma_list ">" =># "`(,_1 (kexprs ,_3))";
    Suffixed name (to name functions).
    ssuffixed_name := squalified_name "of" t[sthename_pri] =>#
      "`(ast_suffix (,_1 ,_3))";
    x[satomic_pri] := satom =># "_1";
    record value (comma separated).
    satom := "(" rassign ("," rassign2 )* ")" =>#
      "`(ast_record ,_sr ,(cons _2 (map second _3)))"
      rassign := sname "=" x[sor_condition_pri] =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
      rassign := "=" x[sor_condition_pri] =># '`("" ,_2)';
      rassign2 := sname "=" x[sor_condition_pri] =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
      rassign2 := "=" x[sor_condition_pri] =># '`("" ,_2)';
      rassign2 := x[sor_condition_pri] =># '`("" ,_1)';
    polyrecord value
    record value (comma separated).
    satom := "(" rassign ("," rassign2 )* "|" sexpr ")" =>#
      "`(ast_polyrecord ,_sr ,(cons _2 (map second _3)) ,_5)"
    satom := "(" sexpr "without" sname+ ")" =>#
      "`(ast_remove_fields ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)"
    satom := "(" sexpr "getall" sname ")" =>#
      "`(ast_getall_field ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)"
    satom := "(" sexpr "with" rassign ("," rassign2 )* ")" =>#
      "`(ast_replace_fields ,_sr ,_2 ,(cons _4 (map second _5)))"
    record value, statement list.
    this variant is useful for encapsulating
    a series of var x = y; style statements.
    satom := "struct" "{" vassign+ "}" =>#
      "`(ast_record ,_sr ,_3 )"
      vassign := "var" sname "=" sexpr ";" =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    scalar literals (numbers, strings).
    satom := sliteral =># "_1";
    Wildcard pattern.
    satom := _ =># "`(ast_patany ,_sr)";
    Callback expression.
    satom := "callback" "[" sexpr "]" =># "`(ast_callback ,_sr ,_3)";
    Short form anonymous procedure closure.
    satom := scompound =># "(lazy _1)";
    Short form sequence operator.
    ( stmt; expr ) means the same as #{stmt; return expr; }
    satom := "(" stmt+ sexpr ")" =>#
          (stmts _2)
          (expr _3)
          (retexp `(ast_fun_return ,_sr ,expr))
          (nustmts (append stmts (list retexp)))
        (block_expr nustmts)
    special anonymous variable forces eager eval.
    satom := "(" "var" sexpr ")" =># 
          (name (fresh_name "asvar"))
        `(ast_as_var ,_sr (,_3 ,name))
    inline scheme
    satom := "schemelex" sstring =># "(schemelex _2)";
    satom := "schemerun" sstring =># "(schemerun _2)";
    Empty tuple (unit tuple).
    satom := "(" ")" =># "'()";
    Object extension.
    expr_comma_list := list::commalist1<x[scomparison_pri]> =># "_1";
    satom := "extend" expr_comma_list "with" sexpr "end" =># """
      `(ast_extension ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)
      setbar := "|" =># "_1";
      setbar := "\|" =># "_1";
      setbar := "\mid" =># "_1";
    setform := spattern ":" stypeexpr setbar sexpr =>#
           (argt _3)
           (ret (nos "bool"))
           (matchings `((,_1 ,_5)((pat_setform_any ,_sr)(ast_false ,_sr))))
           (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr (ast_match ,_sr (,(noi '_a) ,matchings)))))
           (param `(,_sr PVal _a ,argt none)) ;; one parameter
           (params `( Satom ,param ))            ;; parameter tuple list
           (paramsx `(,params none))     ;; parameter tuple list with precondition
           (paramsxs `(,paramsx))        ;; curry parameters 
           (method `(ast_curry ,_sr "has_elt"  ,dfltvs ,paramsxs (,ret none) Method () ,body))
           (objsts `(,method))
           (object `(ast_object ,_sr (,dfltvs ,dfltparams typ_none ,objsts))) 
        `(ast_apply ,_sr (,object (ast_tuple ,_sr ())))
    satom := "{" setform  "}" =># "_2";
    satom := "\{" setform  "\}" =># "_2";
    satom := "@(" sexpr ")" =># 
        `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "objc_box") ,_2))

+ 2 Grammar Base

+ 2.1 Assertions


  Assertion statements.
  See also functions to find pre- and post-conditions.
  syntax assertions {
    requires statements;
    stmt = assertion_stmt;
    The usual assert statement.
    Abort the program if the argument expression evaluates to false
    when control flows through the assert statement.
    Cannot be switched off!
    private assertion_stmt := "assert" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_assert ,_sr ,_2)";
    Static assert: type expression of kind BOOL required
    private assertion_stmt := "static-assert" stype ";" =># "`(ast_static_assert ,_sr ,_2)";
    Define an axiom with a general predicate.
    An axiom is a function which is true for all arguments.
    Axioms are core assertions about invariants which
    can be used to specify semantics and form the basis
    of reasoning about semantics which goes beyond
    private assertion_stmt  := "axiom" sdeclname sfun_arg ":" sexpr ";" =>#
        `(ast_axiom ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (Predicate ,_5))
    A variant of an axiom which expresses the semantic
    equality of two expressions. Do not confuse this
    with an expresion containing run time equality (==).
    Semantic equality means that one expression could be
    replaced by the other without any observable difference
    in behaviour in any program, this can be asserted even
    if the type does not provide an equality operator (==).
    private assertion_stmt  := "axiom" sdeclname sfun_arg ":" sexpr "=" sexpr ";" =>#
        `(ast_axiom ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (Equation (,_5 ,_7)))
    A lemma is a proposition which it is expected could
    be proved by a good automatic theorem prover,
    given the axioms. This is the predicate form.
    private assertion_stmt  := "lemma" sdeclname sfun_arg ":" sexpr ";" =>#
        `(ast_lemma ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (Predicate ,_5))
    A lemma is a proposition which it is expected could
    be proved by a good automatic theorem prover,
    given the axioms. This is the equational form.
    private assertion_stmt  := "lemma" sdeclname sfun_arg ":" sexpr "=" sexpr ";" =>#
        `(ast_lemma ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (Equation (,_5 ,_7)))
    A theorem is a proposition which it is expected could
    NOT be proved by a good automatic theorem prover,
    given the axioms.  In the future, we might like to
    provide a "proof sketch" which a suitable tool could
    fill in. For the present, you can give a proof as 
    plain text in a string as a hint to the reader.
      //$ This is the predicative form.
    private assertion_stmt  := "theorem" sdeclname sfun_arg ":" sexpr proof? ";" =>#
        `(ast_axiom ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (Predicate ,_5))
      proof := "proof" sstring;
    A theorem is a proposition which it is expected could
    NOT be proved by a good automatic theorem prover,
    given the axioms.  In the future, we might like to
    provide a "proof sketch" which a suitable tool could
    fill in. For the present, you can give a proof as 
    plain text in a string as a hint to the reader.
      //$ This is the equational form.
    private assertion_stmt  := "theorem" sdeclname sfun_arg ":" sexpr "=" sexpr proof? ";" =>#
        `(ast_axiom ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (Equation (,_5 ,_7)))
    A reduction is a special kind of proposition of equational
    form which also directs the compiler to actually replace
    the LHS expression with the RHS expression when found.
      //$ Reductions allow powerful high level optimisations,
    such as eliminating two successive list reversals.
      //$ The client must take great care that reductions don't
    lead to infinite loops. Confluence isn't required but
    is probably desirable.
      //$ Reductions should be used sparingly because searching
    for patterns to reduce is applied to every sub-expression
    of every expression in the whole program, repeatedly
    after any reduction is applied, and this whole process
    is done at several different places in the program,
    to try to effect the reductions. Particularly both
    before and after inlining, since that can destroy
    or create candidate patterns.
    private assertion_stmt  := "reduce" sname "|"? sreductions ";"  =>#
        `(ast_reduce ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)
       private sreduce_args := "(" stypeparameter_comma_list ")" =># "_2";
       //private sreduction := stvarlist sreduce_args ":" sexpr "=>" sexpr =># "`(,_1 ,_2 ,_4 ,_6)";
       private sreduction := stvarlist sreduce_args ":" sexpr "=>" sexpr =># "`(,_1 ,_2 ,_4 ,_6)";
       private sreductions := sreduction =># "`(,_1)";
       private sreductions := sreduction "|" sreductions =># "(cons _1 _3)";  

+ 2.2 Assignments

Defines assignment forms.


  Assignment forms.
  syntax assignment {
    requires statements, swapop;
    Assignment form.
    sassignexpr := sexpr sassignop sexpr =># "`(ast_assign ,_sr ,_2 ((Expr ,_sr ,_1) none) ,_3)";
      sassignop:= "=" =># "'_set";
    Store at pointer.
      //sassignop:= "<-" =># "'_pset";
      sassignop:= "<-" =># "'storeat"; // overloadable now
    Short form val declaration.
      sassignop:= ":=" =># "'_init";
    binary read-modify-write operators.
    sassignexpr := sexpr srmwop sexpr =># "`(ast_assign ,_sr ,_2 ((Expr ,_sr ,_1) none) ,_3)";
      srmwop:= "+=" =># "_1";
      srmwop:= "-=" =># "_1";
      srmwop:= "*=" =># "_1";
      srmwop:= "/=" =># "_1";
      C remainder.
      srmwop:= "%=" =># "_1";
      Left shift.
      srmwop:= "<<=" =># "_1";
      Right shift.
      srmwop:= ">>=" =># "_1";
      Bitwise exclusive or.
      srmwop:= "^=" =># "_1";
      Bitwise or.
      srmwop:= "|=" =># "_1";
      Bitwise and.
      srmwop:= "&=" =># "_1";
      Left shift.
      srmwop:= "<<=" =># "_1";
      Right shift.
      srmwop:= ">>=" =># "_1";
    Swap operator.
    sassignexpr := sexpr sswapop sexpr =># "`(ast_call ,_sr ,(noi _2) ((ast_ref ,_sr ,_1) (ast_ref ,_sr ,_3)))";
    Prefix read/modify/write.
    sassignexpr := spreincrop sexpr =># "`(ast_call ,_sr ,(noi _1) (ast_ref ,_sr ,_2))";
      spreincrop:= "++" =># "'pre_incr";
      spreincrop:= "--" =># "'pre_decr";
    Postfix read/modify/write.
    sassignexpr := sexpr spostincrop =># "`(ast_call ,_sr ,(noi _2) (ast_ref ,_sr ,_1))";
      spostincrop:= "++" =># "'post_incr";
      spostincrop:= "--" =># "'post_decr";
    Multiple initialisation/assignment form.
      //$ def x, (var y, val z) = 1,(2,3);
      //$ allows unpacking a tuple into a pre-existing variable,
    creating a new variable, and binding a new value,
    in a single form, with nesting.
    sassignexpr := "def" slexpr "=" sexpr =># "`(ast_assign ,_sr _set ,_2 ,_4)";
      slexpr := slexprs =># """ (if (null? (tail _1)) (first _1) `((List ,_1) none)) """;
      slexprs := stlelement "," slexprs =># "(cons _1 _3)";
      slexprs := stlelement =># "`(,_1)";
      slelement := "val" sname =># "`(Val ,_sr ,_2)";
      slelement := "var" sname =># "`(Var ,_sr ,_2)";
      slelement := sname =># "`(Name ,_sr ,_1)";
      slelement := "_" =># "`(Skip ,_sr)";
      slelement := "(" slexprs ")" =># "`(List ,_2)";
      stlelement := slelement ":" x[sfactor_pri] =># "`(,_1 (some ,_3))";
      stlelement := slelement =># "`(,_1 none)";

+ 2.3 Block forms


  syntax blocks
    stmt = block;
    block := "do" stmt* "done" =># '`(ast_seq ,_sr ,_2)';
    block := "begin" stmt* "end" =># '(block_stmts _2)';
    block := "perform" stmt =># '_2';

+ 2.4 Bracket Forms


  syntax brackets 
    Array expression (deprecated).
    satom := "[|" sexpr "|]" =># "`(ast_arrayof ,_sr ,(mkexlist _2))";
    Short form anonymous function closure.
    satom := "{" sexpr "}" =># "(lazy `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_2)))";
    satom := "(" sexpr ")" =># "_2";
    satom := "\(" sexpr "\)" =># "_2";
    satom := "\[" sexpr "\]" =># "_2";
    satom := "\{" sexpr "\}" =># "_2";
    floor and ceiling
    satom := "\lceil" sexpr "\rceil" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'ceil) (,_2)))";
    satom := "\lfloor" sexpr "\rfloor" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'floor) (,_2)))";
    absolute value
    satom := "\lvert" sexpr "\rvert" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'abs) (,_2)))";
    satom := "\left" "|" sexpr "\right" "|" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'abs) (,_3)))";
    satom := "\left" "\vert" sexpr "\right" "\vert" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'abs) (,_3)))";
    norm or length
    satom := "\lVert" sexpr "\rVert" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'len) (,_2)))";
    satom := "\left" "\Vert" sexpr "\right" "\Vert" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'len) (,_3)))";
    // mediating morphism of a product <f,g>
    satom := "\langle" sexpr "\rangle" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'lrangle) (,_2)))";
    satom := "\left" "\langle" sexpr "\right" "\rangle" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'lrangle) (,_3)))";
    // mediating morphism of a sum [f,g]
    satom := "\lbrack" sexpr "\rbrack" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'lrbrack) (,_2)))";
    satom := "\left" "\lbrack" sexpr "\right" "\rbrack" =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'lrbrack) (,_3)))";

+ 2.5 C binding technology


  Technology for binding to C.
  The forms in this DSSL are used to lift types and functions 
  from C into Felix, and, export Felix types and functions
  back into C.
  syntax cbind {
    requires expressions, statements, requirements, list;
    stmt = cbind_stmt;
    Export a Felix function into C.
    The function is exported by generating a C wrapper function
    which has external linkage and the link name
    given in the "as" phrase.
    The function must be identified by a suffixed name
    to choose between overloads. Example:
      //$ export fun myfun of (int) as "MyFun";
      private cbind_stmt := "export" "fun" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_fun ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    Export a Felix function with C type into C.
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "cfun" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_cfun ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    Export a Felix procedure into C.
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "proc" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_fun ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    Export a Felix procedure with C type into C.
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "cproc" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_cfun ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    Export a Felix struct into C.
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "struct" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_struct ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    Export a Felix union into C.
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "variant" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_union,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    Export a type into C. 
    This is done using a typedef that defines the alias
    specified in the "as" phase to be the type expression.
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "type" "(" stypeexpr ")" "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_type ,_sr ,_4 ,_7)";
    // Export python3 function
    private cbind_stmt := "export" "python" "fun" ssuffixed_name "as" sstring ";" =>#
      "`(ast_export_python_fun ,_sr ,_4 ,_6)";
    The optional precedence phase specifies
    the C++ precedence of an expression, to allow
    the Felix compiler to minimise generated parentheses.
      //$ The precedence must be one of:
      //$ atom, primary, postfix, unary, cast, pm, mult, add, shift, rel, eq, 
    band, bxor, bor, and, xor, or, cond, assign, comma
    sopt_prec := "is" sname =># "_2"; 
    sopt_prec := sepsilon =># '(quote "")';
    Define a function by a C expression.
    If the optional C string is elided, the function
    is taken to be bound to a C function of the same name.
    For example:
      //$ fun sin : double -> double;
      //$ is equivalent to
      //$ fun sin : double -> double = "sin($1)";
      private cbind_stmt := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname fun_return_type sopt_cstring sopt_prec srequires_clause ";" =>#
        (let* (
          (name (first _3))
          (vs (second _3))
          (kind (cal_funkind _1 _2))
          (t (first (first _4)))
          (traint (second (first _4)))
          (prec _6)
          (reqs (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
            `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "virtual")) ,_7)
            (if (eq? 'none _5)
              (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
                 ;; `(StrTemplate ,(string-append "(#0) ::" name "($a)"))
                 `(StrTemplate ,(string-append "(#0) " name "($a)")) ;; the :: doesn't work cause it could be a macro!
               (second _5))
        (let (
            (if (eq? 'Generator kind)
              `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "generator")) ,reqs)
        (if (eq? 'typ_arrow (first t))
          (let (
            (argt (caadr t))
            (ret (cadadr t)))
          `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr ,name ,vs ,(mktylist argt) ,ret ,ct ,reqs ,prec)
    Define a constructor function by a C expression.
    stmt := "ctor" stvarlist squalified_name ":" stypeexpr sopt_cstring sopt_prec srequires_clause ";" =>#
          (name (string-append "_ctor_" (base_of_qualified_name _3)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret _3)
          (argt _5)
            (if (eq? 'none _6)
              `(StrTemplate ,(string-append "::" (base_of_qualified_name _3) "($a)"))
              (second _6)
          (prec _7)
          (reqs _8)
        `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr ,name ,vs ,(mktylist argt) ,ret ,ct ,reqs ,prec)
    stmt := "supertype" stvarlist squalified_name ":" stypeexpr sopt_cstring sopt_prec srequires_clause ";" =>#
          (name (string-append "_supertype_" (base_of_qualified_name _3)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret _3)
          (argt _5)
            (if (eq? 'none _6)
              `(StrTemplate ,(string-append "::" (base_of_qualified_name _3) "($a)"))
              (second _6)
          (prec _7)
          (xreqs _8)
          (reqs `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Subtype_req)) ,xreqs))
        `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr ,name ,vs ,(mktylist argt) ,ret ,ct ,reqs ,prec)
    stmt := "supertype" stvarlist "&" squalified_name ":" stypeexpr sopt_cstring sopt_prec srequires_clause ";" =>#
          (name (string-append "_supertype_" (base_of_qualified_name _4)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret `(typ_ref ,_sr ,_4))
          (argt _6)
            (if (eq? 'none _7)
              `(StrTemplate ,(string-append "::" (base_of_qualified_name _4) "($a)"))
              (second _6)
          (prec _8)
          (xreqs _9)
          (reqs `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Subtype_req)) ,xreqs))
        `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr ,name ,vs ,(mktylist argt) ,ret ,ct ,reqs ,prec)
    cbind_stmt:= "virtual" "type" sname ";" =># 
      "`(ast_virtual_type ,_sr ,_3)"
    Define a type by a C type expression.
    private cbind_stmt:= stype_qual* "type" sdeclname "=" scode_spec srequires_clause ";" =>#
      `(ast_abs_decl ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_1 ,_5 ,_6)
    Define a special kind of procedure which can be used
    as a C callback.
    private cbind_stmt := "callback" "proc" sname ":" stypeexpr srequires_clause ";" =>#
      `(ast_callback_decl ,_sr ,_3 ,(mktylist _5) (ast_void ,_sr) ,_6)
    Define a special kind of function which can be used
    as a C callback.
    private cbind_stmt := "callback" "fun" sname ":" stypeexpr srequires_clause ";" =>#
      (if (eq? 'typ_arrow (first _5))
            (ft (second _5))
            (dom (first ft))
            (cod (second ft))
            (args (mktylist dom))
        `(ast_callback_decl ,_sr ,_3 ,args ,cod ,_6)
    The type qualifier incomplete is used to
    prevent allocation of values of this type.
    Pointers can still be formed.
    stype_qual := "incomplete" =># "'Incomplete";
    stype_qual := "uncopyable" =># "'Uncopyable";
    stype_qual := "regular" =># "'Regular";
    stype_qual := "semiregular" =># "'Semiregular";
    The type qualified pod is used to specify
    that a type has a trivial destructor.
    This allows the garbage collector to omit
    a call to the destructor, which is the default
    stype_qual := "pod" =># "'Pod";
    Specify a C types is a garbage collectable
    pointer type, so it will be tracked by the collector.
    stype_qual := "_gc_pointer" =># "'GC_pointer";
    Specify the shape of the type should
    be taken as the shape of the given type expression.
    This is required when the type is immobile
    and represented by a pointer.
      //$ For example, the C++ RE2 type of Google's RE2 package
    cannot be used directly as a type because it is not
    copy assignable. Instead we have to use a pointer.
      //$ Here is the way this is done:
      //$ private type RE2_ = "::re2::RE2";
    _gc_pointer _gc_type RE2_ type RE2 = "::re2::RE2*";
    gen _ctor_RE2 : string -> RE2 = "new (*ptf->gcp, @0, false) RE2($1)";
      //$ We bind the private type RE2_ to the C type RE2.
    It's private so the public cannot allocate it.
      //$ Instead we use the type RE2 which is a pointer, and thus
    copyable. because it is a pointer we have to specify
    Now, the constructor _ctor_RE2 takes a string and returns
    a Felix RE2 (C type RE2*) which is a pointer to a heap allocated 
    object of type _RE2 (C type RE2).
    The constructor does the allocation, so it must provde the
    shape of the RE2_ object, and this is what the specification
    _gc_type RE2_ does. This allows the notation @0 to refer to
    the shape of RE2_ instead of RE2 which it would normally.
    stype_qual := "_gc_type" stypeexpr =># "`(Raw_needs_shape ,_2)";
    Define a set of types as C types with the same names.
    private cbind_stmt:= stype_qual* "ctypes" snames srequires_clause ";" =>#
      "`(ast_ctypes ,_sr ,_3 ,_1 ,_4)";
    Embed a C statement into Felix code with arguments.
    private cbind_stmt:= "cstmt" scode_spec sexpr? ";" =># "`(ast_code ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)";
    Embed a C statement which does not return normally
    into Felix code. For example:
      //$ noreturn cstmt "exit(0);";
      private cbind_stmt:= "noreturn" "cstmt" scode_spec sexpr? ";" =># "`(ast_noreturn_code ,_sr ,_3 ,_4)";
    Embed a C expression into Felix.
    This required giving the Felix type of the expression. 
    The expression is contained in the string. For example:
      //$ cexpr [double] "sin(0.7)" endcexpr
      satom := "cexpr" "[" stypeexpr "]" scode_spec sexpr? "endcexpr" =># "`(ast_expr ,_sr ,_5 ,_3 ,_6)";
    A short form embedding for variables.
      //$ cvar [double] M_PI
      satom := "cvar" "[" stypeexpr "]" sname =># "`(ast_expr ,_sr (Str ,_5) ,_3 ())";
    Bind a C expression to a name.
    Note that despite the binding being called "const",
    the C expression does not have to be constant.
    For example:
      //$ const rand : int = "rand()";
      // note: also needed by typeclasses atm for virtual consts
    private cbind_stmt := sadjectives "const" sdeclname ":" stypeexpr "=" scode_spec srequires_clause ";" =>#
        (let ((reqs (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
          `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "virtual")) ,_8)
        `(ast_const_decl ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_5 ,_7 ,reqs)
    Short form of const that declares a variable
    bound to the same name in C.
      //$ const RAND_MAX: long;
    private cbind_stmt := sadjectives "const" sdeclname ":" stypeexpr srequires_clause ";" =>#
        (let ((reqs (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
          `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "virtual")) ,_6)
        `(ast_const_decl ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_5 (Str ,(first _3)) ,reqs)
    Short form of const that declares a list of variables
    of the same type to be bound to their C names.
    Useful for lifting enumerations. Example:
      //$ const a,b,c : int;
      private cbind_stmt := sadjectives "const" sdeclnames ":" stypeexpr srequires_clause ";" =>#
        (let ((reqs (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
          `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "virtual")) ,_6)
           (define (constdef sym) 
            `(ast_const_decl ,_sr ,(first sym) ,(second sym) ,_5 (Str ,(first sym)) ,reqs))
           `(ast_seq ,_sr ,(map constdef _3)) 
    Special form for lifting C enumerations.
    Specifies the type name and enumeration constants
    in a single statement. Names bound to the same names in C.
      //$ This form also defined equality and inequality operators
    for the type automatically, as an instance of class Eq.
    private cbind_stmt := "cenum" sname "=" snames srequires_clause ";" =>#
           (define (constdef sym) 
            `(ast_const_decl ,_sr ,sym ,dfltvs ,(nos _2) (Str ,sym) ,_5))
                 (tdec `(ast_abs_decl ,_sr ,_2 ,dfltvs (Pod) (Str ,_2) ,_5))
                 (argt `(typ_tuple ,_sr (,(nos _2) ,(nos _2))))
                 (eqdef `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr "==" ,dfltvs ,(mktylist argt) ,(nos "bool") (StrTemplate "$1==$2") rreq_true ""))
                 (instdef `(ast_instance ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr "Eq" (texprs (,(nos _2)))) (,eqdef)))
                 (inherit `(ast_inject_module ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr "Eq" (texprs (,(nos _2))))))
               `(ast_seq ,_sr ,(append `(,tdec ,instdef ,inherit) (map constdef _4)))
    // Very special form for binding C enumeration used as bit flags.
    Specifies the type name and enumeration constants
    in a single statement. Names bound to the same names in C.
      //$ This form automatically defines equality as an instance of class Eq.
    Furthermore it defines all the standard bitwise operators,
    as an instance of class Bits.
    private cbind_stmt := "cflags" sname "=" snames srequires_clause ";" =>#
           (define (constdef sym) 
            `(ast_const_decl ,_sr ,sym ,dfltvs ,(nos _2) (Str ,sym) ,_5))
                 (tdec `(ast_abs_decl ,_sr ,_2 ,dfltvs (Pod) (Str ,_2) ,_5))
                 (argt `(typ_tuple ,_sr (,(nos _2) ,(nos _2))))
                 (eqdef `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr "==" ,dfltvs ,(mktylist argt) ,(nos "bool") (StrTemplate "$1==$2") rreq_true ""))
                 (instdef `(ast_instance ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr "Eq" (texprs (,(nos _2)))) (,eqdef)))
                 (inherit `(ast_inject_module ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr "Eq" (texprs (,(nos _2))))))
                 (inherit2 `(ast_inject_module ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr "Bits" (texprs (,(nos _2))))))
               `(ast_seq ,_sr ,(append `(,tdec ,instdef ,inherit ,inherit2) (map constdef _4)))
    Define a Felix procedures as a binding to a 
    C statement. Only one statement is allowed.
    But you can use a block of course!
      //$ If the option C text is elided, the procedure
    is taken to be bound to a C function returning void
    of the same name.
    private cbind_stmt := sadjectives sproc_kind sdeclname ":" stypeexpr sopt_cstring srequires_clause ";" =>#
        (let (
          (name (first _3))
          (vs (second _3))
          (kind (cal_funkind _1 _2))
          (t _5)
          (reqs (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
            `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "virtual")) ,_7)
            (if (eq? 'none _6)
              (if (memv 'Virtual _1)
                 `(StrTemplate ,(string-append "::" (first _3) "($a);"))
               (second _6))
        (let (
            (if (eq? 'Generator kind)
              `(rreq_and (rreq_atom (Property_req "generator")) ,reqs)
        (let (
          (argt t)
          (ret `(ast_void ,_sr)))
          `(ast_fun_decl ,_sr ,name ,vs ,(mktylist argt) ,ret ,ct ,reqs "")

