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+ 2.1 Type Constraints

Felix provides a simple system of type constraints. The need for type constraints arose when binding C:

  class Constraints {
  type Int = "int";
  type Long = "long";
  ctor Int : int = "$1";
  ctor Long: long= "$1";
  ctor int : Int = "$1";
  ctor long: Long= "$1";
  fun add: Int * Int -> Int = "$1+$2";
  fun add: Long * Long -> Long = "$1+$2";
  instance Str[Int] { fun str(x:Int) => str (int x); }
  instance Str[Long] { fun str(x:Long) => str (long x); }

C has a lot of integer types and writing out all the operators for all the types is boring, error prone, and slows down compilation. If you also wanted to allow mixed operators you'd need to add:

  fun add: Int * Long -> Long = "$1+$2";
  fun add: Long * Int -> Long = "$1+$2";

and you can see we would rapidly get into an untenable combinatorial explosion.

To solve the problem we use type constraints.

First we introduce a construction to make a set of types:

  typeset integers = {Int, Long};

Now we write polymorphic functions with type constraints:

  fun add[I in integers]: I * I -> I = "$1+$2";

Here the type variable I may only be int or long. If you wanted to support mixed addition:

  fun add[I in integers, J in integers]: I * J -> I = "(?1)($1+$2)";

Note carefully the difference between these two functions: in the first function I is set to either int or long and so only two ints or two longs can be added.

In the second case, I and J are set independently to either int or long which allows any combination to be added.

There is a shorthand for the second formulation:

  fun add: !integers * !integers -> int = "(int)($1+$2)";

but note the downside: lacking names for the type variables we must return a fixed type. This notation, however, if exceptionally useful when binding external C libraries:

  header myf = "int f(int, int);";
  fun f: !integers * !integers -> int = "f($1, $2)" requires myf;

The reason this is so useful is that if we just lifted the signature of f from C, we'd be ignoring the fact that the C programmer has automatic conversions and can call f(42L, 23u), which would fail in Felix because it has no automatic conversions. The user would have to cast every argument to exactly the right type which is not practical. By using constrained polymorphism, we can make all the calls that work in C work in Felix, and by using the shorthand notation the overhead specifying the function is minimal.

When Felix performs overload resolution, initially candidates are found without considering type constraints; that is, as if the type variables were able to bind to any type.

Then, the type constraints are checked and candidates failing to meet the constraints are rejected. For example:

  fun f[T in integers]: T -> T = "$1+1";
  fun f[T in floats]: T -> T = "$1+2";
  println$ (f 1.2), f (Int 1);

Type sets also support the set union operator:

  typeset mynumbers = integers \(\cup\) floats;
  } // end class Constraints

Note that the typesets ints and floats, along with some other basic type sets, are defined in the standard library:

  NO FILE std/scalar/ctypedefs.flx FOUND IN list()