
+ 1 Core RTL support

Basic routines built on C FILE* and C++ iostreams. Provides portability, and some conveniences regarding line handling and string handling.

These routines all use binary I/O but are designed specifically for basic text I/O. Error handling is minimal, these are mainly for simple jobs and debugging.


#ifndef FLX_IOUTIL
#define FLX_IOUTIL
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include "flx_rtl_config.hpp"

namespace flx { namespace rtl { namespace ioutil {
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_file (::std::string);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_text_file (::std::string);

  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_file (::std::FILE *);
  RTL_EXTERN int flx_fileno(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN bool flx_isatty(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN bool flx_isstdin(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN bool flx_isconsole(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string raw_readln(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string raw_read(::std::FILE*, ::std::size_t);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string echo_readln(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string readln(::std::FILE*);
  RTL_EXTERN void write (::std::FILE *, ::std::string);
  RTL_EXTERN void writeln (::std::FILE *, ::std::string);

  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string load_file (::std::istream*);
  RTL_EXTERN ::std::string readln(::std::istream*);
  RTL_EXTERN void write (::std::ostream*, ::std::string);
  RTL_EXTERN void writeln (::std::ostream*, ::std::string);


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "flx_ioutil.hpp"

#if FLX_WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>

namespace flx { namespace rtl { namespace ioutil {
  using namespace std;

#if FLX_WIN32
  int flx_fileno (FILE *f) { return _fileno (f); }
  bool flx_isatty(int fd) { return 1 == _isatty (fd); }
  int flx_fileno (FILE *f) { return fileno (f); }
  bool flx_isatty(int fd) { return 1 == isatty (fd); }

  bool flx_isatty (FILE *f) 
    return 1 == flx_isatty (flx_fileno (f));

  bool flx_isstdin (FILE *f)
    return flx_fileno (f) == 0;

  bool flx_isconsole (FILE *f)
    return flx_isstdin (f) && flx_isatty(f);

/* small buffer for testing, should be much large in production version **/
#define MYBUFSIZ 51200

  string load_file (string f)
    char const *fname = f.c_str();

    FILE *fi = fopen(fname,"rb"); // note: binary mode!

    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      while (!feof(fi)) {
        ::std::size_t n = fread(buffer,1,MYBUFSIZ,fi);
        if(n>0) x += string(buffer,n);
        else break;
      return x;
    else return "";

  string load_text_file (string f)
    char const *fname = f.c_str();

    FILE *fi = fopen(fname,"rt"); // note: text mode

    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      while (!feof(fi)) {
        ::std::size_t n = fread(buffer,1,MYBUFSIZ,fi);
        if(n>0) x += string(buffer,n);
        else break;
      return x;
    else return "";


  string load_file (FILE *fi) // note does NOT close file! (would screw up popen)
    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      while (!feof(fi)) {
        ::std::size_t n = fread(buffer,1,MYBUFSIZ,fi);
        if(n>0) x = x + string(buffer,n);
        else break;
      return x;
    else return "";

  // includes newline if present
  // null string indicates end of file
  string raw_readln (FILE *fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ+1];
      bool eof = fgets(buffer, MYBUFSIZ, fi) == 0;
      if(eof) return x;
      x += string(buffer);
      if(x[x.size()-1]=='\n') return x;
      goto next;
    else return "";

  // read up to n bytes
  string raw_read (FILE *fi, ::std::size_t n)
    void *buffer = std::malloc(n);
    ::std::size_t m = fread (buffer, 1, n, fi);
    string s((char const*)buffer,m);
    return s;

  string echo_readln (FILE *f)
    string result = raw_readln (f);
    printf ("%s",result.c_str());
    return result;

  string readln (FILE *f) { 
    bool doecho = flx_isstdin(f) && !flx_isatty (f);
    if (doecho)
       return echo_readln(f);
       return raw_readln (f);

  void write (FILE *fi, string s)

  static const char eol[] = { '\n' };

  void writeln (FILE *fi, string s)

// C++ file IO

  string load_file (istream *fi) // note does NOT close file! (would screw up popen)
    if (fi)
      string x = "";
      char buffer[MYBUFSIZ];
      int n = fi->gcount();
      if(n>0) x = x + string(buffer,n);
      if (n == MYBUFSIZ)goto more;
      return x;
    else return "";

  // includes newline if present
  // null string indicates end of file
  string readln (istream *fi)
      ::std::string x = "";
      if (fi->fail()) return x; 
      else return x+"\n";
    else return "";

  void write (ostream *fi, string s)

  void writeln (ostream *fi, string s)


Name: flx_ioutil
Description: I/O support
includes: '"flx_ioutil.hpp"'
Requires: flx

+ 2 Standard Library Synopsis


  include "std/io/textio";
  include "std/io/demux";
  include "std/io/faio";
  include "std/io/socket";
  include "std/io/iostream";
  include "std/io/ansi_terminal";
  include "std/io/filename";
  include "std/io/filestat";
  include "std/io/directory";
  include "std/io/filesystem";

