
+ 1 The list type.

The core data type for most functional programming languages.


  open class List

Felix uses Snoc lists:


    variant list[T] = | Empty | Snoc of list[T] * T;

Note Snoc is Cons spelled backwards. The representation of this variant is a NULL pointer for an empty list, or a pointer to a node object otherwise. In the node object, the pointer to the next node comes first, followed by the data. Had we used the usual Cons, the data would come first. The advantage of having the next pointer first is that some operations written in C, such as in place reversal and appending two lists can be independent of the value type T.

However, we utilise Felix user defined pattern matching feature to allow the client to use the more familiar Cons anyhow. This requires two functions


    // match checker
    fun _match_ctor_Cons[T] : list[T] -> bool = "!!$1"; 
    // argument extractor
    inline fun _ctor_arg_Cons[T]: list[T] -> T * list[T] = 
      requires snoc2cons_h
    // Cons pseudo constructor
    inline fun Cons[T] (h:T, t:list[T]) => Snoc (t,h);
    // C++ code use to reverse Cons order to Snoc order and vice versa
    header snoc2cons_h = """
      namespace flx { namespace list {
        template<class T> struct snoc { void *mem_0; T mem_1; };
        template<class T> struct cons { T mem_0; void * mem_1; };
        template<class T> cons<T> snoc2cons (void *x) { 
          return cons<T> {((snoc<T>*)x)->mem_1, ((snoc<T>*)x)->mem_0}; 

+ 2 Constructors

+ 2.1 Named constructor for empty list.


    Make an empty list.
    ctor[T] list[T] () => Empty[T];

+ 2.2 Construct a singleton list.

Does not work if the argument is an array or option iterator.


    Make a list with one element.
    NOTE: list (1,2) is a list of 2 ints.
    To get a list of one pair use list[int*int] (1,2) instead!
    ctor[T] list[T] (x:T) => Snoc(Empty[T],x);

+ 2.3 Construct a list from an array.

You can also use the notation ([1,2,3]).


    Make a list from an array.
    ctor[T,N:COMPACTLINEAR] list[T] (x:array[T, N]) = {
      var o = Empty[T];
      if x.len > 0uz do
        for var i in x.len.int - 1 downto 0 do
          o = Snoc(o,x.i);
      return o;

+ 2.4 List comprehension.

Make a list from an option stream. Named variant.


    List comprehension:
    Make a list from a stream.
    fun list_comprehension[T] (f: (1->opt[T])) = {
      var ff = f;
      fun aux (l:list[T]) = {
        var x = ff();
          match x with 
         | Some elt => aux (Snoc(l,elt)) 
         | #None => rev l
      return aux Empty[T];

+ 2.5 List comprehension.

Make a list from an option stream. Constructor variant.


  List comprehension:
    Make a list from a stream.
    ctor[T] list[T](f: (1->opt[T])) => list_comprehension f;

+ 3 Reversing a list

+ 3.1 In-place unsafe reversal.

Another helper routine.


    In place list reversal: unsafe!
    // second arg is a dummy to make overload work
    proc rev[T,PLT=&list[T]] : &list[T] = "_rev($1,(?1*)0);" requires _iprev_[T,PLT];
    proc rev[T,PLT=&list[T]] : &(uniq list[T]) = "_rev($1,(?1*)0);" requires _iprev_[T,PLT];
    body _iprev_[T,PLT]=
      static void _rev(?2 plt, ?1*) // second arg is a dummy
      { // in place reversal
        struct node_t { void *tail; ?1 elt; };
        void *nutail = 0; 
        void *cur = *plt;
          void *oldtail = ((node_t*)FLX_VNP(cur))->tail;   // save old tail in temp
          ((node_t*)FLX_VNP(cur))->tail = nutail;          // overwrite current node tail
          nutail = cur;                                   // set new tail to current
          cur = oldtail;                                  // set current to saved old tail
        *plt = nutail;                                    // overwrite 

+ 3.2 In-place reversal.

Another variant of the unsafe reversal.


