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+ 1.1 Using a timer synchronously

See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_asio/tutorial/tuttimer1.html

In Felix our async I/O service is called Faio, for Felix Asynchronous I/O. It provides two core features, a timer service and TCP/IP via sockets. To use the timer we need to include the Faio library.

  include "std/io/faio";

Now we need to make an alarm clock. Since the library is packaged into a class namespace called Faio which is not open by default, we need an explicit qualifier.

Recall also that {#p} means the same as {p()} but is terser. So here is our clock:

  var clock = #Faio::mk_alarm_clock;

Now we want to go to sleep for 5 seconds. We have to give Faoi a clock to work with. But lets print a message first so we can observe the delay.

  println$ "The Big Bang!";
  Faio::sleep (clock, 5.0);

After the delay, we print a message.

  println$ "Hello world!";

We expect to see this with some delays:

The Big Bang!
Hello world!

Test with

build/release/host/bin/flx --test=build/release src/web/tut/async_01.html