
+ 1 Iterators


  Class of data structures supporting streaming.
  The container type just needs an iterator method.
  The iterator method returns a generator which
  yields the values stored in the container.
  class Iterable [C1, V] {
    virtual fun iterator : C1 -> 1 -> opt[V];
  class Streamable[C1, V] {
    inherit Iterable[C1,V];
    // check if a streamable x is a subset of a set y.
    virtual fun \(\subseteq\)[C2 with Set[C2,V]] (x:C1, y:C2) = 
      for v in x do
        if not (v \(\in\) y) goto bad;
      return true;
      return false;
    // subset or equal: variant equality bar
    fun \(\subseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subseteq\) y
    // congruence (equality as sets)
    virtual fun \(\cong\)[C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subseteq\) y and y \(\subseteq\) x
    // negated congruence
    fun \(\ncong\)[C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\cong\) y)
    // proper subset
    virtual fun \(\subset\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subseteq\) y and x \(\ncong\) y
    // variant proper relations with strke-through on equality bar
    fun \(\subsetneq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subset\) y
    fun \(\subsetneqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\subset\) y
    // reversed relations, super set
    fun \(\supset\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => y \(\subset\) x
    fun \(\supseteq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => y \(\subseteq\) x
    fun \(\supseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => y \(\subseteq\) x
    // variant proper relations with strke-through on equality bar
    fun \(\supsetneq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\supset\) y
    fun \(\supsetneqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => x \(\supset\) y
    // negated operators, strike-through
    fun \(\nsubseteq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\subseteq\) y)
    fun \(\nsubseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\subseteq\) y)
    // negated reversed operators, strike-through
    fun \(\nsupseteq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\supseteq\) y)
    fun \(\nsupseteqq\) [C2 with Set[C2,V], Streamable[C2,V], Set[C1,V]] 
      (x:C1, y:C2) => not (x \(\supseteq\) y)

+ 2 Streams

A functional stream is a coinductive data type dual to a list: it is a function

   uncons: S -> T * S.

First here is the class based definition of a stream. It has some problems as do all such definitions:


  class Fstream[T,S] {
    virtual fun uncons: S -> T * S;

And now, we have a stream example. It is suprising? An integer is a stream.


  instance Fstream [int,int] {
    fun uncons(x:int) => x, x + 1;

An obvious problem: the stream is ascending. A descending stream is obvious:

fun uncons(x:int) => x, x - 1

and clearly there are rather a LOT of streams that can be defined on an integer.

A stream is the dual of a list, some say it is an infinite list. Here is a stream of optional ints built from a list of ints.


  instance Fstream [opt[int], list[int]] {
    fun uncons: list[int] -> opt[int] * list[int] =
    | Cons (h,t) => Some h, t
    | #Empty => None[int], Empty[int]

The option type is a good way to provide a trailing infinite sequence of values mandated by the definition of a stream.

This function converts an arbitrary stream into a generator. This hides the state type and state value from clients, however the forward iterator we previously had is now degraded to an input iterator (where I use iterator in the C++ sense)


  class Stream 
  fun make_generator [T,S with Fstream[T,S]] 
    (var state:S) 
    gen () : T = {
      var v,s = uncons state;
      state = s;
      return v;

Felix already has an interesting construction called an iterator, it is a generator function of type

   1 -> opt[T]

We build such iterator out of a stream of optional values


  fun make_iterator [T,S with Fstream[opt[T],S]] 
    (var state:S) 
    make_generator[opt[T],S] state

Our definition is bad, because so far there is only ONE kind of fstream for every type.

What we really want is that, given some uncons function, we can make a fstream object out of it.

here's our stream object: it has an uncons function and an initial state value. The uncons function is called uncons_f to avoid ambiguities


  typedef stream[T,S] = ( state:S, uncons_f: S -> T * S );

Now, instantiate it. The critical thing we're doing is translating the internal uncons_f function, to one that returns a stream object


  instance[T,S] Fstream[T, stream[T,S]] {
    fun uncons (x:stream[T,S]) : T * stream[T,S] =>
      let head,tail = x.uncons_f x.state in
      head, (state=tail, uncons_f = x.uncons_f)
  inherit [T,S] Fstream[T,stream[T,S]];
  open Stream;