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+ 1.1 Purpose.

This document describes how to embed Felix in C++ code.

The primary use of doing this is to be able to use Felix in a foreign event loop as a coroutine.

Normally, event loops invoke callbacks via a user supplied function pointer, calling the function with a user supplied client data pointer together with some event specific data.

The Felix system provides a way to map Felix functions into callbacks by generating a wrapper based on the required C function signature which casts the client data pointer to the corresponding Felix function and invokes that.

Such wrappers are invariant: you only need one per function type. However the Felix function which is invoked runs in isolation: there is no means to communicate with other Felix code.

In this article we will describe how to run a Felix program which interfaces to event loop callbacks.

+ 1.2 General Principles.

The general principle of operation is to first create a Felix world. A world contains a garbage collector, a scheduler, and asynchronous event handler, and of course your Felix program.

At the end, if you have one, you may cleanup the world, removing any resources Felix has allocated. This step is usually omitted at the end of the program since it involves garbage collecting all the allocated memory, which would be freed at program termination anyhow.

In between, we will conspire to run some Felix code with each callback. Other non-Felix callbacks in your event loop may communicate with the Felix program using shared memory. You will have to design this mechanism yourself.

The successive invocations of Felix, on the other hand, will operate transparently, and will typically communicate and synchronise with your event loop using synchronous channels.

Each invocation of your Felix system will call a specific function on your Felix world {run_until_blocked()}. This call will invoke a Felix scheduler to run all the scheduled fibres until there are none left to run. Then it returns.

In order for this to work, some callback must put fibres on the scheduler before the Felix world is invoked. There are many ways to do this so we will consider just one design first.

+ 1.3 Using Felix async I/O.

This is the easiest method so we will deal with it first.

+ 1.3.1 Real time Scheduling.

By far the simplest design we can consider for our Felix world is to use real time scheduling. This design is the simplest .. because there is nothing to do. It works out of the box!

With this method you block Felix fibres with calls to the Felix asynchronous I/O system faio using an alarm clock. All you need to do is create a clock and sleep for some period.

When your fibre goes to sleep it is removed from the synchronous scheduler list and added to a list of fibres waiting on an external event. When that event occurs the event notification system puts the fibre back on the scheduler queue.

For the sleep operation the notification system is demux. It tells faio to reschedule a fibre when its sleep timeout has expired. This happens in a separate pthread by placing the fibre on a special queue of fibres waiting to be rescheduled.

When the synchronous scheduler runs out of fibres to run, it checks the ready queue and if it is not empty, pulls off the waiting fibres and puts them on its scheduler list. It then starts scheduling them.

In stand alone mode, Felix locks up on the waiting on fibres to be put on the ready queue, provided there are in fact fibres waiting for asynchronous events. If there are no waiting fibres, your program is finished and will terminate.

In embedded mode, Felix does not terminate but simply returns. This is the return from run_until_blocked. A bit later when you call it again, some fibres may have been woken from their sleep, and they will be rescheduled.

In your event loop, you would normally run Felix inside the event loop's idle-tasks callback. Take care to ensure in the real-time programming case the loop does not spin in idle-tasks without a delay. Some event loops will provide a delay or a way to specify one, others will require you to insert the delay yourself. A delay of between 0.1 and 10 milliseconds is reasonable on many platforms. It allows other pthreads with affinity to the loops CPU to work efficiently without too much pre-emption.

You should note careully that this model works by polling. Your event loop polls Felix for activity using the idle-tasks callback. Polling is very general and a good method, but it is not the only way. Felix network I/O and timer operation usually does not work by polling, but instead is interrupt driven by the readiness notification system provided by the underlying OS.

+ 1.3.2 Network scheduling.

You can use the same method as above for scheduling based on availability of data on sockets. Again, this is built into Felix and does not require any special coding.

+ 1.3.3 Spawning Pthreads.

Felix can spawn pthreads (pre-emptive threads) and you may wonder how this fits in with our model. The answer is, it works!

If you want to do a whole lot of stuff independently of your mainline event loop, you can just launch a pthread from Felix code using the spawn_pthread procedure.

However you must take care you do not block the main event loop. You can use critical sections with a mutex and shared memory to communicate. You should not use Felix pchannels because these block client pthreads.

+ 1.4 Using manually driven schannels.

The method described here leverages how Felix synchronous channels interact with the scheduler.

What normally happens is that an Felix fibre will try to do a read operation on an schannel. Since there is no data there, the fibre is attached to the schannel as a reader, and removed from the scheduler.

Now the scheduler runs another fibre which writes to that schannel. The writer notices that there is a reader waiting. It puts the data where the reader wants it, adds itself to the scheduler list, and then makes the reader the current fibre. The scheduler then resumes the reader where it left off, only now the reader has the data it was waiting for.

