1 Library structure
Specifies some of the automatic inclusion files. Others are located in other packages.
Also throw in some "don't know where to put them" files.
2 Std.flx
The top level library module.
header ' '; include "std/__init__";
3 Default includes for Standard library.
open String; // ISO C++99 standard header tags include "std/c/__init__"; // core type classes include "std/algebra/__init__"; // base scalar types include "std/scalar/__init__"; // utility include "std/debug"; // control include "std/control/__init__"; include "std/pthread/__init__"; include "std/program/__init__"; //memory management include "std/gc"; // I/O include "std/io/__init__"; include "std/time"; // codecs include "std/codec/__init__"; // base data types include "std/datatype/__init__"; include "std/strings/__init__"; // regexes include "std/regex/__init__"; // database REMOVED //include "std/db/__init__"; // Version include "std/version"; // Platform support (implementation exposure) include "std/osx/__init__"; include "std/posix/__init__"; include "std/win32/__init__"; // Felix (implementation exposure) include "std/felix/__init__";
4 C stuff
Structure of C sublibrary.
include "std/c/c_headers"; include "std/c/cxx_headers"; include "std/c/cptr"; include "std/c/cstdlib"; include "std/c/carray"; include "std/c/c_hack"; include "std/c/shared_ptr";
5 Data types
Structure of datatype library.
// special include "std/datatype/typing"; include "std/datatype/functional"; include "std/datatype/special"; include "std/datatype/unitsum"; // base data types include "std/datatype/tuple"; include "std/datatype/option"; include "std/datatype/slice"; include "std/datatype/list"; include "std/datatype/assoc_list"; include "std/datatype/stream"; //include "std/datatype/sexpr"; //include "std/datatype/lsexpr"; //include "std/datatype/ralist"; // arrays include "std/datatype/array_class"; include "std/datatype/array"; include "std/datatype/varray"; include "std/datatype/darray"; //include "std/datatype/sarray"; //include "std/datatype/bsarray"; include "std/datatype/judy"; include "std/datatype/sort"; // dictionaries include "std/datatype/strdict"; // tree //include "std/datatype/avl";
6 Posix
Structure of Posix support library.
struct Posix {}; include "std/posix/posix_headers"; include "std/posix/errno"; include "std/posix/signal"; include "std/posix/time"; include "std/posix/filestat"; include "std/posix/directory"; include "std/posix/filesystem"; include "std/posix/process"; include "std/posix/shell"; include "std/posix/faio_posix"; include "std/posix/mmap";
7 Win32
Structure of Win32 library.
struct Win32 {}; // windows services include "std/win32/shell"; include "std/win32/filestat"; include "std/win32/directory"; include "std/win32/process"; include "std/win32/filesystem"; include "std/win32/time"; include "std/win32/signal"; include "std/win32/faio_win32"; include "std/win32/win32_headers";
8 Platform independent Computation enforcement
Using --import=std/plat/platindep.flxh on flxg command
fails to set any of the usual platform macros like
FLX_LINUX, FLX_POSIX, FLX_WIN32. Instead it sets
the macro PLAT_INDEP
. This should bug out any
compilations requiring platform specific macros.
// Platform independent compilation enforced by // failing to set any platform macros. macro val PLAT_INDEP = 1;
9 C hackery
Hackery for mapping between Felix and C/C++.
This class provides access to raw C/C++ encodings. Incorrect typing is likely to pass by Felix and be trapped by the C/C++ compiler. Incorrect management of storage can lead to corruption. The use of the C_hack class is necessary for interfacing. class C_hack { C void type. Incomplete, can't be instantiated. incomplete type void_t = "void"; Standard variable argument list pointer type. type va_list = "va_list"; GCC specific valist thingo: it will be optimised away if not used (eg on MSVC). type __builtin_va_list = '__builtin_va_list'; Throw away result of a function call: only useful for C functions that are mainly called for side effects. proc ignore[t:BORROWED]:t = "(void)$t;"; C style cast. fun cast[dst:BORROWED,src:BORROWED]: src->dst = '(?1)($t/*cast*/)' is cast; C++ static cast. fun static_cast[dst:BORROWED,src:BORROWED]: src->dst = 'static_cast<?1>($t)' is postfix; C++ dynamic cast. fun dynamic_cast[dst:BORROWED,src:BORROWED]: src->dst = 'dynamic_cast<?1>($t)' is postfix; C++ const cast. fun const_cast[dst:BORROWED,src:BORROWED]: src->dst = 'const_cast<?1>($t)' is postfix; C++ reinterpret cast. fun reinterpret_cast[dst:BORROWED,src:BORROWED]: src->dst = 'reinterpret_cast<?1>($t)' is postfix; Felix reinterpret cast. More powerful than C++ reinterpret cast. Allows casting an rvalue to an lvalue. fun reinterpret[dst:BORROWED,src:BORROWED]: src->dst = 'reinterpret<?1>($t)' is postfix; const sizeof[t:BORROWED]:size = 'sizeof(?1)'; Special NULL check for Felix pointers. Should never succeed. fun isNULL[t:TYPE]: &t -> bool = "(0==$1)"; Special NULL check for carray. Should never succeed. fun isNULL[t:TYPE]: +t -> bool = "(0==$1)"; Polymorphic null pointer constant Values of this type should not exist. This value is provided for checking. const null[t:BORROWED]:&t = "(?1*)NULL"; C++ default value for a type T. Workaround for g++ 3.2.2 parsing bug, it can parse T() as a default ctor call, but screws up on (T()) fun dflt[t:BORROWED]:1->t = "dflt<?1>()" requires header " "; Invoke C++ destructor proc destroy[T:BORROWED] : &T = "::destroy($1);/*C_hack*/"; // from flx_compiler_support_bodies }
10 C stdlib Rand
Just to get random functions.
