
+ 1 Synopsis


  include "std/program/cmdopt";
  include "std/program/system";
  include "std/program/shell";
  include "std/program/dynlink";
  include "std/program/env";
  include "std/program/process";
  include "std/program/signal";

+ 2 Environment Variables


  Access environment variables.
  class Env_class[os]
    Separator for filename lists
    virtual fun pathsep: 1 -> string;
    Get the value of a given variable.
    Returns empty string if the variable doesn't exist.
    fun getenv:string -> string =
      requires package "flx_strutil", Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
    fun issetenv(s:string)=> getenv s != "";
    Get the value of a given variable.
    Returns specified default if the variable doesn't exist.
    fun getenv(name:string,dflt:string):string=>let result = getenv(name) in 
      if String::len result != 0uz then result else dflt endif
    fun getenvlist (name:string) : list[string] =>
       split (getenv name, #pathsep)
  instance Env_class[Win32] { fun pathsep() => ";"; }
  instance Env_class[Posix] { fun pathsep() => ":"; }
  class Env
    if PLAT_WIN32 do
      inherit Env_class[Win32];
      inherit Env_class[Posix];

+ 3 Command Line Options


  open class CmdOpt 
    // Convert key/value pairs represented like -I path
    // into form --include=path
    noinline fun cvt-key-arg (keys: list[string * string]) (x:list[string]) = 
       var out = Empty[string];
       var inp = x.iterator;
       for word in inp do
         match keys.find word with
         | #None => out = Cons (word,out);
         | Some prefix => 
           match inp() with
           | #None => println$ "Error, expected argument to option " + word;
           | Some arg => out = Cons (prefix+"=" + arg, out);
       return rev out;
    // Parse key value pairs represented by --key=value.
    // Allows multiple values to be given.
    // Stores reversed list of values.
    // Returns ordered list of non-handled elements.
    var rekv = RE2 "(--.*)=(.*)";
    noinline gen parse-key-multi-value (keys:list[string]) (d:strdict[list[string]]) (x:list[string]) =
      var out = Empty[string];
      var va = varray[StringPiece] (StringPiece "", StringPiece "", StringPiece "");
      for opt in x do
        if Match (rekv, StringPiece (opt), 0,ANCHOR_BOTH, va.stl_begin, va.len.int) do
          var key = va . 1 . string;
          if key in keys do
            val value= va . 2 . string ;
            val nuval = Cons (value, d.get_dflt (key,Empty[string]));
            d.add key nuval;
            out = Cons (opt, out);
          out = Cons (opt, out);
      return rev out;
    // Parse key value pairs represented by --key=value.
    // Keys must be unique.
    // Stores reversed list of values.
    // Returns ordered list of non-handled elements.
    noinline gen parse-key-single-value (keys:list[string]) (d:strdict[string]) (x:list[string]) =
      var out = Empty[string];
      var va = varray[StringPiece] (StringPiece "", StringPiece "", StringPiece "");
      for opt in x do
        if Match (rekv, StringPiece (opt), 0,ANCHOR_BOTH, va.stl_begin, va.len.int) do
          var key = va . 1 . string;
          if key in keys do
            val value= va . 2 . string ;
            match d.get key with
            | #None => d.add key value;
            | _ => println$ "Duplicate option '" + opt +"'";
            println$ "Invalid option '" + opt+"'";
          out = Cons (opt, out);
      return rev out;
    // Parse keys given by --key.
    // Allows multiple values.
    // Stores count of occurences.
    var rek = RE2 "(--.*)";
    noinline gen parse-key (keys:list[string]) (d:strdict[int]) (x:list[string]) =
      var out = Empty[string];
      var va = varray[StringPiece] (StringPiece "", StringPiece "");
      for opt in x do
        if Match (rek, StringPiece (opt), 0,ANCHOR_BOTH, va.stl_begin, va.len.int) do
          var key = va . 1 . string;
          if key in keys do
            val nuval =d.get_dflt (key,0) + 1;
            d.add key nuval;
            println$ "Invalid option '" + opt+"'";
          out = Cons (opt, out);
      return rev out;
    // Parse keys given by -abcd
    // Allows multiple values.
    // Stores count of occurences.
    // Replaces option letter with specified long option key.
    // Returns ordered list of non-handled elements.
    var resw = RE2 "(-.*)";
    noinline gen parse-switches (switchmap: list[char * string] ) (d:strdict[int]) (x:list[string]) =
      var out = Empty[string];
      var va = varray[StringPiece] (StringPiece "", StringPiece "");
      for opt in x do
        if Match (resw, StringPiece (opt), 0,ANCHOR_BOTH, va.stl_begin, va.len.int) do
          var switches = va . 1 . string . [1 to];
          for switch in switches do
            match switchmap.find switch with
            | #None =>
              println$ "Invalid option " + opt + " char '" + str switch+"'";
            | Some key=>
              val nuval = d.get_dflt (key,0) + 1;
              d.add key nuval;
          out = Cons (opt, out);
      return rev out;
    typedef cmdspec_t = (
      split-key-value-spec: list[string * string],
      multi-valued-keys-spec: list[string], 
      single-valued-keys-spec: list[string], 
      switches-spec: list[string], 
      short-switch-map-spec: list[char * string]
    typedef cmdopt-parse-result_t = (
       multi-valued-keys : strdict[list[string]],
       single-valued-keys : strdict[string],
       switches : strdict[int],
       positional : list[string]
    ctor cmdopt-parse-result_t () =>
      multi-valued-keys = strdict[list[string]](), 
      single-valued-keys = strdict[string](),
      switches = strdict[int](),
      positional = Empty[string]
    noinline gen parse-cmdline (spec:cmdspec_t) (x:list[string]) : cmdopt-parse-result_t = {
      var result = cmdopt-parse-result_t ();
      var nonk = unbox$ cvt-key-arg spec.split-key-value-spec x;
      nonk = unbox$ parse-key-multi-value spec.multi-valued-keys-spec result.multi-valued-keys nonk;
      nonk = unbox$ parse-key-single-value spec.single-valued-keys-spec result.single-valued-keys nonk;
      nonk = unbox$ parse-key spec.switches-spec result.switches nonk;
      &result.positional <- unbox$ parse-switches spec.short-switch-map-spec result.switches nonk;
      return result;