+ 3 Simple Text I/O


  These classes provide simple I/O for text, primarily intended for
  naive use, debugging etc. This is because there is no error
  handling. This simplifies usage at the expense of correctness,
  and so these routines should not be used in production code.
  Abstract input file.
  class Input_file[input_file]
    Open file for reading.
    virtual gen raw_fopen_input: string -> input_file; 
    virtual gen raw_fopen_input_text: string -> input_file; 
    gen fopen_input_text (f:string) : input_file =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[Open_input_text] " + f
      return raw_fopen_input_text f;
    gen fopen_input (f:string) : input_file =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[Open_input] " + f
      return raw_fopen_input f;
    Check if the file was opened correctly.
    virtual gen valid : input_file -> bool;
    Close file.
    virtual proc fclose: input_file;
    Load the rest of an open file.
    virtual gen load: input_file -> string;
    Read one line with the trailing end-line mark included.
    Empty string indicates end of file.
    virtual gen readln: input_file -> string;
    // read up to n bytes from file
    virtual gen read: input_file * size -> string;
    Read line excluding end of line marks.
    virtual gen iterator(f:input_file) (): opt[string] => 
      match readln f with
      | "" => None[string]
      | text => text.rstrip.Some
    instance Iterable[input_file, string] {
       gen iterator (f:input_file) () => Input_file[input_file]::iterator f ();
    Check for end of file.
    virtual gen feof : input_file -> bool;
  Abstract output file.
  class Output_file[output_file]
    Open file for writing.
    virtual gen raw_fopen_output: string -> output_file;
    virtual gen raw_fopen_output_text: string -> output_file;
    Open file for writing in append-only mode.
    virtual gen raw_fopen_append: string -> output_file;
    virtual gen raw_fopen_append_text: string -> output_file;
    gen fopen_output(f:string) : output_file =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[Open_output] " + f
      return raw_fopen_output f;
    gen fopen_output_text(f:string) : output_file =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[Open_output_text] " + f
      return raw_fopen_output_text f;
    gen fopen_append(f:string) : output_file =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[Open_append] " + f
      return raw_fopen_append f;
    gen fopen_output_append_text(f:string) : output_file =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[Open_output_append_text] " + f
      return raw_fopen_append_text f;
    Check if the file was opened correctly.
    virtual gen valid : output_file -> bool;
    Close file.
    virtual proc fclose: output_file;
    Write one line adding the trailing end line mark.
    virtual proc writeln : output_file * string;
    Write a string.
    virtual proc write : output_file * string;
    Write a byte.
    virtual proc write : output_file * utiny;
    Write a char.
    virtual proc write : output_file * char;
    Flush the buffers.
    virtual proc fflush: output_file;
    Save string to file
    proc save (fn:string, d:string) 
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[save] " + fn
      var f = fopen_output fn;
      write$ f,d;
      fclose f;
    // save list of strings to file
    // adds a newline to each string in list
    proc save (fn:string, lines:list[string]) 
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[save] " + fn
      var f = fopen_output fn;
      iter (proc (s:string) { writeln$ f,s; }) lines;
      fclose f;
    Write a space.
    proc space (s:output_file) { write (s, " "); };
    Write end of line mark.
    proc endl (s:output_file) { write (s, "\n"); };
    Write data with conversion using Str::str.
    proc fprint[T with Str[T]] (s:output_file, x:T) { write (s, str x); };
    Write data with conversion using Str::str and end line mark.
    proc fprintln[T with Str[T]] (s:output_file, x:T) { write (s, str x+"\n"); };
  C standard IO with FILE*.
  open class Cstdio {
    C file type.
    type FILE = "FILE*" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
    pod type ifile = "FILE*" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
    pod type ofile = "FILE*" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
    Load file from filename.
    Note: loaded in binary mode not text mode!
    fun raw_load: string -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::load_file($1)"
      requires package "flx_ioutil";
    fun raw_load_text: string -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::load_text_file($1)"
      requires package "flx_ioutil";
    fun load(f:string) : string =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[load] " + f
      return raw_load f;
    fun load_text(f:string) : string =
      if Env::getenv "FLX_FILE_MONITOR" != "" call
        eprintln$ "[load_text] " + f
      return raw_load_text f;
    Standard input, can be redirected by flx_run.
    const stdin: ifile = "ptf->flx_stdin" requires property "needs_ptf";
    Standard output, can be redirected by flx_run.
    const stdout: ofile = "ptf-> flx_stdout" requires property "needs_ptf";
    Standard error, can be redirected by flx_run.
    const stderr: ofile = "ptf-> flx_stderr" requires property "needs_ptf";
    Standard input, redirected by shell.
    const cstdin: ifile = "stdin";
    Standard output, redirected by shell.
    const cstdout: ofile = "stdout";
    Standard error, redirected by shell.
    const cstderr: ofile = "stderr";
    C standard IO as instance of Input_file.
    instance Input_file[ifile] {
      requires package "flx_ioutil";
      gen raw_fopen_input: string -> ifile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"rb")';
      gen raw_fopen_input_text: string -> ifile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"r")';
      gen valid : ifile -> bool = "$1!=(FILE*)0";
      proc fclose: ifile = '(void)fclose($1);';
      gen load: ifile -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::load_file($1)";
      gen readln: ifile -> string ="::flx::rtl::ioutil::readln($1)";
      gen read: ifile *size -> string = "::flx::rtl::ioutil::raw_read($1,$2)";
      gen feof : ifile -> bool = "feof($1)";
    C standard IO as instance of Output_file.
    instance Output_file[ofile] {
      requires package "flx_ioutil";
      gen raw_fopen_output: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"wb")';
      gen raw_fopen_output_text: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"w")';
      gen raw_fopen_append: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"ab")';
      gen raw_fopen_append_text: string -> ofile = 'fopen($1.c_str(),"a")';
      gen valid : ofile -> bool = "$1!=(FILE*)0";
      proc fclose: ofile = '(void)fclose($1);';
      proc writeln : ofile * string ="::flx::rtl::ioutil::writeln($1,$2);";
      proc write : ofile * string ="::flx::rtl::ioutil::write($1,$2);";
      proc write : ofile * utiny ="fwrite($2,1,1,$1);";
      proc write : ofile * char ="fwrite($2,1,1,$1);";
      proc fflush: ofile = "fflush($1);";
  open Input_file[Cstdio::ifile];
  // note we cannot open Iterable here because it would cause
  // a conflict ;(
  open Output_file[Cstdio::ofile];
  (can be redirected by OS if OS can do it)
  Write string to output.
  proc print  [T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprint (cstdout, x); };
  Write string to output with end of line. Also does a flush
  to improve synchronisation with cstderr.
  proc println[T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprintln (cstdout, x); fflush cstdout; };
  Write end of line on output.
  proc endl() { endl cstdout; }
  Write space on cout.
  proc space() { space cstdout; }
  flush buffers of cout.
  proc fflush() { fflush cstdout; }
  Write string to cerr.
  proc eprint  [T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprint (cstderr, x); };
  Write string to cerr with end of line.
  proc eprintln[T with Str[T]] (x:T) { fprintln (cstderr, x); fflush cstderr; };
  Write end of line on cerr.
  proc eendl() { endl cstderr; }
  Write space on cerr.
  proc espace() { space cstderr; }