+ 2.6 Simple C grammar


  Embed C into Felix using extern "C" { } style.
  Direct name binding.
  syntax cgram {
    stmt := "extern" '"C"' cstatement =># '`(ast_comment ,_sr "C code ..")';
    stmt := "extern" '"C"' "{" cstatement+ "}" =># '`(ast_comment ,_sr "C code ..")';
    cstatement := external_declaration;
    // this only for testing
    satom := "extern" '"C"' "(" expression ")" =># "_4";
  TYPE_NAME := sname ; // special, needs to lookup typedef names
  	:= sname             =># "_1"
  	| sliteral           =># "_1"
  	| '(' expression ')' =># "_2"
  	:= primary_expression =># "_1"
  	| postfix_expression '[' expression ']' =># "`(subscript ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)"
  	| postfix_expression '(' ')'            =># "`(apply ,_sr ,_1 ())"
  	| postfix_expression '(' argument_expression_list ')' =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr ,(_1 (reverse _3)))"
  	| postfix_expression '.' sname                        =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,_3 ,_1))"
  	| postfix_expression '->' sname                       =># "`(typ_arrow ,_sr (,_1 ,_3))"
  	| postfix_expression '++'                             =># "`(uop ,_sr 'postincr' ,_1)"
  	| postfix_expression '--'                             =># "`(uop ,_sr 'postdecr' ,_1)"
  	:= assignment_expression =># "`(,_1)"
  	| argument_expression_list ',' assignment_expression =># "(cons _3 _1)"
  	:= postfix_expression =># "_1"
  	| unary_operator cast_expression =># "(prefix _2)"
  	| 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' =># "`(sizeoftype ,_sr ,_3)" // FIXME, WRONG!
  	:= '&' =># "'addressof"
  	| '*'  =># "'deref" 
  	| '+'  =># "'pos"
  	| '-'  =># "'neg"
  	| '~'  =># "'compl"
  	| '!'  =># "'excl"
    | '++' =># "'preincr"
    | '--' =># "'postincr"
    | 'sizeof' =># "'sizeof"
  	:= unary_expression =># "_1"
  	| '(' type_name ')' cast_expression =># "`(ast_coercion ,_sr (,_3 ,_2))" // FIXME, WRONG!
  	:= cast_expression =># "_1"
  	| multiplicative_expression '*' cast_expression =># "(infix 'mul)"
  	| multiplicative_expression '/' cast_expression =># "(infix 'div)"
  	| multiplicative_expression '%' cast_expression =># "(infix 'mod)"
  	:= multiplicative_expression =># "_1"
  	| additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression =># "(infix 'add)" 
  	| additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression =># "(infix 'sub)" 
  	:= additive_expression =># "_1"
  	| shift_expression '<<' additive_expression =># "(infix 'shl)" 
  	| shift_expression '>>' additive_expression =># "(infix 'shr)" 
  	:= shift_expression =># "_1"
  	| relational_expression '<' shift_expression =># "(infix 'lt)" 
  	| relational_expression '>' shift_expression =># "(infix 'gt)" 
  	| relational_expression '<=' shift_expression =># "(infix 'le)" 
  	| relational_expression '>=' shift_expression =># "(infix 'ge)" 
  	:= relational_expression =># "_1"
  	| equality_expression '==' relational_expression =># "(infix 'eq)" 
  	| equality_expression '!=' relational_expression =># "(infix 'ne)"
  	:= equality_expression =># "_1"
  	| and_expression '&' equality_expression =># "(infix 'band)" 
  	:= and_expression =># "_1"
  	| exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression =># "(infix 'bxor)" 
  	:= exclusive_or_expression =># "_1"
  	| inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression =># "(infix 'bor)" 
  	:= inclusive_or_expression =># "_1"
  	| logical_and_expression '&&' inclusive_or_expression =># "(infix 'land)" 
  	:= logical_and_expression =># "_1"
  	| logical_or_expression '||' logical_and_expression =># "(infix 'lor))" 
  	:= logical_or_expression =># "_1"
  	| logical_or_expression '?' expression ':' conditional_expression =># "`(ast_cond ,_sr (,_1 ,_3 ,_5))" 
  	:= conditional_expression =># "_1"
  	| unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression =># "(infix _2)" 
  	:= '=' =># "'_set"
  	| '*=' =># "'muleq"
  	| '/=' =># "'diveq"
  	| '%=' =># "'modeq"
  	| '+=' =># "'addeq"
  	| '-=' =># "'subeq"
  	| '<<=' =># "'lsheq"
  	| '>>=' =># "'rsheq"
  	| '&=' =># "'bandeq"
  	| '^=' =># "'bxoreq"
  	| '|=' =># "'boreq"
  	:= assignment_expression =># "_1"
  	| expression ',' assignment_expression =># "(infix 'comma)" 
  	:= declaration_specifiers ';'
  	| declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list ';'
    | 'typedef' type_specifier declarator ';'
  	:= storage_class_specifier
  	| storage_class_specifier declaration_specifiers
  	| type_specifier
  	| type_specifier declaration_specifiers
  	| type_qualifier
  	| type_qualifier declaration_specifiers
  	:= init_declarator
  	| init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator
  	:= declarator
  	| declarator '=' initializer
  	| 'extern'
  	| 'static'
  	| 'auto'
  	| 'register'
  	:= 'void'
  	| 'char'
  	| 'short'
  	| 'int'
  	| 'long'
  	| 'float'
  	| 'double'
  	| 'signed'
  	| 'unsigned'
  	| struct_or_union_specifier
  	| enum_specifier
  //	| TYPE_NAME
  	:= struct_or_union sname '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
  	| struct_or_union '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
  	| struct_or_union sname
  	:= 'struct'
  	| 'union'
  	:= struct_declaration
  	| struct_declaration_list struct_declaration
  	:= specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
  	:= type_specifier specifier_qualifier_list
  	| type_specifier
  	| type_qualifier specifier_qualifier_list
  	| type_qualifier
  	:= struct_declarator
  	| struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator
  	:= declarator
  	| ':' constant_expression
  	| declarator ':' constant_expression
  	:= 'enum' '{' enumerator_list '}'
  	| 'enum' sname '{' enumerator_list '}'
  	| 'enum' sname
  	:= enumerator
  	| enumerator_list ',' enumerator
  	:= sname 
  	| sname '=' constant_expression
  // Felix doesn't support const or volatile
  	:= 'const'
  	| 'volatile'
  	:= type_qualifier
  	| type_qualifier_list type_qualifier
  	:= pointer direct_declarator =># "`(ast_ref ,_sr ,_2)" 
  	| direct_declarator =># "_1"
  	:= sname                        =># "_1"
  	| '(' declarator ')'            =># "_2"
  	| direct_declarator '[' constant_expression ']' =># "`(array ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)"
  	| direct_declarator '[' ']'                     =># "`(array ,_sr ,_1 ())"  
  	| direct_declarator '(' parameter_type_list ')' =># "`(fun ,_sr ,_1 ,(reverse _3))"
  	| direct_declarator '(' ')'                     =># "`(fun ,_sr ,_1 ())"
  	:= '*'                                          =># "`(ptr)"
  	| '*' type_qualifier_list                       =># "`(ptr)"
  	| '*' pointer                                   =># "(cons 'ptr ,_2)"
  	| '*' type_qualifier_list pointer               =># "(cons 'ptr ,_3)"
  	:= parameter_list              =># "_1"
  	| parameter_list ',' '...'     =># "(cons 'ellipsis _1)"
  	:= parameter_declaration                   =># "`(,_1)"
  	| parameter_list ',' parameter_declaration =># "(cons _3 _1)"
  	:= declaration_specifiers declarator         =># "`(,_1 ,_2)"
  	| declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator =># "`(,_1 ,_2)"
  	| declaration_specifiers                     =># "`(,_1 ())"
  	:= sname                                =># "`(,_1)"
  	| identifier_list ',' sname             =># "(cons _3 _1)"
  	:= specifier_qualifier_list                    =># "`(,_1 ())"
  	| specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator =># "`(,_1 ,_2)"
  	:= pointer
  	| direct_abstract_declarator
  	| pointer direct_abstract_declarator
  	:= '(' abstract_declarator ')'
  	| '[' ']'
  	| '[' constant_expression ']'
  	| direct_abstract_declarator '[' ']'
  	| direct_abstract_declarator '[' constant_expression ']'
  	| '(' ')'
  	| '(' parameter_type_list ')'
  	| direct_abstract_declarator '(' ')'
  	| direct_abstract_declarator '(' parameter_type_list ')'
  	:= assignment_expression
  	| '{' initializer_list '}'
  	| '{' initializer_list ',' '}'
  	:= initializer
  	| initializer_list ',' initializer
  	:= labeled_statement
  	| compound_statement
  	| expression_statement
  	| selection_statement
  	| iteration_statement
  	| jump_statement
  	:= sname ':' statement
  	| 'case' constant_expression ':' statement
  	| 'default' ':' statement
  	:= '{' '}'
  	| '{' statement_list '}'
  	| '{' declaration_list '}'
  	| '{' declaration_list statement_list '}'
  	:= declaration
  	| declaration_list declaration
  	:= statement
  	| statement_list statement
  	:= ';'
  	| expression ';'
  	:= 'if' '(' expression ')' statement
  	| 'if' '(' expression ')' statement 'else' statement
  	| 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement
  	:= 'while' '(' expression ')' statement
  	| 'do' statement 'while' '(' expression ')' ';'
  	| 'for' '(' expression_statement expression_statement ')' statement
  	| 'for' '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression ')' statement
  	:= 'goto' sname ';'
  	| 'continue' ';'
  	| 'break' ';'
  	| 'return' ';'
  	| 'return' expression ';'
  	:= function_definition
  	| declaration
  	:= declaration_specifiers declarator declaration_list compound_statement
  	| declaration_specifiers declarator compound_statement
  	| declarator declaration_list compound_statement
  	| declarator compound_statement

+ 2.7 Conditional forms


  Basic conditional statements.
  syntax conditional 
    block = if_stmt;
    /* Unfortunately we cannot currently use "if sexpr block"
      because this makes if c do .. done and if c do .. else .. done
      ambiguous for some reason i do not fathom, so we have
      to list all the cases separately
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr if_stmt =># '`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 (,_3) ())';
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr loop_stmt =># '`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 (,_3) ())';
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr match_stmt =># '`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 (,_3) ())';
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "perform" stmt =># '`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 (,_4) ())';
    Short form conditional goto statements.
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "goto" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_ifgoto_indirect ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "break" sname =># '`(ast_ifgoto ,_sr ,_2 ,(string-append "break_" _4))';
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "continue" sname =># '`(ast_ifgoto ,_sr ,_2 ,(string-append "continue_" _4))';
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "redo" sname =># '`(ast_ifgoto ,_sr ,_2 ,(string-append "redo_" _4))';
    Short form conditional return statement.
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "return" ";" =># "`(ast_ifreturn ,_sr ,_2)";
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "return" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 ((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_4)) ())";
    Short form conditional call statement.
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "call" sexpr ";" =>#
      "`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 (,(cons 'ast_call (cons _sr (splitapply _4))))())";
    Short form one branch conditional.
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "do" stmt* "done" =>#
      "`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 ,_4 ())";
    Short form one branch conditional.
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "begin" stmt* "end" =>#
      "(block_stmts (list `(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 ,_4 ())))";
    General conditional chain statement.
      //$ if condition do
    elif condition do
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "do"  stmt* selse_clause "done" =>#
      "`(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 ,_4 ,_5)";
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "begin" stmt* selse_clause "end" =>#
      "(block_stmts (list `(ast_ifdo ,_sr ,_2 ,_4 ,_5)))";
    General elif clause.
    private selif_clause := "elif" sexpr "do" stmt* =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    Short form elif return clause.
    private selif_clause := "elif" sexpr "return" ";" =># "`(,_2 ((ast_proc_return ,_sr)))";
    private selif_clause := "elif" sexpr "return" sexpr ";" =># "`(,_2 ((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_4)))";
    Short form elif goto clause.
    private selif_clause := "elif" sexpr "goto" sexpr ";" =># "`(,_2 (ast_cgoto ,_sr ,_4))";
    private selif_clauses := selif_clauses selif_clause =># "(cons _2 _1)"; // Reversed!
    private selif_clauses := selif_clause =># "`(,_1)";
    private selse_clause := selif_clauses "else" stmt* =>#
          (let ((f (lambda (result condthn)
            (let ((cond (first condthn)) (thn (second condthn)))
              `((ast_ifdo ,_sr ,cond ,thn ,result))))))
          (fold_left f _3 _1))
    private selse_clause := "else" stmt* =># "_2";
    private selse_clause := selif_clauses =>#
          (let ((f (lambda (result condthn)
            (let ((cond (first condthn)) (thn (second condthn)))
              `((ast_ifdo ,_sr ,cond ,thn ,result))))))
          (fold_left f () _1))
    helpful error message for invalid if/then syntax on statements
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "then"  stmt* "endif" =># """
      (raise (string-append 
          "  Invalid syntax: This instance of 'if/then' is not valid. Try the following instead:\n"
          "    if (condition) do\n"
          "      ...\n"
          "    done\n"))
    helpful error message for invalid if/then/else syntax on statements
    if_stmt := "if" sexpr "then"  stmt* ("else" | "elif") =># """
      (raise (string-append 
          "  Invalid syntax: This instance of 'if/then/else' is not valid. Try the following instead:\n"
          "    if (condition) do\n"
          "      ...\n"
          "    elif (condition) do\n"
          "      ...\n"
          "    else do\n"
          "      ...\n"
          "    done\n"))


  Core control flow operators.
  syntax control 
    Call a procedure (verbose).
    block := "call" sexpr  ";" =># """(cons 'ast_call (cons _sr (splitapply _2)))""";
    block := "call_with_trap" sexpr  ";" =># """(cons 'ast_call_with_trap (cons _sr (splitapply _2)))""";
    block := "callcc" sexpr  ";" =># """
          (labstring (fresh_name "_callcclab_"))
          (lab (nos labstring))
        `(ast_seq ,_sr 
            (ast_jump ,_sr ,_2 ,lab)
            (ast_label ,_sr ,labstring)
    Procedure return.
    block := "return" ";" =># "`(ast_proc_return ,_sr)";
    Fast procedure return.
    Returns immediately from enclosing procedure with given name.
    block := "return" "from" sname ";" =># "`(ast_proc_return_from ,_sr ,_3)";
    Procedure explicit tail call.
    Equivalent to a call followed by a return.
    block := "jump" sexpr ";" =># """(cons 'ast_jump (cons _sr (splitapply _2)))""";
    Function return with value.
    block := "return" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_2)";
    Generator/iterator exchange with value (restart after yield).
    Yield is like a return, except that re-entering the generator
    will continue on after the yield statement rather that starting
    from the top.
    block := "yield" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_yield ,_sr ,_2)";
    Special short form procedure self-tail call with argument.
    block := "loop" sname sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_jump ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_2 ()) ,_3)";
    Special short form procedure self-tail call without argument.
    block := "loop" sname ";" =># "`(ast_jump ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_2 ()) (ast_tuple,_sr ()))";
    Stop the program with prejudice and a message.
    block := "halt" sstring ";" =># "`(ast_halt ,_sr ,_2)";
    Label any statement.
    Do not confuse with loop labels.
    stmt := sname ":>" =># "`(ast_label ,_sr ,_1)";
    Unconditional goto label.
    stmt := "goto" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_goto_indirect ,_sr ,_2)";
    Unconditional goto expression.
    block := "goto-indirect" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_goto_indirect ,_sr ,_2)";

+ 2.8 Executable support


  Special executable forms.
  syntax executable {
    requires statements;
    stmt := "type-error" stmt =># "`(ast_type_error ,_sr ,_2)";
    stmt := "type-assert" stmt =># "`(ast_type_assert ,_sr ,_2)";
    System service call.
    stmt := "_svc" sname =># "`(ast_svc ,_sr ,_2)";
    Assignment expression.
    stmt := sassignexpr ";" =># "_1";
    Debug trace expression.
    stmt := "trace" sname sstring =># "`(ast_trace ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)";
    Call expression.
    Short form of "call f a;" is just "f a;"
    Short form of "call f ();" is just "f"
    stmt := sexpr ";" =># "(cons 'ast_call (cons _sr (splitapply _1)))";
    Template replacement index.
    stmt := "??" sinteger ";" =># "`(ast_seq ,_sr (PARSER_ARGUMENT ,_2))";

+ 2.9 Master DSSL dependency list.