+ 4 Process


  class Process_class[os, process_status_t]
    virtual gen popen_in : string -> Cstdio::ifile;
    virtual gen pclose: Cstdio::ifile -> process_status_t; 
  class Process {
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32Process;
    inherit PosixProcess;

+ 5 Posix Errno


  open class Errno 
    pod type errno_t = "int" requires C89_headers::errno_h;
    ctor int : errno_t = "$1";
    ctor errno_t : int = "$1";
    instance Eq[errno_t] {
      fun == : errno_t * errno_t -> bool= "$1==$2";
    inherit Eq[errno_t];
    const errno : errno_t = "errno"; // SUCKS
    const ENOERROR : errno_t = "0";
    const EACCES: errno_t;
    const ENOENT: errno_t;
    const EAGAIN: errno_t;
    const ENOMEM: errno_t;
    const EEXIST: errno_t;
    const EINVAL: errno_t;
    const EINTR: errno_t; // call interrupted by a signal
    proc maybe_exit(var n:int) { if n != 0 do System::exit(errno.int); done }
    proc maybe_exit(var n:errno_t) { if n != ENOERROR  do System::exit(n.int); done }
    proc maybe_exit() { if errno != ENOERROR do System::exit(errno.int); done }
    // Unfortunately we get the crappy GNU version of strerror_r 
    // even if we don't define _GNU_SOURCE
    // This stupidity returns a char*, instead of a void.
    // Unfortunately moron compilers complain about not using
    // the returned result, but there is no legal way to use a void.
    // There is no way out.
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    proc strerror_r: errno_t *  carray[char] * size  = "(void)strerror_s($2, $3, $1);" 
      requires C89_headers::string_h /* on Linux.. on OSX it's in stdio.h */
    proc strerror_r: errno_t * carray[char] * size  = 
      strerror_r($1, $2, $3);
      requires C89_headers::string_h 
    fun strerror(e:errno_t) : string = {
      if e.int == 0 do 
        return "OK"; 
        var b:array[char,1000];
        var bad = "[strerror_r] Failed to find text for error number " + e.int.str;
        var p = bad._unsafe_cstr;
        CString::strncpy (carray (&b),p,1000.size); // safe because bad is a variable
        Memory::free p.address;
        strerror_r(e,carray (&b), b.len.size);
        return string( carray (&b));
    gen strerror()=> strerror errno;
    instance Str[errno_t] { fun str (e:errno_t) => strerror e; }
    inherit Str[errno_t];
    // Auto error check support
    class Check[T] 
      proc int_to_proc (var x:int) { if x == -1 do ehandler; done }
      fun int_to_int (var x:int) = { if x == -1 do ehandler; done return x; }
      fun pointer_to_pointer[U] (var p:&U) = { if C_hack::isNULL p do #ehandler; done return p; }
      virtual fun ehandler: unit -> any;
    type check_ignore = "";
    instance Check[check_ignore] 
      fun ehandler ():any = {}
    type check_throw = "";
    instance Check[check_throw] 
      fun ehandler ():any = { raise #strerror; }