open class Cstdlib { requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib; const RAND_MAX:long; C89 Standard C library seed random number generator. proc srand: uint = '::std::srand($1);'; C89 Standard C library random number generator. Known to be not very good. Try not to use it! fun rand: unit -> int = '::std::rand()'; }
11 OSX platform tag
struct Osx{}; include "std/posix/__init__";
12 Linux specifics
module Linux { header ' '; requires package "plat_linux"; fun get_cpu_nr: 1 -> int; }
13 Linux smap
Parses and totals proc/PID/smaps memory stats.
publish """ Parses and totals proc/PID/smaps memory stats. See smaps_total ** don't do [stack] as is last map in smaps and feof appear to be broken or ** doesnt work with /proc files Example: (gets total smaps values for heap open Smaps; val my_smaps = smaps_total(getpid(),"[heap]"); println("Heap Size=>"+str(my_smaps.size)+" kB"); //Smaps for other processes val m = smaps_total(uint_topid(23264ui),"/usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6"); println("SQLite Size:RSS=>"+str((m.size))+" kB:"+ str((m.rss))+" kB"); """ class Smaps { open Smaps; struct smaps_metric { size:uint; rss:uint; pss:uint; shared_clean:uint; shared_dirty:uint; private_clean:uint; private_dirty:uint; referenced:uint; anonymous:uint; anonhugepages:uint; swap:uint; kernelpagesize:uint; mmupagesize:uint; locked:uint; } fun getpid: ()->Process::pid_t = "getpid()"; fun pid_touint: Process::pid_t->uint = "((unsigned int)$1)"; fun uint_topid: uint->Process::pid_t = "((pid_t)$1)"; fun min_whitespace(s:string) = { var fw = false; var m = ""; for var i in 0ui upto (len s) - 1ui do val c = s.[int(i)]; if (c == char ' ' and not fw) do fw = true; m = m + c; elif not c == char ' ' do fw = false; m = m + c; done done return m; } publish """ Returns summation of blocks for each path specified for a given pid. Path is one of [heap] | [vdso] | [stack] | path dynamic lib (e.g /lib/libbz2.so.1.0.6) """ fun smaps_total(p:Process::pid_t,path:string):smaps_metric ={ var y = pid_touint p; val file = fopen_input ("/proc/"+str(pid_touint p)+"/smaps"); var at_map = false; var end_of_map = false; var nums = smaps_metric(0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui,0ui); var size = 0ui; while not (feof file) and not end_of_map do val ln = min_whitespace(strip(readln file)); val cols = split(ln,' '); var spath = let Cons (h,_) = rev cols in h; if not at_map do at_map = match find (ln,path) with |Some _ => true |_ => false endmatch; elif (at_map and (len cols) > 5ui) and not spath == path do end_of_map=true; else var kv = let Cons (k,Cons (s,_)) = cols in (k,uint(s)); match kv with |("Size:",e) => nums.size = nums.size + uint(e); |("Rss:",e) => nums.rss = nums.rss + uint(e); |("Pss:",e) => nums.pss = nums.pss + uint(e); |("Shared_Clean:",e) => nums.shared_clean = nums.shared_clean + uint(e); |("Shared_Dirty:",e) => nums.shared_dirty = nums.shared_dirty + uint(e); |("Private_Clean:",e) => nums.private_clean = nums.private_clean + uint(e); |("Private_Dirty:",e) => nums.private_dirty = nums.private_dirty + uint(e); |("Referenced:",e) => nums.referenced = nums.referenced + uint(e); |("Anonymous:",e) => nums.anonymous = nums.anonymous + uint(e); |("AnonHugePages:",e) => nums.anonhugepages = nums.anonhugepages + uint(e); |("Swap:",e) => nums.swap = nums.swap + uint(e); |("KernelPageSize:",e) => nums.kernelpagesize = nums.kernelpagesize + uint(e); |("MMUPageSize:",e) => nums.mmupagesize = nums.mmupagesize + uint(e); |("Locked:",e) => nums.locked = nums.locked + uint(e); |(k,v) => {}(); endmatch; done; done; fclose file; return nums; } }