    // in place list reversal, also returns the last element
    // as a list, empty iff the original list is
    // unsafe!
    proc rev_last[T,PLT=&list[T]] : &list[T] * &list[T] = "_rev_last($1,$2,(?1*)0);" requires _rev_last_[T,PLT];
    body _rev_last_[T,PLT]=
      static void _rev_last(?2 p1, ?2 p2, ?1*)
      { // in place reversal returns tail as well
        //struct node_t { ?1 elt; void *tail; };
        struct node_t { void *tail; ?1 elt; };
        void *nutail = (void*)0;                 // new temp tail
        void *cur = *p1;                         // list to reverse
        void *last = cur;                        // save head
          void *oldtail = ((node_t*)FLX_VNP(cur))->tail;            // set old tail to current's tail
          ((node_t*)FLX_VNP(cur))->tail = nutail;                   // set current's tail to nutail
          nutail = cur;                                            // set nutail to current
          cur = oldtail;                                           // set current to old tail
        *p1 = nutail;                                              // reversed list
        *p2 = last;                                                // original lists tail

+ 3.3 Copy and return last copy_last

Yet another helper.


    Copy a list, and return last element as a list,
    empty if original list was empty.
    private proc copy_last[T] (inp:list[T], out:&list[T], last:&list[T]) {
      out <- unbox (rev inp);
      rev_last (out, last);

+ 4 List copy

Make an entirely new copy of a list. Primarily a helper.


    Copy a list.
    fun copy[T] (x:list[T]):uniq list[T]=> rev (rev x);
    fun copy[T] (x:uniq list[T]):uniq list[T]=> x;
    fun dup[T] (x:uniq list[T]):uniq list[T] * uniq list[T] {
       var y = unbox x;
       return box y,copy y;

+ 4.1 Splice

This is primarily a non-functional helper routine.


    The second list is made the tail of the
    list stored at the location pointed at by the first argument.
    If the first list is empty, the variable will point
    at the second list. This operation is DANGEROUS because
    it is a mutator: lists are traditionally purely functional.
    // NOTE: this will fail if the second argument is named "p"!
    // fix as for rev, rev_last!
    proc _unsafe_splice[T] : &list[T] * list[T] =
      { // list splice
        struct node_t { void *tail; ?1 elt; };
        void **p = $1;
        while(*p) p = &((node_t*)FLX_VNP(*p))->tail;
        *p = $2;
    // safe list splice 
    fun splice[T] (var x: uniq (list[T]), var y: uniq (list[T])): uniq (list[T]) =
      var x1 = unbox x; // hack
      _unsafe_splice (&x1,unbox y);
      return  box x1;
    // safe list splice 
    fun splice[T] (var x: uniq (list[T]), var y: list[T]): list[T] =
      var x1 = unbox x; // hack
      _unsafe_splice (&x1,y);
      return  x1;

+ 4.2 Concatenate two lists join.


    Concatenate two lists.
    Slow; required for fold
    pure fun join [T] (x:list[T]) (y: list[T]):list[T] => splice (copy x,y);
    // fast
    pure fun + [T] (x:list[T], y: list[T]):list[T] => splice (copy x,y);
    pure fun + [T] (x:uniq list[T], y: list[T]):list[T] => splice (x, y);
    pure fun + [T] (x:uniq list[T], y: uniq list[T]):uniq list[T] => splice(x,y);
    proc += [T] (x:&list[T], y: list[T]) => x <- join (*x) y;

+ 4.3 Cons an element onto a list.


    Prepend element to head of list.
    pure fun + [T] (x:T, y:list[T]):list[T] => Snoc(y,x);

+ 4.4 Append an element onto a list.

O(N) slow.


    Append element to tail of list (slow!).
    noinline fun + [T] (x:list[T], y:T):list[T] => rev$ Snoc (rev x,y);
    Append element to tail of list (slow!).
    proc += [T] (x:&list[T], y:T) { x <- *x + y; }
    Prepend element to head of list (fast!).
    proc -= [T] (x:&list[T], y:T) { x <- y ! *x; }

+ 5 Construe a list as an array value.


    Contrue a list as an array value
    instance[T] ArrayValue[list[T],T] {

+ 5.1 Core routine len


      Return umber of elements in a list.
      pure fun len (x:list[T]) = {
        fun aux (acc:size) (x:list[T]) =>
          match x with
          | #Empty => acc
          | Snoc(t,_) => aux (acc + 1uz) t
        return aux 0uz x;

+ 5.1.1 Core routine unsafe_get


      get n'th element
      pure fun unsafe_get: list[T] * size -> T =
        | Snoc(_,h), 0uz => h
        | Snoc(t,_), i => unsafe_get (t, i - 1uz)

+ 5.1.2 Default performance override iter


      Apply a procedure to each element of a list.
      proc iter (_f:T->void) (x:list[T]) {
        match x with
        | #Empty => {}
        | Snoc(t,h) => { _f h; iter _f t; }