+ 6 Posix Process


  class PosixProcess {
    open PosixSignal;
    instance Process_class[Posix, process_status_t] 
      gen popen_in: string -> Cstdio::ifile = 'popen($1.c_str(), "r")' 
        requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
      gen pclose: Cstdio::ifile -> process_status_t = "pclose($1)";
    inherit Process_class[Posix, process_status_t];
    type process_status_t = "int" requires Posix_headers::sys_wait_h;
    ctor int:process_status_t = "$1";
    ctor process_status_t : int = "$1";
    fun int_of_process_status_t: process_status_t -> int = "(int)$1";
    fun WIFCONTINUED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFCONTINUED($1)!=0";
    fun WIFEXITED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFEXITED($1)!=0";
    fun WIFSIGNALED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFSIGNALED($1)!=0";
    fun WIFSTOPPED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFSTOPPED($1)!=0";
    fun WEXITSTATUS: process_status_t -> int = "WEXITSTATUS($1)";
    fun WTERMSIG: process_status_t -> signal_t = "WTERMSIG($1)";
    fun WSTOPSIG: process_status_t -> signal_t = "WSTOPSIG($1)";
    // OSX only, not in Posix
    fun  WCOREDUMP: process_status_t -> int = "WCOREDUMP($1)";
    fun str(x:process_status_t) = {
      if WIFEXITED x do
         val e = x.WEXITSTATUS;
         return "Exit " + str e + ": " +e.errno_t.strerror;
      elif WIFSIGNALED x do
         val s = x.WTERMSIG;
         return "SIGNAL " + s.int.str + ": " + s.str;
         return "Unknown temination status " + x.int.str;
    const environ: + (+char) = "environ" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    type exec_result_t = "int";
    const bad_exec: exec_result_t = "-1";
    fun == : exec_result_t * exec_result_t -> bool= "$1==$2";
    gen execv:+char *  + (+char) -> exec_result_t = "execv($1, $2)" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    gen execvp:+char *  + (+char) -> exec_result_t = "execvp($1, $2)" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    gen execve:+char *  + (+char) * + (+char) -> exec_result_t = "execve($1, $2, $3)" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    // do NOT try to fork Felix programs, it doesn't work
    // because of threads already running. We use fork only
    // to preceed exec() calls.
    type pid_t = "pid_t" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    instance Str[pid_t] {
      fun str: pid_t -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";
    ctor int: pid_t = "((int)$1)";
    const child_process : pid_t = "0";
    const bad_process : pid_t = "-1";
    fun == : pid_t * pid_t -> bool= "$1==$2";
    gen fork: unit -> pid_t = "fork()" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    variant spawn_result_t = 
    // returned to parent process
    | BadFork of errno_t  
    | ProcessId of pid_t 
    // returned to child proces
    | BadExec of errno_t 
    | BadSetup of int
    gen spawnv(file: string, argv:+ (+char), setup:1->int) : spawn_result_t = {
      var x = fork();
      if x == child_process do  // CHILD
        var result = #setup;
        if result != 0 do
          return BadSetup result;
        var y = execv(file.cstr, argv); 
        if y == bad_exec do 
          return BadExec errno; 
          return ProcessId x; // never taken! fool type system 
      elif x == bad_process do // PARENT 
        return BadFork errno;
        return ProcessId x;
    gen spawnvp(file: string, argv:+ (+char), setup:1->int) : spawn_result_t = { 
      var x = fork();
      if x == child_process do // CHILD
        var result = #setup;
        if result != 0 do
          return BadSetup result;
        var y = execvp(file.cstr, argv); 
        if y == bad_exec do 
          return BadExec errno; 
          return ProcessId x; // never taken! fool type system 
      elif x == bad_process do  // PARENT
        return BadFork errno;
        return ProcessId x;
    gen spawnve(file: string, argv:+ (+char), env: + (+char), setup:1->int) : spawn_result_t = {
      var x = fork();
      if x == child_process do // CHILD
        var result = #setup;
        if result != 0 do
          return BadSetup result;
        var y = execve(file.cstr, argv, env); 
        if y == bad_exec do 
          return BadExec errno; 
          return ProcessId x; // never taken! fool type system
      elif x == bad_process do // PARENT
        return BadFork errno;
        return ProcessId x;
    type process_status_options_t = "int";
    const WCONTINUED: process_status_options_t;
    const WNOHANG: process_status_options_t;
    const WUNTRACED: process_status_options_t;
    const WNONE: process_status_options_t="0";
    fun \| : process_status_options_t * process_status_options_t -> process_status_options_t = "$1|$2";
    gen waitpid: pid_t * &process_status_t * process_status_options_t -> pid_t requires Posix_headers::sys_wait_h;
    gen waitpid(pid:pid_t) = {
      var status: process_status_t;
      var pid' = waitpid(pid,&status,WNONE);
      if pid' == bad_process do 
        println$ "Waitpid failed .. fix me!";
        System::exit 1;
        return status;
    variant ProcesStatus = | Running | Stopped of process_status_t;
    gen checkpid(pid:pid_t) = {
      var status: process_status_t;
      var pid' = waitpid(pid,&status,WNOHANG);
      if pid' == bad_process do 
        println$ "Waitpid failed .. fix me!";
        System::exit 1;
      elif pid'.int == 0 do
        return Running;
        return Stopped status;
    gen kill: pid_t * signal_t -> int;
    const OUR_PROCESS_GROUP: pid_t = "0";

