1 Iterators
Class of data structures supporting streaming. The container type just needs an iterator method. The iterator method returns a generator which yields the values stored in the container. class Iterable [C1, V] { virtual fun iterator : C1 -> 1 -> opt[V]; } class Streamable[C1, V] { inherit Iterable[C1,V]; // check if a streamable x is a subset of a set y. virtual fun \(\subseteq\)[C2 with Set[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) = { for v in x do if not (v \(\in\) y) goto bad; done return true; bad:> return false; } // subset or equal: variant equality bar fun \(\subseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subseteq\) y ; // congruence (equality as sets) virtual fun \(\cong\)[C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subseteq\) y and y \(\subseteq\) x ; // negated congruence fun \(\ncong\)[C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\cong\) y) ; // proper subset virtual fun \(\subset\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subseteq\) y and x \(\ncong\) y ; // variant proper relations with strke-through on equality bar fun \(\subsetneq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subset\) y ; fun \(\subsetneqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subset\) y ; // reversed relations, super set fun \(\supset\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => y \(\subset\) x ; fun \(\supseteq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => y \(\subseteq\) x ; fun \(\supseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => y \(\subseteq\) x ; // variant proper relations with strke-through on equality bar fun \(\supsetneq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\supset\) y ; fun \(\supsetneqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\supset\) y ; // negated operators, strike-through fun \(\nsubseteq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\subseteq\) y) ; fun \(\nsubseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\subseteq\) y) ; // negated reversed operators, strike-through fun \(\nsupseteq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\supseteq\) y) ; fun \(\nsupseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\supseteq\) y) ; }
2 Streams
A functional stream is a coinductive data type dual to a list: it is a function
uncons: S -> T * S.
First here is the class based definition of a stream. It has some problems as do all such definitions:
class Fstream[T,S] { virtual fun uncons: S -> T * S; };
And now, we have a stream example. It is suprising? An integer is a stream.
instance Fstream [int,int] { fun uncons(x:int) => x, x + 1; }
An obvious problem: the stream is ascending. A descending stream is obvious:
fun uncons(x:int) => x, x - 1
and clearly there are rather a LOT of streams that can be defined on an integer.
A stream is the dual of a list, some say it is an infinite list. Here is a stream of optional ints built from a list of ints.
instance Fstream [opt[int], list[int]] { fun uncons: list[int] -> opt[int] * list[int] = | Cons (h,t) => Some h, t | #Empty => None[int], Empty[int] ; }
The option type is a good way to provide a trailing infinite sequence of values mandated by the definition of a stream.
This function converts an arbitrary stream into a generator. This hides the state type and state value from clients, however the forward iterator we previously had is now degraded to an input iterator (where I use iterator in the C++ sense)
class Stream { fun make_generator [T,S with Fstream[T,S]] (var state:S) => gen () : T = { var v,s = uncons state; state = s; return v; } ;
Felix already has an interesting construction called an iterator, it is a generator function of type
1 -> opt[T]
We build such iterator out of a stream of optional values
fun make_iterator [T,S with Fstream[opt[T],S]] (var state:S) => make_generator[opt[T],S] state ;
Our definition is bad, because so far there is only ONE kind of fstream for every type.
What we really want is that, given some uncons function, we can make a fstream object out of it.
here's our stream object: it has an uncons function and an initial state value. The uncons function is called uncons_f to avoid ambiguities
typedef stream[T,S] = ( state:S, uncons_f: S -> T * S );
Now, instantiate it. The critical thing we're doing is translating the internal uncons_f function, to one that returns a stream object
instance[T,S] Fstream[T, stream[T,S]] { fun uncons (x:stream[T,S]) : T * stream[T,S] => let head,tail = x.uncons_f x.state in head, (state=tail, uncons_f = x.uncons_f) ; } inherit [T,S] Fstream[T,stream[T,S]]; } open Stream;