+ 4 Ansi Terminal


  // Author Mike Maul
  #### Color output formatting for Ansi Terminals.
  class AnsiTerminal
    const cc:char = "(char)27";
    // No colour
    fun  NC_ () => cc + '[0m'; 
    fun  NC_(s:string) => NC_() + s;
    proc NC()     { print$ NC_(""); }
    proc NC(s:string)     { print$ NC_(s); }
    // Blue
    fun blue_() => cc + '[1;34m';
    fun blue_(s:string) => blue_() + s + NC_();
    proc blue()   { print$ blue_(); }
    proc blue(s:string)   { print$ blue_(s); }
    fun BLUE_() => cc + '[1;34;1m';
    fun BLUE_(s:string) => BLUE_() + s + NC_();
    proc BLUE()   { print$ BLUE_(); }
    proc BLUE(s:string)   { print$ BLUE_(s); }
    // Cyan
    fun cyan_() => cc + '[0;36m';
    fun cyan_(s:string) => cyan_()+ s + NC_();
    proc cyan()   { print$ cyan_(); }
    proc cyan(s:string)   { print$ cyan_(s); }
    fun CYAN_() => cc + '[1;36;1m';
    fun CYAN_(s:string) => CYAN_() + s + NC_();
    proc CYAN()   { print$ CYAN_(); }
    proc CYAN(s:string)   { print$ CYAN_(s); }
    // Green
    fun green_() => cc + '[0;32m';
    fun green_(s:string) => green_() + s + NC_();
    proc green()  { print$ green_(); }
    proc green(s:string)   { print$ green_(s); }
    fun GREEN_() => cc + '[1;32;1m';
    fun GREEN_(s:string) => GREEN_() + s + NC_();
    proc GREEN()  { print$ GREEN_(); }
    proc GREEN(s:string)   { println$ GREEN_(s); }
    // Red
    fun red_() => cc + '[0;31m';
    fun red_(s:string) => red_()+ s + NC_();
    proc red()   { print$ red_(); }
    proc red(s:string)   { print$ red_(s); }
    fun RED_() => cc + '[0;31;1m';
    fun RED_(s:string) => red_()+ s + NC_();
    proc RED()   { print$ red_(); }
    proc RED(s:string)   { print$ red_(s); }
    // Yellow
    fun yellow_() => cc + '[0;33m';
    fun yellow_(s:string) => yellow_() + s + NC_();
    proc yellow() { print$ yellow_(); }
    proc yellow(s:string)   { print$ yellow_(s); }
    fun YELLOW_() => cc + '[1;33;1m';
    fun YELLOW_(s:string) => YELLOW_() + s + NC_();
    proc YELLOW() { print$ YELLOW_(); }
    proc YELLOW(s:string)   { print$ YELLOW_(s); }