Defines the standard felix grammar by specifying all the DSSLs required for it.


  syntax felix {

+ 2.10 Function forms


  General functional forms.
  syntax functions {
    requires expressions;
    Anonymous function (lamda).
    satom := sadjectives "fun" stvarlist slambda_fun_args fun_return_type "="? scompound =>#
      `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 ,(first (first _5)) ,_7))
    Anonymous function (lamda).
    x[slambda_pri] := sadjectives "fun" stvarlist slambda_fun_args fun_return_type "=>" sexpr =>#
      `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 ,(first (first _5)) ((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7))))
    Anonymous function (lamda). Linear
    x[slambda_pri] := sadjectives "fun" stvarlist slambda_fun_args fun_return_type "=>." sexpr =>#
      `(ast_linearlambda ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 ,(first (first _5)) ((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7))))
    Anonymous generator (lamda).
    satom := sadjectives "gen" stvarlist slambda_fun_args fun_return_type "="? scompound =>#
      `(ast_generator ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 ,(first (first _5)) ,_7))
    Anonymous generator (lamda).
    x[slambda_pri] := sadjectives "gen" stvarlist slambda_fun_args fun_return_type "=>" sexpr =>#
      `(ast_generator ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 ,(first (first _5)) ((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7))))
    Anonymous procedure (lamda).
    satom := sadjectives "proc" stvarlist slambda_fun_args scompound =>#
      `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 (ast_void ,_sr) ,_5))
    Anonymous procedure (lamda).
    satom  := sadjectives "proc" stvarlist scompound =>#
      `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,_3 ((() none)) (ast_void ,_sr) ,_4))
    Anonymous object constructor (lamda).
    satom := sadjectives "object" stvarlist slambda_fun_args fun_return_type "="? scompound =>#
      `(ast_object ,_sr (,_3 ,_4 ,(first (first _5)) ,_7))
    Function adjective (prefix property) inline.
    sadjective := "inline" =># "'InlineFunction";
    Function adjective (prefix property) noinline.
    sadjective := "noinline" =># "'NoInlineFunction";
    //sadjective := "static" =># "'Static";
    Function adjective (prefix property) extern.
    sadjective := "extern" =># "'NoInlineFunction";
    Function adjective (prefix property) virtual.
    In classes only. Specifies an overrideable function.
    sadjective := "virtual" =># "'Virtual";
    Function dependent on its arguments only,
    not dependent on any variables in its enclosing context.
    sadjective := "pure" =># "'Pure";
    Function which fails  to evaluate argument 
    if and only if its argument fails, 
    i.e. f (error) = error
    sadjective := "strict" =># "'Strict";
    Function which fails  to evaluate argument 
    if and only if its argument fails, 
    i.e. f (error) = error
    sadjective := "nonstrict" =># "'NonStrict";
    Function may be dependent on variables in its enclosing context.
    sadjective := "impure" =># "'Impure";
    Function returns a result for all argument values.
    sadjective := "total" =># "'Total";
    Function may fail for some argument values.
    Equivalent to a function with a non-tautologous but unknown pre-condition.
    sadjective := "partial" =># "'Partial";
    Specifies a method, in an object definition only.
    sadjective := "method" =># "'Method";
    Specifies function is to be exported under its Felix name.
    Function must be top level and non-polymorphic.
    Top level means the global space or a non-polymorphic class
    nested in a top level space (recursively).
    sadjective := "export" =># "'Export";
    sadjective := "export" sstring =># "`(NamedExport ,_2)";
    sadjectives := sadjective* =># "_1";
    slambda_fun_arg := "(" sparameter_comma_list "when" sexpr ")" =># "`(,_2 (some ,_4))";
    slambda_fun_arg := "(" sparameter_comma_list ")" =># "`(,_2 none)";
    slambda_fun_args := slambda_fun_arg+ =># "_1";
    Function return type specification with post-condition.
    fun_return_type := ":" stypeexpr "expect" sexpr =># "`((,_2 (some ,_4)) ,dflteffects)";
    fun_return_type := ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" stypeexpr "expect" sexpr =># "`((,_5 (some ,_7)) ,_3)";
    Function return type specification without post-condition.
    fun_return_type := ":" stypeexpr =># "`((,_2 none) ,dflteffects)";
    fun_return_type := ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" stypeexpr =># "`((,_5 none) ,_3)";
    Function return postcondition without type.
    fun_return_type := "expect" sexpr =># "`((typ_none (some ,_2)) ,dflteffects)";
    fun_return_type := ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" "expect" sexpr =># "`((typ_none (some ,_6)) ,_3)";
    No return type.
    fun_return_type := ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" =># "`((typ_none none) ,_3)";
    fun_return_type := sepsilon =># "`((typ_none none) ,dflteffects)";
    Object factory return type.
    object_return_type := stypeexpr =># "`(,_1 none)";
    Object invariant
    sfunction := "invariant" sexpr ";" =># "`(ast_invariant, _sr, _2)";
    Function parameter with type and default value.
    private sparameter := sparam_qual sname ":" t[sarrow_pri] "=" x[sor_condition_pri] =># "`(,_sr ,_1 ,_2 ,_4 (some ,_6))";
    Function parameter with type.
    private sparameter := sparam_qual sname ":" t[sarrow_pri] =># "`(,_sr ,_1 ,_2 ,_4 none)";
    Function parameter without type.
    Defaults to polymorphic in unnamed type variable.
    private sparameter := sparam_qual sname =># "`(,_sr ,_1 ,_2 typ_none none)";
    Empty parameter tuple.
    //private sparameter_comma_list = list::commalist0<sparameter>;
    // parameter list including nested params
    private sxparam := sparameter =># "`(Satom ,_1)";
    private sxparam := "(" list::commalist0<sxparam> ")" =># "`(Slist ,_2)";
    private sparameter_comma_list := list::commalist0<sxparam> =># "`(Slist ,_1)";
    Parameter qualifier: val.
    private sparam_qual := "val" =># "'PVal";
    Parameter qualifier: var.
    private sparam_qual := "var" =># "'PVar";
    Default parameter qualifier is val.
    private sparam_qual := sepsilon =># "'PDef";
    Function tuple parameter with pre-condition.
    sfun_arg :=  "(" sparameter_comma_list "when" sexpr ")" =># "`(,_2 (some ,_4))";
    Function tuple parameter without pre-condition.
    sfun_arg :=  "(" sparameter_comma_list ")" =># "`(,_2 none)";
    Short form function parameter single polymorphic variable.
    sfun_arg :=  sname =># "`(((Satom (,_sr PVal ,_1 typ_none none))) none)";
    Function binder: C function.
    A function with C function type.
    sfun_kind := "cfun" =># "'CFunction";
    Function binder: Generator.
    A function with side effects.
    sfun_kind := "gen" =># "'Generator";
    Function binder: Function.
    A function without side-effects.
    sfun_kind := "fun" =># "'Function";
    stmt := sfunction =># "_1";
    General function definition. Multiple tuple arguments, body is expression.
    inline fun f (x:int when x>0) (y:long when y>0l) : long expect result > 0l => x.long + y;
    sfunction := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname sfun_arg* fun_return_type "=>" sexpr ";" =>#
        (begin ;;(display "GENERAL FUNCTION")
        (let ((body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7))))
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 ,(first _5) ,(second _5) ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 ,body))
    sfunction := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname sfun_arg* fun_return_type "=>." sexpr ";" =>#
        (begin ;;(display "LINEAR FUNCTION")
        (let ((body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7))))
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 ,(first _5) ,(second _5) ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,(cons 'LinearFunction _1) ,body))
    General function definition. Multiple tuple arguments, body of statements.
    inline fun f (x:int when x>0) (y:long when y>0l) : long expect result > 0l { return x.long + y; }
    sfunction := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname sfun_arg* fun_return_type "="? scompound =>#
        (begin ;;(display "COMPOUND FUNCTION")
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 ,(first _5) ,(second _5) ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 ,_7))
    Object factory definition with interface type.
    sfunction := "object" sdeclname sfun_arg* "implements" object_return_type "="? scompound =>#
        `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 ,_5 Object () ,_7)
    Object factory definition without interface type.
    sfunction := "object" sdeclname sfun_arg*  "="? scompound =>#
        `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 (typ_none none) Object () ,_5)
    Object factory definition with inherited methods and
    interface type.
    sfunction := 
      "object" sdeclname sfun_arg* "extends" expr_comma_list 
      "implements" object_return_type "="? scompound 
     (begin ;; (display "object function1\n")
         (d `(ast_object ,_sr (,dfltvs (,unitparam) typ_none ,_9)))  ;; extension function
         (a `(ast_apply ,_sr (,d ()))) ;; applied to unit
         (x `(ast_extension ,_sr ,_5 ,a)) ;; actual extension expression
         (retst `(ast_fun_return ,_sr ,x))
         (body `(,retst))
       `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 ,_7 Function () ,body)
    Object factory definition with inherited methods.
    sfunction := "object" sdeclname sfun_arg*  "extends" expr_comma_list "=" scompound =>#
     (begin ;; (display "object function2\n")
         (noretype `(typ_none none))
         (d `(ast_object ,_sr (,dfltvs (,unitparam) typ_none ,_7)))  ;; extension function
         (a `(ast_apply ,_sr (,d ()))) ;; applied to unit
         (x `(ast_extension ,_sr ,_5 ,a)) ;; actual extension expression
         (retst `(ast_fun_return ,_sr ,x))
         (body `(,retst))
       `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 ,noretype Function () ,body)
    sopt_cstring := "=" scode_spec =># "`(some ,_2)";
    sopt_cstring := sepsilon =># "'none";
    Short form function definition. Example:
      //$ fun f : int -> int = | 0 => 0 | _ => 1;
    sfunction := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname fun_return_type "=" smatching+ ";" =>#
          (t (first _4))
          (traint (second _4))
        (begin ;;(display "MATCHING ftype=")(display t)(display "\\n")
        (if (eq? 'typ_arrow (first t))
              (argt (caadr t))
              (ret (cadadr t))
              (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr (ast_match ,_sr (,(noi '_a) ,_6)))))
            `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3)
                (((,_sr PVal _a ,argt none)) none)
              (,ret ,traint)
              ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 ,body)
          (begin (display "ERROR MATCHINGS FUNDEF ")(display _sr) 'ERROR)
    sfunction := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname ":" stypeexpr "=" smatching+ ";" =>#
          (t _5)
        (begin ;;(display "MATCHING ftype=")(display t)(display "\n")
              (argt `(typ_apply ,_sr (,(nos "dom") ,t)))
              (ret `(typ_apply ,_sr (,(nos "cod") ,t)))
              (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr (ast_match ,_sr (,(noi '_a) ,_7)))))
            `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3)
                ((Satom (,_sr PVal _a ,argt none)) none)
              (,ret none)
              ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 ,body)
    sfunction := sadjectives sfun_kind sdeclname "=" sexpr ";" =>#
            (traint 'none)
            (t `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "typeof") ,_5)))
            (apl `(ast_apply ,_sr (,_5 ,(noi '_a))))
            (argt `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "dom") ,t)))
            (ret `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "cod") ,t)))
            (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,apl )))
            (result `(ast_curry ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3)
                ((Satom (,_sr PVal _a ,argt none)) none)
              (,ret ,traint)
              ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 ,body)
    Procedure binder.
    sproc_kind := "proc" =># "'Function";
    C procedure binder. 
    Procedure has C function type (with void result type).
    sproc_kind := "cproc" =># "'CFunction";
    private sopt_traint_eq:= "expect" sexpr "=" =># "`((some ,_2) ,dflteffects)";
    private sopt_traint_eq:= "=" =># "`(none ,dflteffects)";
    private sopt_traint_eq:= sepsilon =># "`(none ,dflteffects)";
    private sopt_traint_eq:= "expect" sexpr ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" "=" =># "`((some ,_2) ,_5)";
    private sopt_traint_eq:= ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" "=" =># "`(none ,_3)";
    private sopt_traint_eq:= ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" =># "`(none ,_3)";
    private sopt_traint:= "expect" sexpr =># "`((some ,_2) ,dflteffects)";
    private sopt_traint:= sepsilon =># "`(none ,dflteffects)";
    private sopt_traint:= "expect" sexpr ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" =># "`((some ,_2) ,_5)";
    private sopt_traint:= ":" "[" stypeexpr "]" =># "`(none ,_3)";
    Short form constructor function.
    The name of the function must be a type name.
    The return type is taken as the type with the name of the function.
    sfunction := "ctor" stvarlist squalified_name sfun_arg+ sopt_traint_eq scompound =>#
          (name (string-append "_ctor_" (base_of_qualified_name _3)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret _3)
          (traint (first _5))
          (effects (second _5))
          (body _6)
          (args _4)
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects Function () ,body))
    sfunction := "supertype" stvarlist squalified_name sfun_arg+ sopt_traint_eq scompound =>#
          (name (string-append "_supertype_" (base_of_qualified_name _3)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret _3)
          (traint (first _5))
          (effects (second _5))
          (body _6)
          (args _4)
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects Function (Subtype) ,body))
    sfunction := "supertype" stvarlist "&" squalified_name sfun_arg+ sopt_traint_eq scompound =>#
          (name (string-append "_supertype_" (base_of_qualified_name _4)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret `(typ_ref ,_sr ,_4))
          (traint (first _6))
          (effects (second _6))
          (body _7)
          (args _5)
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects Function (Subtype) ,body))
    Short form constructor function.
    The name of the function must be a type name.
    The return type is taken as the type with the name of the function.
    sfunction := "ctor" stvarlist squalified_name sfun_arg+ sopt_traint "=>" sexpr ";" =>#
          (name (string-append "_ctor_" (base_of_qualified_name _3)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret _3)
          (traint (first _5))
          (effects (second _5))
          (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7)))
          (args _4)
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects Function () ,body))
    sfunction := "supertype" stvarlist squalified_name sfun_arg+ sopt_traint "=>" sexpr ";" =>#
          (name (string-append "_supertype_" (base_of_qualified_name _3)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret _3)
          (traint (first _5))
          (effects (second _5))
          (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_7)))
          (args _4)
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects Function (Subtype) ,body))
    sfunction := "supertype" stvarlist "&" squalified_name sfun_arg+ sopt_traint "=>" sexpr ";" =>#
          (name (string-append "_supertype_" (base_of_qualified_name _4)))
          (vs _2)
          (ret `(typ_ref ,_sr ,_4))
          (traint (first _6))
          (effects (second _6))
          (body `((ast_fun_return ,_sr ,_8)))
          (args _5)
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects Function (Subtype) ,body))
    Procedure definition, general form.
    sfunction := sadjectives sproc_kind sdeclname sfun_arg* sopt_traint_eq scompound =>#
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 ((ast_void ,_sr) ,(first _5)) ,(second _5)
           ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 ,_6)
    Procedure definition, short form (one statement).
    sfunction := sadjectives sproc_kind sdeclname sfun_arg* sopt_traint "=>" stmt =>#
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 ((ast_void ,_sr) ,(first _5)) ,(second _5) 
           ,(cal_funkind _1 _2) ,_1 (,_7))
    Routine definition, general form.
    sfunction := sadjectives "routine" sdeclname sfun_arg* sopt_traint_eq scompound =>#
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 (,(noi 'any) ,(first _5)) ,(second _5)
           Function ,_1 ,_6)
    Routine definition, short form (one statement).
    sfunction := sadjectives "routine" sdeclname sfun_arg* sopt_traint "=>" stmt =>#
        `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_4 (,(noi 'any) ,(first _5)) ,(second _5) 
           Function ,_1 (,_7))

+ 2.11 Standard include file list

For files generated by this package. Includes grammar/extra.files for extensions in other packages.



+ 2.12 Identifier Lexer


  syntax felix_ident_lexer {
    /* identifiers */
    regdef ucn =
        "\u" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit
      | "\U" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit;
    regdef prime = "'";
    regdef dash = '-';
    regdef idletter = letter | underscore | hichar | ucn;
    regdef alphnum = idletter | digit;
    regdef innerglyph = idletter | digit | dash;
    regdef flx_ident = idletter (innerglyph ? (alphnum | prime) +)* prime*;
    regdef tex_ident = slosh letter+;
    regdef sym_ident =
      "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "^" | "~" | 
      "\&" | "\|" | "\^" |
      /* mutator */
      "&=" | "|=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>=" |
      /* comparison */
      "<" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | "<>"
    /* NOTE: upgrade to support n"wird + name" strings */
    literal flx_ident =># "(utf8->ucn _1)";
    literal tex_ident =># "_1";
    literal sym_ident =># "_1";
    sname := flx_ident =># "_1" | tex_ident =># "_1" | sym_ident =># "_1";


  SCHEME """
  (define (stripus s) ; strip underscores and primes in numbers
        (chrs (string->list s))
        (chrs (filter (lambda (x) (not (char=? x (integer->char 95)))) chrs)) ; strip underscores
        (chrs (filter (lambda (x) (not (char=? x (integer->char 39)))) chrs)) ; strip primes
      (list->string chrs)
  SCHEME """
  (define (tolower-char c) ; convert one character to lower case
        (i (char->integer c))
        (i (if (and (>= i 65) (<= i 90)) (+ i 32) i))
      (integer->char i)
  SCHEME """
  (define (tolower-string s) ; convert a whole string to lower case
        (chrs (string->list s))
        (chrs (map tolower-char chrs))
      (list->string chrs)
  syntax lexer {
    requires global_regdefs;
    requires felix_ident_lexer;
    requires felix_int_lexer;
    requires felix_float_lexer;
    requires felix_string_lexer;

+ 2.13 Regular Definitions DSSL

Regular expressions and regular definitions for use with Google RE2 package via Felix binding library.


  syntax global_regdefs {
    /* ====================== REGULAR DEFINITIONS ============================ */
    /* special characters */
    regdef quote = "'";
    regdef dquote = '"';
    regdef slosh = '\';
    regdef hash = '#';
    regdef linefeed = 10;
    regdef tab = 9;
    regdef space = ' ';
    regdef formfeed = 12;
    regdef vtab = 11;
    regdef carriage_return = 13;
    regdef underscore = '_';
    /* character sets */
    regdef bindigit = ['01'];
    regdef octdigit = ['01234567'];
    regdef digit = ['0123456789'];
    regdef hexdigit = ["0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"];
    regdef lower = ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'];
    regdef letter = lower | upper;
    regdef hichar = [128-255];
    regdef white = space | tab;
    regdef dsep = underscore | quote;
    /* nasty: form control characters */
    regdef form_control = linefeed | carriage_return | vtab | formfeed;
    regdef newline_prefix = linefeed | carriage_return;
    regdef newline = formfeed | linefeed  | carriage_return linefeed;
    regdef hash = '#';
    regdef ordinary = letter | digit | hichar |
      '!' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '(' | ')' | '*' |
      '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | ';' | '<' |
      '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '[' | ']' | '^' | '_' |
      '`' | '{' | '|' | '}' | '~';
    regdef printable = ordinary | quote | dquote | slosh | hash;

+ 2.14 Utility Scheme definitions.

For use in the action codes of the grammar.