+ 5.1.3 Default performance override fold_left


      Traditional left fold over list (tail rec).
      fun fold_left[U] (_f:U->T->U) (init:U) (x:list[T]):U =
        fun aux (init:U) (x:list[T]):U =>
          match x with
          | #Empty => init
          | Snoc(t,h) => aux (_f init h) t
        return aux init x;

+ 5.1.4 Default performance override fold_right


      Right fold over list (not tail rec!).
      fun fold_right[U] (_f:T->U->U) (x:list[T]) (init:U):U =
        fun aux (x:list[T]) (init:U):U =>
          match x with
          | #Empty => init
          | Snoc(t,h) => _f h (aux t init)
        return aux x init;

+ 6 Destructors

+ 6.1 Test for empty list is_empty


    Test if a list is empty.
    pure fun is_empty[T] : list[T] -> 2 =
      | #Empty => true
      | _ => false

+ 6.2 Tail of a list tail


    Tail of a list, abort with match failure if list is empty.
    pure fun tail[T] (x:list[T]) : list[T] = {
      match x with
      | Snoc(t,_) => return t;

+ 6.3 Head of a list head


    Head of a list, abort with match failure if list is empty.
    pure fun head[T] (x:list[T]) : T = {
      match x with
      | Snoc(_,h) => return h;

+ 7 Maps

+ 7.1 Reverse map a list rev_map

Tail recursive.


    map a list, return mapped list in reverse order (tail rec).
    fun rev_map[T,U] (_f:T->U) (x:list[T]): uniq list[U] = {
      fun aux (inp:list[T]) (out:list[U]) : list[U] =>
        match inp with
        | #Empty => out
        | Snoc(t,h) => aux t (Snoc(out,_f(h)))
      return box (aux x Empty[U]);

+ 7.2 Map a list map

Tail recursive. Uses rev_map and then inplace revseral. This is safe because we enforce linearity by abstraction.


    map a list (tail-rec).
    //  tail rec due to in-place reversal of result.
    fun map[T,U] (_f:T->U) (x:list[T]): uniq list[U] =>
      rev (rev_map _f x)

+ 7.3 Reverse a list rev.

Tail recursive.


    reverse a list (tail rec).
    pure fun rev[T] (x:list[T]):uniq (list[T])= {
      fun aux (x:list[T]) (y:list[T]) : list[T] =
          match x with
          | #Empty => y
          | Snoc(t,h) => aux t (Snoc(y,h))
      return aux x Empty[T];
    // safe inplace reversal
    fun rev[T](var x:uniq (list[T])) : uniq (list[T]) {
      var y = unbox x;
      rev &y;
      return box y;

+ 7.4 Zip a pair of lists to a list of pairs zip2

Returns a list the length of the shortest argument.


    Zip two lists into a list of pairs.
    Zips to length of shortest list.
    fun zip2[T1,T2] (l1: list[T1]) (l2: list[T2]) : list[T1 * T2] = 
      fun aux (l1: list[T1]) (l2: list[T2]) (acc: list[T1 * T2]) =>
        match l1, l2 with
        | Snoc(t1,h1), Snoc(t2,h2) => aux t1 t2 (Snoc (acc, (h1, h2)))
        | _ => rev acc
      return aux l1 l2 Empty[T1 * T2];

+ 8 Useful lists

+ 8.1 A list of integers range.

From low to high exclusive with given step.


    Generate an ordered list of ints between low and high with given step.
    Low included, high not included.
    fun range (low:int, high:int, step:int) =
      fun inner(low:int, high:int, step:int, values:list[int]) =
          if high < low
            then values
            else inner(low, high - step, step, Snoc(values,high))
      // reverse low and high so we can do negative steps
      lo, hi, s := if low < high
        then low, high, step
        else high, low, -step
      // adjust the high to be the actual last value so we don't
      // have to reverse the list
      n := hi - lo - 1;
      return if s <= 0
        then Empty[int]
        else inner(lo, lo + n - (n % s), s, Empty[int])

+ 8.2 Consecutive integers range


    Range with step 1.
    fun range (low:int, high:int) => range(low, high, 1);

+ 8.3 Non-negative integers to limit range

num integers 0 to num-1.


    Range from 0 to num (excluded).
    fun range (num:int) => range(0, num, 1);

+ 8.4 Outer product.

Given a list of lists of T named x and a list of lists of T named y, return a list of lists of T, consisting of every combination xelt + yelt where e in x, f in y.