+ 5 Stream I/O


  class IOStream {
    requires package "demux";
    requires package "faio";
    open Faio;
    if PLAT_POSIX do
      open Faio_posix;
      typedef fd_t = FileSystem::posix_file;
      open Faio_win32;
      typedef fd_t = Faio_win32::fd_t;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    publish "The interface for a readable stream of bytes."
    class IByteStream[T] {
      publish "Read N bytes from the stream into the address."
      virtual proc read: T * &int * address * &bool;
    publish "The interface for a writable stream of bytes."
    class OByteStream[T] {
      publish "Write N bytes from the address into the stream."
      virtual proc write: T * &int * address * &bool;
    publish "The interface for a readable and writable stream of bytes."
    class IOByteStream[T] {
      inherit IByteStream[T];
      inherit OByteStream[T];
    publish "A readable stream that can have it's read channel closed."
    class TerminalIByteStream[T] {
      inherit IByteStream[T];
      publish "Close the input stream."
      virtual proc iclose: T;
    publish "A writable stream that can have it's write channel closed."
    class TerminalOByteStream[T] {
      inherit OByteStream[T];
      publish "Close the output stream."
      virtual proc oclose: T;
    publish "A writable stream that can have it's channels closed."
    class TerminalIOByteStream[T] {
      inherit TerminalIByteStream[T];
      inherit TerminalOByteStream[T];
      publish "Close the stream."
      virtual proc ioclose: T;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    variant devnull_t = DEVNULL;
    publish "devnull_t"
    instance IByteStream[devnull_t]
      proc read(strm: devnull_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
        len <- 0;
        eof <- true;
    instance OByteStream[devnull_t]
      proc write(strm: devnull_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
        eof <- false;
    instance IOByteStream[devnull_t] {}
    instance TerminalIByteStream[devnull_t] { proc iclose (x:devnull_t) {} }
    instance TerminalOByteStream[devnull_t] { proc oclose (x:devnull_t) {} }
    instance TerminalIOByteStream[devnull_t] { proc ioclose (x:devnull_t) {} }
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    publish "fd_t -- native file handle (disk file)"
    instance IByteStream[fd_t]
      if PLAT_POSIX do
        gen cread: fd_t * int * address -> int = "read($1,$2,$3)";
        proc read(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
          var oldlen = *len;
          len <- cread(fd, *len, buf);
          eof <- oldlen < *len;
        // int32 = DWORD
        gen ReadFile: fd_t * address * int32 * &int32 -> bool =
        proc read(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
          var oldlen = *len;
          var readin: int32;
          var res = ReadFile(fd, buf, len*.int32, &readin);
          len <- readin.int;
          eof <- res or (oldlen < *len);
    instance OByteStream[fd_t]
      if PLAT_POSIX do
        gen cwrite: fd_t * int * address -> int = "write($1,$2,$3)";
        proc write(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
          var oldlen = *len;
          len <- cwrite(fd, *len, buf);
          eof <- oldlen < *len;
        // int32 = DWORD
        gen WriteFile: fd_t * address * int32 * &int32 -> bool =
        proc write(fd: fd_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) {
          var oldlen = *len;
          var written: int32;
          var res = WriteFile(fd, buf, len*.int32, &written);
          len <- written.int;
          eof <- res or (oldlen < *len);
    instance IOByteStream[fd_t] {}
    instance TerminalIByteStream[fd_t]
      proc iclose (fd: fd_t) {
        if PLAT_POSIX do
          C_hack::ignore(FileSystem::close fd);
          CloseFile fd;
    instance TerminalOByteStream[fd_t]
      proc oclose (fd: fd_t) {
        if PLAT_POSIX do
          C_hack::ignore(FileSystem::close fd);
          CloseFile fd;
    instance TerminalIOByteStream[fd_t]
      proc ioclose (fd: fd_t) {
        if PLAT_POSIX do
          C_hack::ignore(FileSystem::close fd);
          CloseFile fd;
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    publish "Read the input stream to the output stream."
    proc cat[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
      istream: istr,
      ostream: ostr,
      buf: address,
      bufsize: int)
      var reof = false;
      var weof = false;
      var len: int;
      // if we finish input, stop. if output eofs, don't keep hammering on it!
      while not reof and not weof do
        len = bufsize;
        read (istream, &len, buf, &reof);
        write(ostream, &len, buf, &weof);
    publish "Read the input stream to the output stream."
    proc cat[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
      istream: istr,
      ostream: ostr)
      val BUFSIZE = 100000;
      var buf = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);
      // that's some nice error checking
      cat (istream, ostream, buf, BUFSIZE);
      Memory::free (buf);
    publish "Read all the input streams to the output stream."
    proc cat[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
      istreams: list[istr],
      ostream: ostr,
      buf: address,
      bufsize: int)
      List::iter (proc (istream:istr) {
        cat (istream, ostream, buf, bufsize);
      }) istreams;
    publish "Compare the results of two streams."
    proc stream_cmp[istr1,istr2 with IByteStream[istr1], IByteStream[istr2]] (
      stream1: istr1,
      stream2: istr2,
      buf1: address,
      buf2: address,
      bufsize: int,
      sign: &int)
      var eof1 = false;
      var eof2 = false;
      var len1: int;
      var len2: int;
      var terminated = false;
      var cmp = 0;
      while cmp == 0 and not terminated do
        len1 = bufsize; read(stream1, &len1, buf1, &eof1);
        len2 = bufsize; read(stream2, &len2, buf2, &eof2);
        len := min(len1, len2);
        // It's very unfortunate that memcmp doesn't return the position of the
        // first non-equality
        cmp = Memory::memcmp(buf1, buf2, size len);
        if cmp == 0 do
          cmp = len1 - len2;
          if cmp == 0 do
            terminated = eof1 and eof2;
            cmp =
              // ugg: false = case 0, true = case 1
              match eof1, eof2 with
              | case 1, case 1 => 0
              | case 0, case 0 => 0
              | case 0, case 1 => 1
              | case 1, case 0 => -1
      sign <- cmp;
    publish "Compare the results of two streams."
    proc cmp[istr1, istr2 with IByteStream[istr1], IByteStream[istr2]] (
      istream1: istr1,
      istream2: istr2,
      res: &int)
      val BUFSIZE = 100000;
      var buf1 = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);
      var buf2 = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);
      stream_cmp(istream1, istream2, buf1, buf2, BUFSIZE, res);
    publish "Read the results of a stream back into it's stream."
    proc echo[iostr with IOByteStream[iostr]] (
      iostream: iostr,
      buf: address,
      bufsize: int)
      // echo a = cat a a. that's deep, man.
      cat(iostream, iostream, buf, bufsize);
    publish "Read in from a stream and write to two streams."
    proc tee[istr,ostr with IByteStream[istr], OByteStream[ostr]] (
      istream: istr,
      ostream1: ostr,
      ostream2: ostr)
      var reof  = false;
      var weof1 = false;
      var weof2 = false;
      var len: int;
      val BUFSIZE = 10*1024;
      var buf = Memory::malloc(BUFSIZE);
      // don't hammer!
      while not reof and not weof1 and not weof2 do
        len = BUFSIZE;
        read  (istream,  &len, buf, &reof);
        write (ostream1, &len, buf, &weof1);
        write (ostream2, &len, buf, &weof2);
      Memory::free buf;
    // highly inefficient!
    noinline proc get_line[istr with IByteStream[istr]] (
      istream: istr,
      s: &string)
  //println$ "get_line starts";
      var c: char;
      val ac = address (&c);
      var st: string="";
      var finished = false;
      while not finished do
        var len = 1;
        var eof: bool;
  //println$ "read 1 byte";
        read(istream, &len, ac, &eof);
  //println$ if eof then "EOF" else "not EOF" endif;
  //println$ "Char = " + str(ord c) + "='"+str c+"'";
        if eof or c == char '\n' do
          finished = true;
          st += c;
      s <- st;  // pass back result
    proc write_string[ostr with OByteStream[ostr]] (
      ostream: ostr,
      var s: string,
      eof: &bool)
      var slen = s.len.int;
      var a = C_hack::cast[address]$ cstr s;
      write(ostream, &slen, a, eof);
  } // class Stream