  SCHEME """(define counter 100)""";
  SCHEME """(define (fresh_int x)(begin (set! counter (+ counter 1)) counter))""";
  SCHEME """(define (fresh_name x)(string-append "_" x "_" _filebase "_" (number->string (fresh_int()))))""";
  SCHEME """
    ;; lists
    (define (first x)(car x))
    (define (second x)(cadr x))
    (define (third x)(caddr x))
    (define (fourth x)(cadddr x))
    (define (tail x)(cdr x))
    (define fold_left
      (lambda (f acc lst)
        (if (null? lst) acc (fold_left f (f acc (first lst)) (tail lst)))))
    ;; list of pairs
    (define (myassoc elt alst)
      (let ((r (assoc elt alst)))
      (if r (second r) `(MISMATCHED_BRACKET ,elt ,alst))))
    (define (list-mem? item lst) (fold_left (lambda (acc elt)(or acc (eq? elt item))) #f lst))
    ;; name term constructor
    (define (nos x)`(ast_name ,_sr ,x ()))
    (define (tnos x)`(ast_name ,_sr ,x ()))
    (define (noi x)`(ast_name ,_sr ,(symbol->string x) ()))
    (define (qnoi c x)`(ast_lookup (,(noi c) ,(symbol->string x) ())))
    ;; polymorphic parameters
    (define dummysr '("dummysr" 0 0 0 0))
    (define (typesoftvarlist x) (map nos (map first (first x))))
    (define tunit `(typ_tuple ,dummysr ())) ;; unit type
    (define ttrue `(ast_name ,dummysr "TRUE" ()))
    (define dfltaux `(,ttrue ())) ;; constraint TRUE, typeclass list empty
    (define dfltvs `( () ,dfltaux)) ;; vs list: name list and constraint pair
    (define unitparam '((Slist ()) none))
    (define dfltparams `(,unitparam))
    (define dflteffects tunit)
  SCHEME """
  (define (isvoid? x) 
      (list? x)
        (equal? 'ast_void (first x))
  SCHEME """
    (define (base_of_ast_lookup qn) (second (second qn)))
    (define (base_of_ast_name n) (third n))
    (define (base_of_qualified_name qn)
        ((eq? (first qn) 'ast_lookup) (base_of_ast_lookup qn))
        ((eq? (first qn) 'ast_name) (base_of_ast_name qn))
        (else (begin (display "QUALIFIED_NAME_EXPECTED got:")(display qn)))
  SCHEME """
  ;; lambda terms
    (define (lazy stmts) `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,dfltvs ,dfltparams typ_none ,stmts)))
    (define (lazy_proc stmts) `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,dfltvs ,dfltparams (ast_void ,_sr) ,stmts)))
    (define (block_stmts stmts)`(ast_call ,_sr ,(lazy_proc stmts) ()))
    (define (block_expr stmts) `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(lazy stmts) ())))
    (define call (lambda (f a) `(ast_call ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,f ()) ,a)))
  SCHEME """
  ;; split an application term apply (f a) into list (f a)
  (define (splitapply x)
    (if (pair? x)
      (if (eq? (first x) 'ast_apply)
        (if (pair? (cddr x))
  ;;           (display "f=")(display (caaddr x))
  ;;           (display " arg=")(display (cadaddr x))
  ;;           (display " pair=")(display (caddr x))
             (caddr x))
          (list x ()))
        (list x ()))
      (list ()))
  SCHEME """
  (define (mkexlist x)
    ;;(display "mkexlist x=")(display x)
    (if (pair? x)
      (if (eq? (first x) 'ast_tuple)
        (if (pair? (cddr x)) (caddr x) (list x))
        (list x))
      (list x)))
  SCHEME """
  (define (mktylist x)
    ;;(display "mktylist x=")(display x)(display "\n")
    (if (pair? x)
      (if (eq? (first x) 'typ_tuple )
        (if (pair? (cddr x)) (caddr x) (list x))
        (list x))
      (list x)))
  SCHEME """
  (define (cal_funkind adjs fk)
    (if (eq? fk 'CFunction)'CFunction
    (if (and (eq? fk 'Generator)(list-mem? 'Method adjs))'GeneratorMethod
    (if (eq? fk 'Generator)'Generator
    (if (list-mem? 'NoInlineFunction adjs)'NoInlineFunction
    (if (list-mem? 'InlineFunction adjs)'InlineFunction
    (if (list-mem? 'Method adjs)'Method
    (if (list-mem? 'Ctor adjs)'Ctor
    (if (list-mem? 'Virtual adjs)'Virtual
  SCHEME """
  (define (tvfixup_folder vsct vtc)
    (begin ;;(display "\n*********\ntvfixup_folder vsct=")(display vsct)(display ", vtc=")(display vtc)(display "\n")
        (vs (first vsct))  ;; variable name
        (ct (second vsct)) ;; individual constraint
        (v (first vtc))    ;; 
        (t (second vtc))
        (c (third vtc))
        (variance (fourth vtc))
            ((eq? 'NoConstraint c) ct )
            ((eq? 'Eq (first c)) ;; type  valconstraint
                ;;((ast_type_match ,_sr ((ast_name ,_sr ,v ()) ((,(second c) (typ_tuple ,_sr ())))))
                ((ast_type_match ,_sr ((ast_name ,_sr ,v ()) ((,(second c) ,ttrue))))
            ((eq? 'In (first c)) ;; type constraint
                ((typ_isin ((ast_name ,_sr ,v ()) ,(second c)))
          (else (display "ERROR!!!"))
      ;; (display "vs=")(display vs)
      ;; (display "\nct=")(display ct)
      ;; (display "\nv=")(display v)
      ;; (display "\nt=")(display t)
      ;; (display "\nc=")(display c)
      ;; (display "\nct2=")(display ct2)
      ;; (display "\n")
      (list (cons `(,v ,t ,variance) vs) ct2))
  // rti = rtc:type constraint, rtr:class requirement list
  SCHEME """
  (define (tvfixup tv ct)
    (begin ;;(display "tvfixup tv=")(display tv)(display ", ct=")(display ct)(display "\\n")
        ;;(vscs (fold_left tvfixup_folder `(() (typ_tuple ,_sr ())) tv))
        (vscs (fold_left tvfixup_folder `(() ,ttrue ) tv))
        (vs (first vscs))
        (cs (second vscs))
        (rtc (first ct))
        (rtr (second ct))
        (ct `((typ_andchain (,rtc ,cs)) ,rtr))
      ;;  (display "\nvs=")(display vs)
      ;;  (display "\\ncs=")(display cs)
      ;;  (display "\\nrtc=")(display rtc)
      ;;  (display "\\nrtr=")(display rtr)
      ;;  (display "\\nct=")(display ct)
      ;;  (display "\\n")
      (list (reverse vs) ct))
  SCHEME """
    (define (maybe k)(if (null? k)'none `(some ,(first k))))
  SCHEME """
    (define (strap a b)
    (if(null? b)a(if(equal? b "")a(if(equal? a "")b(string-append a " " b)))))
  SCHEME """
    (define (strcat ls)(fold_left strap "" ls))
  // chain 'and (x) yields just x,
  // chain 'and (x y) yields ('and _sr (x y))
  SCHEME """
    (define (chain op hd tl)
        if (equal? tl ())
        `(,op ,_sr ,(cons hd (map second tl)))
  SCHEME """
    (define (infix op) `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi op) (ast_tuple ,_sr (,_1 ,_3)))))
  SCHEME """
    (define (binop f a b)`(ast_apply ,_sr (,f (ast_tuple ,_sr (,a ,b)))))
  SCHEME """
    (define (tbinop f a b)`(typ_apply ,_sr (,f (typ_type_tuple ,_sr (,a ,b)))))
  SCHEME """
    (define (prefix op) `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi op) ,_2)))
  SCHEME """
    (define (tprefix op) `(typ_apply ,_sr (,(noi op) ,_2)))
  SCHEME """
    (define (suffix op) `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi op) ,_1)))
  SCHEME """
    (define (Prefix) `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos _1) ,_2)))
  SCHEME """
    (define (tPrefix) `(typ_apply ,_sr (,(nos _1) ,_2)))
  SCHEME """
    (define (Infix) (binop (nos _2) _1 _3))
  SCHEME """
    (define (tInfix) (tbinop (nos _2) _1 _3))
  SCHEME """
    (define (filter pred lst) 
          (lambda (acc val) (if (pred val) (cons val acc) acc))
  SCHEME """
    (define (filter_first sym lst) 
          (lambda (acc val) (if (equal? (first val) sym) (cons (tail val) acc) acc))
  SCHEME """
    (define (prefix? p s) 
          (pl (string-length p))
          (sl (string-length s))
        (if (< pl sl) (equal? p (substring s 0 pl)) #f)
  SCHEME """
    (define (suffix? p s) 
          (pl (string-length p))
          (sl (string-length s))
        (if (< pl sl) (equal? p (substring s (- sl pl) sl)) #f)
  SCHEME """
    (define (make_private s) `(ast_private ,_sr ,s))
  SCHEME """
    (define (SUBST term vals) 
        ((symbol? term) term)
        ((number? term) term)
        ((string? term) term)
        ((null? term) term)
        ((list? term) 
          (if (eq? (car term) 'PARSER_ARGUMENT)
            (vector-ref vals (cadr term) )
            (map (lambda (term) (SUBST term vals)) term)
  SCHEME """
    (define (stringof s) 
      `(ast_literal ,_sr "string" ,s ,(string-append "::std::string(\"" s "\")"))

+ 2.15 String like literals.

Note some of these forms are not strings.


  SCHEME """
  (define (decode-string s) 
      (adjust-linecount s)
          (n (string-length s))
              ((prefix? "@'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "w'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "W'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "c'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "C'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "u'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "U'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "f'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "F'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "q'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "Q'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "n'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "N'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "r'''" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
              ((prefix? "R'''" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
              ((prefix? "'''" s)(unescape (substring s 3 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "@\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "w\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "W\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "c\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "C\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "u\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "U\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "f\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "F\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "q\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "Q\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "n\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "N\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "r\"\"\"" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
              ((prefix? "R\"\"\"" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
              ((prefix? "\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 3 (- n 3))))
              ((prefix? "@'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "w'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "W'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "c'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "C'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "u'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "U'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "f'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "F'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "q'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "Q'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "n'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "N'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "r'" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
              ((prefix? "R'" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
              ((prefix? "'" s)(unescape (substring s 1 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "@\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "w\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "W\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "c\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "C\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "u\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "U\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "f\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "F\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "q\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "Q\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "n\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "N\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
              ((prefix? "r\"" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
              ((prefix? "R\"" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
              ((prefix? "\"" s)(unescape (substring s 1 (- n 1))))
              (else error) 
        ;;   (newline)(display "string=")(display s)
        ;;   (newline)(display "text=")(display result)
  // Scheme string to Felix string literal
  SCHEME """
  (define (strlit s) 
      `(ast_literal ,_sr "string" ,s ,(string-append "::std::string(" (c-quote-string s) ")"))
  String literals.
  //$ Generaly we follow Python here.
  Felix allows strings to be delimited by;
  //$ single quotes '
  double quotes "
  triped single quotes '''
  tripled double quotes """
  //$ The single quote forms must be on a single line.
  The triple quoted forms may span lines, and include embedded newline
  //$ These forms all allows embedded escape codes.
  These are:
  //$  \a  -  7 : bell
   \b  -  8 : backspace
   \t  -  9 : horizontal tab
   \n  - 10 : linefeed, newline
   \r  - 13 : carriage return
   \v  - 11 : vertical tab
   \f  - 12 :form feed
   \e  - 27 : escape
   \\  - \  : slosh
   \"  - "  : double quote
   \'  - '  : single quote
   \   - 32 : space
  //$  \xFF - hexadecimal character code
   \o7 \o77 \o777 -- octal character code (stops on count of 3 or non-octal character)
   \d9 \d99 \d999 -- decimal character code (stops on count of 3 or non-decimal character)
   \uFFFF - utf8 encoding of specified hex value
   \UFFFFFFFF - utf8 encoding of specified hex value
  //$ A prefix "r" or "R" on a double quoted string
  or triple double quoted string suppresses escape processing,
  this is called a raw string literal.
  NOTE: single quoted string cannot be used!
  //$ A prefix "w" or "W" specifies a wide character string,
  of character type wchar. DEPRECATED.
  //$ A prefix of "u" or "U" specifes a string of uint32.
  This is a full Unicode string. 
  IT WILL BE REPLACED BY C++11 Unicode compliant strings.
  //$ A prefix of "c" or "C" specifies a C NTBS (Nul terminated
  byte string) be generated instead of a C++ string.
  Such a string has type +char rather than string.
  A literal prefixed by "q" or "Q" is a Perl interpolation
  string. Such strings are actually functions.
  Each occurrence of $(varname) in the string is replaced
  at run time by the value "str varname". The type of the
  variable must provide an overload of "str" which returns
  a C++ string for this to work.
  //$ A literal prefixed by a "f" or "F" is a C format string.
  Such strings are actually functions.
  The string contains code such as "%d" or other supported
  C format string. Variable field width specifiers "*" are
  not permitted. The additional format specification %S
  is supported and requires a C++ string argument.
  Such functions accept a tuple of values like this:
  //$ f"%d-%S" (42, "Hello")
  //$ If vsnprintf is available on the local platform it is used
  to provide an implementation which cannot overrun.
  If it is not, vsprintf is used instead with a 1000 character
  The argument types and code types are fully checked for type safety.
  //$ The special literal with a "n" or "N" prefix is a way to encode
  an arbitrary sequence of characters as an identifer in a context
  where the parser might interpret it otherwise.
  It can be used, for example, to define special characters as functions.
  For example:
  //$ typedef fun n"@" (T:TYPE) : TYPE => cptr[T]; 
  syntax felix_string_lexer {
    /* Python strings */
    regdef qqq = quote quote quote;
    regdef ddd = dquote dquote dquote;
    regdef escape = slosh _;
    regdef dddnormal = ordinary | hash | quote | escape | white | newline;
    regdef dddspecial = dddnormal | dquote dddnormal | dquote dquote dddnormal;
    regdef qqqnormal = ordinary | hash | dquote | escape | white | newline;
    regdef qqqspecial = qqqnormal | quote qqqnormal | quote quote qqqnormal;
    regdef qstring_tail = (ordinary | hash | dquote | escape | white) * quote;
    regdef dstring_tail = (ordinary | hash | quote | escape | white) * dquote;
    regdef qqqstring_tail = qqqspecial * qqq;
    regdef dddstring_tail = dddspecial * ddd;
    regdef qstring = quote qstring_tail;
    regdef dstring = dquote dstring_tail;
    regdef qqqstring = qqq qqqstring_tail;
    regdef dddstring = ddd dddstring_tail;
    regdef raw_dddnormal = ordinary | hash | quote | slosh | white | newline;
    regdef raw_dddspecial = raw_dddnormal | dquote raw_dddnormal | dquote dquote raw_dddnormal;
    regdef raw_qqqnormal = ordinary | hash | dquote | slosh | space | newline;
    regdef raw_qqqspecial = raw_qqqnormal | quote raw_qqqnormal | quote quote raw_qqqnormal;
    regdef raw = 'r' | 'R';
    regdef raw_dstring_tail =  (ordinary | hash | quote | escape | white) * dquote;
    regdef raw_qqqstring_tail = raw_qqqspecial * qqq;
    regdef raw_dddstring_tail = raw_dddspecial * ddd;
    regdef raw_dstring = raw dquote dstring_tail;
    regdef raw_qqqstring = raw qqq qqqstring_tail;
    regdef raw_dddstring = raw ddd dddstring_tail;
    regdef plain_string_literal = dstring | qqqstring | dddstring;
    regdef raw_string_literal = raw_dstring | raw_qqqstring | raw_dddstring;
    regdef string_literal = plain_string_literal | qstring | raw_string_literal;
    regdef NSString_literal = '@' plain_string_literal; 
    regdef wstring_literal = ('w' | 'W') plain_string_literal; 
    regdef ustring_literal = ('u' | 'U') plain_string_literal; 
    regdef cstring_literal = ('c' | 'C') plain_string_literal; 
    regdef qstring_literal = ('q' | 'Q') plain_string_literal; 
    regdef fstring_literal = ('f' | 'F') plain_string_literal; 
    regdef nstring_literal = ('n' | 'N') plain_string_literal; 
     // String as name.
    literal nstring_literal =># "(decode-string _1)";
    sname := nstring_literal =># "_1";
    // String for pattern or code template.
    regdef sstring = string_literal;
    literal sstring =># "(decode-string _1)";
    // Cstring for code.
    regdef scstring = cstring_literal;
    literal scstring =># "(decode-string _1)";
    // String for string parser.
    regdef strstring = string_literal;
    literal strstring =># "(c-quote-string (decode-string _1))";
    // String like literals.
    regdef String = string_literal;
    literal String =># """
          (ftype "string")
          (iv (decode-string _1))
          (cv (c-quote-string iv))
          (cv (string-append "::std::string(" cv ")"))
        `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
    sliteral := String =># "_1";
    // String like literals.
    regdef NSString = NSString_literal;
    literal NSString =># """
          (ftype "NSString")
          (iv (decode-string _1))
          (cv (c-quote-string iv))
          (cv (string-append "@" cv))
        `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
    sliteral := NSString =># "_1";
    regdef Wstring = wstring_literal;
    literal Wstring =># """
          (ftype "wstring")
          (iv (decode-string _1))
          (cv (c-quote-string iv))
          (cv (string-append "wstring(" cv ")"))
        `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
    sliteral := Wstring =># "_1";
    regdef Ustring = ustring_literal;
    literal Ustring =># """
          (ftype "ustring")
          (iv (decode-string _1))
          (cv (c-quote-string iv))
          (cv (string-append "ustring(" cv ")"))
        `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
    sliteral := Ustring =># "_1";
    regdef Cstring = cstring_literal;
    literal Cstring =>#
          (ftype "cstring")
          (iv (decode-string _1))
          (cv (c-quote-string iv))
        `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
    sliteral := Cstring =># "_1";
    regdef Qstring = qstring_literal;
    literal Qstring =># "`(ast_interpolate ,_sr ,(decode-string _1))";
    sliteral := Qstring =># "_1";
    regdef Fstring = fstring_literal;
    literal Fstring =># "`(ast_vsprintf ,_sr ,(decode-string _1))";
    sliteral := Fstring =># "_1";

