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+ 4.1 Extending Syntax

In our last tutorial we showed how to lift some types and operators out of C++, however using them was pretty ugly:

myprint (myadd (one, two)); myendl();

In this tutorial, we're going to show how to fix this.

+ 4.1.1 User defined statements

First, we'll show how to extend the grammar to add a new statement.

We're going to include the code from the last tutorial which we do like this:

  include "./intro_01";

The filename format used here always uses {/} as a path separator, even on Windows. This rule makes path names platform independent. Please stick to lower case C identifiers, as these work on all platforms.

The leading {.} does not mean the current directory: it means the directory containing the file with the include directive in it. This makes shipping a set of files to another location simple.

As this does some testing here again are the expected results from that code:

hello world

Now for the new statement:

  syntax mystatements
    stmt := "say" sexpr ";" =># { myprint #?2; myendl(); };

The non-terminal stmt must be used to add new statements. The non-terminal sexpr can be used for expressions. We define our say command to print the expression denoted by {#?2} which is the second symbol on the RHS of the {:=} sign, and then do an end of line.

Note the RHS after the {=>#} is scoped inside curly braces. This tells Felix that we're defining a statement.

Here's how we use this:

  open syntax mystatements;
  say (myeq (myadd (one, two), myadd (two, one)));

When we define new syntax, it is packed up in a Domain Specific Sub-Language or DSSL. The new grammar isn't available until the DSSL is opened.

Note that currently user extensions must go in the file using them or the master grammar (this is a design issue).

Of course we expect this:


+ 4.1.2 User defined expressions

Of course we still have to write those ugly function calls when we'd like to use operators.

  syntax myexpressions
    sexpr := myrel =># (#?1);
    myrel := myterm "==" myterm =>#  (myeq (#?1, #?3) );
    myrel := myterm =># (#?1);
    myterm := myterm "+" myfactor =># ( myadd (#?1, #?3) );
    myterm := myfactor =># (#?1);
    myfactor := myfactor "*" myatom =># ( mymul (#?1, #?3) );
    myfactor := myatom =># (#?1);
    myatom := sname =># "(nos _1)";
    myatom := "(" myrel ")" =># "_2";

Here, the predefined non-terminal sexpr is defined as myrel so we don't interfere with the existing grammar.

We've written the grammar so {+} and {*} are left associative, whereas {==} requires exactly two terms.

When the RHS after the {=>#} symbol is enclosed in parentheses, this telle Felix that we're defining an expression.

There is some magic in the last two lines. When the RHS after the {=>#} symbol is a string, Felix interprets it as Scheme code. In the Scheme code the non-terminals of the production are denoted by _1, _2 etc instead of {#?1}, {#?2} etc.

The Scheme function nos here converts the string designated by an sname into a Felix identifier term. nos stands for Name Of String.

We introduced statement and expression template actions first because they're simpler and easier to use than Scheme actions: to use the Scheme actions you need to know Scheme, and you need to know exactly what s-expressions the Scheme code has to generate to build the Felix AST. To do advanced user defined syntax you need to use Scheme.

However the action templates for statements and expressions already give you vastly more power over the language than any other production programming language, the best of which might allow user defined operators. Felix generalises that to give you user defined grammar.

So to try this out:

  open syntax myexpressions;
  say one + two == two + one;

and of course that should print