Note: this is a special case of a second order fold.


  noinline fun outer_product[T] (x:list[list[T]]) (y:list[list[T]]): list[list[T]] =
    var res = Empty[list[T]];
    for xelt in x
    for yelt in y 
      perform res = (xelt + yelt) ! res;
    return res;

+ 8.5 Concatenate a list of lists cat


    Concatenate all the lists in a list of lists.
    noinline fun cat[T] (x:list[list[T]]):list[T] =
         match x with
         | #Empty => Empty[T]
         | Snoc(t,h) => fold_left join of (list[T]) h t

+ 9 Lists and Strings

+ 9.1 Pack list of strings into a string with separator cat


    Concatenate all the strings in a list with given separator.
    pure fun cat (sep:string) (x:list[string]):string =
      var n = 0uz;
      for s in x perform n += s.len+1uz; 
      var r = "";
      reserve (&r,n);
      match x with
      | #Empty => return r;
      | Snoc (tail, head) => 
        r = head;
        var tl = tail;
        match tl with
        | #Empty => return r;
        | Snoc(t,h) =>
          r += sep + h;
          tl = t;
          goto next;
      return r;

+ 9.2 Map a list to a list of strings and cat with separator catmap


    fun catmap[T] (sep:string) (f:T -> string) (ls: list[T]) =>
      cat sep (map f ls)
    fun strcat[T with Str[T]]  (sep: string) (ls: list[T]) =>
      catmap sep (str of (T)) ls
    fun strcat[T with Str[T]]  (ls: list[T]) =>
      catmap ", " (str of (T)) ls

+ 10 Searching

+ 10.1 Value membership


    Return true if one value in a list satisfies the predicate.
    fun mem[T] (eq:T -> bool) (xs:list[T]) : bool =>
      match xs with
      | #Empty => false
      | Snoc(t,h) => if eq(h) then true else mem eq t endif
    Return true if one value in the list satisfies the relation 
    in the left slot with 
    the given element on the right slot.
    fun mem[T, U] (eq:T * U -> bool) (xs:list[T]) (e:U) : bool =>
      mem (fun (x:T) => eq(x, e)) xs
    Construe a list as a set, imbuing it with a membership
    test, provided the element type has an equality operator.
    instance[T with Eq[T]] Set[list[T],T] {
      fun \(\in\) (x:T, a:list[T]) => mem[T,T] eq of (T * T) a x;

+ 10.2 Value Find by relation find

Returns option.


    return option of the first element in a list satisfying the predicate.
    fun find[T] (eq:T -> bool) (xs:list[T]) : opt[T] =>
      match xs with
      | #Empty => None[T]
      | Snoc(t,h) => if eq(h) then Some h else find eq t endif
    Return option the first value in the list satisfies the relation 
    in the left slot with 
    the given element on the right slot.
    fun find[T, U] (eq:T * U -> bool) (xs:list[T]) (e:U) : opt[T] =>
      find (fun (x:T) => eq(x, e)) xs;
    Return a sub list with elements satisfying the given predicate.
    noinline fun filter[T] (P:T -> bool) (x:list[T]) : list[T] =
      fun aux (inp:list[T], out: list[T]) =>
        match inp with
        | #Empty => rev out
        | Snoc(t,h) =>
          if P(h) then aux(t,Snoc(out,h))
          else aux (t,out)
      return aux (x,Empty[T]);
    Push element onto front of list if there isn't one in the
    list already satisfying the relation.
    fun prepend_unique[T] (eq: T * T -> bool) (x:list[T]) (e:T) : list[T] =>
      if mem eq x e then x else Snoc(x,e) endif
    Attach element to tail of list if there isn't one in the
    list already satisfying the relation.
    fun insert_unique[T] (eq: T * T -> bool) (x:list[T]) (e:T) : list[T] =>
      if mem eq x e then x else rev$ Snoc (rev x,e) endif
    Remove all elements from a list satisfying relation.
    fun remove[T] (eq: T * T -> bool) (x:list[T]) (e:T) : list[T] =>
      filter (fun (y:T) => not eq (e,y)) x
    Attach element to tail of list if there isn't one in the
    list already satisfying the relation (tail-rec).
    noinline fun append_unique[T] (eq: T * T -> bool) (x:list[T]) (e:T) : list[T] = {
      fun aux (inp:list[T], out: list[T]) =>
        match inp with
        | #Empty => rev$ Snoc(out,e)
        | Snoc(t,h) =>
          if not eq (h, e) then aux(t,Snoc(out,h))
          else aux (t,out)
      return aux (x,Empty[T]);
    Take the first k elements from a list.
    fun take[T] (k:int) (lst:list[T]) : list[T] =>
      if k <= 0 then
        list[T] ()
        match lst with
          | #Empty => list[T] ()
          | Snoc(xs,x) => join (list[T] x) (take[T] (k - 1) xs)
    Drop the first k elements from a list.
    fun drop[T] (k:int) (lst:list[T]) : list[T] =>
      if k <= 0 then
        match lst with
          | #Empty => list[T] ()
          | Snoc(xs,x) => drop (k - 1) xs
    fun scroll1[T] (left: list[T], right: list[T]) =>
      match left with
      | h ! t => t, h ! right
      | _ => left, right
    fun scroll[T] (lr:list[T] * list[T]) (n:int) =>
      if n <= 0 then lr else
      scroll (scroll1 lr) (n - 1)
    // return revhead, tail where revhead is first k elements
    // of lst, in reverse order, and tail is what is left over
    // cannot fail: if k is not big enough the tail just ends
    // up empty and the function is equivalent to rev.
    fun revsplit[T] (k:int) (lst:list[T]) : list[T] * list[T] =>
      let fun aux (k:int) (revhead:list[T]) (tail:list[T]) =>
        if k <=0 then revhead,tail
        else match tail with
        | #Empty => revhead, tail
        | h ! t => aux (k - 1) (h!revhead) t
      in aux k Empty[T] lst
    fun list_eq[T with Eq[T]] (a:list[T], b:list[T]): bool =>
      match a, b with
      | #Empty, #Empty => true
      | #Empty, _ => false
      | _,#Empty => false
      | Snoc(ta,ha), Snoc(tb,hb) => 
        if not (ha == hb) then false
        else list_eq (ta, tb)
    instance[T with Eq[T]] Eq[list[T]] { 
      fun ==(a:list[T], b:list[T])=> list_eq(a,b); 