+ 2.16 Loops


    SCHEME """
      (define (notnumeric s) (fold_left notdigit #f (string->list s)))
    SCHEME """
      (define (check-label first last term) 
          (notnumeric first) 
            (equal? first last) 
              (display (string-append first " != " last " giveup\n"))
            (equal? "" last) 
              (display (string-append first " != " last " giveup\n"))
  Primary looping contructs.
  SCHEME """
     (define (assign_incluploop)
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_assign ,_sr _set ((Expr ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ())) none) ,_5))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '<=) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()) _7)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifgoto ,_sr 
            ,(binop (noi '==) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()) _7) ;; unfortunate but necessary to stop incrementing past the bound
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3()))))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
  SCHEME """
     (define (define_incluploop)
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_3 ,dfltvs none (some ,_5)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '<=) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()) _7)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifgoto ,_sr 
            ,(binop (noi '==) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()) _7) ;; unfortunate but necessary to stop incrementing past the bound
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3()))))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
  //  loop_stmt := optlabel "for" sname "in" sexpr "..<" sexpr block =># "(define_excluploop)";
  //                   1           3          5            7     8
  SCHEME """
     (define (define_excluploop)
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_3 ,dfltvs none (some ,_5)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '<) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()) _7)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3()))))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
  SCHEME """
    (define iterator_recursive_loop 
      (lambda (loopname cvar iterator body) 
        (begin (display "Eval iterator recursive loop\n")
            (proc_string_name (fresh_name "proc"))
            (proc_call_name (nos proc_string_name))
            (proc_param dfltparams)
            (proc_ret `((ast_void ,_sr) none))
            (proc_adjectives `())
            (proccall `(ast_call ,_sr ,proc_call_name (ast_tuple ,_sr ())))
            (generator_string_name (fresh_name "generator" ))
            (generator_call_name (nos generator_string_name))
            (generator_init `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "iterator") ,iterator )))
            (generator_call `(ast_apply ,_sr (,generator_call_name ())))
            (some_pattern `(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Some") (pat_as ,_sr (pat_any ,_sr) ,cvar) ))
            (some_exit proccall) 
            (some_handler (append `(,body) `(,some_exit)))
            (none_pattern `(pat_const_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "None")))
            (none_handler `((ast_nop ,_sr, "drop thru")))
            (some_item `(,some_pattern ,some_handler))
            (none_item `(,none_pattern ,none_handler))
            (matchings `(,some_item ,none_item))
              `( ast_seq ,_sr 
                  (ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" loopname))
                  (ast_stmt_match (,_sr ,generator_call ,matchings))
                  (ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" loopname))
            (vardef `(ast_var_decl ,_sr ,generator_string_name ,dfltvs none (some ,generator_init)))
                ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,proc_string_name ,dfltvs ,proc_param ,proc_ret ,dflteffects 
                Function ,proc_adjectives (,proc_body)
          `(ast_seq ,_sr (,vardef ,procdef ,proccall))
        ) ;;display
  syntax loops
    requires blocks;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Synopsis of loop forms
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    stmt = escape_stmt;
    block = loop_stmt;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Statement groups controlled by loops
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Escape statements for deviant processing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Labelled break.
    Use to exit from the loop with the specified label.
    private escape_stmt := "break" sname =># '`(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _2))';
    Labelled continue.
    Use to continue with the next iteration of the loop with the specified label.
    private escape_stmt := "continue" sname =># '`(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _2))';
    Labelled redo.
    Use to restart this iteration of the loop with the specified label.
    private escape_stmt := "redo" sname =># '`(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _2))';
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Syntax for a loop label. Used by escapes to indicate which loop.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Use just before the loop.
    private optlabel := sname ":" =># "_1";
    Loop labels aren't required.
    private optlabel := sepsilon =># '(fresh_name "ll")';
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // the loops
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Standard while loop.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "while" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `(ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))
          `(ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr ,_3 ,(string-append "break_" _1))
          `(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))
          `(ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1))
    repeat loop.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "repeat" block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `(ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))
          `(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))
          `(ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1))
    Negated while loop.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "until" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `(( ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `(( ast_unlikely_ifgoto ,_sr ,_3 ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
          `(( ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `(( ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" "(" stmt sexpr ";" stmt ")" stmt =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr ,_5 ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" stmt "while" sexpr ";" "next" stmt block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr ,_5 ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" stmt "until" sexpr ";" "next" stmt block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifgoto ,_sr ,_5 ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    Numeric upwards for loop, existing control variable.
    Ranges are inclusive. This is essential in case
    the loops if over the complete domain of the control variable type.
    The start and end argument types and the declared control variable type must be the same.
    // Unfortunately we have to have TWO comparisons with the terminating value
    // the first to see if the body is to execute and the second to see if 
    // the incr/decr is to be done, this is because it might be the max/min value
    // in the range and the incr/decr would be invalid.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" sname "in" sexpr ".." sexpr block =># "(define_incluploop)";
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" sname "in" sexpr "upto" sexpr block =># "(assign_incluploop)";
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" sname "in" sexpr "..<" sexpr block =># "(define_excluploop)";
    Numeric upwards for loop, also declares the control variable with type.
    The control variable is local to the enclosing context, 
    NOT the loop, so it can be inspected in code following the loop.
    Ranges are inclusive. This is essential in case
    the loops if over the complete domain of the control variable type.
    The start and end argument types and the declared control variable type must be the same.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" "var" sname ":" sexpr "in" sexpr "upto" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_4 ,dfltvs (some ,_6) (some ,_8)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
           ,(binop (noi '<=) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_4 ()) _10)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_4()))))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    Numeric upwards for loop, also declares the control variable.
    The control variable is local to the enclosing context, 
    NOT the loop, so it can be inspected in code following the loop.
    Ranges are inclusive. This is essential in case
    the loops if over the complete domain of the control variable type.
    The start and end argument types must be the same.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" "var" sname "in" sexpr "upto" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_4 ,dfltvs none (some ,_6)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '<=) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_4 ()) _8)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_4()))))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    Numeric downwards for loop, existing control variable.
    Ranges are inclusive. This is essential in case
    the loops if over the complete domain of the control variable type.
    The start and end argument types and the declared control variable type must be the same.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" sname "in" sexpr "downto" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_assign ,_sr _set ((Expr ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ())) none) ,_5))
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3()))))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '>) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()) _7)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_decr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_3()))))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    Numeric downwards for loop, also declares the control variable with type.
    The control variable is local to the enclosing context, 
    NOT the loop, so it can be inspected in code following the loop.
    Ranges are inclusive. This is essential in case
    the loops if over the complete domain of the control variable type.
    The start and end argument types and the declared control variable type must be the same.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" "var" sname ":" sexpr "in" sexpr "downto" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_4 ,dfltvs (some ,_6) (some ,_8)))
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_4()))))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '>) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_4 ()) _10)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_decr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_4()))))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    Numeric downwards for loop, also declares the control variable.
    The control variable is local to the enclosing context, 
    NOT the loop, so it can be inspected in code following the loop.
    Ranges are inclusive. This is essential in case
    the loops if over the complete domain of the control variable type.
    The start and end argument types and the declared control variable type must be the same.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" "var" sname "in" sexpr "downto" sexpr block =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr
          `((ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_4 ,dfltvs none (some ,_6)))
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_incr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_4()))))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_unlikely_ifnotgoto ,_sr
            ,(binop (noi '>) `(ast_name ,_sr ,_4 ()) _8)
            ,(string-append "break_" _1)
          `((ast_call ,_sr ,(noi 'pre_decr) (ast_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_4()))))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1)))
          `((ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "redo_" _1)))
          `((ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1)))
    Basic stream consumer.
    The second argument must be a value for which there is a generator: 
      //$   iterator : D -> unit -> opt[T]
      //$ Due to a hack in std/datatype/slice.flx:
       gen iterator[t] (f:1->opt[t]) => f;
    you can also use an actual iterator.
    1. The iterator function is called.
    2. If the result is None, the loop exits.
    3. If the result is Some ?t, then t is assigned to the 
       control variable, 
    4. the loop body is executed, and
    6. we go back to step 1.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "for" sname "in" sexpr block =>#
      (let* (
       (generator_string_name (fresh_name "generator" ))
       (generator_call_name (nos generator_string_name))
       (generator_init `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "iterator") ,_5 )))
       (generator_call `(ast_apply ,_sr (,generator_call_name ())))
       (some_pattern `(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Some") (pat_as ,_sr (pat_any ,_sr) ,_3) ))
       (some_exit `(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))) 
       (some_handler (append `(,_6) `(,some_exit)))
       (none_pattern `(pat_const_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "None")))
       (none_handler `((ast_nop ,_sr, "drop thru")))
       (some_item `(,some_pattern ,some_handler))
       (none_item `(,none_pattern ,none_handler))
       (matchings `(,some_item ,none_item))
      `(ast_seq ,_sr (
          (ast_var_decl ,_sr ,generator_string_name ,dfltvs none (some ,generator_init))
          (ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))
          (ast_stmt_match (,_sr ,generator_call ,matchings))
          (ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1))
    loop_stmt := optlabel "rfor" sname "in" sexpr block =># '(iterator_recursive_loop _1 _3 _5 _6)';
    Upmarket stream consumer.
    The second argument must be a value for which there is a generator: 
      //$   iterator : D -> unit -> opt[T]
      //$ Due to a hack in std/datatype/slice.flx:
       gen iterator[t] (f:1->opt[t]) => f;
    you can also use an actual iterator.
      //$ 1. The iterator function is called.
    2. If the result is None, the loop exits.
    3. If the result is Some ?t, 
       then t is matched against the pattern.
    4. If the pattern matches, loop body is executed, and
    5. we go back to step 1.
    6. If the pattern does not match,
    7. we go back to step 1
       without executing the loop body.
    loop_stmt := optlabel "match" spattern "in" sexpr block =>#
      (let* (
       (generator_string_name (fresh_name "generator" ))
       (generator_call_name (nos generator_string_name))
       (generator_init `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "iterator") ,_5 )))
       (generator_call `(ast_apply ,_sr (,generator_call_name ())))
       (some_pattern `(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Some")  ,_3 ))
       (some_exit `(ast_goto ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))) 
       (some_handler (append `(,_6) `(,some_exit)))
       (some_item `(,some_pattern ,some_handler))
       (other_pattern `(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Some")  (pat_any ,_sr) ))
       (other_handler `(,some_exit))
       (other_item `(,other_pattern ,other_handler))
       (none_pattern `(pat_const_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "None")))
       (none_handler `((ast_nop ,_sr, "drop thru")))
       (none_item `(,none_pattern ,none_handler))
       (matchings `(,some_item ,other_item ,none_item))
      `(ast_seq ,_sr (
          (ast_var_decl ,_sr ,generator_string_name ,dfltvs none (some ,generator_init))
          (ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "continue_" _1))
          (ast_stmt_match (,_sr ,generator_call ,matchings))
          (ast_label ,_sr ,(string-append "break_" _1))

+ 2.17 Macros


  syntax macros {
    requires expressions, statements, list;
    stmt := "macro" "val" snames "=" sexpr ";" =>#
      "`(ast_macro_val ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)";
    stmt := "forall" sname "in" sexpr "do" stmt* "done" =>#
      "`(ast_macro_forall ,_sr (,_2) ,_4 ,_6)"

+ 2.18 Namespaces


  Felix namespace control.
  syntax namespaces {
    requires statements;
    stmt = namespace_stmt;
    Create a new solo name and bind it to an existing name.
    NOTE: it doesn't rename anything!
    Used to inject solo names into a namespace.
    private namespace_stmt := "rename" sdeclname "=" squalified_name ";" =>#
      `(ast_inherit ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    Create a new name for an existing set of function names.
    NOTE: it doesn't rename anything!
    Used to inject an overload set into a namespace.
    private namespace_stmt := "rename" "fun" sdeclname "=" squalified_name ";" =>#
      `(ast_inherit_fun ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_5)
    Inject all the public members of a class or module
    into a namespace.
    private namespace_stmt := "inherit" stvarlist squalified_name ";" =># 
      "`(ast_inject_module ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)";
    Inject all the public members of a class or module
    "just underneath" a namespace. Such names will be
    hidden by any names actually defined or injected
    into the actual namespace scope.
    NOTE: The names are not public members of the namespace.
    But they're not private members either, they're not
    members at all.
      //$ Open makes names available for use in a namespace
    without making them members for export.
    private namespace_stmt := "open" stvarlist squalified_name ";" =>#
      "`(ast_open ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)";
    Open a single name to a namespace bound to the given qualified name.
    private namespace_stmt := "use" sname "=" squalified_name ";" =># "`(ast_use ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)";
    A short form for opening a single name as the
    base part of a qualified name.
    private namespace_stmt := "use" squalified_name ";" =>#
      (let ((name
        (if (eq? (first _2) 'ast_lookup) (cadadr _2)
          (if (eq? (first _2) 'ast_name) (second _2)
      `(ast_use ,_sr ,name ,_2))
    Define a module.
    DEPRECATED. Use classes instead.
    private namespace_stmt := "module" sdeclname "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_untyped_module ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    private namespace_stmt := "library" sname "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_library ,_sr ,_2 ,_4)
    Define a module and open in it in the current scope.
    DEPRECATED: Use classes instead.
    private namespace_stmt := "open" "module" sdeclname "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr (
        (ast_untyped_module ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_5)
        (ast_open ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr ,(first _3) ()))))
    private namespace_stmt := "open" "library" sname "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr (
        (ast_library ,_sr ,_3 ,_5)
        (ast_open ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr ,_3 ()))))
    Define a class.
    A class is a collection of constants, variables,
    types, functions, and other entities.
    A polymorphic class may contain virtual functions, which are
    functions which can be defined later for particular types.
    This is equivalent to a specialisation of a template in C++.
      //$ NOTE: polymorphic classes may not contain variables.
    Only variables of non-polymorphic classes can be instantiated.
    private namespace_stmt := "class" sdeclname "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_typeclass ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    private namespace_stmt := "class" sdeclname ";" =>#
      `(ast_begin_typeclass ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2))
    Define a class and open it.
    private namespace_stmt := "open" "class" sdeclname "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_seq ,_sr (
        (ast_typeclass ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_5)
        (ast_open ,_sr ,dfltvs (ast_name ,_sr ,(first _3) ()))))
    Define an instance of a class.
    This is a specialisation of the class which may contain
    overrides of virtual functions for a subset of the possible types.
    Instances can be defined in any class scope (including and usually
    at the top level of the program).
      //$ Members of instances which are not overrides are private
    to the instance.
      private namespace_stmt := "instance" stvarlist squalified_name "=" ? scompound =>#
      `(ast_instance ,_sr ,_2 ,_3 ,_5)
    Provide a set of definitions in the with block
    which are available in the do block but are lost
      //$ Effectively these definitions are private to the
    do block. The with block is basically an anonymous
    class which is opened in the do block. Example:
    var x = 42;
    with var x = 1; do var y = x; done
    println$ x; // prints 42 not 1
      //$ This is the statement form of a let expression ..
    private namespace_stmt := "with" stmt+ block =>#
        (dummy_class_name (fresh_name "dummy_class"))
        (decls1 (map make_private _2)) 
        (decls (append decls1 `(,_3)))
      `(ast_seq ,_sr 
          (ast_typeclass ,_sr ,dummy_class_name ,dfltvs ,decls)
          (ast_inject_module ,_sr ,dfltvs ,(nos dummy_class_name))

+ 2.19 Patterns


  Pattern matching.
  //$ Pattern matching is a way to "take apart" a value according
  to its structure.
  //$ Matches operate "inside out".
  syntax patterns {
    block = match_stmt;
    smatch_head := "chainmatch" sexpr "with" stmt_matching+ =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    smatch_link := "ormatch" sexpr "with" stmt_matching+ =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    smatch_chain := smatch_chain smatch_link =># "(cons _2 _1)"; // revsersed
    smatch_chain := smatch_link =># "`(,_1)";
    match_stmt := smatch_head smatch_chain "endmatch" ";" =># 
      "`(ast_stmt_chainmatch ,_sr ,(cons _1 (reverse _2)))"
    match_stmt := smatch_head "endmatch" ";" =># 
      "`(ast_stmt_match (,_sr ,_1))"
    Pattern match statement.
    At least one branch must match or the program aborts with a match failure.
    match_stmt:= "match" sexpr "with" stmt_matching+ "endmatch" ";" =>#
      "`(ast_stmt_match (,_sr ,_2 ,_4))";
    match_stmt:= "match" sexpr "do" stmt_matching+ "done" =>#
      "`(ast_stmt_match (,_sr ,_2 ,_4))";
    A single branch of a pattern match statement.
    The match argument expression is compared to the pattern.
    If it matches any contained pattern variables are assigned
    the values in the corresponding possition of the expression,
    and the statements are executed.
    private stmt_matching := "|" spattern "=>" stmt+ =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    Pattern match expression with terminator.
    satom := pattern_match "endmatch" =># "_1";
    Pattern match expression without terminator.
    Match the expression against each of the branches in the matchings.
    At least one branch must match or the program aborts with a match failure.
    pattern_match := "match" sexpr "with" smatching+ =>#
      "`(ast_match ,_sr (,_2 ,_4))";
    The match argument expression is compared to the pattern.
    If it matches any contained pattern variables are assigned
    the values in the corresponding possition of the expression,
    and expression is evaluated and becomes the return value
    of the whole match. 
    smatching := "|" spattern "=>" x[let_pri] =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    Match nothing.
    smatching := "|" "=>" sexpr =># "`((pat_none ,_sr) ,_3)";
    spattern := sguard_pattern ("|" sguard_pattern)* =># "(chain 'pat_alt _1 _2)";
    Match with guard.
    The LHS pattern is match first.
    Then the RHS guard expression is evaluated,
    in a context which includes any extracted match variables.
    If the guard is true, the whole pattern matches,
    otherwise the matching fails.
    sguard_pattern := swith_pattern "when" x[sor_condition_pri] =># "`(pat_when ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    sguard_pattern := swith_pattern =># "_1";
    swith_pattern := sas_pattern "with" spat_avars =># "`(pat_with ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
      spat_avar := sname "=" x[sor_condition_pri] =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
      spat_avars := list::commalist1<spat_avar> =># "_1"; 
    swith_pattern := sas_pattern =># "_1";
    Match with naming of subexpression.
    Matches the pattern against the corresponding subexpression,
    and gives it a name. 
    private sas_pattern := scons_pattern "as" sname =># "`(pat_as ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    private sas_pattern := scons_pattern =># "_1";
    Match a non-empty list.
    The LHS is the head of the list and the RHS is the tail.
    Does not match the empty list.
    private scons_pattern := stuple_cons_pattern "!" scons_pattern =>#
      '''`(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Cons") (pat_tuple ,_sr (,_1 ,_3)))''';
    private scons_pattern := stuple_cons_pattern =># "_1";
    Match a non-empty list using standard list syntax
    This allows for variables in the list syntax and bindings should "just work"
    private scons_pattern :="[" slist_pattern "]" =># 
    private slist_pattern := scoercive_pattern "," slist_pattern  =># 
      """`(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Cons") (pat_tuple ,_sr (,_1 ,_3)))""";
    private slist_pattern := scoercive_pattern =># 
      """`(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Cons") (pat_tuple ,_sr (,_1 
        (pat_const_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Empty") ))))""";
    private slist_pattern := scoercive_pattern ",," scoercive_pattern =># 
      """`(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Cons") (pat_tuple ,_sr (,_1 ,_3)))""";
    private scons_pattern :="[" "]" =># """`(pat_const_ctor ,_sr ,(nos "Empty"))""";
    Match a tuple of at least 3 elements.
    The LHS is the first element of the tuple.
    The RHS is the rest of the tuple.
    private stuple_cons_pattern := stuple_pattern ",," stuple_cons_pattern =>#
      "`(pat_tuple_cons ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    private stuple_cons_pattern := stuple_pattern "<,,>" stuple_cons_pattern =>#
      "`(pat_tuple_snoc ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    private stuple_cons_pattern := stuple_pattern =># "_1";
    Match a tuple with 2 or more components.
    private stuple_pattern := scoercive_pattern ("," scoercive_pattern )* =>#
      "(chain 'pat_tuple _1 _2)";
    Match a value with a coercion.
    The subexpression corresponding to the LHS is compared.
    If it matches the result is coerced to the RHS type expression. 
    private scoercive_pattern := sapplicative_pattern "|>" t[sarrow_pri] =>#
      "`(pat_coercion ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    // NOTE THIS IS A HACK I just wanted var x : t = expr to be
    // convertable to let x : t = expr in, i.e. without having to delete the type
    private scoercive_pattern := sapplicative_pattern ":" t[sarrow_pri] =>#
      "`(pat_coercion ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    private scoercive_pattern := sapplicative_pattern =># "_1";
    private scoercive_pattern := stypeexpr ":>>" sname =>#
      "`(pat_subtype ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";
    Match a non-constant sum type constructor
    that is, one with an argument.
    The LHS name must match the constructor used to make the value.
    The RHS pattern is matched against the argument it was constructed with.
    private sapplicative_pattern := sctor_name sargument_pattern =>#
      "`(pat_nonconst_ctor ,_sr ,_1 ,_2)";
    // NOTE: the precednece of the argument is suspect!
    private sapplicative_pattern := sctor_name x[>sapplication_pri]+ sargument_pattern =>#
      """;;(begin (display "HO PATTERN ")(display _1)(display "\n")
         ;;(display "arguments=")(display _2) (display "\n")
         ;;(display "pattern=")(display _3)(display "\n")
         `(pat_ho_ctor ,_sr ,_1 ,_2 ,_3)
      The sum type constructor can either be a qualified name...
      private sctor_name := sname =># "`(ast_name ,_sr ,_1 ())";
      or it can be a case literal.
      private sctor_name := "case" sinteger =># "`(ast_case_tag ,_sr ,_2)";
      private sctor_name := "`" sinteger =># "`(ast_case_tag ,_sr ,_2)";
    private sapplicative_pattern := "case" sname sargument_pattern =>#
      "`(pat_nonconst_variant ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)";
    private sapplicative_pattern := "`" sname sargument_pattern =>#
      "`(pat_nonconst_variant ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)";
    private sapplicative_pattern := satomic_pattern =># "_1";
    private sargument_pattern := satomic_pattern =># "_1";
    // atomic pattern
    private satomic_pattern := sname =># 
        (char-upper-case? (string-ref _1 0))
        `(pat_const_ctor ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,_1 ()))
        `(pat_as ,_sr (pat_any ,_sr) ,_1)
    private satomic_pattern := "?" sname =># "`(pat_as ,_sr (pat_any ,_sr) ,_2)";
    private satomic_pattern := "val" sname =># "`(pat_as ,_sr (pat_any ,_sr) ,_2)";
    private satomic_pattern := "#" sctor_name =># "`(pat_const_ctor ,_sr ,_2)";
    private satomic_pattern := "#" "case" sname =># "`(pat_const_variant ,_sr ,_3)";
    private satomic_pattern := "`" sname =># "`(pat_const_variant ,_sr ,_2)";
    private satomic_pattern := "case" sinteger =># "`(pat_const_ctor ,_sr (ast_case_tag ,_sr ,_2))";
    private satomic_pattern := "`" sinteger =># "`(pat_const_ctor ,_sr (ast_case_tag ,_sr ,_2))";
    Match the value true = case 1 of 2.
    private satomic_pattern := "true" =># "`(pat_const_ctor ,_sr (ast_case_tag ,_sr 1))";
    Match the value false = case 0 of 2.
    private satomic_pattern := "false" =># "`(pat_const_ctor ,_sr (ast_case_tag ,_sr 0))";
    Match anything without naming the subexpression.
    private satomic_pattern := "_" =># "`(pat_any ,_sr)";
    Precedence control.
    private satomic_pattern := "(" spattern ")" =># "_2";
    Match the unit tuple.
    private satomic_pattern := "(" ")" =># "`(pat_tuple ,_sr ())";
    Match a record.
    The record must have fields with the given names.
    It may have more fields though, these are ignored.
    private satomic_pattern :=  "(" spat_assign ("," spat_assign )* ")" =>#
      "`(pat_record ,_sr ,(cons _2 (map second _3)))"
      private spat_assign := sname "=" spattern =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
    Polyrecord pattern
    Matches a record with the given fields and assigns
    the rest of the fields to the extension
    private satomic_pattern :=  "(" spat_assign ("," spat_assign )* "|" sname ")" =>#
      "`(pat_polyrecord ,_sr ,(cons _2 (map second _3)) ,_5)"
    Match an arbitrary expression.
    Equivalent to 
      //$  ?name when name == expr.
      private satomic_pattern := "$" "(" sexpr ")" =># "`(pat_expr ,_sr ,_3)";
    Match against any literal value.
    This includes integers, strings, whatever.
    The underlying type must support equality operator (==).
    Usually it would be instance of class Eq.
    private satomic_pattern := sliteral =># "`(pat_literal ,_sr ,_1)";
    Match against a range specified by two literals.
    The range is inclusive.
    The underlying type must support less than operator (<).
    Usually it would be an instance of class Tord.
  // FIXME: use slices!!!!
    private satomic_pattern := sliteral ".." sliteral =># "`(pat_range ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)";

+ 2.20 Plugin Support DSSL

Use to create a preload wrapper around programs that do dynamic loading to statically link some libraries and then emulate dynamic loading. Used to create standalone executables for clients from developer dynamic link model.