+ 7 Win32 Process


  class Win32Process {
    open Win32Signal;
    instance Process_class[Win32, process_status_t] 
      gen popen_in: string -> Cstdio::ifile = '_popen($1.c_str(), "r")' requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
      gen pclose: Cstdio::ifile -> process_status_t = "_pclose($1)" requires C89_headers::stdio_h;
    inherit Process_class[Win32, process_status_t];
    type process_status_t = "intptr_t";
    ctor intptr:process_status_t = "$1";
    ctor int:process_status_t = "int($1)";
    ctor process_status_t : intptr = "$1";
    fun int_of_process_status_t: process_status_t -> int = "(int)$1";
    fun WIFCONTINUED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFCONTINUED($1)!=0";
    fun WIFEXITED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFEXITED($1)!=0";
    fun WIFSIGNALED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFSIGNALED($1)!=0";
    fun WIFSTOPPED: process_status_t -> bool = "WIFSTOPPED($1)!=0";
    fun WEXITSTATUS: process_status_t -> int = "WEXITSTATUS($1)";
    fun WTERMSIG: process_status_t -> signal_t = "WTERMSIG($1)";
    fun WSTOPSIG: process_status_t -> signal_t = "WSTOPSIG($1)";
    // OSX only, not in Posix
    fun  WCOREDUMP: process_status_t -> int = "WCOREDUMP($1)";
    fun str(x:process_status_t) = {
      if WIFEXITED x do
         val e = x.WEXITSTATUS;
         return "Exit " + str e + ": " +e.errno_t.strerror;
      elif WIFSIGNALED x do
         val s = x.WTERMSIG;
         return "SIGNAL " + s.int.str + ": " + s.str;
         return "Unknown temination status " + x.int.str;
    const environ: + (+char) = "environ" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    type exec_result_t = "intptr_t";
    const bad_exec: exec_result_t = "intptr_t(-1)";
    fun == : exec_result_t * exec_result_t -> bool= "$1==$2";
    gen execv:+char *  + (+char) -> exec_result_t = "_execv($1, $2)" requires Win32_headers::process_h;
    gen execvp:+char *  + (+char) -> exec_result_t = "_execvp($1, $2)" requires Win32_headers::process_h;
    gen execve:+char *  + (+char) * + (+char) -> exec_result_t = "_execve($1, $2, $3)" requires Win32_headers::process_h;
    // do NOT try to fork Felix programs, it doesn't work
    // because of threads already running. We use fork only
    // to preceed exec() calls.
    type pid_t = "intptr_t" requires Posix_headers::unistd_h;
    ctor intptr: pid_t = "($1)";
    const bad_process : pid_t = "intptr_t(-1)";
    fun == : pid_t * pid_t -> bool= "$1==$2";
    instance Str[pid_t] {
      fun str: pid_t -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<intptr_t>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";
    variant spawn_result_t = 
    // returned to parent process
    | BadFork of errno_t  
    | ProcessId of pid_t 
    // returned to child proces (can't happen on Windows)
    | BadExec of errno_t 
    | BadSetup of int
    gen spawnv:+char *  + (+char) -> pid_t = "_spawn(_P_NOWAIT,$1, $2)" requires Win32_headers::process_h;
    gen spawnvp:+char *  + (+char) -> pid_t = "_spawnvp(_P_NOWAIT,$1, $2)" requires Win32_headers::process_h; 
    gen spawnve:+char *  + (+char) * + (+char) -> pid_t = "_spawnve(_P_NOWAIT,$1, $2, $3)" requires Win32_headers::process_h; 
    gen spawnv(file: string, argv:+ (+char), setup:1->int) : spawn_result_t = {
      var x = spawnv(file.cstr, argv); 
      if x == bad_process do // PARENT 
        return BadFork errno;
        return ProcessId x;
    gen spawnvp(file: string, argv:+ (+char), setup:1->int) : spawn_result_t = { 
      var x = spawnvp(file.cstr, argv); 
      if x == bad_process do  // PARENT
        return BadFork errno;
        return ProcessId x;
    gen spawnve(file: string, argv:+ (+char), env: + (+char), setup:1->int) : spawn_result_t = {
      var x = spawnve(file.cstr, argv, env); 
      if x == bad_process do // PARENT
        return BadFork errno;
        return ProcessId x;
    type process_status_options_t = "int";
    const WCONTINUED: process_status_options_t;
    const WNOHANG: process_status_options_t;
    const WUNTRACED: process_status_options_t;
    const WNONE: process_status_options_t="0";
    fun \| : process_status_options_t * process_status_options_t -> process_status_options_t = "$1|$2";
    // Use WaitForSingleObject
    gen waitpid: pid_t * &process_status_t * process_status_options_t -> pid_t requires Posix_headers::sys_wait_h;
    gen waitpid(pid:pid_t) = {
      var status: process_status_t;
      var pid' = waitpid(pid,&status,WNONE);
      if pid' == bad_process do 
        println$ "Waitpid failed .. fix me!";
        System::exit 1;
        return status;
    variant ProcesStatus = | Running | Stopped of process_status_t;
    gen checkpid(pid:pid_t) = {
      var status: process_status_t;
      var pid' = waitpid(pid,&status,WNOHANG);
      if pid' == bad_process do 
        println$ "Waitpid failed .. fix me!";
        System::exit 1;
      elif pid'.int == 0 do
        return Running;
        return Stopped status;
    gen kill: pid_t * signal_t -> int;
    const OUR_PROCESS_GROUP: pid_t = "0";