+ 11 Sort


    Sort a list with given less than operator, which must be
    total order. Uses varray sort (which uses STL sort).
    fun sort[T] (lt:T*T->bool) (x:list[T])=
      val n = len x;
      var a = varray[T]$ n;
      iter (proc (e:T) { a+=e; }) x;
      sort lt a;
      var r = Empty[T];
      if n > 0uz do
        for var i in n - 1uz downto 0uz do r = Snoc(r,a.i); done
      return r;
    Sort a list with default total order.
    Uses varray sort (which uses STL sort).
    fun sort[T with Tord[T]](x:list[T])=> sort lt x;

+ 12 Streaming list


    instance[T] Iterable[list[T],T] {
    Convert a list to a stream.
      gen iterator (var xs:list[T]) () = {
        C_hack::ignore(&xs); // fool use before init
        while true do
          match xs with
          | Snoc(t,h) => xs = t; yield Some h;
          | #Empty => return None[T];
    inherit[T] Streamable[list[T],T];
    inherit [T with Str[T]] Str[list[T]];
    inherit [T with Eq[T]] Set[list[T],T];
    inherit[T] ArrayValue[list[T],T];
  open [T with Eq[T]] Eq[List::list[T]];
  //open [T with Str[T]] Str[list[T]];
  //open [T with Eq[T]] Set[list[T],T];
  // display list as string given element type with str operator
  // elements are separated by a comma and one space
  instance[T with Show[T]] Str[List::list[T]] {
    noinline fun str (xs:List::list[T]) =>
      'list(' +
        match xs with
        | #Empty => ''
        | Snoc(os,o) =>
            List::fold_left (
              fun (a:string) (b:T):string => a + ', ' + (repr b)
            ) (repr o) os
      + ')'