+ 6 TCP/IP Sockets

These sockets are ONLY for TCP/IP.


  class Socket_class[socket_t] {
    requires package "demux";
    virtual proc mk_listener: &socket_t * &int * int;
    virtual proc accept: socket_t * &socket_t;
    virtual proc shutdown: socket_t * int;
    virtual proc connect: &socket_t * +char * int * &int;
    inherit IOStream::IByteStream[socket_t];
    inherit IOStream::OByteStream[socket_t];
    inherit IOStream::IOByteStream[socket_t];
    inherit IOStream::TerminalIByteStream[socket_t];
    inherit IOStream::TerminalOByteStream[socket_t];
    inherit IOStream::TerminalIOByteStream[socket_t];

+ 7 Posix sockets


  class PosixSocket
    requires package "demux";
    typedef socket_t = Faio_posix::socket_t;
    inherit Socket_class[socket_t];
    instance Socket_class[socket_t]
      proc mk_listener (l:&socket_t, port: &int, qlen:int) =>
        Faio_posix::mk_listener(l, port, qlen)
      proc accept (l:socket_t, s:&socket_t) =>
        Faio_posix::accept(s, l)  // success or not? error checking
      proc shutdown(s: socket_t, how: int) =>
        Faio_posix::shutdown(s, how)
      proc connect(s: &socket_t, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int) =>
          Faio_posix::connect(s, addr, port, err)
    // socket_t
    instance IOStream::IByteStream[socket_t]
      proc read(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
        { Faio_posix::async_read(s, len, buf, eof); }
    instance IOStream::OByteStream[socket_t]
      proc write(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
          //println$ "faio/socket.flx: Stream::OByteStream[socket_t]: write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+") calling async_write ..";
          Faio_posix::async_write(s, len, buf, eof);
          //println$ "faio/socket.flx: Stream::OByteStream[socket_t]: write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+") called async_write ..";
    instance IOStream::IOByteStream[socket_t] {}
    instance IOStream::TerminalIByteStream[socket_t]
      proc iclose (s:socket_t)
        { Faio_posix::shutdown (s,0); Faio_posix::close s; }
    instance IOStream::TerminalOByteStream[socket_t]
      proc oclose (s:socket_t)
        { Faio_posix::shutdown (s,1); Faio_posix::close s; }
    instance IOStream::TerminalIOByteStream[socket_t]
      proc ioclose (s:socket_t)
          // RF: just close, I don't think any of this stuff is necessary.
          // I think this is an application level problem.
          //fprint (cstderr,q"STREAM:Closing socket $s\n");
          //Faio::sleep (Faio::sys_clock,5.0);
          var len = 1; var eof = false; var buf = Memory::malloc(1);
          Faio_posix::async_read(s, &len, buf, &eof);
          fprint (cstderr,q"STREAM:socket $s, eof=$eof\n");
          Faio_posix::close s;

+ 8 Windows sockets


  class Win32Socket
    requires package "demux";
    typedef socket_t = Faio_win32::socket_t;
    inherit Socket_class[socket_t];
    instance Socket_class[socket_t]
      proc mk_listener (l:&socket_t, port: &int, qlen:int) =>
        Faio_win32::mk_listener(l, port, qlen)
      proc accept (var l:socket_t, s:&socket_t) 
        var success: bool;
        Faio_win32::mk_socket(s);  // error check?
        Faio_win32::Accept(&success, l, *s);
        if not success do
          fprint (cstdout, "Accept failed! num?\n");
      proc shutdown(s: socket_t, how: int) =>
        Faio_win32::shutdown(s, how)
      proc connect(s: &socket_t, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int) =>
        Faio_win32::Connect(s, addr, port, err)
    // socket_t
    instance IOStream::IByteStream[socket_t]
      proc read(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) =>
        Faio_win32::WSARecv(s, len, buf, eof)
    instance IOStream::OByteStream[socket_t]
      proc write(s: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool) =>
        Faio_win32::WSASend(s, len, buf, eof)
    instance IOStream::IOByteStream[socket_t] {}
    instance IOStream::TerminalIByteStream[socket_t]
      proc iclose (s:socket_t) =>
        Faio_win32::closesocket s
    instance IOStream::TerminalOByteStream[socket_t]
      proc oclose (s:socket_t) =>
        Faio_win32::closesocket s
    instance IOStream::TerminalIOByteStream[socket_t]
      proc ioclose (s:socket_t) =>
        Faio_win32::closesocket s

+ 9 Host sockets


  class Socket
    if PLAT_WIN32 do
      inherit Win32Socket;
    elif PLAT_POSIX do
       inherit PosixSocket;

+ 10 Demux: Felix Event notification service


  class Demux
    type demuxer = "::flx::demux::flx_demuxer_t*"
      requires package "demux"
    gen mk_sys_demux: 1->demuxer = "::flx::demux::make_std_demuxer()";
    var sys_demux =  mk_sys_demux();

