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+ 7.1 All the inserion codes

Here's a complete list of all the insertion codes.

   $n: n'th component of argument tuple, 1 origin!
   $a: expands to $1, $2, .. $n
   $b: expands to $2, .. $n
   `n: n'th component of argument tuple, reference kind

   #x: expands to #x for all 'x' other than those below

   #n: type of n'th component of argument tuple (1 origin)
   #0: return type
   @n: reference to shape object

   $t: pass a tuple argument 'as a tuple'
   $Tn: pass argument n expanded into an argument list (varargs)
   #t: the type of the argument tuple
   @t: the shape of the argument tuple
   @dn: expands to first n components of display, excluding thread frame

   ??: expands to ?
   n: the n'th generic type argument ..
   @n: the n'th generic type argument shape ..
   a: expands to ?1,?2, ...