+ 8 System Call


  class System
    const argc:int = "ptf-> argc" requires property "needs_ptf";
    const _argv:&&char= "ptf-> argv" requires property "needs_ptf";
    fun argv:int -> string = '::std::string($1<0||$1>=ptf-> argc??"":ptf-> argv[$1])' 
      requires property "needs_ptf";
    fun argv_dflt (x:int) (y:string) => match argv x with | "" => y | a => a;
    fun args () => List::map (argv) (List::range argc);
    proc setargs : + (+char) * size = "ptf-> argc=$2; ptf-> argv=$1;" requires property "needs_ptf";
    proc setargs[N:UNITSUM] (a:string^N) 
      gen myget(i:size)=>a.i.cstr;
      var x = varray[+char] (a.len,a.len,myget);
      setargs (x.stl_begin,x.len);
    gen system (cmd:string) : int => Shell::system(cmd);
    gen exit: int -> any = '::std::exit($1)' requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
    gen abort: 1 -> any = 
      '(fprintf(stderr,"Felix code calling abort\\n"),::std::abort())' 
      requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
    _gc_pointer type ptf_t = "thread_frame_t*";
    const ptf:ptf_t = "ptf" requires property "needs_ptf";
    pexit examines the return code from a system call.
    If the code is 0 it exists with 0.
    On Windows:
       if the code is -1, it exits with errno.
       otherwise code 3
    On Unix:
      if the code is non-zero then
        if the callout aborted, return its abort code.
        if the callout died due to a signal, exit with code 2
        otherwise exit with code 3
    In both these cases a non-zero return causes a message
    to be printed on stderr.
    if PLAT_WIN32 do
      proc pexit(e:int)
        if e != 0 do
          if e == -1 do
            err :=  errno;
            eprintln$ "Error "+err.str+" in flx: " + strerror err;
            System::exit err.int;
            eprintln$ "Unknown error in shell " + str e;
            System::exit 3;
        System::exit e;
      proc pexit(e:int)
        if e != 0 do
          if PosixProcess::WIFEXITED e.PosixProcess::process_status_t do
            err :=  PosixProcess::WEXITSTATUS e.PosixProcess::process_status_t;
            eprintln$ "Error "+err.str+" in flx: " + strerror err.errno_t;
            System::exit err;
          elif PosixProcess::WIFSIGNALED e.PosixProcess::process_status_t do
            sig := Process::WTERMSIG e.PosixProcess::process_status_t;
            eprintln$ "Shell terminated by signal " + str sig;
            System::exit 2;
            eprintln$ "Unknown error in shell " + str e;
            System::exit 3;
        System::exit e;
    gen get_stdout(x:string) : int * string => Shell::get_stdout x;

+ 9 Shell


  // Note Shell_class interface doesn't use process_status_t
  // but the implementation does.
  class Shell_class[OS, process_status_t]
    // Quote a single argument.
    // Note: kills Bash wildcard replacement.
    virtual fun quote_arg:string->string;
    fun quote_args (s:list[string]) : string => catmap[string] ' ' quote_arg s;
    // Mainly for Windows we need a way to quote command line strings too.
    virtual fun quote_line_for_system: string->string;
    virtual fun parse: string -> list[string];
    // system() function
    virtual gen raw_system: string -> int;
    basic command with line quoting.
    gen basic_system (cmd: string) :int => 
    // string argument
    gen system (cmd:string) = {
      if Env::getenv "FLX_SHELL_ECHO" != "" do
        eprintln$ "[system] " + cmd;
      return basic_system cmd;
    // list of string argument
    gen system (args:list[string]) : int =>
    gen system[T with Iterable[T,string]] (args:T) : int =
      var lst = Empty[string];
      for arg in args do 
        lst = lst + arg; 
      return system lst;
    // popen() function (get_stdout)
    virtual fun quote_line_for_popen: string -> string;
    get_stdout is a synchronous version of popen_in/pclose pair.
    virtual gen raw_get_stdout : string -> int * string;
    gen basic_get_stdout (cmd: string) : int * string =>
    gen get_stdout (cmd:string) : int * string = {
      if Env::getenv "FLX_SHELL_ECHO" != "" do
        eprintln$ "[get_stdout] " + cmd;
      return basic_get_stdout cmd;
    // arbitrary Streamable argument
    gen get_stdout (args:list[string]) : int * string =>
    gen get_stdout[T with Iterable[T,string]] (args:T) : int * string =
      var lst = Empty[string];
      for arg in args do 
        lst = lst + arg; 
      return get_stdout lst;
  class Shell {
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit CmdExe;
    inherit Bash;