  // Dummy: FIXME: stupid skaller forgot to commit me, and then did a git clean -f.
  SCHEME """
    (define (static-link-symbol lib sym) 
           (dummy (begin (display "lib ")(display lib)(display ", symbol ") (display sym)(display "\n")))
           (externc (string-append "extern \"C\" void *" sym ";\n"))
           (rcode `(Str ,externc))
           (hreq `(Header_req ,rcode))
           (reqs `(rreq_atom ,hreq))
           (address_type (nos "address"))
           (address `(Str ,(string-append "&" sym))) 
           (const `(ast_const_decl ,_sr ,sym ,dfltvs ,address_type ,address ,reqs))
           (arg `(ast_tuple ,_sr ,(list (stringof lib) (stringof sym) (nos sym))))
           (addsym `(ast_call ,_sr ,(nos "add_symbol")  ,arg))
        `(ast_seq ,_sr ,(list const addsym))
    (define (plugin-syms lib) 
        ,(string-append lib "_create_thread_frame")
        ,(string-append lib "_flx_start")
        ,(string-append lib "_setup")
    (define (plugin-defs lib) 
          (syms (plugin-syms lib))
          (defs (map (lambda (sym) (static-link-symbol lib sym)) syms))
        `(ast_seq ,_sr ,defs)
  syntax plugins
    stmt := "static-link-symbol" sname "in" "plugin" sname ";" =># "(static-link-symbol _5 _2)";
    stmt := "static-link-plugin" sname ("," sname)* ";" =>#
        (plugins (cons _2 (map second _3)))
        (defs (map plugin-defs plugins))
      `(ast_seq ,_sr ,defs)

+ 2.21 Requirements

Used to define dependencies on external resources.


  Syntax to express and provide dependencies.
  //$ Requirements operate as extensions to the usual
  usage dependencies, to provide the compiler additional
  information regarding C/C++ contructions used in bindings. 
  //$ A requirement of a C type is
  activated if, and only if, that type is used
  in a program (or plugin).
  //$ Similarly, a requirement of a function is
  activated if, and only if, the function is used.
  //$ An unnamed requirement in a class is activated
  if any C binding in the class is used.
  Such bindings also propagate to descendent (contained) classes.
  //$ A named requirement is activated only if an active
  requirement requires it.
  Requirements may have "tag names".
  When a requirement is required by name,
  all requirements with that name are activated.
  Circularities in named requirements are permitted and harmless.
  //$ Floating insertions (header, body) are emitted in order of writting
  at fixed places in the generated C++ header and implementation files.
  Floating insertions can themselves have requirements.
  //$ WARNING: there are two gotchas!
  //$ Gotcha 1: requirements on names cannot fail, even if no
  resource is tagged wih that name. This is because requirements
  activate the set of resources with the given name, and as
  usual, a set may be empty.
  //$ Gotcha 2; Just because you put a requires statement in a class
  doesn't mean it will be activated. requirements are only
  triggered by the use of C bindings! Using a Felix entity
  will not trigger the requirement!
  syntax requirements {
    General form of required clause.
    srequires_clause := "requires" srequirements =># "_2";
    An empty requirement is deemed satisfied.
    srequires_clause := sepsilon =># "'rreq_true";
    A requirement on a requirement defined by name elsewhere.
    private srequirement:= squalified_name =># "`(Named_req ,_1)";
    A generic "catch all" requirement or specification
    of some property named by a string.
    private srequirement :=  "property" sstring =># "`(Property_req ,_2)";
    A dependency on an external package with a given name.
    Also known as a resource abstraction.
    The package name refers to an entry in an external database 
    usually represented by directory of text files (usually called "config"),
    each of which usually has extension "fpc".
      //$ Each file contains a number of fields, which
    may specify a platform dependent filename for
    a shared/dynamic link library, static link library,
    header file, compiler option switch, or other
      //$ The package construction abstracts the platform dependent
    data required to locate and use a resource.
    The Felix compiler "flxg" generates a list of required
    abstract resources.
      //$ The Felix command line harness "flx" queries the database
    of resources using the "flx_pkgconfig" tool, and applies
    the relevant arguments to the relevant steps of the 
    compilation process.
      //$ This allows fully automatic compilation and execution
    of Felix programs without the programmer needing to
    continually worry about build scripts.
      //$ Instead the system installer is required, once,
    to provide the resource database.
    private srequirement :=  "package" scode_spec =># "`(Package_req ,_2)";
    The scanner requirement applies only to a C type binding.
    It specifies the name of a C function which the garbage
    collector can called to search a data structure for pointers.
      //$ By default, if no scanner is specified for a C type,
    the type is assumed not to contain any Felix pointers.
    private srequirement :=  "scanner" scode_spec =># "`(Scanner_req ,_2)";
    The finaliser requirement applies only to a C type binding.
    It specifies the name of a C function which the garbage
    collector can call to finalise an object prior to freeing up
    the underlying memory.
      //$ By default, if no finaliser is specifed, the C++ destructor is called.
    private srequirement :=  "finaliser" scode_spec =># "`(Finaliser_req ,_2)";
    The encoder requirement applies only to a C type binding.
    It specifies the name of a C function which can be called 
    to serialise one element of the object.
    By default, if no encoder is specifed, memcpy is used.
    private srequirement :=  "encoder" scode_spec =># "`(Encoder_req ,_2)";
    The decoder requirement applies only to a C type binding.
    It specifies the name of a C function which can be called 
    to deserialise one element of the object.
    By default, if no decoder is specifed, memcpy is used.
    private srequirement :=  "decoder" scode_spec =># "`(Decoder_req ,_2)";
    private srequirement :=  "index" sinteger =># "`(Index_req ,_2)";
    private srequirement :=  "index" sname =># "`(Named_index_req ,_2)";
    Requirement expressions. Deprecated.
    private srequirement_atom:= srequirement =># "`(rreq_atom ,_1)";
    Requirement expressions. Deprecated.
    private srequirement_atom:= "(" srequirements ")" =># "_2";
    Requirement expressions. Deprecated.
    private srequirement_and:= srequirement_and "and" srequirement_atom =>#
      "`(rreq_and ,_1 ,_3)";
    private srequirement_and:= srequirement_atom =># "_1";
    Requirement expressions. Deprecated.
    private srequirement_or:= srequirement_or "or" srequirement_and =>#
      "`(rreq_or ,_1 ,_3)";
    private srequirement_or:= srequirement_and =># "_1";
    Requirement expressions: a comma separated list
    of requirements specified each one of the requirements
    applies independently.
    private srequirements:= srequirements "," srequirement_or =>#
      "`(rreq_and ,_1 ,_3)";
    private srequirements:= srequirement_or =># "_1";
    The body requirement is a floating requirement that
    specifies that the given code
    string be inserted into the output "near the top"
    of the generated C++ body (cpp) file.
      //$ It can be used to emit utiliy functions
    written in C.
    private srequirement := "body" scode_spec =># "`(Body_req ,_2)";
    The header requirement is a floating requirement that
    specifies that the given code
    string be inserted into the output "near the top"
    of the generated C++ header (hpp) file.
      //$ It is typically used to emit a "#include" directive
    so that the requiring binding has relevant types
    and functions available.
    private srequirement := "header" scode_spec =># "`(Header_req ,_2)";
    A Felix string used as a code specification
    is treated as a template with special coding
    internally which can be replaced.
      //$ This feature supports the fact that Felix code
    insertions can be polymorphic.
    scode_spec := sstring =># "`(StrTemplate ,_1)";
    A c-string like c"xxxx" is emitted literally
    without any substitutions.
    scode_spec := scstring =># "`(Str ,_1)";
    This is a special code to make specific
    that a binding is an identity which can
    be optimised away.
    //scode_spec := "ident" =># "'Identity";
    The anonymous requires statement specifies requirements which 
    propagates to all C bindings
    in the same class, or any descendant (enclosed) class.
    stmt := "requires" srequirements ";" =>#
      """`(ast_insert ,_sr "_root" ,dfltvs (Str "") body ,_2)""";
    stmt := "export" "requires" srequirements ";" =>#
      """`(ast_seq ,_sr 
             `(ast_insert ,_sr "_root" ,dfltvs (Str "") body ,_3)
             `(ast_export_requirement ,_sr ,_3)
    The named requires statement simply names a requirement.
    stmt := sname "requires" srequirements ";" =>#
      """`(ast_insert ,_sr ,_1 ,dfltvs (Str "") body ,_3)""";
    The header statement specifies a header requirement which
    propagates to all C bindings
    in the same class, or any descendant (enclosed) class.
    stmt := "header" scode_spec srequires_clause ";" =>#
      """`(ast_insert ,_sr "_root" ,dfltvs ,_2 header ,_3))""";
    The body statement specifies a header requirement which
    propagates to all C bindings
    in the same class, or any descendant (enclosed) class.
    stmt := "body" scode_spec srequires_clause ";" =>#
      """`(ast_insert ,_sr "_root" ,dfltvs ,_2 body ,_3))""";
    Named header requirement.
    stmt := "header" sdeclname "=" scode_spec srequires_clause ";" =>#
      `(ast_insert ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4 header ,_5)
    Named body requirement.
    stmt := "body" sdeclname "=" scode_spec srequires_clause ";" =>#
      `(ast_insert ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4 body ,_5)

+ 2.22 Save Thunk.

Special code to tell the parser when to save the automaton to disk.


  open syntax felix;

+ 2.23 Statements

General statements.


  A grab bag of miscellaneous statements and 
  nonterminals used to construct other statements.
  syntax statements {
    requires expressions;
    A comment statement based on a string argument.
    stmt := "comment" sstring ";" =># "`(ast_comment ,_sr ,_2)";
    Statement qualifier which makes a definition
    private to the containing module or class.
    stmt := "private" stmt =># "`(ast_private ,_sr ,_2)";
    Deprecated method of documenting a definition.
    stmt := "publish" sstring stmt =># "_3";
    An empty statement.
    stmt := ";" =># """`(ast_nop ,_sr "")""";
    Include file directive.
    This is similar to C's pre-processor include except that
    the file is parsed and macro processed first, entirely
    independently of the including file, and then the
    resulting AST is inserted into the current AST.
    Thus the included file also has no influence on
    the including file either: the two files are parsed
    entirely independently.
    stmt := "include" sstring ";" =># "`(ast_include ,_sr ,_2)";
    A declarative name consists of an identifier and
    an (optional) type variable specification.
    // note: list is reversed, eg X::Y::name goes to list name, Y, Z
    sdeclname := sname stvarlist =># """`(,_1 ,_2)""";
    A way to contruct a new abstract type out of an existing type.
    Only two operations are available on this new type:
      //$ _repr_ t: exposes the underlying type
    make_t  : constructs the type from the underlying type.
      //$ These operations are only available in the class or module
    containing the new type definition. This allows the private
    details of the type to be accessed so as to define operations
    on it, inside the same space as the definition, but leaves
    the type abstract externally.
    stmt := stype_qual* "type" sdeclname "=" "new" stype ";" =>#
      `(ast_newtype ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_6)
    stmt := "instance" "type" sdeclname "=" stype ";" =>#
      `(ast_instance_type ,_sr ,(first _3) ,(second _3) ,_5)
    Type constraint syntax.
    Type constraints are ways to constrain possible types
    which type variables may take on.
    stypeclass_constraint_list := stypeclass_constraint ("," stypeclass_constraint )* =># 
      "(cons _1 (map second _2))";
    stypeclass_constraint := squalified_name =># "_1";
    Allow T is Real to mean Real[T].
    // probably should generalise to use ast_lookup 
    stypeclass_constraint := stypeexpr "is" sname =># "`(ast_name ,_sr ,_3 (texprs (,_1)))";
    A constraint specifying types require an instance
    of a particular type class.
    stype_constraint := "with" stypeclass_constraint_list =># 
     "`(,ttrue ,_2)";
    A predicative or equational constraint.
    stype_constraint := "where" stype =># "`(,_2 ())";
    Both types of constraint together.
    stype_constraint := "with" stypeclass_constraint_list "where" stype =>#
      "`(,_4 ,_2)";
    Both types of constraint together.
    stype_constraint := "where" stype "with" stypeclass_constraint_list =>#
      "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    The constraint is empty if the polymorphism is parametric.
    stype_constraint := sepsilon =># "`(,ttrue ())";
    Individual type variable equational constraint.
    seqorin:= "=" stypeexpr =># "`(Eq ,_2)";
    Individual type variable membership constraint.
    seqorin:= "in" stypeset =># "`(In ,_2)";
    No constraint!
    seqorin:= sepsilon =># "'NoConstraint";
    // variance spec: + covariant, - contravariant, nothing: invariant
    svariance := "+" =># "'covariant";
    svariance := "-" =># "'contravariant";
    svariance := sepsilon =># "'invariant";
    A type variable, possibly with an individual constraint.
    stvar := svariance sname seqorin =># """`(,_2 (knd_name "TYPE") ,_3 ,_1)"""; 
    A type variable with an individual constraint.
    This is usually the same as a predicate.
    stvar := svariance sname ":" skindexpr seqorin =># "`(,_2 ,_4 ,_5 ,_1)";
    A list of type variables with optional individual constraints.
    stvar_comma_list := stvar ("," stvar)* =># "(cons _1 (map second _2))";
    stvar_comma_list := sepsilon =># "'()";
    A type variable specification consists of
    a possibly empty list of type variables with 
    individual constraints, plus an optional
    type constraint relating the specified variables.
    stvarlist := sepsilon =># "dfltvs";
    stvarlist := "[" stvar_comma_list stype_constraint "]" =>#
      "(tvfixup _2 _3)";
    stypeparameter := sname ":" k[sarrow_pri] =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
    stypeparameter := sname =># '`(,_1 (knd_name "TYPE"))';
    stypeparameter_comma_list := sepsilon =># "()";
    stypeparameter_comma_list := stypeparameter ("," stypeparameter)* =># "(cons _1 (map second _2))";
    stypefun_arg := sname =># '`((,_1 (knd_name "TYPE")))';
    stypefun_arg := "(" stypeparameter_comma_list ")" =># "_2";
    stypefun_args := stypefun_arg+  =># "_1";
    The todo no-op is primarily a way to document
    unfinished code. Currently no action is taken.
    Felix reserves the right to throw an exception,
    or emit some diagnostics in future versions.
    stodo := "todo" sstring ";" =># "`(ast_nop ,_sr ,_2)";
    stodo := "todo" ";" =># """`(ast_nop ,_sr "todo")""";
    Compound construction.
    Note his is NOT a statement.
    A compound followed by a semi-colon ";" is, however.
    //scompound := "{" stmt* "}" =># "_2";
    scompound := "{" sstatements "}" =># "_2";
    A suffixed name.
    Used  to name an overloaded function.
    sname_suffix:= "," sname sname_suffix =># "(cons _2 _3)";
    sname_suffix:= "," sname =># "`(,_2)";

+ 2.24 TeX Symbols

A fairly complete set of TeX, LaTeX and AMSTeX symbols available for client use with predefined precedences. Some symbols are used elsewhere in the grammar and may not be included here because they have been assigned different precedences.


  This file contains a huge set of operators from TeX, AMSTeX and LaTeX.
  The precedence classification is currently very crude.
  Some operators are duplicate semantics with different names.
  Some are negations, and should be handled properly.
  //$ Nouns such as Greek letters are not included because they're atoms and don't
  need any parsing.
  syntax texsyms {
  // A
    bin := "\amalg" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\approx" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\approxeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\Arrowvert" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\arrowvert" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\asymp" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // B
    cmp := "\backsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\backsimeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\bar" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\barwedge" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\between" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigcap" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigcirc" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigcup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigodot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigoplus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigotimes" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigsqcup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigtriangledown" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigtriangleup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\biguplus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigvee" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bigwedge" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\bowtie" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\Box" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\boxdot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\boxminus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\boxplus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\boxtimes" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\Bumpeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\bumpeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // C
    bin := "\Cap" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\cdot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\cdotp" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\circeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\circledast" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\circledcirc" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\circleddash" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\cong" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\coprod" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\Cup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\curlyeqprec" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\curlyeqsucc" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\curlyvee" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\curlywedge" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // D
    arr := "\dashleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\dashrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\divideontimes" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\doteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\Doteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\doteqdot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\dotplus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\doublebarwedge" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\doublecap" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\doublecup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\Downarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\downarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\downdownarrows" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\downharpoonleft" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\downharpoonright" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // E
    cmp := "\eqcirc" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\eqsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\eqslantgtr" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\eqslantless" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\equiv" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // F
    bin := "\fallingdotseq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // G
    cmp := "\geqslant" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\gets" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gg" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ggg" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gggtr" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gnapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gnsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gtrapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gtrdot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gtreqless" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gtreqqless" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gtrless" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gtrsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gvertneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // H
    arr := "\hookleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\hookrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // I
  // J
    bin := "\Join" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // K
  // L
    arr := "\leadsto" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Leftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftarrowtail" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftharpoondown" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftharpoonup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftleftarrows" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Leftrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\leftrightarrows" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\leftrightharpoons" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\leftrightsquigarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\leqslant" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lessapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lessdot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lesseqgtr" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lesseqqgtr" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lessgtr" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lesssim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Lleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lll" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\llless" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lnapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lnot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lnsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Longleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\longleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Longleftrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\longleftrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\longmapsto" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Longrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\longrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ltimes" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lvertneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // M
    arr := "\mapsto" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // N
    cmp := "\ncong" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ngeqslant" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ni" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nleqslant" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nparallel" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nprec" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\npreceq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsucc" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsucceq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ntriangleleft" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ntrianglelefteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ntriangleright" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ntrianglerighteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // O
    bin := "\odot" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\ominus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\oplus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\oslash" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    //bin := "\otimes" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // P
    cmp := "\perp" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\pm" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\prec" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\precapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\preccurlyeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\preceq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\precnapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\precneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\precnsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\precsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\prod" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\propto" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // Q
  // R
    cmp := "\rhd" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Rightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightarrowtail" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightharpoondown" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightharpoonup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightleftarrows" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightleftharpoons" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightleftharpoons" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightrightarrows" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\rightsquigarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\Rrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\rtimes" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // S
    bin := "\setminus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\sim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\simeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\smallsetminus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\sqcap" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\sqcup" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\sqsubset" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\sqsubseteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\sqsupset" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\sqsupseteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\square" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\Subset" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succ" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succcurlyeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succnapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succnsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\succsim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\Supset" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // T
    cmp := "\thickapprox" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\thicksim" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\times" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\to" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\triangle" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\triangledown" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\triangleleft" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\trianglelefteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\triangleq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\triangleright" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\trianglerighteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\twoheadleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\twoheadrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // U
    cmp := "\unlhd" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\unrhd" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\Uparrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\uparrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\Updownarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\updownarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\upharpoonleft" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\upharpoonright" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\uplus" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\upuparrows" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // V
    cmp := "\varsubsetneq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\varsubsetneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\varsupsetneq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\varsupsetneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\veebar" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // W
  // X
    arr := "\xleftarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    arr := "\xrightarrow" =># '(nos _1)'; 
  // Y
  // Z
  // The precedences here are a hack: so many operators.
  // The general effect is: except for keyword logic connectives,
  // these operations are all done AFTER any ASCII art ops
  // and, only one is allowed per sub-expression: you must use parens
  // if you use more than one. We'll fix this for some key operations later,
  // particularly the setwise and logic connectors. However, the comparisons
  // are at the right precedence.
  // (fact is, I don't know what half the operators are for anyhow .. )
    x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] "\brace" x[>stuple_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] "\brack" x[>stuple_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    x[scomparison_pri]:= x[>scomparison_pri] bin x[>scomparison_pri] =># 
      "(binop _2 _1 _3)";
    // set ops (note: no setminus, its a standard binop at the moment ;)
    // note: no \Cap or other variants .. would interfere with chain 
    // there's no reason at all to chain these anyhow, they're standard left assoc operators 
    // All arrows are right associative .. hmm ..
    x[sarrow_pri] := x[scase_literal_pri] arr x[sarrow_pri] =># 
      "(binop _2 _1 _3)";

