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+ 2.1 Using a timer asynchronously

See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_asio/tutorial/tuttimer2.html

In Felix, sleeping on a timer is always a blocking operation. So how can we invoke a callback after a delay without having to wait?

The answer is that sleeping only blocks the calling fthread, not the mainline pthread. So, what we do is spawn an fthread which sleeps before invoking the callback: this blocks that fthread, which allows the mainline fthread to continue.

  include "std/io/faio";
  proc async_do_after (
      p:Faio::alarm_clock_t->0 )
    proc fthread () {
      Faio::sleep (clock, delta);
      p (clock);
    spawn_fthread fthread;
  proc p (clock:Faio::alarm_clock_t)
    println$ "Hello world!";
  var clock = #Faio::mk_alarm_clock;
  async_do_after (clock, 5.0, p);
  println$ "Continuing on!";

and we expect to see:

Continuing on!
Hello world!

Note that with this technique, the callback will not be executed exactly when the time out expires. Felix simply ensures it will not be executed until after the specified delay. Whilst some other fthread, including the mainline, is busy, it will not be executed at all.

Fibres interleave a single thread of control between coroutines. Asychronous I/O controls the scheduling of these coroutines based on external events like alarms and socket readiness notifications.

However the control exchange only occurs by agreement, it is never pre-emptive. If you want pre-emptive scheduling you must spawn a pre-emptive thread with spawn_pthread instead of a fibre with spawn_fthread.

In that case, since control flow is concurrent, the onus is on you to ensure shared resources are suitably protected from races, for example by using a mutex, condition variable, or semaphore, or instead some suitable data structure such as a pchannel, thread safe counter, thread safe queue, etc.

Test with

build/release/host/bin/flx --test=build/release src/web/tut/async_02.html