Later, the writer can continue too, when the reader blocks again, or otherwise terminates.

A similar process occurs if the writer goes first. Noticing there is no reader, it deschedules itself and hangs itself on the schannel. Later, a reader comes along and notices there's a writer waiting, so it grabs the data, reschedules the writer, and continues on.

+ 1.4.1 Clocking with an emulated write.

A simple way to organise your fibres is to have them each do some work and read an integer from an schannel we will call the trigger. A single Felix fthread reads from another channel we will call the clock, and writes to the trigger channel with a mult-write. This will reschedule all those fibres.

So we have reduced the problem to emulating a write. This is particularly easy! All you have to do is store the integer data where it is supposed to go, as indicated by the reader on the schannel, and then schedule the fibre. Since the writer isn't a fibre you don't have to worry about scheduling it. You do, however, have to make sure the schannel is reachable by adding it as a GC root.

+ 1.4.2 Using Event channels.

The clocking method we described above is a special case of a more general mechanism in which a system with N classes of events, such as mouse movement events, screen size change events, keyboard events, or whatever, can be mapped onto schannels.

It is not always possible to do this, but I will first show how it works then discuss the caveats.

When you get an event specific callback, you can handle it trivially by writing the data on a corresponding event specific schannel. For example a keypress can simply be written to an schannel using the emulation technique.

Your Felix program then simply spawns a fibre to handle key presses by reading the channel. How you dispatch or deal with them may not be simple, but you can now do it all in Felix. You have leveraged the ability of Felix to control invert the callback providing the event into a read operation which allows state to be preserved.

This method is very simple and easy to set up. But there is a caveat. Don't forget, the Felix program is running in your loops idle-tasks callback so no action will occur until the event loop triggers it.

Unfortunately, some callbacks require an answer. That is, they're functions, not procedures. This is typical in windowing systems, where, for example, you're using some notion of subclassing and you have to tell the window manager whether you have handled an event, or whether it should be passed on to a parent (or both!).

Since we have to return a code from the callback, we cannot wait for Felix to start up in the idle-tasks callback.

+ 1.4.3 Solving the return code problem.

The solution to this problem is .. well its obvious!!

Since we can't wait for the idle-tasks callback to resume Felix .. we don't. We resume it immediately!

After all, a callback is a callback! As long as you have a client data pointer to the Felix world, you can resume Felix.

The biggest problem here is how to get a response out of your Felix program.

Well .. is the answer not obvious??

Recall, we used an schannel write emulation to reschedule Felix fibres based on some external event.

So a bright light dawns and we appy the principle of duality, and consider reading the return code from an schannel using an emulation!

Note it is of course important that we don't try to read that return code from a channel until after we have run_until_blocked. Obviously there can't be any return code there until after the Felix handler fibre has run!

+ 1.4.4 Caveats with schannels.

Although the principles of schannel operation are quite simple they are not quite as easy to use as you might think.

It is vital you forget the idea that a channel is a pipe down which you send data.

Channels are not message passing.

The sending of data along a channel is a convenient side effect, just as passing parameters to a subroutine is a convenient side effect. The real purpose and fundamental operation in both cases has nothing to do with data.

Channels are about passing control.

Just like a subroutine, channel operations are fundamentally control structures. So what this means is that you cannot just randomly read and write channels and expect things to work. Channels are not buffered and they do not carry any data. Rather, they mediate data transmission by synchronising data access.

In practice what this means is that you must ensure reads and writes on channels match up temporaly. If one fibre writes to channel A then B, and another reads from channel B then A, we have a deadlock. If the channel is unknown by other fibres deadlocks lead to suicides -- the fibres simply cease to exist, causing the deadlock to evaporate, since neither fibre is reachable except by an unreachable channel.

So you must carefully plan the order of schannel operations for each fibre to synchronise will all the others. Fibres form an anarchy. They work by cooperation based on a set of individual agreements. There are no police to enforce policy. Those who fail to agree and abide by agreements simply disappear from the community.

+ 1.5 Using service code svc_general.

There is another way to organise ourselves. Instead of using schannels or the builtin asynchronous I/O support in Felix, we provide a way to leverage the way Felix already does asynchronous I/O, using the service call svc_general.

This uses special C++ objects to organise suspending of the calling fibre until an asynchronous external event tells us the encoded request is satisfied, then puts the fibre on ready queue to be rescheduled.

This is the most complex mechanism, and you will have to create both the request and service objects to leverage it, including a conforming C++ implementation and a Felix binding.

The result will be that function calls in the Felix library will allow a fibre to suspend itself until some arbitrary event occurs.

With this mechanism we emulate the asynchronous event management by doing the required operations inside your main event loop callback for that event.

The primary advantage of this method is that data communication is not limited to the simple message passing model and control exchange schannels provide.