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+ 6.1 Objects and Plugins

Objects work well with plugins. We'll look at a simple example, the paragraph control object used by the html processor in the webserver.

  // file doc_paragraph.flx
  interface paragraph-control_t {
    whatami: 1 -> string;
    sp : 1 -> 0;
    sp-clas : string -> 0;
    ep : 1 -> 0;
    bp : 1 -> 0;

The interface has a whatami method to specify the kind of object in a human readable format. Then it provides method sp to start a paragraph, {sp-clas} to start a paragraph with a given HTML class attribute, so CSS can modify the formatting.

Then there's an end paragraph method and a method to break paragraphs, that is, end one and start a new one. Now lets look at the implementation:

  // file html_paragraph.flx
  include "./paragraph-interface";
  fun setup(config_data:string) = {
    eprintln$ "Setup html_paragraph" + config_data;
    return 0;
  object html_paragraph (write_string: string -> 0) implements paragraph-control_t = 
    method fun whatami () => "Paragraph object";
    var pstate = false;
    proc start_p () { write_string("<p>"); pstate=true; }
    proc start_p (cls:string) { write_string("<p class='"+cls+"'>"); pstate=true; }
    proc end_p () { write_string("</p>"); pstate=false; }
    proc break_p () { write_string("</p><p>"); }
    method proc sp-clas (cls: string) { if not pstate do start_p cls; done }
    method proc sp() { if not pstate do start_p; done }
    method proc ep() { if pstate do end_p; done }
    method proc bp() { if pstate do end_p; done start_p; }
  export fun setup of (string) as "setup";
  export fun html_paragraph of (string->0) as "html_paragraph";

The include directive includes the file containing the interface given above.

The setup function here doesn't do anything, its required by the plugin loader. In more complex plugins it can parse a configuration string to extract any relevant data.

Now you can see the methods implemented, and note that the object closure contains local variable pstate which records the current state: if true, we're in a paragraph, if false then we're not.

The procedures not marked as method are private helpers.

Finally, we have to export the setup and html_paragraph functions so they get {extern "C"} linkage, so we can use {dlsym()} or {GetProcAddress()} on them when we load the plugin DLL (shared library).

To use this stuff we do as follows in another plugin or mainline.

  include "./paragraph-interface";
  var paragraph-maker : (string->0) -> paragraph-control_t;

We haul in the file containing the interface, and create an uninitialised global variable to hold the factory function. Next, in the setup phase of the caller:

    paragraph-maker = 
       [paragraph-control_t, (string->0)] 

we assign the factory function loaded from the plugin to the variable. The {load-plugin-func1} function actually loads the DLL, creates a data frame for its global variables, calls the setup function, and returns a closure of the factory function bound to the data frame which we store in the {paragraph-maker} variable.

This isn't a paragraph control object yet. To make one of those we call:

    var paragraph = paragraph-maker write_string of (string);

and now we can use the object:

    paragraph.sp ();
    write_string "Hello";

Although this seems complicated you should note what is happening: there are two levels of binding. The first level creates the global of the factory function, which is modified by the setup function. That environment is subsequently shared by all objects. Each object is created by a second level of binding which passes an argument to the factory function. You can use this to process multiple texts at once by having a separate paragraph object for each one.

You should note that if another plugin also loads the paragraph plugin as shown .. the two instances will be utterly distinct. Each will have its own copy of the library's global environment. The code is shared, the data is not. Felix always generates reentrant code: there are no actual C level global variables. So use of plugins by threads is safe if each thread creates is own instance of the plugin.

Of course you can share instances, but to do that you have to use lower level library functions and pass the relevant handles around yourself!