+ 2.25 Type definitions


  Stuff for defining types.
  //$ Felix type expressions use the same syntax as value expressions.
    SCHEME """
      (define (makecstruct type members reqs) 
        (begin ;;(display "makecstruct ")(display type)(display "\n")
           (vals (filter_first 'Pval members))
           (funs (filter_first 'Pfun members))
           (struct-name (first type))
           (struct-polyspec (second type))
           (struct-polyvars (first struct-polyspec))
           (struct-pvids (map first struct-polyvars))
           (struct-pvs (map nos struct-pvids))
           (struct-polyaux (second struct-polyspec))
           (struct `(ast_cstruct ,_sr ,struct-name ,struct-polyspec ,vals ,reqs))
           (mfuns (map (lambda (x) 
                 (lst (first x))
                 (t0 (list-ref lst 0)) ; ast_curry
                 (t1 (list-ref lst 1)) ; sr
                 (t2 (list-ref lst 2)) ; name
                 (polyspec (list-ref lst 3)) ; polyvars
                 (t4 (list-ref lst 4)) ; args
                 (t5 (list-ref lst 5)) ; return type
                 (t6 (list-ref lst 6)) ; fun kind
                 (t7 (list-ref lst 7)) ; adjective properties
                 (t8 (list-ref lst 8)) ; body
                 (polyvars (first polyspec))
                 (polyaux (second polyspec))
                 (outpolyvars `(,(append struct-polyvars polyvars) ,polyaux))
                 (kind (if (isvoid? (first t5)) 'PRef 'PVal))
                 (self-name 'self)
                 (self-type `(ast_name ,_sr ,struct-name (texprs ,struct-pvs)))
                 (self-arg `(,kind ,self-name ,self-type none)) 
                 (self-args `((,self-arg) none))
                 (args (cons self-args t4))
               `(,t0 ,t1 ,t2 ,outpolyvars ,args, t5 ,t6 ,t7 ,t8)
             )) funs)
           (sts (cons struct mfuns))
         `(ast_seq ,_sr ,sts)
    SCHEME """
    (define (asserteq a b code)
      (if (equal? a b) 
          (display "struct tag ")(display a)(display " and typedef name ")
          (display b)(display " must be equal\n")
          (raise "typedef-struct-error") 
  SCHEME """
    define (make_struct_fun struct-name struct-polyvars struct-pvs x) 
         (lst (first x))
         (t0 (list-ref lst 0)) ; ast_curry_effects
         (t1 (list-ref lst 1)) ; sr
         (t2 (list-ref lst 2)) ; name
         ;;(dummy (begin (display "t2=")(display t2)(display "\n")))
         (polyspec (list-ref lst 3)) ; polyvars
         (t4 (list-ref lst 4)) ; args
         (t5 (list-ref lst 5)) ; return type, constraint
         ;;(dummy (begin (display "t5=")(display t5)(display "\n")))
         (t6 (list-ref lst 6)) ; effects
         (t7 (list-ref lst 7)) ; fun kind
         (t8 (list-ref lst 8)) ; adjective properties
         (t9 (list-ref lst 9)) ; body
         (polyvars (first polyspec))
         (polyaux (second polyspec))
         (outpolyvars `(,(append struct-polyvars polyvars) ,polyaux))
         (self-name 'self)
           (if (isvoid? (first t5))
             (begin ;; (display "procedure\n") 
               `(typ_ref ,_sr (ast_name ,_sr ,struct-name (texprs ,struct-pvs)))
             (begin ;; (display "function\n")
               `(ast_name ,_sr ,struct-name (texprs ,struct-pvs))
         (self-arg `(,_sr PVal ,self-name ,self-type none)) 
         (self-args `((Satom ,self-arg) none))
         (args (cons self-args t4))
       `(,t0 ,t1 ,t2 ,outpolyvars ,args ,t5 ,t6 ,t7 ,t8 ,t9)
  syntax type_decls {
    requires statements;
    tatom := stypematch =># "_1";
    satom := stypecasematch =># "_1";
    Typedef creates an alias for a type.
    stmt := "typedef" sdeclname "=" stype ";" =>#
      `(ast_type_alias ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    skvar := sname =># """`(,_1 (ast_name ,_sr "KIND" ()))"""; 
    skvar_comma_list := skvar ("," skvar)* =># "(cons _1 (map second _2))";
    skvar_comma_list := sepsilon =># "'()";
    skvarlist := sepsilon =># "'()";
    skvarlist := "<" skvar_comma_list ">"=># "_2";
    skf_declname := sname skvarlist =># "`(,_1 ,_2)";
    Typedef fun create a type function or functor.
    It maps some types to another type.
    This is the simple expression form.
    stmt := "typefun" skf_declname stypefun_args ":" skindexpr "=>" stype ";" =>#
      `(mktypefun ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_3 ,_5 ,_7)
    Typedef fun create a type function or functor.
    It maps some types to another type.
    This is the simple matching form.
    stmt := "typefun" skf_sdeclname ":" skindexpr "=" stype_matching+ ";" =>#
      (if (eq? 'typ_arrow (first _4))
        (let (
          (argt (caadr _4))
          (ret (cadadr _4))
          (body `(ast_type_match ,_sr (,(noi '_a) ,_6))))
          (let ((args `(((_a ,argt)))))
        `(mktypefun ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,args ,ret ,body)
    stypecasematch := "typecase" stype "with" stypecase_matching+ "endmatch" =>#
      "`(ast_typecase_match ,_sr (,_2 ,_4))";
    stypecase_matching := "|" stype "=>" sexpr =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
    A struct is a nominally type product type similar to a C struct.
    A struct may be polymorphic.  Felix generates a constructor for
    the struct from a tuple of the types of the fields of te struct,
    in the order they're written.
      //$ The syntax allows functions and procedures to be included in a struct, 
    however these are not non-static members. 
    Rather they global functions with an additional
    argument prefixed of the struct type (for a fun) or pointer
    to the struct type (for a proc). In such functinos the special
    identifier "self" must be used to refer to the struct.
    For example:
      //$ struct X { 
      a : int;
      fun f(b: int) => self.a + b;
    println$ X 1 . f 2;
    // f is equivalent to
    fun f (self:X) (b:int) => self.a + b;
    sexport := "export" =># "'export";
    sexport := sepsilon =># "'noexport";
    stmt := sexport "struct" sdeclname "=" ? "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" =>#
           (export_clause _1)
           (decl_name _3)
           (body _6)
           (vals (filter_first 'Pval body))
           (funs (filter_first 'Pfun body))
           (struct-name (first decl_name))
           (struct-polyspec (second decl_name))
           (struct-polyvars (first struct-polyspec))
           (struct-pvids (map first struct-polyvars))
           (struct-pvs (map nos struct-pvids))
           (struct-polyaux (second struct-polyspec))
           (struct `(ast_struct ,_sr ,struct-name ,struct-polyspec ,vals))
           (mfuns (map (lambda (x)(make_struct_fun struct-name struct-polyvars struct-pvs x)) funs))
           (sts (cons struct mfuns))
               (equal? export_clause 'export) 
               (cons `(ast_export_struct ,_sr ,struct-name) sts)
         `(ast_seq ,_sr ,sts)
      sstruct_mem_decl := stypeexpr sname ";" =># "`(Pval ,_2 ,_1)"; // like C: int x;!
      sstruct_mem_decl := sname ":" stypeexpr ";" =># "`(Pval ,_1 ,_3)";
      sstruct_mem_decl := sfunction  =># """
           (curry_kind (first _1))
           (equal? curry_kind 'ast_curry_effects)
           `(Pfun ,_1)
               (lst _1)
               (t1 (list-ref lst 1)) ; sr
               (t2 (list-ref lst 2)) ; name
               (t3 (list-ref lst 3)) ; vs
               (t4 (list-ref lst 4)) ; args
               (t5 (list-ref lst 5)) ; return type, constraint
               (t6 (list-ref lst 6)) ; fun kind
               (t7 (list-ref lst 7)) ; adjective properties
               (t8 (list-ref lst 8)) ; body
            `(Pfun (ast_curry_effects ,t1 ,t2 ,t3 ,t4 ,t5 ,dflteffects ,t6 ,t7 ,t8))
    A ctruct provides a model of a C structure.
    This is the same as a struct except the structure is not emitted.
    Instead, it is assumed to be already defined in C.
      //$ CAVEAT: A C struct constructor should not be used
    unless the cstruct definition is a complete model of the C struct.
    stmt := "cstruct" sdeclname "=" ? "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" srequires_clause ";" =>#
      "(makecstruct _2 _5 _7)"
    A hack to help with cut and paste from C headers into Felix
    stmt := "typedef" "struct" "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" sdeclname srequires_clause ";" =>#
      "(makecstruct _6 _4 _7)"
    A hack to help with cut and paste from C headers into Felix
    stmt := "typedef" "struct" sdeclname "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" sdeclname srequires_clause ";" =>#
      "(asserteq (first _3)(first _7) (makecstruct _7 _5 _8))"
    sopt_name := sname =># "_1";
    sopt_name := sepsilon =># '""';
    A union is a model of a discriminated union or variant.
    Such unions have a discriminant tag that determines
    at run time which component is populated.
    The only way to access the union field is by using a
    match which automatically enforces proper access.
      //$ The fields of a union are called type constructors.
    A constant type constructor has no arguments.
    A non-constant type constructor has an argument
    which can be extracted in a match.
    Unions provide a safe way to "unify" heterogenous data
    into a single data type.
    // shared by both union decl forms..
      stype_sum_item := sname sopt_value stvarlist "of" stypeexpr =># "`(,_1 ,_2 ,_3 ,_5)";
      stype_sum_item := sname sopt_value stvarlist "of" stypeexpr "=>" sexpr =># "`(,_1 ,_2 ,_3 ,_5 ,_7)";
      stype_sum_item := sname sopt_value stvarlist =># "`(,_1 ,_2 ,_3 (ast_void ,_sr))";
      stype_sum_item := "#" sname sopt_value stvarlist =># "`(,_2 ,_3 ,_4 (ast_void ,_sr))";
      stype_sum_item_bar := "|" stype_sum_item =># "_2";
      stype_sum_items := stype_sum_item stype_sum_item_bar* =># "(cons _1 _2)";
      stype_sum_items := stype_sum_item_bar* =># "_1";
   // deviant form using trailing ";" per item used inside { } unions
      stype_sum_item1 := stype_sum_item ";" =># "_1";
    suexport := "export" =># "'export";
    suexport := sepsilon =># "'noexport";
    suexport := "export" sstring =># "`(namedexport ,_2)";
    stmt := suexport "variant" sdeclname "=" stype_sum_items ";" =>#
          (union-name (first _3))
          (sts (list `(ast_union ,_sr ,union-name ,(second _3) ,_5)))
              (equal? _1 'export) 
              (cons `(ast_export_union ,_sr ,(nos union-name) ,union-name) sts)
                (equal? _1 'noexport) 
                (cons `(ast_export_union ,_sr ,(nos union-name) ,(second _1)) sts)
        `(ast_seq ,_sr ,sts)
    Deprecated C like syntax for unionx.
    stmt := "variant" sdeclname "{" stype_sum_item1* "}" =>#
      `(ast_union ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    stmt := senum_decl =># "_1";
    Short for for declaring an enumeration,
    which is a union all of whose fields are constant constructors.
    Deprecated syntax.
    stmt := "enum" sdeclname "{" senum_items "}" =>#
      `(ast_union ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    Short for for declaring an enumeration,
    which is a union all of whose fields are constant constructors.
    stmt := "enum" sdeclname "=" senum_items ";" =>#
      `(ast_union ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    sopt_value := "=" sinteger =># "`(some ,_2)";
    sopt_value := sepsilon =># "'none";
    senum_item := sname sopt_value =># "`(,_1 ,_2 ,dfltvs (ast_void ,_sr))";
    senum_items := senum_item "," senum_items =># "(cons _1 _3)";
    senum_items := senum_item =># "`(,_1)";
    senum_items := sepsilon =># "()";
    //$ Java like interface of an object type.
    //$ Equivalent to a record type.
    stmt := "interface" sdeclname "{" srecord_type "}" =>#
      `(ast_type_alias ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) ,_4)
    Java like interface of an object type.
    Equivalent to a record type.
    stmt := "interface" sdeclname stype_extension "{" srecord_type "}" =>#
      `(ast_type_alias ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) (typ_type_extension ,_sr ,_3 ,_5))
      srecord_type := srecord_mem_decl (";" srecord_mem_decl)* ";" =># 
       "`(ast_record_type ,(cons _1 (map second _2)))";
      stype_extension := "extends" stypeexpr_comma_list =># "_2";
      stype_extension := sepsilon =># "()";

+ 2.26 Utility nonterminals.


  // Utility macros
  syntax list 
    seplist1 sep a := a (sep a)* =># '(cons _1 (map second _2))'; 
    seplist0 sep a = seplist1<sep><a>;
    seplist0 sep a := sepsilon =># '()';
    commalist1 a = seplist1<","><a>;
    commalist0 a = seplist0<","><a>;
    snames = commalist1<sname>;
    sdeclnames = commalist1<sdeclname>;

+ 2.27 Variable definitions.


  General variable binders.
  syntax variables {
    requires statements, executable;
    Value binder: multi declaration. Like:
    val x,y,z = 1,2,3;
      stmt := "val" sname sname_suffix "=" sexpr ";" =>#
          (names (cons _2 _3))
          (vals (mkexlist _5))
        ;;(display "names=")(display names)
        ;;(display "init=")(display vals)
        ;;(display "\\n")
        (if (eq? (length names)(length vals))
              (f (lambda (n v)`(ast_val_decl ,_sr ,n ,dfltvs none (some ,v))))
            `(ast_seq ,_sr ,(map f names vals))
              (f (lambda (n)`((Val ,_sr ,n) none)))
              (lexpr (map f names))
            `(ast_assign ,_sr _set ((List ,lexpr) none) ,_5)
    Value binder, single.
    stmt := "val" sdeclname "=" sexpr ";" =>#
      `(ast_val_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) none (some ,_4))
    stmt := "device" sdeclname "=" sexpr ";" =>#
      `(ast_val_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) none (some ,_4))
    Value binder, single, with type.
    stmt := "val" sdeclname ":" stypeexpr "=" sexpr ";" =>#
      `(ast_val_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) (some ,_4) (some ,_6))
    Variable binder, multiple.
    stmt := "var" sname sname_suffix "=" sexpr ";" =>#
          (names (cons _2 _3))
          (vals (mkexlist _5))
        ;;(display "names=")(display names)
        ;;(display "init=")(display vals)
        ;;(display "\\n")
        (if (eq? (length names)(length vals))
              (f (lambda (n v)`(ast_var_decl ,_sr ,n ,dfltvs none (some ,v))))
            `(ast_seq ,_sr ,(map f names vals))
              (f (lambda (n)`((Var ,_sr ,n) none)))
              (lexpr (map f names))
            `(ast_assign ,_sr _set ((List ,lexpr) none) ,_5)
    Variable binder, single.
    stmt := "var" sdeclname "=" sexpr ";" =>#
      `(ast_var_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) none (some ,_4))
    Variable binder, single, with type.
    stmt := "var" sdeclname ":" stypeexpr "=" sexpr ";" =>#
      `(ast_var_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) (some ,_4) (some ,_6))
    Variable binder, single, with type, no explicit initialiser.
    stmt := "var" sdeclname ":" stypeexpr ";" =>#
      `(ast_var_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) (some ,_4) none)

+ 2.28 Chips


  syntax chips {
    input schannel type %<T
    pintype := "%<" t[spower_pri] =># '`(ast_name ,_sr "ischannel" (texprs (,_2)))';
    output schannel type %>T
    pintype := "%>" t[spower_pri] =># '`(ast_name ,_sr "oschannel" (texprs (,_2)))';
    input/output schannel type %<>T
    pintype := "%<>" t[spower_pri] =># '`(ast_name ,_sr "ioschannel" (texprs (,_2)))';
    duplex schannel type %<INPUT%>OUTPUT
    pintype := "%<" t[spower_pri] "%>" t[spower_pri] =># 
      '`(ast_name ,_sr "duplex_schannel" (texprs (,_2 ,_4)))'
    pinspec :=  "pin" sname ":"  pintype =># "`(,_2 ,_4)"; 
    stmt := "chip" sdeclname sfun_arg* 
      "connector" sname pinspec*
       scompound =>#
            (name (first _2))
            (vs (second _2))
            (args _3)
            (effects dflteffects)
            (ret `(ast_void ,_sr))
            (traint 'none)
            (body _7)
            (pinstype `(ast_record_type ,_6))
            (pinsarg `(,_sr PVal ,_5 ,pinstype none))
            (pinsargs `((Satom ,pinsarg) none))
            (args (append args `(,pinsargs ,unitparam)))
          `(ast_curry_effects ,_sr ,name ,vs ,args (,ret ,traint) ,effects
           NoInlineFunction (NoInlineFunction) ,body)
    stmt := "circuit" sconnection+ "endcircuit" =># "`(ast_circuit ,_sr ,_2)";
     spin := sname "." sname =># "`(,_1 ,_3)";
     sconnection := "connect" list::commalist1<spin> =># "`(connect ,_2)";
     sconnection := "wire" sexpr "to" sname "." sname =># "`(wire (,_2 ,_4 ,_6))";

+ 2.29 Syntax


  syntax setexpr
    cmp := "in" =># '(nos "\\in")'; 
    cmp := "\in" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "\notin" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\owns" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    x[ssetunion_pri] := x[ssetunion_pri] "\cup" x[>ssetunion_pri] =># "(Infix)" note "setunion";
    x[ssetintersection_pri] := x[ssetintersection_pri] "\cap" x[>ssetintersection_pri] =># "(Infix)" note "setintersection";

+ 3 Syntax


  syntax cmpexpr
    x[scomparison_pri]:= x[>scomparison_pri] cmp x[>scomparison_pri] =># 
      "(binop _2 _1 _3)";
    x[scomparison_pri]:= x[>scomparison_pri] "not" cmp x[>scomparison_pri] =># 
     "`(ast_not ,_sr ,(binop _3 _1 _4))";
    cmp := "==" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "!=" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "\ne" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\neq" =># '(nos _1)'; 

+ 3.1 Syntax


  syntax pordcmpexpr
    cmp := "\subset" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\supset" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\subseteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\subseteqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\supseteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\supseteqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsubseteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsubseteqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsupseteq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nsupseteqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\subsetneq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\subsetneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\supsetneq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\supsetneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 

+ 3.2 Syntax


  syntax tordcmpexpr
    cmp := "<" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "\lt" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lneq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\lneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "<=" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "\le" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\leq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\leqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := ">" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "\gt" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gneq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\gneqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := ">=" =># "(nos _1)"; 
    cmp := "\ge" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\geq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\geqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nless" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nleq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\nleqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ngtr" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ngeq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    cmp := "\ngeqq" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\vee" =># '(nos _1)'; 
    bin := "\wedge" =># '(nos _1)'; 

+ 3.3 Syntax


  syntax mulexpr
    multiplication: non-associative.
    x[sproduct_pri] := x[sproduct_pri] "*" x[>sproduct_pri] =># "(Infix)";

+ 3.4 Notation


  syntax addexpr
    Addition: left associative.
    x[ssum_pri] := x[ssum_pri] "+" x[>ssum_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    Subtraction: left associative.
    x[ssum_pri] := x[ssum_pri] "-" x[>ssum_pri] =># "(Infix)";

+ 3.5 Syntax


  syntax divexpr
    division: right associative low precedence fraction form
    x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] "\over" x[>stuple_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    division: left associative.
    x[sproduct_pri] := x[sproduct_pri] "/" x[>sproduct_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    remainder: left associative.
    x[sproduct_pri] := x[sproduct_pri] "%" x[>sproduct_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    remainder: left associative.
    x[sproduct_pri] := x[sproduct_pri] "\bmod" x[>sproduct_pri] =># "(Infix)";

+ 3.6 Syntax


  syntax bitexpr
    Bitwise or, left associative.
    x[sbor_pri] := x[sbor_pri] "\|" x[>sbor_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    Bitwise xor, left associative.
    x[sbxor_pri] := x[sbxor_pri] "\^" x[>sbxor_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    Bitwise exclusive and, left associative.
    x[sband_pri] := x[sband_pri] "\&" x[>sband_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    Bitwise left shift, left associative.
    x[sshift_pri] := x[sshift_pri] "<<" x[>sshift_pri] =># "(Infix)";
    Bitwise right shift, left associative.
    x[sshift_pri] := x[sshift_pri] ">>" x[>sshift_pri] =># "(Infix)";


  syntax swapop
    sswapop := "<->" =># "'swap";