+ 11 Faio: Felix Asynchronous I/O service


  class Faio {
    requires package "demux";
    requires package "faio";
    open C_hack;
    proc faio_req[t](preq: &t ) { // FIXME: HACK! It has to be driver request base
      var p = C_hack::cast[driver_request_base]preq;
      svc (svc_general p);
  // this svc call doesn't exist now 
    proc get_thread(thread: &fthread) {
        svc (svc_get_fthread thread );
    type sel_param = "flx::demux::sel_param";
    fun get_bytes_done : &sel_param -> int = '$1->bytes_written';
    proc init_pb : &sel_param*address*int
    = '{$1->buffer=(char*)$2;$1->buffer_size=$3;$1->bytes_written=0;}';
    proc calc_eof(pb: &sel_param, len: &int, eof: &bool)
        //println "Calc_eof ..";
        var bytes_done = pb.get_bytes_done;
        //println$ "Bytes done = "+ str bytes_done;
        //println$ "Req len= "+ str (*len);
        eof <- (bytes_done != *len);
        //println$ "Eof = " + str (*eof);
        len <- bytes_done;
        //println$ "Reset len to bytes done ..";
    type sleep_request_t = 'flx::faio::sleep_request' requires package "timer";
    type alarm_clock_t = 'flx::demux::timer_queue*' requires package "timer"; 
    fun mk_alarm_clock: 1 -> alarm_clock_t = '::flx::demux::mk_timer_queue()';
    fun mk_sleep_request: alarm_clock_t * double -> sleep_request_t = '::flx::faio::sleep_request($1,$2)';
    proc sleep(clock: alarm_clock_t, delta: double)
      var sr = mk_sleep_request$ clock,delta;
      faio_req$ &sr;
    // this should be deleted if not used!
    var clock = mk_alarm_clock();
    proc sleep (delta:double) { sleep (clock,delta); }
  } // class faio

