4.1 Spawning pthreads
In this example we will use types and functions provided by {class Pthread} and {class Pchannel} (for our purposes a kind of bidirectional pipe - unbuffered synchronization points for pre-emptive threads). To achieve this our program starts by issuing the following include directive.
include "std/pthread/pchannels";
Next, we lift the types and functions of {class Pthread} into the current scope (so that they may be referred to without qualification).
open Pthread;
You may be surprised by the apparent absence of an {include "std/control/pthread"} include directive? It's not required because it is loaded automatically.
Next, we print a little message to saying that our program is starting up and define a thread procedure.
print "Pthread spawning test"; endl; proc thr (x:int) { print "Thread "; print x; endl; }
The thread procedure {thr ()} takes an integer argument which is intended to be provided to the procedure when invoked - this number will be used to allow us to disambiguate which thread is printing what later. When the procedure is executed it will print a message to the console that includes that number.
We move on now to defining the "main" procedure {proc flx_main}. This is a special procedure like C's {main()} which is called automatically, if present, after the surrounding context has been inintialised.
proc flx_main { print "Running main\n";
The first order of business is to set up a channel to exchange data between the main thread and the threads we are about to spawn on which the thread proc we defined earlier will be exectued.
var chan = mk_pchannel[int](); var dummy: int;
The channel created by the {mk_pchannel[int]()} step is one on which integer values can be read from/written to. At this point we are all set to spawn our threads. The {spawn_pthread ()} procedure is how this is done.
spawn_pthread { thr 1; write (chan,1); }; spawn_pthread { thr 2; write (chan,2); }; spawn_pthread { thr 3; write (chan,3); }; spawn_pthread { thr 4; write (chan,4); }; spawn_pthread { thr 5; write (chan,5); }; spawn_pthread { thr 6; write (chan,6); }; spawn_pthread { thr 7; write (chan,7); }; print "Spawned\n";
Let's break down what's going on when we say
spawn_pthread { thr 1; write (chan,1); }
{ thr 1; write (chan, 1); }
defines a procedural closure. It will match the argument of a function of type {1 -> 0}. It is therefore a syntactic shortcut for the equivalent
proc () {thr 1; write (chan 1); }
So, equivalently we might have written this in the more verbose form
spawn_pthread$ proc () { thr 1; write (chan,1); }
or alternatively,
spawn_pthread (proc () { thr 1; write (chan,1); });
These different forms are all going to result in the same things. A thread will be spawned on which a procedural closure will be executed.
When the closure executes on the spawned thread, it will call the
thread procedure thr
with the argument 1
which will result in the
message {"Thread 1"} being echoed to the console and then will write
to the global channel variable chan
. The {write (chan, 1);} will
block the spawned thread until the value written is read from another
thread (in our case the matching read will be on the main thread - the
one from which the child threads were spawned - the thread running
). When it's been read, the procedure will terminate. In
this way we can signal from the child thread to the main thread that
the child thread is done.
dummy = read chan; // 1 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; dummy = read chan; // 2 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; dummy = read chan; // 3 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; dummy = read chan; // 4 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; dummy = read chan; // 5 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; dummy = read chan; // 6 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; dummy = read chan; // 7 print "joined "; print dummy; endl; print "Joined all\n"; }
An explanation of this last part is needed.
export proc flx_main of (1) as "flx_main";
The output from running this program might look like this:
Pthread spawning test Running main Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Thread 6 Spawned joined 1 joined 2 joined 3 joined 4 joined 5 joined 6 Thread 7 joined 7 Joined all
It's important to note however that there is no reason to expect to see the print statements in an increasing sequence like that. The OS scheduler can't be relied upon to schedule the spawned threads in any deterministic order and so it's possible that we might see the output from thread 3 and its subsequent joining before that of thread 2 say.