+ 13 Association List

A list of pairs


  open class Assoc_list
    typedef assoc_list[A,B] = List::list[A*B];
    // check is the key (left element) of a pair
    // satisfies the predicate
    fun mem[A,B] (eq:A -> bool) (xs:assoc_list[A,B]) : bool =>
      List::mem (fun (a:A, b:B) => eq a) xs;
    // check is the key (left element) of a pair
    // satisfies the relation to given element 
    fun mem[A,B,T] (eq:A * T -> bool) (xs:assoc_list[A,B]) (e:T) : bool =>
      mem (fun (a:A) => eq(a, e)) xs;
    instance[A,B] Set[assoc_list[A,B], A] {
      fun mem[A,B with Eq[A]] (xs:assoc_list[A,B]) (e:A) : bool => 
        mem eq of (A * A) xs e
    // find optionally the first value whose associate key satisfies 
    // the given predicate
    fun find[A,B] (eq:A -> bool) (xs:assoc_list[A,B]) : opt[B] =>
      match xs with
      | #Empty => None[B]
      | Snoc (t,(a, b)) => if eq(a) then Some b else find eq t endif
    // find optionally the first value whose associate key (left slot)
    // satisfies the given relation to the given element (right slot) 
    fun find[A,B,T] (eq:A * T -> bool) (xs:assoc_list[A,B]) (e:T) : opt[B] =>
      find (fun (a:A) => eq (a, e)) xs;
    fun find[A,B with Eq[A]] (xs:assoc_list[A,B]) (e:A) : opt[B] =>
      find eq of (A * A) xs e

+ 14 Purely Functional Random Access List.


  Purely functional Random Access List.
  Based on design from Okasaki, Purely Functional Datastructures.
  Transcribed from Hongwei Xi's encoding for ATS2 library.
  //$ An ralist provides O(log N) indexed access and amortised
  O(1) consing. This is roughly the closest thing to
  purely functional array available.
  class Ralist
    Auxilliary data structure.
    variant pt[a] = | N1 of a | N2 of pt[a] * pt[a];
    Type of an ralist.
    variant ralist[a] = 
      | RAnil
      | RAevn of ralist[a]
      | RAodd of pt[a] * ralist[a]
    Length of an ralist.
    fun ralist_length[a] : ralist[a] -> int =
      | #RAnil => 0
      | RAevn xxs => 2 * ralist_length xxs
      | RAodd (_,xxs) => 2 * ralist_length xxs + 1
    private fun cons[a] // O(1), amortized
      (x0: pt[a], xs: ralist[a]): ralist [a] =>
      match xs with
      | #RAnil => RAodd (x0, RAnil[a])
      | RAevn xxs => RAodd (x0, xxs)
      | RAodd (x1, xxs) =>
          let x0x1 = N2 (x0, x1) in
          RAevn (cons (x0x1, xxs) )
      endmatch  ;
    Cons: new list with extra value at the head.
    fun ralist_cons[a] (x:a, xs: ralist[a]) =>
      cons (N1 x, xs)
    Check for an empty list.
    fun ralist_empty[a]: ralist[a] -> bool  =
    | #RAnil => true
    | _ => false
    private proc uncons[a] (xs: ralist[a], phd: &pt[a], ptl: &ralist[a]) 
      match xs with
      | RAevn xss => 
        var nxx: pt[a];
        var xxs: ralist[a];
        uncons (xss,&nxx, &xxs);
        match nxx with
        | N2(x0,x1) => 
          phd <- x0;
          ptl <- RAodd (x1,xxs);
      | RAodd (x0,xss) =>
        phd <- x0;
        match xss with
        | #RAnil => ptl <- RAnil[a];
        | _ => ptl <- RAevn xss;
    Proedure to split a non-empty ralist
    into a head element and a tail.
    proc ralist_uncons[a] (xs: ralist[a], phd: &a, ptl: &ralist[a])
      var nx: pt[a];
      uncons (xs, &nx, ptl);
      match nx with
      | N1 (x1) => phd <- x1;