  SCHEME """
  (define (findradix s)  ; find the radix of integer lexeme
        (n (string-length s))
            ((prefix? "0b" s)`(,(substring s 2 n) 2)) 
            ((prefix? "0o" s)`(,(substring s 2 n) 8)) 
            ((prefix? "0d" s)`(,(substring s 2 n) 10)) 
            ((prefix? "0x" s)`(,(substring s 2 n) 16)) 
            (else `(,s 10))
  SCHEME """
  (define (findtype s) ;; find type of integer lexeme
        (n (string-length s))
            ((suffix? "ut" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "utiny"))
            ((suffix? "tu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "utiny"))
            ((suffix? "t" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "tiny"))
            ((suffix? "us" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "ushort"))
            ((suffix? "su" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "ushort"))
            ((suffix? "s" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "short"))
            ((suffix? "ui" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uint"))
            ((suffix? "iu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uint"))
            ((suffix? "i" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "int"))
            ((suffix? "uz" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "size"))
            ((suffix? "zu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "size"))
            ((suffix? "z" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "ssize"))
            ((suffix? "uj" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uintmax"))
            ((suffix? "ju" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uintmax"))
            ((suffix? "j" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "intmax"))
            ((suffix? "up" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uintptr"))
            ((suffix? "pu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uintptr"))
            ((suffix? "p" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "intptr"))
            ((suffix? "ud" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uptrdiff"))
            ((suffix? "du" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uptrdiff"))
            ((suffix? "d" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "ptrdiff"))
            ;; must come first!
            ((suffix? "uvl" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "vlu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "ulv" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "lvu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "llu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "ull" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "uv" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "vu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uvlong"))
            ((suffix? "lv" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "vlong"))
            ((suffix? "vl" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "vlong"))
            ((suffix? "ll" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "vlong"))
            ;; comes next
            ((suffix? "ul" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "ulong"))
            ((suffix? "lu" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "ulong"))
            ;; last
            ((suffix? "v" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "vlong"))
            ((suffix? "u" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "uint"))
            ((suffix? "l" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 1)) "long"))
            ;; exact
            ((suffix? "u8" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "uint8"))
            ((suffix? "u16" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uint16"))
            ((suffix? "u32" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uint32"))
            ((suffix? "u64" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "uint64"))
            ((suffix? "i8" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 2)) "int8"))
            ((suffix? "i16" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "int16"))
            ((suffix? "i32" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "int32"))
            ((suffix? "i64" s)`(,(substring s 0 (- n 3)) "int64"))
            (else `(,s "int"))
  SCHEME """
  (define (parse-int s) 
        (s (tolower-string s))
        (x (findradix s))
        (radix (second x))
        (x (first x))
        (x (findtype x))
        (type (second x))
        (digits (first x))
        (value (string->number digits radix))
      (if (equal? value #f)
           (display "Invalid integer literal ") (display s) 
           (display "Radix ")(display radix)
           (display "Type ")(display type)
           (display "Digits ")(display digits)
         `(,type ,value)
  Integer literals.
  Felix integer literals consist of an optional radix specifer,
  a sequence of digits of the radix type, possibly separated
  by an underscore (_) character, and a trailing type specifier.
  //$ The radix can be:
  0b, 0B - binary
  0o, 0O - octal
  0d, 0D - decimal
  0x, 0X - hex
  //$ The default is decimal.
  NOTE: unlike C a leading 0 in does NOT denote octal.
  //$ Underscores are allowed between digits or the radix
  and the first digit, or between the digits and type specifier.
  //$ The adaptable signed type specifiers are:
  t        -- tiny   (char as int)
  s        -- short
  i        -- int
  l        -- long 
  v,ll     -- vlong (long long in C)
  z        -- ssize (ssize_t in C, a signed variant of size_t)
  j        -- intmax
  p        -- intptr
  d        -- ptrdiff
  //$ These may be upper of lower case. 
  A "u" or "U" before or after such specifier indicates
  the correspondin unsigned type.
  //$ The follingw exact type specifiers can be given:
  //$      "i8" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64"
     | "u8" | "u16" | "u32" | "u64"
     | "I8" | "I16" | "I32" | "I64"
     | "U8" | "U16" | "U32" | "U64";
  //$ The default type is "int".
  syntax felix_int_lexer {
    /* integers */
    regdef bin_lit  = '0' ('b' | 'B') (dsep ? bindigit) +;
    regdef oct_lit  = '0' ('o' | 'O') (dsep ? octdigit) +;
    regdef dec_lit  = '0' ('d' | 'D') (dsep ? digit) +;
    regdef dflt_dec_lit  =  digit (dsep ? digit) *;
    regdef hex_lit  = '0' ('x' | 'X') (dsep ? hexdigit)  +;
    regdef int_prefix = bin_lit | oct_lit | dec_lit | dflt_dec_lit | hex_lit;
    regdef fastint_type_suffix = 
    regdef exactint_type_suffix =
        "i8" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64"
      | "u8" | "u16" | "u32" | "u64"
      | "I8" | "I16" | "I32" | "I64"
      | "U8" | "U16" | "U32" | "U64";
    regdef signind = 'u' | 'U';
    regdef int_type_suffix =
        '_'? exactint_type_suffix
      | ('_'? fastint_type_suffix)? ('_'? signind)?
      | ('_'? signind)? ('_'? fastint_type_suffix)?;
    regdef int_lit = int_prefix int_type_suffix;
    // Untyped integer literals.
    literal int_prefix =># """
        (val (stripus _1))
        (x (parse-int val))
        ;; (type (first x))
        (value (second x))
    sinteger := int_prefix =># "_1";
    // Typed integer literal.
    literal int_lit =># """
        (val (stripus _1))
        (x (parse-int val))
        (type (first x))
        (value (second x))
        (fvalue (number->string value))
        (cvalue fvalue)       ;; FIXME!!
      `(,type ,fvalue ,cvalue)
    sliteral := int_lit =># "`(ast_literal ,_sr ,@_1)";
    sliteral := "@" int_lit =># 
        `(ast_literal ,_sr "NSNumber" ,(second _2) ,(string-append "@" (third _2)))
    // Typed signed integer constant.
    sintegral := int_lit =># "_1";
    sintegral := "-" int_lit =># """
        (type (first _2))
        (val (second _2))
        (val (* -1 val))
      `(,type ,val)
    strint := sintegral =># "(second _1)";

+ 4 Float literal constructors


  Floating point literals.
  //$ Follows ISO C89, except that we allow underscores;
  AND we require both leading and trailing digits so that
  x.0 works for tuple projections and 0.f is a function
  syntax felix_float_lexer {
    regdef decimal_string = digit (dsep ? digit) *;
    regdef hexadecimal_string = hexdigit (dsep ? hexdigit) *;
    regdef decimal_fractional_constant =
      decimal_string '.' decimal_string;
    regdef hexadecimal_fractional_constant =
      ("0x" |"0X")
      hexadecimal_string '.' hexadecimal_string;
    regdef decimal_exponent = ('E'|'e') ('+'|'-')? decimal_string;
    regdef binary_exponent = ('P'|'p') ('+'|'-')? decimal_string;
    regdef floating_suffix = 'L' | 'l' | 'F' | 'f' | 'D' | 'd';
    regdef floating_literal =
        decimal_fractional_constant decimal_exponent ? |
        hexadecimal_fractional_constant binary_exponent ?
      floating_suffix ?;
   // Floating constant.
    regdef sfloat = floating_literal;
    literal sfloat =># """
         (val (stripus _1))
         (val (tolower-string val))
         (n (string-length val))
         (n-1 (- n 1))
         (ch (substring val n-1 n))
         (rest (substring val 0 n-1))
           (if (equal? ch "l") `("ldouble" ,val ,val)
             (if (equal? ch "f") `("float" ,val ,val) `("double" ,val ,val))
    strfloat := sfloat =># "(second _1)";
    // Floating literal.
    sliteral := sfloat =># "`(ast_literal ,_sr ,@_1)";
    sliteral := "@" sfloat =># 
        `(ast_literal ,_sr "NSNumber" ,(second _2) ,(string-append "@" (third _2)))

+ 5 Tuple Constructor Syntax


  syntax tupleexpr
    Tuple formation by cons: right associative.
    x[stuple_cons_pri] := x[>stuple_cons_pri] ",," x[stuple_cons_pri] =># 
      """`(ast_tuple_cons ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)""";
    Tuple formation by append: left associative
    x[stuple_cons_pri] := x[stuple_cons_pri] "<,,>" x[>stuple_cons_pri] =># 
     """`(ast_tuple_snoc ,_sr ,_1 ,_3)""";
    Tuple formation non-associative.
    x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] ( "," x[>stuple_pri])+ =># "(chain 'ast_tuple _1 _2)";
    x[scompacttuple_pri] := x[>scompacttuple_pri] ( "\," x[>scompacttuple_pri])+ =># "(chain 'ast_compacttuple _1 _2)";


  syntax debug
     satom := "HERE" =># "`(ast_here ,_sr)";

+ 6 Exception Grammar


  syntax exceptions
    Exception handling.
      //$ try .. catch x : T => handler endtry
      //$ can be used to execute code which might throw
    an exception, and catch the exception.
      //$ This is primarily intended to for wrapping C bindings.
    Exceptions do not propage properly in Felix across
    multiple function/procedure layers. If you have to use
    this construction be sure to keep wrap the try block
    closely around the throwing code.
    block := "try" stmt+ catches "endtry" =>#
      "`(ast_seq ,_sr ,(append `((ast_try ,_sr)) _2 _3 `((ast_endtry ,_sr))))";
    catch := "catch" sname ":" sexpr  "=>" stmt+ =>#
      "`(ast_seq ,_sr ,(cons `(ast_catch ,_sr ,_2 ,_4) _6))";
    catches := catch+ =># "_1";


  syntax spipeexpr 
    Left assoc, for schannel pipes.
    x[ssetunion_pri] := x[ssetunion_pri] "|->" x[>ssetunion_pri] =># "(infix 'pipe)"; 
    Right assoc, for schannel pipes transformers
    // => BREAKS PATTERN MATCHING, replaced with >=> but can't find any uses
    //x[ssetunion_pri] := x[>ssetunion_pri] ">=>" x[ssetunion_pri] =># "(infix 'trans_type)"; 
    Non associative, streaming data structure into transducer.
    x[ssetunion_pri] := x[>ssetunion_pri] ">->" x[>ssetunion_pri] =># "(infix 'xpipe)"; 
    input schannel type %<T
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "%<" t[spower_pri] =># '`(ast_name ,_sr "ischannel" (texprs (,_2)))';
    output schannel type %>T
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "%>" t[spower_pri] =># '`(ast_name ,_sr "oschannel" (texprs (,_2)))';
    input/output schannel type %<>T
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "%<>" t[spower_pri] =># '`(ast_name ,_sr "ioschannel" (texprs (,_2)))';
    duplex schannel type %<INPUT%>OUTPUT
    t[sprefixed_pri] := "%<" t[spower_pri] "%>" t[spower_pri] =># 
      '`(ast_name ,_sr "duplex_schannel" (texprs (,_2 ,_4)))'

+ 7 List syntax


  syntax listexpr
    List cons, right associative.
    x[sarrow_pri] := x[>sarrow_pri] "!" x[sarrow_pri] =># 
      '(binop (nos "Snoc") _3 _1)'
    satom := "@selector(" flx_ident ")" =># 
        `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "selector") ,(stringof _2)))
    satom := "(" "[" expr_comma_list "]" ")" =># 
      '''`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "list") (ast_tuple ,_sr ,_3)))'''
    satom := "@[" expr_comma_list  "]" =># 
      '''`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "NSArray") (ast_tuple ,_sr ,_2)))'''

+ 8 Syntax


  syntax boolexpr
    Boolean false.
    satom := "false" =># "`(ast_false ,_sr)";
    Boolean true.
    satom := "true" =># "`(ast_true ,_sr)";
    Logical implication.
    x[simplies_condition_pri] := x[>simplies_condition_pri] "implies" x[>simplies_condition_pri] =># "(infix 'implies)";
    Logical disjunction (or).
    x[sor_condition_pri] := x[sor_condition_pri] "or" x[>sor_condition_pri] =># "(infix 'lor)";
    Logical conjunction (and).
    x[sand_condition_pri] := x[sand_condition_pri] "and" x[>sand_condition_pri] =># "(infix 'land)";
    Logical negation (not).
    x[snot_condition_pri] := "not" x[snot_condition_pri]  =># "`(ast_not ,_sr ,_2)";
    x[scomparison_pri]:= x[>scomparison_pri] "\not" cmp x[>scomparison_pri] =># 
      "`(ast_not ,_sr (binop _3 _1 _4))";
    // tex logic operators
    x[stex_implies_condition_pri] := x[>stex_implies_condition_pri]  "\implies" x[>stex_implies_condition_pri] =># 
      "(infix 'implies)";
    x[stex_or_condition_pri] := x[stex_or_condition_pri] "\lor" x[>stex_or_condition_pri] =># 
      "(infix 'lor)";
    x[stex_and_condition_pri] := x[stex_and_condition_pri] ( "\land" x[>stex_and_condition_pri])+ =># 
      "(infix 'land)" note "land";
    x[stex_not_condition_pri] := "\lnot" x[stex_not_condition_pri]  =># "`(ast_not ,_sr ,_2)";
    bin := "\iff" =># '(nos _1)'; // NOT IMPLEMENTED FIXME
    bin := "\impliedby" =># '(nos _1)'; // NOT IMPLEMENTED FIXME
    Conditional expression.
    satom := sconditional "endif" =># "_1";
    Conditional expression (prefix).
    sconditional := "if" sexpr "then" sexpr selse_part =>#
        "`(ast_cond ,_sr (,_2 ,_4 ,_5))";
        selif := "elif" sexpr "then" sexpr =># "`(,_2 ,_4)";
        selifs := selif =># "`(,_1)";
        selifs := selifs selif =># "(cons _2 _1)";
        selse_part:= "else" sexpr =># "_2";
        selse_part:= selifs "else" sexpr =>#
              (let ((f (lambda (result condthn)
                (let ((cond (first condthn)) (thn (second condthn)))
                  `(ast_cond ,_sr (,cond ,thn ,result))))))
              (fold_left f _3 _1))


  syntax parser_syn
      palt_pri <
      pseq_pri <
    stmt := plibrary =># "_1";
    plibrary := "gramlib" sname "{" plibentry* "}" =>#
          (tup `(ast_tuple ,_sr ,_4))
          (v `(ast_apply ,_sr (,(nos "list") ,tup)))
        `(ast_var_decl ,_sr ,_2 ,dfltvs none (some ,v))
    plibentry := sname "=" pexpr[palt_pri] ";" =>#
    """`(ast_tuple ,_sr (,(strlit _1) ,_3))""";
    sexpr := "parser" "(" pexpr[palt_pri] ")" =># "_3";
    private pexpr[palt_pri] := "|"? pexpr[>palt_pri] ("|" pexpr[>palt_pri])+ =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr (  
        ,(qnoi 'Parser_synlib 'ALT)
        (ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'list) ,(cons _2 (map second _3))))))"""
    private pexpr[pseq_pri] := pexpr[>pseq_pri] (pexpr[>pseq_pri])+ =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( 
        ,(qnoi 'Parser_synlib 'SEQ)
        (ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'list) ,(cons _1 _2)))))"""
    private pexpr[patom_pri] := "(" pexpr[palt_pri] ")" =># "_2";
    private pexpr[patom_pri] := String =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(qnoi 'Parser_synlib 'STR) ,_1)) """
    private pexpr[patom_pri] := "#EPS" =>#
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(qnoi 'Parser_synlib 'EPS) ())) """
    private pexpr[patom_pri] := sname=>#
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(qnoi 'Parser_synlib 'NT) ,(strlit _1))) """
    private pexpr[patom_pri] := "{" sexpr "}" =># "_2";

+ 8.1 Parallel loop grammar


  syntax pfor
     requires loops, blocks;
     Parallel For loop
     loop_stmt := "pfor" sname "in" sexpr "upto" sexpr block =>#
          (ctlvar _2)
          (first _4)
          (last _6)
          (body _7)
          (int (nos "int"))
          (param `(,_sr PVar ,ctlvar ,int none)) ;; kind name type defaultvalue
          (params `((Satom ,param) none))               ;; parameter list with constraint
          (sfunargs `(,params))                   ;; HOF list of parameter lists
          (proc `(ast_lambda ,_sr (,dfltvs ,sfunargs (ast_void ,_sr) (,body))))
          (call `(ast_call ,_sr ,(nos "tpfor")  (ast_tuple ,_sr (,first ,last ,proc))))
        ;;(begin (display body) (display "\n*****\n")

+ 9 Syntax


  Syntax for regular definitions.
  Binds to library class Regdef,
  which in turn binds to the binding of Google RE2.
  SCHEME """(define (regdef x) `(ast_lookup (,(noi 'Regdef) ,x ())))""";
  syntax regexps {
      ralt_pri <
      rseq_pri <
      rpostfix_pri <
    Regular definition binder.
    Statement to name a regular expression.
    The expression may contain names of previously named regular expressions.
    Defines the LHS symbol as a value of type Regdef::regex.
    stmt := "regdef" sdeclname "=" sregexp[ralt_pri] ";" =># 
      `(ast_val_decl ,_sr ,(first _2) ,(second _2) (some ,(regdef "regex" )) (some ,_4))
    Inline regular expression.
    Can be used anywhere in Felix code.
    Returns a a value of type Regdef::regex.
    x[sapplication_pri] := "regexp" "(" sregexp[ralt_pri] ")" =># "_3";
    private sregexp[ralt_pri] := sregexp[>ralt_pri] ("|" sregexp[>ralt_pri])+ =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr (  
        ,(regdef "Alts")
        (ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'list) (ast_tuple ,_sr ,(cons _1 (map second _2)))))))"""
    Sequential concatenation.
    private sregexp[rseq_pri] := sregexp[>rseq_pri] (sregexp[>rseq_pri])+ =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( 
        ,(regdef "Seqs")
        (ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'list) (ast_tuple ,_sr ,(cons _1 _2)))))))"""
    Postfix star (*).
    Kleene closure: zero or more repetitions.
    private sregexp[rpostfix_pri] := sregexp[rpostfix_pri] "*" =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(regdef "Rpt") (ast_tuple ,_sr (,_1 0 -1))))"""
    Postfix plus (+).
    One or more repetitions.
    private sregexp[rpostfix_pri] := sregexp[rpostfix_pri] "+" =>#
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(regdef "Rpt") (ast_tuple ,_sr (,_1 1 -1))))"""
    Postfix question mark (?).
    Optional. Zero or one repetitions.
    private sregexp[rpostfix_pri] := sregexp[rpostfix_pri] "?" =>#
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(regdef "Rpt") (ast_tuple ,_sr (,_1 0 1))))"""
    Parenthesis. Non-capturing group.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := "(" sregexp[ralt_pri] ")" =># "_2";
    Group psuedo function.
    Capturing group.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := "group" "(" sregexp[ralt_pri] ")" =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(regdef "Group") ,_3))"""
    The charset prefix operator.
    Treat the string as a set of characters,
    that is, one of the contained characters.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := "charset" String =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(regdef "Charset") ,_2))"""
    The string literal.
    The given sequence of characters.
    Any valid Felix string can be used here.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := String =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(regdef "String") ,_1)) """
    The Perl psuedo function.
    Treat the argument string expression as
    a Perl regular expression, with constraints
    as specified for Google RE2.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := "perl" "(" sexpr ")" =># 
      """`(ast_apply ,_sr ( ,(regdef "Perl") ,_3)) """
    The regex psuedo function.
    Treat the argument Felix expression of type Regdef::regex
    as a regular expression.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := "regex" "(" sexpr ")" =># "_3";
    Must name a previously defined variable of type Regdef:;regex.
    For example, the LHS of a regdef binder.
    private sregexp[ratom_pri] := sname=># "`(ast_name ,_sr ,_1 ())";

+ 10 String syntax


  syntax stringexpr
    String subscript.
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "." "[" sexpr "]" =># 
      "(binop (noi 'subscript) _1 _4)";
    String substring.
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "." "[" sexpr "to" sexpr "]" =># 
      "`(ast_apply ,_sr (,(noi 'substring) (ast_tuple ,_sr (,_1 ,_4 ,_6))))";
    String substring, to end of string.
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "." "[" sexpr "to" "]" =># 
     "(binop (noi 'copyfrom) _1 _4)";
    String substring, from start of string.
    x[sfactor_pri] := x[sfactor_pri] "." "[" "to" sexpr "]" =># 
     "(binop (noi 'copyto) _1 _5)";

+ 11 ObjC Syntax


  syntax ObjC
        := "objc-bind" class_interface srequires_clause ";" =># '`(objc_bind_class_interface ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)' 
        | "objc-bind" protocol_interface srequires_clause ";" =># '`(objc_bind_protocol_interface ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)' 
        := "@interface" sname (":" sname)? protocol_reference_list? instance_variables? interface_declaration* "@end"
           =># '`(objc_class_interface ,_2 ,_3 ,_4 ,_5 ,_6)'
        := "@implementation" sname ":" ? instance_variables? implementation_definition* "@end"
        := "@interface" class_name "(" category_name? ")" protocol_reference_list? interface_declaration* "@end"
        := "@implementation" sname "("  sname ")" implementation_definition* "@end"
        := "@protocol" sname protocol_reference_list? interface_declaration* "@end"
           =># '`(objc_protocol_interface ,_2 ,_3 ,_4)'
        := "@class" snames =># '_2'
        := "<" snames ">" =># '_2'
        := "{" instance_variable_declaration* "}" =># '_2'
        := stypeexpr sname ";" =># "`(Pval ,_2 ,_1)" // like C: int x;!
        | sname ":" stypeexpr ";" =># "`(Pval ,_1 ,_3)"
        := visibility_specification =># '`((objc_visibility_specification ,_1))'
        | struct_declaration =># '`((objc_struct_declaration ,_1))'
        | instance_variable_declaration visibility_specification =># '(append _1 (list _2))'
        | instance_variable_declaration struct_declaration =># '(append _1 (list _2))'
        := "@private" =># '_1' 
        | "@protected" =># '_1' 
        | "@package" =># '_1'
        | "@public" =># '_1'
        := sname sname ";" =># '`(objc_struct_declaration ,_1 ,_2)' // HACK: really a variable declaration
        := declaration =># '_1'
        | property_declaration =># '_1'
        | method_declaration =># '_1'
        := method_declaration =># "_1"
        := "@property" property_attributes_declaration? instance_variable_declaration=># '`(objc_property ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)'
        := "(" list::commalist1<property_attribute> ")" =># '_2'
        := "nonatomic" =># '_1'
        | "readwrite" =># '_1'
        | "readonly" =># '_1'
        | "retain" =># '_1'
        | "assign" =># '_1'
        | "copy" =># '_1'
        | "strong" =># '_1'
        | "weak" 
        | sname "=" sname =># '`(objc_getter_ivar ,_1 ,_3)' //  getter ivar
        | sname "=" sname ":" =># '`(objc_setter ,_1 ,_3)'  // setter
        := class_method_declaration =># '_1'
        | instance_method_declaration =># '_1'
        := "+" method_type method_selector ";"  
           =># '`(objc_class_method_declaration ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)'
        := "-" method_type method_selector ";"
           =># '`(objc_instance_method_declaration ,_sr ,_2 ,_3)'
        := sname =># '`(objc_method_selector_name  ,_1)'
        | keyword_selector =># '`(objc_keyword_selector  ,_1)'
        | keyword_selector "," "..." =># '`(objc_keyword_selector_ellipsis  ,_1)'
        := keyword_declarator+ =># "_1";
        := sname ":" method_type =># '`(objc_keyword_declarator  ,_1 ,_3)'; 
        := "(" stype ")" =># '_2';
    implementation_definition := "IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINITION";
    protocol_interace_declaration := "PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_DECLARATION";
  } // end syntax ObjC