+ 12 Posix Faio


  class Faio_posix  {
  header faio_posixio_hpp = '#include "faio_posixio.hpp"';
  requires package "demux";
  requires package "faio";
  open C_hack;        // cast, address
  open Faio;
  open Pthread;
  open Demux;
  open Posix_headers;
  header sockety_h = '#include "demux_sockety.hpp"';  // my socket utils
  header '#include "faio_posixio.hpp"';
  // ------------ core file and socket definitions ----------------
  typedef fd_t = PosixFileSystem::posix_file;
  // type of a socket
  type socket_t = "int";
  // a size type for use in some socket functions
  // stupid confused Unix standard!
  type socklen_t="socklen_t" requires sockety_h;
  ctor socklen_t : int = "$1";
  ctor int : socklen_t = "$1";
  // A socket address consists of 
  // 1. a port number
  // 2. an address family indicator
  // 3. the encoded address, dependent on the family
  // We deal only with Internet addresses IPv4 and IPv6,
  // indicator AF_INET and AF_INET6
  // type of socket address protocol family
  type sa_family_t = "sa_family_t" requires sys_socket_h;
  fun ==: sa_family_t * sa_family_t -> bool = "$1==$2";
  type in_port_t = "in_port_t" requires netinet_in_h;
  const AF_INET : sa_family_t;
  const AF_INET6 : sa_family_t;
  // type to allocate on stack to hold any socket address for any protocol
  // required for stack allocations
  type sockaddr_storage_t = "struct sockaddr_storage" requires sockety_h;
  fun ss_family : &sockaddr_storage_t -> sa_family_t = "$1->ss_family";
  // type of a socket address
  type sockaddr_t = "struct sockaddr" requires sockety_h;
  fun sa_family : &sockaddr_t -> sa_family_t = "$1->sa_family";
  // cast socket address storage object pointer to socket address pointer
  fun sockaddr_p : &sockaddr_storage_t -> &sockaddr_t = "(struct sockaddr*)$1";
  axiom inet_family(ss: &sockaddr_storage_t) : ss_family ss == sa_family (sockaddr_p ss);
  // --------------------------------------------------------------
  // IPv4
  // type containing IPv4 internet address
  type in_addr_t = "in_addr_t" requires netinet_in_h; // an integer
  type struct_in_addr = "struct in_addr";
  fun s_addr: struct_in_addr -> in_addr_t = "$1.s_addr";
  // type containing encoded port and IPv4 address
  type sockaddr_in_t = "struct sockaddr_in" requires sockety_h;
  fun sin_family: sockaddr_in_t -> sa_family_t= "$1.sin_family";
  fun sin_port : sockaddr_in_t -> in_port_t= "$1.sin_port";
  fun sin_addr : sockaddr_in_t -> struct_in_addr = "$1.sin_addr";
  fun sin_addr : &sockaddr_in_t -> &struct_in_addr = "&($1->sin_addr)";
  // --------------------------------------------------------------
  // IPv6
  // type containing IPv6 internet address
  type struct_in6_addr = "struct in6_addr";
  typedef ipv6_addr = uint8^16;
  fun s6_addr: struct_in6_addr -> &ipv6_addr = "$1.s6_addr";
  // type containing encoded socket address for IPv6
  type sockaddr_in6_t = "struct sockaddr_in6" requires sockety_h;
  fun sin6_family: sockaddr_in6_t -> sa_family_t= "$1.sin6_family";
  fun sin6_port : sockaddr_in6_t -> in_port_t = "$1.sin6_port";
  fun sin6_addr : sockaddr_in6_t -> struct_in6_addr = "$1.sin6_addr";
  fun sin6_addr : &sockaddr_in6_t -> &struct_in6_addr = "&($1->sin6_addr)";
  // convert Internet address to display format.
  // $1: Address family
  // $2: pointer to the address
  // $3: pointer to output buffer
  // $4: length of output buffer
  fun inet_ntop: sa_family_t * address * +char * socklen_t -> +char requires arpa_inet_h;;
  const INET_ADDRSTRLEN : socklen_t requires arpa_inet_h;
  const INET6_ADDRSTRLEN : socklen_t requires arpa_inet_h;
  // --------------------------------------------------------------
  instance Str[FileSystem::posix_file] {
    fun str: FileSystem::posix_file -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";
  instance Str[socket_t] {
    fun str: socket_t -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";
  fun getpeername: socket_t * &sockaddr_t * &socklen_t -> int;
  fun getpeername (s: socket_t) : string = 
    // store for encoded IP address
    var sa:sockaddr_storage_t;
    var paddr : &sockaddr_t = sockaddr_p &sa; // cast
    // length of encoded IP address
    var nsa = C_hack::cast[socklen_t] sizeof[sockaddr_storage_t];
    // get encoded peer address
    var res = getpeername (s,  paddr, &nsa);
    if res == -1 return "";
    var p = C_hack::cast[+char] null[char]; 
    var ips = "";
    var family = ss_family &sa;
    match family with
    | $(AF_INET) =>
        var buffer = C_hack::cast[+char] (Memory::malloc INET_ADDRSTRLEN.int);
        // cast to IPv4 socket address
        var inet_sockaddr = C_hack::cast[&sockaddr_in_t] paddr;
        // extract pointer to IPv4 internet address
        var p_ipnumber : &struct_in_addr = inet_sockaddr.sin_addr;
        p = inet_ntop
            C_hack::cast[address] p_ipnumber, 
        if not p.isNULL do ips = str p; done
        Memory::free (C_hack::cast[address] buffer);
    | $(AF_INET6) =>
        var buffer = C_hack::cast[+char] (Memory::malloc INET6_ADDRSTRLEN.int);
        // cast to IPv6 socket address
        var inet6_sockaddr = C_hack::cast[&sockaddr_in6_t] paddr;
        // extract IPv6 internet address (address of a byte array)
        var p_ip6number : &struct_in6_addr = inet6_sockaddr.sin6_addr;
        p = inet_ntop
            C_hack::cast[address] p_ip6number,
        if not p.isNULL do ips = str p; done
        Memory::free (C_hack::cast[address] buffer);
    | _ => ;
    return ips;
  proc close: socket_t = 'close($1);' requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
  proc shutdown: socket_t*int = 'shutdown($a);' requires Posix_headers::sys_socket_h;
  fun bad_socket : socket_t -> bool = "$1 == -1";
  // socketio_request should be renamed to be async_fd_request
  type socketio_request = "::flx::faio::socketio_request";
  gen mk_socketio_request: demuxer * socket_t*address*int*bool -> socketio_request
      = '::flx::faio::socketio_request($1, $2, (char*)$3, $4, $5)';
  fun get_pb: socketio_request -> &sel_param = '&$1.sv.pb';
  // read & write differ only by a flag
  proc async_rw(fd: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool, read_flag: bool)
      //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_rw (s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+", "+str read_flag+") calling mk_socketio_req ..";
      var asyncb = mk_socketio_request(sys_demux,fd, buf, *len, read_flag);
      faio_req$ &asyncb;
      //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_rw ("+ str fd+", "+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+", "+str read_flag+") calculating eof ..";
      calc_eof(asyncb.get_pb, len, eof);
      //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_rw (s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+", "+str read_flag+") called mk_socketio_req ..";
  proc async_read(fd: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address,
      eof: &bool)
      async_rw(fd, len, buf, eof, true);      // read
  proc async_write(fd: socket_t, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
      //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+" calling async_rw ..";
      async_rw(fd, len, buf, eof, false);     // write
      //println$ "faio/flx_faoi_posix.flx: async_write(s,"+str (*len)+",buf,"+str(*eof)+" call async_rw ..";
  // connect!
  type async_connect = '::flx::faio::connect_request';
  fun mk_async_connect: demuxer * +char *int-> async_connect = '::flx::faio::connect_request($a)';
  fun get_socket: async_connect -> socket_t = '$1.s';
  fun get_err: async_connect -> int = '$1.socket_err';
  // could do multi connects for capable drivers
  proc connect(s: &socket_t, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int)
      var ac = mk_async_connect(sys_demux,addr, port);
      faio_req$ &ac;
      err <- ac.get_err;
      s <- ac.get_socket;
  type accept_request = "::flx::faio::accept_request";
  fun mk_accept: demuxer * socket_t -> accept_request = '::flx::faio::accept_request($1,$2)';
  fun get_socket: accept_request -> socket_t = '$1.accepted';
  // arg1 = returned socket, arg2 is port, pass 0 to have one assigned
  proc mk_listener: &socket_t* &int *int
      = '*$1 = ::flx::demux::create_async_listener($2, $3);' requires sockety_h;
  proc accept(s: &socket_t, listener: socket_t)
      var acc = mk_accept$ sys_demux,listener;
      faio_req$ &acc;
      s <- acc.get_socket;
  } // class faio_posix