+ 10 Posix Shell (Bash)


  // Note: shell functions here only work with Bash.
  // However, the system() function always calls sh,
  // and sh is always an ash, which is almost always bash
  /* GNU Bash 3-2 Man page
         Quoting  is  used  to  remove  the  special meaning of certain characters or words to the shell.
         Quoting can be used to disable special treatment for special  characters,  to  prevent  reserved
         words from being recognized as such, and to prevent parameter expansion.
         Each  of  the metacharacters listed above under DEFINITIONS has special meaning to the shell and
         must be quoted if it is to represent itself.
         When the command history expansion facilities are being used (see HISTORY EXPANSION below),  the
         history expansion character, usually !, must be quoted to prevent history expansion.
         There are three quoting mechanisms: the escape character, single quotes, and double quotes.
         A  non-quoted backslash (\) is the escape character.  It preserves the literal value of the next
         character that follows, with the exception of <newline>.  If a \<newline> pair appears, and  the
         backslash is not itself quoted, the \<newline> is treated as a line continuation (that is, it is
         removed from the input stream and effectively ignored).
         Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of each character  within  the
         quotes.   A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.
         Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of all characters  within  the
         quotes,  with  the exception of $, `, \, and, when history expansion is enabled, !.  The charac-
         ters $ and ` retain their special meaning within double quotes.  The backslash retains its  spe-
         cial meaning only when followed by one of the following characters: $, `, ", \, or <newline>.  A
         double quote may be quoted within double quotes by preceding it with a backslash.   If  enabled,
         history  expansion  will be performed unless an !  appearing in double quotes is escaped using a
         backslash.  The backslash preceding the !  is not removed.
         The special parameters * and @ have special  meaning  when  in  double  quotes  (see  PARAMETERS
         Words  of the form $'string' are treated specially.  The word expands to string, with backslash-
         escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard.  Backslash escape sequences, if
         present, are decoded as follows:
                \a     alert (bell)
                \b     backspace
                \e     an escape character
                \f     form feed
                \n     new line
                \r     carriage return
                \t     horizontal tab
                \v     vertical tab
                \\     backslash
                \'     single quote
                \nnn   the eight-bit character whose value is the octal value nnn (one to three digits)
                \xHH   the  eight-bit  character  whose value is the hexadecimal value HH (one or two hex
                \cx    a control-x character
         The expanded result is single-quoted, as if the dollar sign had not been present.
         A double-quoted string preceded by a dollar sign ($) will cause  the  string  to  be  translated
         according  to  the  current  locale.   If  the  current locale is C or POSIX, the dollar sign is
         ignored.  If the string is translated and replaced, the replacement is double-quoted.
  class Bash {
    instance Shell_class[Posix, PosixProcess::process_status_t] {
      // we can't use single quotes becase there's no way to represent a ' 
      // in a single quoted string .. so we have to use double quotes and
      // backslash the 4 special characters: " $ \ `
      // I think this is all ..
      fun quote_arg(s:string):string= {
        var r = "";
        for ch in s do
          if ch in "\\\"" do   // leave $ and ` in there, unquoted.
            r += "\\"+ str ch;
            r+= ch;
        return '"'+r+'"';
      fun quote_line_for_system (s:string) => s;
      fun quote_line_for_popen (s:string) => s + " ";
      //$ System command is ISO C and C++ standard.
      gen c_system: string -> int = "::std::system($1.c_str())"
        requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib
      gen raw_system (cmd:string) : int = {
        var result = c_system cmd;
        var posix_result = C_hack::cast[PosixProcess::process_status_t] result;
        if PosixProcess::WIFSIGNALED posix_result do 
          eprintln "[system] Child process terminated by signal, aborting parent";
          System::exit 1;
        return result;
      gen raw_get_stdout(x:string) = {
        var fout = PosixProcess::popen_in(x+" ");
        if valid fout do
          var output = load fout;
          var result = PosixProcess::pclose fout; 
          if PosixProcess::WIFSIGNALED result do
            eprintln "[get_stdout] Child process terminated by signal, aborting parent";
            System::exit 1;
          return PosixProcess::WEXITSTATUS result, output;
          println$ "Unable to run command '" + x "'";
          return -1,"";
      //$ Parse a bash command line into words.
      fun parse (s:string) : list[string] = 
        var args = Empty[string];
        var current = "";
        variant mode_t = | copy | skip | quote | dquote | escape-copy | escape-dquote;
        var mode = skip;
        for ch in s do
          match mode with
          | #skip => 
            if ch == char "\\" do
              mode = escape-copy;
            elif ch == char "'" do
              mode = quote;
            elif ch == char '"' do
              mode = dquote;
            elif ord ch > ord (char ' ') do
              current += ch;
              mode = copy;
          | #copy =>
            if ch == char "\\" do
              mode = escape-copy;
            elif ord ch <= ord (char ' ') do
              mode = skip;
              args += current;
              current = "";
            elif ch == char "'" do
               mode = quote;
            elif ch == char '"' do
              mode = dquote;
              current += ch;
          | #escape-copy =>
            current += ch;
            mode = copy;
          | #escape-dquote =>
            mode = dquote;
            if ch in '"\\$`' do
              current += ch;
            elif ch == char "'n" do ;
              current += "\\" + ch;
          | #dquote =>
            if ch == char '"' do
              mode = copy;
            elif ch == char "\\" do
              mode = escape-dquote;
              current += ch;
          | #quote =>
            if ch == char "'" do
              mode = copy;
              current += ch;
        match mode with
        | #skip => ;
        | _ => args += current;
        return args;
    inherit Shell_class[Posix, PosixProcess::process_status_t];