    User define pattern matching support
    fun _match_ctor_Cons[T] (x:ralist[T]) =>not ( ralist_empty x);
    fun _match_ctor_Empty[T] (x:ralist[T]) => ralist_empty x;
    fun _ctor_arg_Cons[T] (x:ralist[T]) : T * ralist[T] =
      var elt : T;
      var tail : ralist[T];
      ralist_uncons (x, &elt, &tail);
      return elt,tail;
    Head element of a non-empty ralist.
    fun ralist_head[a] (xs: ralist[a]) : a =
      var nx: a;
      var xxs: ralist[a];
      ralist_uncons (xs, &nx, &xxs);
      return nx;
    Tail list of a non-empty ralist.
    fun ralist_tail[a] (xs: ralist[a]) : ralist[a] =
      var nx: a;
      var xxs: ralist[a];
      ralist_uncons (xs, &nx, &xxs);
      return xxs;
    private fun lookup[a]
      xs: ralist [a], 
      i: int 
    ) : pt[a] =>
      match xs with
      | RAevn xxs => 
        let x01 = lookup (xxs, i/2) in
        if i % 2 == 0 then
          let N2 (x0, _) = x01 in x0 
          let N2 (_, x1) = x01 in x1
      | RAodd (x, xxs) => 
        if i == 0 then x else 
          let x01 = lookup (xxs, (i - 1)/2) in
          if i % 2 == 0 then
            let N2 (_, x1) = x01 in x1 
            let N2 (x0, _) = x01 in x0
    Random access to an ralist. Unchecked.
    fun ralist_lookup[a] (xs:ralist[a],i:int)=>
      let N1 x = lookup (xs,i) in x
    private fun fupdate[a]
      xs: ralist[a] , 
      f: pt[a] -> pt[a]
    ) : ralist[a] =>
      match xs with
      | RAevn (xxs) => RAevn (fupdate2 (xxs, i, f))
      | RAodd (x, xxs) =>
        if i == 0 then RAodd (f x, xxs) 
        else RAodd (x, fupdate2 (xxs, i - 1, f))
    private fun fupdate2[a]
      xxs: ralist[a],
      i: int,
      f: pt[a] -> pt[a]
    ) : ralist[a] =>
        if i % 2 == 0 then 
        let f1 = 
          fun (xx: pt[a]): pt[a] =>
          let N2 (x0, x1) = xx in N2 (f x0, x1)
        fupdate (xxs, i / 2, f1)
        let f1 = 
          fun (xx: pt[a]): pt[a] =>
          let N2 (x0, x1) = xx in N2 (x0, f x1)
        fupdate (xxs, i / 2, f1)
    Return a list with the i'th element replaced by x0.
    Index is unchecked.
    fun ralist_update[a] (xs:ralist[a], i:int, x0:a) =>
      let f = fun (z:pt[a]) : pt[a] => N1 x0 in
      fupdate (xs,i,f)
    private proc foreach[a]
      xs: ralist[a],
      f: pt[a] -> void
      match xs with
      | RAevn (xxs) => foreach2 (xxs, f);
      | RAodd (x, xxs) =>
        f x;
        match xxs with
        | #RAnil => ;
        | _ => foreach2 (xxs, f);
      | #RAnil => ;
    private proc foreach2[a]
      xxs: ralist[a], 
      f: pt[a] -> void
      var f1 = 
        proc (xx: pt[a]) {
          match xx with 
          | N2 (x0, x1) => f (x0); f (x1);
      foreach (xxs, f1);
    Callback based iteration.
    Apply procedure to each element of the ralist.
    proc ralist_foreach[a] 
      xs: ralist[a],
      f: a -> void
      var f2 = 
        proc (x:pt[a]) {
          match x with
          | N1 y => f y;
      foreach (xs, f2);
    Convert ralist to a string.
    instance[a with Str[a]] Str[ralist[a]] 
      fun str (xx: ralist[a]):string = {
        var xs = xx;
        var x: a;
        var s = "";
        while not ralist_empty xs do
          ralist_uncons (xs,&x,&xs);
          s += (if s != "" then "," else "") + str x;
        return s;
    // TODO: list membership, folds, etc