+ 13 Win32 Faio


  module Faio_win32 {
  requires package "demux";
  requires package "faio";
  // contains windows overlapped/iocp io & copipes. no stream wrapper yet.
  open C_hack;
  open Faio;
  open Demux;
  header '#include "faio_winio.hpp"'; // this has everything (includes asyncio.h)
  // ------------ core file and socket definitions ----------------
  // I could just use HANDLEs everywhere, but I want to see how this goes
  type WFILE = 'HANDLE';
  typedef fd_t = WFILE;
  fun == : WFILE*WFILE -> bool = '($1 == $2)';
  type SOCKET = "SOCKET";
  typedef socket_t = SOCKET;
  instance Str[socket_t] {
     fun str: socket_t -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";
  // --------------------------------------------------------------
  // useful windows function
  fun GetLastError: 1 -> int = 'GetLastError()';
  // maybe don't use this - let the socket be passed in already associated
  // with an IOCP. do I have to make this explicitly overlapped? If we
  // want async io I think I'll need to associate this with the iocp.
  fun cmk_socket : unit -> SOCKET = '::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)';
  // well that didn't help.
  //fun cmk_socket : unit -> SOCKET = 'WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED)';
  // must associate with iocp to do overlapped io with s (WSASend/Recv)
  proc mk_socket(s: &SOCKET)
      s <- cmk_socket();
      associate_with_iocp(*s);                // associate with iocp (errors?).
  type wasync_accept = "flx::faio::wasync_accept";
  fun mk_accept: demuxer *  SOCKET*SOCKET -> wasync_accept = 'flx::faio::wasync_accept($a)';
  // make this a parameterised type
  fun get_success[t]: t -> bool = '$1.success';
  // this feels silly
  // oops, no good if we can't check against it
  fun eq : SOCKET*SOCKET -> bool = '($1 == $2)';
  // windows style accept. accepted is an already created socket, unbound
  proc Accept(success: &bool, listener: SOCKET, accepted: SOCKET)
      var acc = mk_accept(sys_demux,listener, accepted);
      faio_req$ &acc;    // causes AcceptEx to be called
      success <- get_success(acc);
  type connect_ex="flx::faio::connect_ex";
  fun mk_connect_ex: demuxer * SOCKET*+char*int -> connect_ex = 'flx::faio::connect_ex($a)';
  // for use on sockets you make yourself, who knows, maybe you want to
  // reuse them
  proc Connect(s: SOCKET, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int)
      var con = mk_connect_ex(sys_demux,s, addr, port);
      faio_req$ &con;    // causes ConnectEx to be called
      var success = get_success(con);
      err <- if success then 0 else -1 endif;
  proc Connect(s: &SOCKET, addr: +char, port: int, err: &int)
      mk_socket s;            // error handling?
      Connect(*s, addr, port, err);
  // listens on all interfaces, I guess
  proc cmk_listener: &SOCKET*&int*int
      = '*$1 = flx::demux::create_listener_socket($2, $3);';
  proc mk_listener(listener: &SOCKET, port: &int, backlog: int)
      cmk_listener(listener,port, backlog);
  // ignores return value
  proc closesocket: SOCKET = 'closesocket($1);';
  const SD_RECEIVE:int = 'SD_RECEIVE';
  const SD_SEND:int = 'SD_SEND';
  const SD_BOTH:int = 'SD_BOTH';
  proc shutdown: SOCKET*int = 'shutdown($1, $2);';
  type wasync_transmit_file = "flx::faio::wasync_transmit_file";
  // hacked for ro atm. the 0 means exclusive (not good, but I haven't deciphered
  // the flags yet. NULL for non inheritable security attributes.
  // OPEN_EXISTING is to make sure it doesn't create the file
  // Geez, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL? not hidden, not temp, etc.
  // final NULL is for template file. not sure what it does, but I don't want it.
  // notice that it's opened for SHARED reading
  gen OpenFile: string -> WFILE =
    '''CreateFile($1.c_str(), FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
  // basically for windows named pipes
  gen OpenFileDuplex: string -> WFILE =
    '''CreateFile($1.c_str(), FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA,
  proc CloseFile: WFILE = '''if(!CloseHandle($1))
    fprintf(stderr, "CloseHandle(WFILE) failed: %i\\n", GetLastError());''';
  // error handling?
  // proc CloseFile: WFILE = 'CloseHandle($1);';
  fun mk_transmit_file : demuxer * SOCKET*WFILE -> wasync_transmit_file
      = 'flx::faio::wasync_transmit_file($a)';
  // toylike interface for now, but still fun
  proc TransmitFile(s: SOCKET, f: WFILE)
      var tf = mk_transmit_file(sys_demux,s, f);
      faio_req$ &tf;
  // by passing special flags to TransmitFile we can transform a connected
  // socket into a socket ready for use with AcceptEx. DisconnectEx explicitly
  // does this and without the warning that accept-style & connect-style sockets
  // cannot be reused as the other type (which isn't a problem for my use)
  // however I already have TransmitFile code in place.
  fun mk_reuse_socket : demuxer * SOCKET -> wasync_transmit_file
      = 'flx::faio::wasync_transmit_file($a)';
  proc ReuseSocket(s: SOCKET)
      var tf = mk_reuse_socket(sys_demux,s);
      faio_req$ &tf;
  type wsa_socketio = "flx::faio::wsa_socketio";
  gen mk_wsa_socketio: demuxer * SOCKET* &sel_param*bool->wsa_socketio = 'flx::faio::wsa_socketio($a)';
  private fun to_ptr : sel_param -> &sel_param = '&$1';
  proc WSARecv(s: SOCKET, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
      var pb: sel_param;
      init_pb(&pb, buf, *len);
      var ppb: &sel_param = &pb;
      var rev = mk_wsa_socketio(sys_demux,s, ppb, true);  // reading
      faio_req$ &rev;
  // we do have a success flag
      calc_eof(ppb, len, eof);
  proc WSASend(s: SOCKET, len: &int, buf: address, eof: &bool)
      var pb: sel_param;
      init_pb(&pb, buf, *len);
      var ppb: &sel_param = &pb;
      var rev = mk_wsa_socketio(sys_demux,s, ppb, false); // writing
      faio_req$ &rev;
      calc_eof(ppb, len, eof);
  // general request for addition of socket to iocp. might be better to
  // just create them that way.
  type iocp_associator = "flx::faio::iocp_associator";
  fun mk_iocp_associator: demuxer * SOCKET -> iocp_associator = 'flx::faio::iocp_associator($a)';
  // this ends up just casting to a handle, so I should be able to use
  // this for other HANDLEs. Note that the user cookie is not settable
  // via this interface.
  proc associate_with_iocp(s: SOCKET)
      // results? err code?
      var req = mk_iocp_associator(sys_demux, s);
      faio_req$ &req;
  } // module win32_faio