+ 11 Win32 Shell (cmd.exe)


  /* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/17w5ykft.aspx
  Microsoft Specific
  Microsoft C/C++ startup code uses the following rules when interpreting 
  arguments given on the operating system command line:
      Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a space or a tab.
      The caret character (^) is not recognized as an escape character or delimiter. 
      The character is handled completely by the command-line parser in the 
      operating system before being passed to the argv array in the program.
      A string surrounded by double quotation marks ("string") is 
      interpreted as a single argument, regardless of white space contained within. 
      A quoted string can be embedded in an argument.
      A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash (\") is 
      interpreted as a literal double quotation mark character (").
      Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they 
      immediately precede a double quotation mark.
      If an even number of backslashes is followed by a 
      double quotation mark, one backslash is placed in the argv
      array for every pair of backslashes, and the double quotation mark 
      is interpreted as a string delimiter.
      If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a 
      double quotation mark, one backslash is placed in the argv
      array for every pair of backslashes, and the double quotation mark
      is "escaped" by the remaining backslash, causing a literal 
      double quotation mark (") to be placed in argv.
  class CmdExe
    instance Shell_class[Win32, Win32Process::process_status_t]
      fun quote_arg(s:string):string => '"' + s + '"';
      fun quote_line_for_system(s:string) => '"' + s + '"';
      fun quote_line_for_popen(s:string) => '"' + s + '"';
      System command is ISO C and C++ standard.
      gen c_system: string -> int = "::std::system($1.c_str())"
        requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib
      gen raw_system (cmd:string) => c_system cmd;
      gen raw_get_stdout(x:string) = {
        //eprintln("CMD.EXE: raw_get_stout of " + x);
        var fout = Win32Process::popen_in(x);
        if valid fout do
          var output = load fout;
          var result = Win32Process::pclose fout; 
          return Win32Process::int_of_process_status_t result, output;
          println$ "Unable to run command '" + x "'";
          return -1,"";
      Parse a CMD.EXE command line into words.
      fun parse (s:string) : list[string] = 
        var args = Empty[string];
        var current = "";
        variant mode_t = | copy | skip | dquote | escape-copy | escape-dquote;
        var mode = skip;
        for ch in s do
          match mode with
          | #skip => 
            if ch == char "\\" do
              mode = escape-copy;
            elif ch == char '"' do
              mode = dquote;
            elif ord ch > ord (char ' ') do
              current += ch;
              mode = copy;
          | #copy =>
            if ch == char "\\" do
              mode = escape-copy;
            elif ord ch <= ord (char ' ') do
              mode = skip;
              args += current;
              current = "";
            elif ch == char '"' do
              mode = dquote;
              current += ch;
          | #escape-copy =>
            mode = copy;
            if ch == char '"' do
              current += ch;
              current += "\\" + ch;
          | #escape-dquote =>
            mode = dquote;
            if ch == char '"' do
              current += ch;
              current += "\\" + ch;
          | #dquote =>
            if ch == char '"' do
              mode = copy;
            elif ch == char "\\" do
              mode = escape-dquote;
              current += ch;
        match mode with
        | #skip => ;
        | _ => args += current;
        return args;
    inherit Shell_class[Win32, Win32Process::process_status_t];

+ 12 Signals


  body ctrl_c_flag = """
    static bool ctrl_c_flag = false;
    bool get_ctrl_c_flag() { return ctrl_c_flag; }
    void set_ctrl_c_flag(int) { ctrl_c_flag = true; }
  class Signal_class [os] {
    gen get_ctrl_c_flag: 1 -> bool requires ctrl_c_flag;
    proc set_ctrl_c_flag: int requires ctrl_c_flag;
    virtual proc trap_ctrl_c: 1;
  class Signal {
  if PLAT_WIN32 do
    inherit Win32Signal;
    inherit PosixSignal;

