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+ 2.1 Principle of Fibration.

In passing we mention that function subroutines are just a special case of this where argument is passed in using an channel and the return value is passed out using a channel too:

  proc subroutine(argument: ischannel[int], result: oschannel[string])
    v := read argument;
    s := str v;
    write$ result, s;
    iarg,oarg := #mk_ioschannel_pair[int];
    ires,ores := #mk_ioschannel_pair[string];
    spawn_fthread { subroutine (iarg, ores); };
    write$ oarg, 42;
    s := read ires;
    println$ "42 as a string is " + s;

42 as a string is 42

In other words, the fibres and channels model subsumes the function and procedure call and return model. Note clearly that with subroutines we also pass data in and out along with control.

Of course the fibre and channel model is more complex because it is vastly more flexible! In particular, communicating fibres are control neutral with respect to each other, unlike the asymmtric master/slave relation of the subroutine model. This is why fibres are a much better programming paradigm. Simply put .. no more callbacks! Callbacks are bad because they have to preserve where control resumes without the benefit of the usual control stack. Preserving control state as data this way is difficult and error prone. Many people use pre-emptibe threads to solve this problem. When doing that one is using the control inversion property of threads, but not the facet which is their real purpose: concurrency.

Using threads also has much higher cost in terms of OS resources, and context switching time, not to mention the need to use locks or some construct built around them. [Note: Felix also provides pre-emptive threads or p-threads with p-channels for communication, the model is syntactically similar to f-thread and s-channels but the semantics are utterly different: pthreads can deadlock and they can exchange control at arbitrary points of time, or even run concurrently: locks must be used to access shared memory. Using Felix pchannels makes it easier to synchronise data exchange.

As noted in the introduction: you can run millions of fibres at once without a problem. The context switches are extremely fast, and the data structures representing fibres and schannels extremely lightweight.

By comparison pthreads are expensive in resources, slow to switch context, and most OS cannot support very many of them. Pthreads should only be used in two circumstances: first, to manage asynchonous data sources, and secondly to share the workload of real-time processes between multiple CPUs. If you merely want to obtain contol inversion, use fibres instead.

A sophisticated example of use of fibres is to be found in the Felix webserver (in the tools directory). This launches a fibre for each connection. A single pthread is used in the system to monitor all socket I/O. The serves does not require a pthread for each connection: only one http request can be serviced at once so there's no reason for concurrency unless you want to shared the load between several CPUs.

As noted before, consider what would happen if we wrote by mistake:

    s := read ires;
    write$ oarg, 42;

It's simple. The read suspends the calling procedure (in braces), but the subroutine also suspends doing a read. So we have two reads an no writes. Deadlocked? No. We have two suspended procedures hanging on a channel owned by one of them so no active procedure can communicate with either of these suspended procedures, in other words they're unreachable and so they're reaped by the garbage collector.

You can do this deliberately as a way to terminate a fibre! In that case it is known as suicide. Accidental suicide will cause code you expected to execute to simply evaporate. In the same circumstances pre-emptive threads deadlock (because the communication media are owned by the operating system not the user program, and the OS has no concept of reachability).