+ 15 Dlist

A dlist_t is a doubly linked mutable list. It is suitable for use as non-thread-safe queue.


  class DList[T]
    typedef dnode_t=
      data: T,
      next: cptr[dnode_t], // possibly NULL
      prev: cptr[dnode_t]  // possibly NULL
    typedef dlist_t = (first:cptr[dnode_t], last:cptr[dnode_t]);
      // invariant: if first is null, so is last!
    ctor dlist_t () => (first=nullptr[dnode_t],last=nullptr[dnode_t]);

+ 15.1 Length len


    fun len (x:dlist_t) = {
      var n = 0;
      var first : cptr[dnode_t] = x.first;
      match first do
      | #nullptr => return n;
      | Ptr p => ++n; first = p*.next;
      goto again; 

+ 15.2 Inspection


    fun peek_front (dl:dlist_t) : opt[T] => 
      match dl.first with 
      | #nullptr => None[T]
      | Ptr p => Some p*.data
    fun peek_back (dl:dlist_t) : opt[T] => 
      match dl.last with 
      | #nullptr => None[T]
      | Ptr p => Some p*.data

+ 15.3 Insertion


    proc push_front (dl:&dlist_t, v:T) { 
      var oldfirst = dl*.first;
      var node = unbox (new (data=v, next=oldfirst, prev=nullptr[dnode_t])); 
      dl.first <- Ptr node;
      match oldfirst with
      | #nullptr => dl.last
      | Ptr p => p.prev 
      endmatch <- Ptr node; 
    proc push_back (dl:&dlist_t, v:T) {
      var oldlast = dl*.last;
      var node = unbox (new (data=v, next=nullptr[dnode_t], prev=oldlast)); 
      dl.last <- Ptr node;
      match oldlast with
      | #nullptr => dl.first
      | Ptr p => p.next
      endmatch <- Ptr node; 

+ 15.4 Deletion


    gen pop_front (dl:&dlist_t): opt[T] = {
      match dl*.first do
      | #nullptr => return None[T];
      | Ptr p => 
        match p*.next do
        | #nullptr =>
          dl.first <- nullptr[dnode_t];
          dl.last <- nullptr[dnode_t];
        | _ =>
          dl.first <- p*.next;
        return Some p*.data;
    gen pop_back (dl:&dlist_t): opt[T] = {
      match dl*.last do
      | #nullptr => return None[T];
      | Ptr p => 
        match p*.prev do
        | #nullptr =>
          dl.first <- nullptr[dnode_t];
          dl.last <- nullptr[dnode_t];
        | _ =>
          dl.last <- p*.prev;
        return Some p*.data;

+ 15.5 Use as a queue

We can implement enqueue and dequeue at either end, we'll make enqueue push_front and dequeue pop_back for no particular reason.


    typedef queue_t = dlist_t;
    proc enqueue (q:&queue_t) (v:T) => push_front (q,v);
    gen dequeue (q:&queue_t) :opt[T] => pop_back q;
    ctor queue_t () => dlist_t ();

+ 15.6 Queue iterator

Fetch everything from a queue.


    gen iterator (q:&queue_t) () => dequeue q;

+ 16 S-expressions

A scheme like data structure.


  class S_expr 
    variant sexpr[T] = Leaf of T | Tree of list[sexpr[T]]; 
    fun fold_left[T,U] (_f:U->T->U) (init:U) (x:sexpr[T]):U =>
      match x with
      | Leaf a => _f init a
      | Tree b => List::fold_left (S_expr::fold_left _f) init b
    proc iter[T] (_f:T->void) (x:sexpr[T]) {
      match x with
      | Leaf a => _f a;
      | Tree b => List::iter (S_expr::iter _f) b;
    fun map[T,U] (_f:T->U) (x:sexpr[T]):sexpr[U] =>
      match x with
      | Leaf a => Leaf (_f a)
      | Tree b => Tree ( List::map (S_expr::map _f) b )
    instance[T with Eq[T]] Set[sexpr[T],T] {
      fun \(\in\) (elt:T, x:sexpr[T]) => 
        fold_left (fun (acc:bool) (v:T) => acc or v == elt) false x; 
    instance[T with Str[T]] Str[sexpr[T]] {
      noinline fun str(x:sexpr[T])=>
        match x with 
        | Leaf a => str a
        | Tree b => str b 
  open[T with Str[T]] Str[S_expr::sexpr[T]];
  open[T with Eq[T]] Set[S_expr::sexpr[T],T];

+ 17 LS-expressions

A scheme like data structure, similar to sexpr, only in this variant the tree nodes also have labels.


  class LS_expr 
    variant lsexpr[T,L] = | Leaf of T | Tree of L * list[lsexpr[T,L]]; 
    fun fold_left[T,L,U] (_f:U->T->U) (_g:U->L->U) (init:U) (x:lsexpr[T,L]):U =>
      match x with
      | Leaf a => _f init a
      | Tree (a,b) => List::fold_left (LS_expr::fold_left _f _g) (_g init a) b
    proc iter[T,L] (_f:T->void) (_g:L->void) (x:lsexpr[T,L]) {
      match x with
      | Leaf a => _f a;
      | Tree (a,b) => _g a; List::iter (LS_expr::iter _f _g) b;
    fun map[T,L,U,V] (_f:T->U) (_g:L->V) (x:lsexpr[T,L]):lsexpr[U,V] =>
      match x with
      | Leaf a => Leaf[U,V] (_f a)
      | Tree (a,b) => Tree ( _g a, List::map (LS_expr::map _f _g) b )
    instance[T,L with Str[T], Str[L]] Str[lsexpr[T,L]] {
      noinline fun str(x:lsexpr[T,L])=>
        match x with 
        | Leaf a => str a
        | Tree (a,b) => str a + "(" + str b  + ")"
  open[T,L with Str[T], Str[L]] Str[LS_expr::lsexpr[T,L]];