+ 13 Posix Signal


  class PosixSignal {
    requires C89_headers::signal_h; 
    type signal_t = "int";
    ctor signal_t: int = "$1";
    ctor int: signal_t = "$1";
    type sig_t = "sig_t"; // what a pity posix calls the handler sig_t
    gen signal: signal_t * sig_t -> sig_t = "signal($1, $2)";
    instance Eq[signal_t] {
      fun == : signal_t * signal_t ->  bool = "$1==$2";
    inherit Eq[signal_t];
    // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/signal.h.html
    : signal_t;
    instance Str[signal_t] {
      fun str: signal_t -> string =
      | $(SIGABRT) =>  "SIGABRT" 
      | $(SIGALRM) =>  "SIGALRM" 
      | $(SIGBUS) =>  "SIGBUS" 
      | $(SIGCHLD) =>  "SIGCHLD" 
      | $(SIGCONT) =>  "SIGCONT" 
      | $(SIGFPE) =>  "SIGFPE" 
      | $(SIGHUP) =>  "SIGHUP" 
      | $(SIGILL) =>  "SIGILL" 
      | $(SIGINT) =>  "SIGINT" 
      | $(SIGKILL) =>  "SIGKILL"
      | $(SIGPIPE) =>  "SIGPIPE" 
      | $(SIGQUIT) =>  "SIGQUIT" 
      | $(SIGSEGV) =>  "SIGSEGV" 
      | $(SIGSTOP) =>  "SIGSTOP" 
      | $(SIGTERM) =>  "SIGTERM" 
      | $(SIGTSTP) =>  "SIGTSTP" 
      // | $(SIGTTN) =>  "SIGTTN"  // not in OSX
      | $(SIGTTOU) =>  "SIGTTOU" 
      | $(SIGUSR1) =>  "SIGUSR1" 
      | $(SIGUSR2) =>  "SIGUSR2"
      // | $(SIGPOLL) =>  "SIGPOLL" // not in OSX
      | $(SIGPROF) =>  "SIGPROF" 
      | $(SIGSYS) =>  "SIGSYS" 
      | $(SIGTRAP) =>  "SIGTRAP" 
      | $(SIGURG) =>  "SIGURG" 
      | $(SIGVTALRM) =>  "SIGVTALRM" 
      | $(SIGXCPU) =>  "SIGXCPU" 
      // | $(SIGXSZ) =>  "SIGXSZ" // not in OSX
      | x => "signal " + x.int.str
    inherit Str[signal_t];
    body "void null_signal_handler(int){}";
    const null_signal_handler: sig_t;
    proc ignore_signal(s:signal_t) { C_hack::ignore(signal(s, null_signal_handler)); }
    // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/functions/sigaction.html
    body ctrl_c_handling = """
      void set_ctrl_c_flag(int);
      void trap_ctrl_c () {
        struct sigaction sa;
        sa.sa_handler = set_ctrl_c_flag;
        sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
        sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
    """ requires ctrl_c_flag;
    inherit Signal_class[Posix];
    instance Signal_class[Posix] {
      proc trap_ctrl_c: unit requires ctrl_c_handling;

+ 14 Win32 Signal


  class Win32Signal {
    requires C89_headers::signal_h;
    type signal_t = "int";
    ctor signal_t: int = "$1";
    ctor int: signal_t = "$1";
    header sig_t_def = "typedef void (__cdecl *sig_t)(int);";
    type sig_t = "sig_t" requires sig_t_def; 
    gen signal: signal_t * sig_t -> sig_t = "signal($1, $2)";
    instance Eq[signal_t] {
      fun == : signal_t * signal_t ->  bool = "$1==$2";
    inherit Eq[signal_t];
    // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/signal.h.html
    : signal_t;
    instance Str[signal_t] {
      fun str: signal_t -> string =
      | $(SIGABRT) =>  "SIGABRT" 
      | $(SIGFPE) =>  "SIGFPE" 
      | $(SIGILL) =>  "SIGILL" 
      | $(SIGINT) =>  "SIGINT" 
      | $(SIGSEGV) =>  "SIGSEGV" 
      | $(SIGTERM) =>  "SIGTERM" 
      | x => "signal " + x.int.str
    inherit Str[signal_t];
    body "void null_signal_handler(int){}";
    const null_signal_handler: sig_t;
    proc ignore_signal(s:signal_t) { C_hack::ignore(signal(s, null_signal_handler)); }
    // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/functions/sigaction.html
    body ctrl_c_handling = """
      void set_ctrl_c_flag(int);
      void trap_ctrl_c () {
    """ requires ctrl_c_flag;
    inherit Signal_class[Win32];
    instance Signal_class[Win32] {
      proc trap_ctrl_c: unit requires ctrl_c_handling;